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It's hard to believe how our lives were changed that Tuesday morning when the "911" called was made from our beloved cities of Washington and New York. To see the way our fellow Americans have pulled together in this time of healing is an inspiration and a sense of pride....Only God knows what the next few months holds for us but one thing is for sure, It's great to live in a nation where the absolute example of what it means to be an American was shown in the face of terror.

Thank you to the men and women who give their lives in the military that we can have this freedom to stand together as one and to the men and women who are still at "Ground Zero" God bless you for the hard work and determination you have. Our prayers are with you always.



Read the Declaration of Independence


©Copyright 2001. All images unless otherwise specify are copyright and all rights are reserved. 

FrontPage 2000 was used to create the webpage using a modify Saturday Toons Web theme. Adobe Photoshop 5.5 ,Adobe ImageReady 2.0 and Paintbrush Pro 7.0 was used editing and creating images that are used on this website. Dell Pentium IV computer, Dimension 8100 series was employed to use and run the above programs.

This page was last updated on 09/23/01

Credits for images other than what we had created.If you don't see proper credit where credit is due, send us an email to Badlinks and let us know!!! We don't know if you don't let us know!

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