Roaming Free
A new RPG game by horseyKT
Roaming Free is a RPG based on wild horses. You can be a rancher, also. You go into the boards and find stuff to do; you need to join first, though! Depending on what you are, you might need to do a few certain things, first! If you are a rancher, then buy a few things like ropes, halters, etc for catching a horse. When you have the horse, go ahead and buy stuff to train with! Don't forget, things might be out of stock, so you could buy them in advance!
Email horseyKT
You start with $350. The rest you must earn by "trading" horses with the Head Hancho, and then you will get money. You can sell horses to other people, and get money that way. You can also catch horses for other people. You don't get an allowance in this game, but you do have lots of ways to make money! Also, if you are a horse you start with 10pts to put into categories: Strenghth, Agility, Speed, Personality, Knowledge. Then, as you go along, Head Hancho might decide that you have earned 5pts Strength for pulling a huge tree, 2pts Personality for saving a foal, stuff like that. The horse with the most points is usually the best in that specific thing.
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