Opening Note

Currently, personal character profile pages (P.C.P.P.) are offered to members at Regency Murder Mystery. A wide variety of benefits stem from having a P.C.P.P., some of which include the following:

  • Each page is fully customizable with various presets.
  • Both presets and posts can be edited at a later date.
  • All character profiles are separated by member, rather than posted on a community board.

All of this sounds great, right? Well, unfortunately, the process of acquiring and setting up your own page involves a little work and includes a few stipulations. You shouldn�t allow this to discourage you; try to see this as an opportunity to make a page at Regency Murder Mystery how you want it to look.

If you�re a member who already has a P.C.P.P. and you wish to change your presets, then this guide should prove beneficial to you as well. Unlike before, the instructions and options related to this process is far more in depth with examples to help guide you along the way.

Regardless of what stage you�re at, you should keep in mind that the instructions laid forth are a mere guideline, and as such, are as brief as possible. If for some reason you become confused or have any questions, please don�t hesitate to ask - your queries will help to fine tune the directions into something everyone can understand.

Members Applying for P.C.P.P.

In order to be eligible, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Applicants must have at least 3 characters.
  • Applicants must be an active participant in the role-playing. In order to be considered this, you only need to contribute what you can when you can - no one expects you to make this game your main priority when there are more pressing issues to be dealt with.
  • Applicants must be a member at Regency Murder Mystery for at least 2 months.

If you've met all of the prior criteria then you should definitely continue reading. Once you are finished and have completed the customizing process, you need to either post your preferences on General (please, make the title of the thread something obvious so I'll be sure to read it - something along the lines of "Read this Sarah!" or "P.C.P.P.") or e-mail them to me.

Customizing Options

Before you read through the options available below, there is a question that you need to answer: what type of layout do you want? Do you want something simplistic where you can post your profiles or do you want an introductory graphic followed by a listing of your characters? Here is an example of each: Simplistic vs. Cast List. Of course, you can mix it up and simply add the introductory image or cast list to the simplistic style. Whatever you do, it will make it easier if you decide what you want now.

Option 1 - The Proficient Know-It-All:

This option is perfect for you if you are both capable of creating your own web set and writing the HTML document that will go along with it. Needless to say, simply create your web set, upload all your graphics, design a page that you like, and either post or e-mail your HTML document to me (I'll only need the body). Once I receive it, I'll create a personal page for you (if you don't already have one) and upload the HTML code into the server - I'd let you do that yourself, but unfortunately only a person with managerial access is allowed to.

Notable Particulars:

  • Due to size limitations set forth by MSN, multiple layered borders can become a little tricky. It is possible to have them, but it won't always upload if the size of the overall code is too large. I would recommend to have only a couple of layers - somewhere around 3 should be good.
  • I really don't think this needs to be said, but just to cover all the bases, your graphics must be user friendly - don't set out to discriminate against any race, religion, gender, etc. and it should be something that a person of any age can look at.
  • Copyrights need to always be followed.
  • When writing your HTML document, please make sure to include the size, color, and style of the font you want your text preset to be.
  • If you decide that you want an image divider instead of the traditional horizontal rule to separate each new profile that you post, then I highly recommend to make the background transparent. The reason for this is because MSN has made it impossible at this time to change the white background that is found all around and in between the posts.
  • If you are applying for a P.C.P.P. I will need to know what you want your page to be titled - I would prefer it if you gave me your real first name or nickname instead of your MSN handle, but if you are not comfortable with it, then the latter is fine.

Option 2 - Lord of the Graphics, Court Jester of HTML:

Are you savvy when it comes to designing a web set but have little to no knowledge when it comes to writing HTML? That won't be a problem!

Create your web set and upload all graphics that you have created to the Character Profiles' Pages photo album and have someone experienced in HTML to write the document for you. If you request that I do it (don't be afraid to ask), then you will need to provide me with the following information:

  • Font style.
  • Font color - if the RGB value is unknown to you, or if you don't even know what that is, then just highlight your text and set it to the color you want.
  • Font size.
  • Direct links to the images you are wanting to use as your borders. By supplying me these, it makes it impossible for me to accidentally use the wrong image.
  • Give me some kind of idea how you want your border to be: singular, multiple, left, right, left and right, top, bottom, top and bottom, etc. - Example of Border Styles (all versions of each style is not displayed).

Notable Particulars:

  • Due to size limitations set forth by MSN, multiple layered borders can become a little tricky. It is possible to have them, but it won't always upload if the size of the overall code is too large. I would recommend to have only a couple of layers - somewhere around 3 should be good.
  • I really don't think this needs to be said, but just to cover all the bases, your graphics must be user friendly - don't set out to discriminate against any race, religion, gender, etc. and it should be something that a person of any age can look at.
  • Copyrights need to always be followed.
  • If you decide that you want an image divider instead of the traditional horizontal rule to separate each new profile that you post, then I highly recommend to make the background transparent. The reason for this is because MSN has made it impossible at this time to change the white background that is found all around and in between the posts.
  • If you are applying for a P.C.P.P. I will need to know what you want your page to be titled - I would prefer it if you gave me your real first name or nickname instead of your MSN handle, but if you are not comfortable with it, then the latter is fine.

Option 3 - Clueless in Cyberland:

Completely lost when it comes to web design? Know a little, but not confident enough to do it on your own? Either way, this is probably the best option for you. Unlike options 1 and 2, this one is divided into three sub-categories.

Option 3a - The Borrower:

There are numerous websites offering linkware web sets for non-commercial and personal use. Depending on what you're looking for, this is a great way to spruce up your page with minimal effort. All of this sounds great, I'm sure, but, like most things in life, there's a catch. More than likely, the creator/site will only ask that you not mix any of the images within that set with another, but a link back to their site will always be necessary (hence why it's called linkware). There might be more stipulations attached to the set, which is why reading the Terms of Service agreement is extremely important.

Once all of that is settled, you should download the web set onto your computer and upload the graphics to the Character Profiles' Pages photo album and either write the HTML document yourself or request someone who is experienced to do it for you. If you request that I write it for you (again, don't be afraid to ask), then you will need to provide the following information:

  • A direct link to the page that you downloaded your web set from so I have something to refer to when I'm writing the HTML.
  • Font style.
  • Font color - if the RGB value is unknown to you, or if you don't even know what that is, then just highlight your text and set it to the color you want.
  • Font size.
  • Direct links to the images you are wanting to use as your borders. By supplying me these, it makes it impossible for me to accidentally use the wrong image.

Please be sure to read the Notable Particulars at the end of this section.

Option 3b - If You're Happy and You Know It and You Really Want to Show It...:

This sub-option will only do good for members who already have a P.C.P.P.

If you are happy with your current layout, but wish to only add graphic titles to your profiles, then you have the following options:

  • Create the graphics yourself. If you don't have the software to do so, then you can on the web: GRSites Logo Maker or MediaBuilder 3D Text Maker.
  • Request a member who has graphic software to do it for you.
  • Request that I make the graphics for you. If you do, you'll have to inform me how you want it phrased exactly. Also, since it is your page, I'll let you choose what font you want - it can be anything that comes standard on a computer, or it can be a specialty one that I've downloaded: specialty fonts (this page will be regularly updated as I download more fonts onto my computer). If you don't see anything you like and have something else in mind, simply give me the name of the font that you want and I'll attempt to find it.

Please be sure to read the Notable Particulars at the end of this section.

Option 3c - But I Don't Wanna Do It:

No problem. Like everything else before this, you have options.

  • Request a member to make the web set and write the corresponding HTML document for you. (Should any member ever have their own graphics web site and would like a link to be placed on this site, then e-mail your requests to me.)
  • Request that I reproduce a web set that I've made for other pages at Regency Murder Mystery.
  • Request that I make a new web set for you. You can either explicitly trust me and allow me to make one from scratch for you or you can choose one from this page: Sarah's web sets.

Notable Particulars:

  • Due to size limitations set forth by MSN, multiple layered borders can become a little tricky. It is possible to have them, but it won't always upload if the size of the overall code is too large. I would recommend to have only a couple of layers - somewhere around 3 should be good.
  • I really don't think this needs to be said, but just to cover all the bases, your graphics must be user friendly - don't set out to discriminate against any race, religion, gender, etc. and it should be something that a person of any age can look at.
  • Copyrights need to always be followed.
  • If you are applying for a P.C.P.P. I will need to know what you want your page to be titled - I would prefer it if you gave me your real first name or nickname instead of your MSN handle, but if you are not comfortable with it, then the latter is fine.
  • If you request that I create any/all of your web set for you, please inform me how you want the wording to exactly appear in any/all of the graphics I create for you, especially if it is character related.

Option 4 - You've Got to be Kidding Me:

Options 1 - 3 too much for you? Are you just wanting a splash of color and perhaps graphic titles to head each new profile window you make? Then this is the option for you!

While there is work linked to this, it shouldn't take too long for you to complete. All you need to do is follow these steps and supply me with the information I request:

  1. Find a background image that you want to use as your border. The graphic that you choose should either be freeware or linkware - offers thousands of textured backgrounds that are free of use.
  2. Upload your background image to the Character Profiles' Pages photo album and provide a direct link to the image.
  3. Tell me what you want your text presets to be for the following: style, size, and color.
  4. Tell me what you want your fill color to be - the fill color is the hue that is in the center of the border and what your text will appear on.

Notable Particulars:

  • Due to size limitations set forth by MSN, multiple layered borders can become a little tricky. It is possible to have them, but it won't always upload if the size of the overall code is too large. I would recommend to have only a couple of layers - somewhere around 3 should be good.
  • I really don't think this needs to be said, but just to cover all the bases, your graphics must be user friendly - don't set out to discriminate against any race, religion, gender, etc. and it should be something that a person of any age can look at.
  • Copyrights need to always be followed.
  • If you are applying for a P.C.P.P. I will need to know what you want your page to be titled - I would prefer it if you gave me your real first name or nickname instead of your MSN handle, but if you are not comfortable with it, then the latter is fine.
  • If you request that I create any/all of your web set for you, please inform me how you want the wording to exactly appear in any/all of the graphics I create for you, especially if it is character related.

Option 5 - The Rebel:

Of course, there are numerous variants of the options I've listed above and it is likely there is one that isn't even mentioned at all. If that's the case and you have a method in mind that you would rather use, then go ahead! This experience is supposed to help make your P.C.P.P. something you like.

Notable Particulars:

  • Read the Notable Particulars in Options 1 - 4 for further information.

End Note

You certainly have a lot to mull over, no matter which option you decide to go with. If you have any questions, please post them on General or e-mail them to me.

Good luck and happy hunting/designing.

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