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Linkin Park
Drum Tabs
Hey guys! Here you go finally... my very own website for Rob. I know this site is just too girly but I couldn't resist the pink and everything sort of flow from that so here it is a girly Rob site. I'm still working on it as you can see but I'm trying my best to get everything up and organised as soon as possible. In the mean time please make yourself at home... take a look around and sign my guest book please... or if you have something that you want to share with fellow Rob fans just contact me and let me know. Any ideas are welcome.

I use various sources from various websites to get this site together... but I always give credits so if I use your material and your name or website not mentioned... it's not intentional... I probably forgot or something... I don't want to take credit for something I don't do so please let me know. But basically I set up this site to put all information about Rob under one roof so that we all Rob lovers can get them easily so I don't want to cause trouble with anyone.

Well... I don't want to bore you with my speech so ENJOY!

Hey guys... Thanks for visiting the site... At the moment I've got too many things to do so maybe not many changes during this week. Can't believe how popular the gingerdude is...
I bet he's smooth with the girls huh? LOL :D

I upload some more of my fave pics so check out the gallery...

eriKa08 from LPMB just posted some pics of Rob with his scruffy look from I'm planning to put them up in the gallery since they sure are a few of my favourites :)

Important Note: Thanks hilldale for pointing out "the look"... all Rob admirers obviously know how powerful "the look" is... but for you guys who are not yet Rob fans... believe me once you notice "the look" you'll all hooked... like us....
I put up some quotes for you guys to enjoy... I haven't load up everything so keep an eye on that section... there are more to come... Anyway, can't wait to see Live in Texas... Have you guys seen the preview? Well if you haven't... you should... you can see it here. It's cool! I will load up my pictures at Melbourne LIVID in the next couple of days. Please don't forget to sign my guest book... Thanks :)
I uploaded pictures from Melbourne Livid at the gallery. Those are pics taken by me from meet and greet at Melbourne Livid last month. I hope you guys like it :)
"Chester's words of wisdom"

"I get a lot of letters from kids that just hurt," Bennington says. "Some kids are so depressed at home and with how people treat them in school that they cut themselves. This happens all over the world -- kids who don't want to kill themselves, but nobody understands how much they hurt, so they cut themselves with razor blades. And a lot of these letters, the kids said they've stopped when they started listening to our records. And I know there are kids out there every night who need to come to the show and scream along because of whatever chaos is in their life."
I haven't update the site... but I put up one of my fave quote above... I got it from LPMB... I can't remember who posted it... it's not from Rob... but I think what Chester's said is so right that I can't help to put it here... not that I'm cutting myself or anything... I won't do something that extreme but I know that a lot of people can relate to that quote since I know I do.
Hey guys... finally I overcame my laziness and did something to this site... I put up a very "interesting" picture of Rob which I got from LPMB. Click here to see the pic... believe me you'll laugh your ass off even if you've seen this pic before. Check out the Linkin Park section as well even though I'm not finished with it yet...

I also added tiny bits of quotes... and now you can contact me as I've put a feedback box in the contact me section... :)
People... I put up a little poll just for fun :) It's a bit silly... OK... It's a lot silly... but take the poll anyway... Just for the fun of it! :D
Poll Of The Moment!
I updated the quotes section... I added a new quote from MTV LIT Special and LP quotes page... I'm now still working on the Linkin Park page and Gears... This site seriously needs more visitors... LOL :D I feel like I'm talking to myself...
Phew... I added some more LP quotes and uploaded some pictures in the gallery :) I wish I could see LIT right now but unfortunately LIT will come out Dec 1st here in Australia... so *waiting impatiently* :p
No updates at the moment still... *everyone yawn* I need to do some major updates... but well... I've been a bit busy lately... doing summer course (yes, it's summer here in Australia) and trying to find new place since I have to move out from my current apartment early next year.

Anyway, as you all LP fans know, a few days ago Mike came to chat with us at the LPU, I wasn't able to get in (stupid chatroom!)... but I read the transcript at the LPMB... All I can say is that Mike was just too SWEET! He's so nice and really look out for the fans even though he kinda missed the point a bit... He stayed for almost an hour and answered a LOT of questions...

Chester also did a chat at the next day and revealed that the next single will be "Breaking The Habit" He didn't say much though during the chat... I suspect he had difficulty using the computer :D  Well... I hope Rob will come and chat with us too very soon!
People.... you're gonna love me for this... OK maybe not me but you'll love "irishdragon" from LPUMB, since she's the one who posted this funny pic...
I uploaded some of my fave pictures I got from They are GREAT! Check them out in gallery 3.

On another note, I got my copy of LIT yesterday! Yay for me! :D It's awsome!!! Not so many shocking things on Rob beside that "scary face" during  A Place For My Head but some of my fave parts are Mike's singing on P5HNG ME A*WY, Phi slipped off and almost fell (hahaha... OK I feel like such a horrible person now for laughing at his misfortune), Chaz, Phi and Mike hugged, Mike laid on the floor and when Mike yelled "let's go... let's go... up..up..up" at the beginning of OSC... he sounded so condescending and bossy... I thought it was just too cute and funny... :D Anyone here agree with me???
I finally managed to finish the Linkin Park section so now you guys can check it out... I updated the quotes section both LP quotes and Rob quotes... Thanks to everyone at LPMB for the wonderful quotes... I try my best to credit everyone who posted them at LPMB but sometimes it's a bit hard to keep track so please bear with me :P I also updated the link section...

As you all know, LP will start their Meteora World Tour in 2004... I'm still a bit confused with the title of the tour, I thought they are only touring around US and Canada... but actually said something that indicate they might be touring around the world... I hope that's true... I can't wait to see them live again!
Which song do you think should have been nominated for GRAMMY?
I agree with GRAMMY... Session is the best!
Somewhere I Belong
From The Inside
Breaking The Habit
Free polls from
I put up a new poll above... I personally think either Breaking The Habit or Faint should have been nominated (or both?)... Don't get me wrong... I like Session too and I know that BTH single is not even released yet... but well... it's just for fun...  I moved the old quote at the polls section... the link is on your left... you can still take that poll :)
I watch how the Moon sits in the sky in the dark night... Shining with the light from the Sun... The Sun doesn't give life to the Moon assuming the Moon's gonna owe it one... It makes me think of how you act to me... You do favors and then rapidly... You just turn around and start asking me... About things that you want back from me... - A Place For My Head - Lyrics of the week!
I finally updated this poor thing... I did the gears section... I hope you guys will find it helpful... No news about Rob at the moment... I'm hoping to get new pictures from the LPU newsletter... unfortunalety I haven't received mine yet... but I'll post the pics as soon as I get it... promise :) so keep an eye on this page...
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