Thanks for stopping by and visiting my Web Site.  I'm posting this information to give people an opportunity to see the kinds of things I've been working on.

I haven't worked on it for a while, but I have started to write a memoir of my three years as a Lieutenant in the U. S. Army Field Artillery assigned in Germany.  I was there from November 1978 through November 1981, squarely in the latter part of the Cold War.

The world has changed a great deal since that time.  All of our "bogeymen" of that era are gone -- the Soviet Union, East Germany, the Warsaw Pact -- none of them lasted out the twentieth century.  And it occurred to me that there would soon be a lot of people who had never experienced the Cold War era.  Hence, I decided to capture some of the serious and hilarious goings-on of that strange period of time.

I've also included two other writings of mine,
Fall In and The Old Men.  You will see that they all express my deep respect and love for the United States Armed Forces.  I hope you enjoy them, and please feel free to give me feedback on them.

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