Some people cried and others cheered but it was all the same to us!

Originally we were going to have a video camera to take footage of people crying when we left but
we didn't have it in time or we'd have some video footage here.

Back in 1998 Geoff and Mat Arch tried the across Canada adventure but fell a little short (well a lot short)
for whatever reason. I don't think either of us knew what the hell we were doing. So of course, all of Geoff's
family thought this would be a repeat. For about the entire 8 months prior to our trip we had to put up with
a lot of "guff" from the Vail's and McLaughlin's.

We worked hard on the van but not so hard at school and some of our marks reflected this trend nicely, but it
didn't really matter to either of us cause we were already in Calgary by the time we found out.

About 2 weeks before we were scheduled to leave, Mitch asked Jackie Mercer (a chick in engineering that neither
of us knew) if she wanted to come out with us. Much to my surprise and probably his, she accepted and suddenly
we had a new traveling companion that neither of us knew anything about!.

Finally the week of departure came and so did the last minute rush. The night before we left we worked on the van
and packing arrangement till about 3 in the morning. On the day of departure we still weren't quite ready to leave.
We were in the UNB machine shop at 7:30 in the morning trying to put the final touches on the van in the pouring rain
...none of which really turned out.

At around 2:00 in the afternoon Mitch and Jackie rolled into my yard in the sweetest van anybody'd ever seen!
Duravan Here's me and Jackie in my yard minutes before we left. Duravan Here's Mitch and Jackie fewer minutes before we left.



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