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A Valentine's Story

Come round boys and girls and I'll tell you a tale about a woman a man and the net.  It's an often told tale and one told by more and more people so give me a minute or maybe more and maybe you'll see something of yourselves in the tale.

It all started with a man and his computer.  When he discovered the net and especially chat he opened the door to new worlds and more importantly new people he never would have otherwise known. 

You make friends online people from all walks of life.  Some stay and some go and there's happiness and sadness involved.  You become more involved with the lives of others than you ever thought possible.  And the luckiest of us are able to touch others in ways one never would think possible without face to face interaction.  And in the process we are touched.  In other words we fall in love.

This has been true for me.  I who once swore off love and the idea of a relationship have been blessed by finding love.  And it's the love of a good woman, a better woman than I probably deserve.  But it's gone on for a while now and it's been the best experience of my life.  And I am eternally thankful for it. 

Before I met Dana, I was a ship without a rudder and no purpose.  I was kinda depressed and there was something missing.  That's kinda depressing but you can't concieve of what you're missing until you can reflect upon that when you find that someone.  That light of your life.

There's a dark side to it too.  The temptation the mischievious nature, the longings, the little devil on my shoulder.  Wild brings that out too the carnal side of my nature.  Which I have been out of touch with for a long time.  It's that side that's animalistic and makes you feel alive.  It's a bit possessive, a bit lustful, and often unfulfilled.  But desire and longing can be a good thing and a driving force.  And it means you don't grow complacent and the love changes but in its desire remains fresh and vibrant.

Just one more page.

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