The Story
I     It wasn�t all that long ago that my mother sat me and my two other siblings down to tell us a terrible truth she had just learned and was having a hard time facing.  Her mother, our grandmother, had been diagnosed with breast cancer.  Being so young at the time, only 13 or 14 years old, cancer seemed like a disease that I would never be impacted by.  To me, it was something that was only talked about on the evening news, afflicting people miles away from myself.  Now that was no longer the case.  In an instant my world shrank and I was forced to face the terrible fact that cancer was an unforgiving and frighteningly common disease.  Luckily, breast cancer is one of the more treatable cancers and thanks to an early detection my grandmother made a full recovery and continues to live out her life to this very day. 
     More recently I had to watch my fraternity brother and best friend, Fausto Sanchez, deal with almost the same scenario concerning his aunt.  Seeing him deal with this obstacle was just as painful and real as it had been that day in my living room where I watched my mother cry for the first time in years. Thankfully, Fausto�s aunt also made a full recovery, but the experience had proved life changing for the both of us.
     Both of these stories have happy endings but unfortunately more often than not they end in pain, sadness, and loss.  And while treatments are advancing everyday we are still far away from a cure. That is why, Fausto Sanchez, Gabriel Villegas, Elio Villegas,  Jimmy Rainey, Michael Kurzejewski, and myself have come together to take on the task of cycling from Tallahassee, Florida to Los Angeles, California in order to generate awareness and raise funds for
The V Foundation. While we realize this is no easy feat we also realize that it�s a small price to pay in comparison to trials and tribulations that some cancer patients go though on a daily basis. Now a days it seems that no one goes untouched by cancer.  That is why the six of us have decided to do our part to help those in need and play a roll, no matter how big or small, in paving the road to research...

Christopher P. McKeon
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