Stuff I did for the first time...

I decided to make a page that consisted of stuff that I'd done for the first time in my life while on this trip. I probably otherwise wouldn't have gotten to do them if I was in school. So if you see something that you'd like to have done sometime or another, I recommend just picking up and we did!

1. Moved away from home - I don't think I'd ever been away from home for more than a week or two prior to this trip and here I am going on to 10 months and plan on making it 16!
2. Saw the west coast - I think it's one of the best places on earth, mind you I haven't been everywhere, but it's pretty nice.
3. Snowboarded at Whistler - Not only did I snowboard there, I actually lived there. For as long as I can remember I was always on my Mom's case to take me skiing at Whistler, guess she doesn't have to any more.
4. Lived in a van - Boy, there's something to be proud of!
5. Went surfing - We went surfing in Tofino on Vancouver Island and I liked it so much I'm making my own board for next summer. Check out Summer2001
6. Went windsurfing - I wasn't very good at it and now I know where Ray Riddel was coming from when he used to get stuck in the middle of the St. John River at the Beach!! Check out Summer for some pics
7. Got to call 911 - Our Chimney caught fire one night in Whistler so I had to call the Fire Department to come put it out!
8. Felt a huge earthquake - One February 28 2001 there was a 6.8 earthquake in Seattle and it moved the building my office is in!!
9. Worked at an engineering firm - I learned way more working in the "real world" than I would have if I was in school.
10. Got to ride a horse - can you say cowboy.
11. Shaved my head BALD! -I hope I don't get killed because people think I'm a skin head!
12. Started leading! For those of you who don't know about climbing, leading is when the climber goes up above the rope and clips hangers or places "gear" so that if he/she takes a fall then they don't die! Also I got to do my first hanging belay on a multipitch route.
13. Showered behind a van in the middle of the desert! It was about 4 days since my last shower so I had to do it. It was warm out but the wind was super strong so I almost froze to death.
14. Gambled at a casino! I learned how to play Craps, didn't win but still learned how to play. I also picked up some books on Blackjack so I'm the master at that now!
15. Read multiple books...voluntarily!!! This may not sound like a big deal to most people, but what you have to understand is that the only reading I do is engineering text books so for me this is a big accomplishment.
16. Got to see the Price is Right live. I didn't get to get on stage and have a crack at a car but it was still super fun!
17. Saw a Rattle Snake! I didn't only get to see one, I actually got to touch it (sort of)!

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