An Honest Approach to Christian Living


Real Life Worship Center was founded August 2, 1998. After many years of preparation and six months of fasting and prayer, Pastors Lonnie and Colleen Hardy stepped out in faith to follow God's instruction. "I see a church unlike any I've ever attended," said Pastor Lonnie. "A place of diversity where ethnicity is irrelevant, a place where music styling is mixed, a place where everybody, regardless of age, background, or past mistakes and failures can come together in unity."

Real Life Worship Center was originally named Glorious Praise Tabernacle, a church for "people who just weren't quite perfect." Reaching to the homeless, the shut-in, single parent, divorcee, addict/alcoholic, the poor, confused teen, young children and the elderly. We were established upon the belief that to reach the world, you have to leave the comforts of the church walls and go into the streets, homes, suburbs where they are... and to share the truth of Jesus Christ with them in a manner that makes sense in their hurried, mixed-up, messed-up world.

Since our founding, we have shared the gospel with everyone who would listen. To date our church has seen roughly 2,500 people say yes to Christ, and we have no plans of slowing down now! We have used many things to reach someone: car clubs, East egg hunts, back-to-school bashes, wet-n-wild fun day, Thanksgiving dinner, nursing home ministry, addiction recovery programs, random acts of kindness, food pantry, benevolence, concerts, lock-ins, camping, and the list goes on. We believe that "none should perish" but that everyone deserves the chance to discover the living Christ found in the treasure chest we call the Bible.

Recently we took our greatest philosophy; you cannot separate your spiritual commitment with Christ from your everyday existence. We believe that just as you are spiritual, you are also flesh and the two have to combine into one Real Life lived for Christ Jesus in the presence of the world around us. Therefore, we became Real Life Worship Center.

It is our hope that if you are looking for a family to worship with that you will find what you are looking for here... His name is Jesus!!

Our Vision

The vision of Real Life Worship Center is grounded in what the church universally refers to as The Great Commission of Matthew 28:19, 20.

  • Creative Evangelism: Finding any means possible to reach anyone willing to listen to the message of Jesus. To make evangelism relevant and personal to whatever our target group may be.
  • Discipleship: To bring maturity to each individual in our family of believers, to help them improve their quality of relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • Ministry Training Every believer of Christ is called to active duty in the cause of Jesus. Each person is gifted; each individual is more fulfilled in their walk with Christ when "doing the work of the ministry." We are all one body of believers, each one supporting the other and the family of God as a whole. Our desire is to help equip each individual in their call from God to be active participants in the church.
  • Our Mission

    To preach the redemptive message of Jesus Christ in a relevant manner in the society in which we live, and taking Christ into our community through our lifestyle. Our desire is to present a tangible, touchable Savior who understands the weakness of mankind and is concerned and ready to meet them where they are and love them for who they are.

    We Believe

  • The Scriptures to be the holy, inspired, infallible Word of God.
  • The Godhead to be the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit working together in perfect harmony.
  • Man, his fall from grace and redemption through Jesus Christ.
  • Salvation by faith through grace.
  • Water baptism
  • Baptism of the Holy Spirit with speaking in other tongues.
  • Sanctification
  • Divine healing... body, soul, and spirit.
  • Resurrection of the just
  • The Second Coming
  • Hell and retribution
  • Heaven eternal reward of righteousness
  • Although we operate on a shoe string budget, that has never stopped us from accomplishing our outreach mission. Ministry done in excellence is never sacrificed to a lack of funding.

    Our church services are upbeat and energetic, with a common sense approach to spiritual realities. A place where God's desire reigns.

    Our building is an abandoned school in the neediest part of our city... but that is exactly what we had in mind.

    Our music is often reflective of the latest worship styles yet blended with a hint of yesteryear so as not to forget our rich heritage.

    Our nursery is filled with playtime yet age appropriate ministry.

    Our children's church is divided into two age groups and is fun, informative, and spiritually centered.

    Our teen ministry is a hands-on, take it to the streets crew that have their own worship band and are not afraid to tackle real life issues.

    Our food pantry is available to our community, both inside and outside our walls.

    Our recovery ministry is here to serve the all too common concern of addictive behavior.

    Under Construction

    Men's Ministry
    Women's Ministry
    Home Fellowship
    Library and Bookstore
    Hard Rock Caf� Coffee Shop

    Our Car Club

    The Sons of Thunder is also going through a facelift, but will re-emerge in the spring of '08, ready to Rumble with Reason.

    It is our intention to add to our growing list of ministries and outreaches as the Lord leads to meet the challenges of life.

    Service Times

    Sunday Worship- 10:00 AM
    1st Sunday Night of the month- 6:00 PM

    Thursday Mid-Week 7:00 PM
    "Something for everybody"

    Office Hours

    Mon-Wed 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

    Contact Information

    Church Office: 816.630.3535


    111 Ash St
    Excelsior Springs, MO

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    Foreign Missions

    Help us feed the hungry people in the Island nation of Haiti with food for the body and spiritual nourishment for the soul. Please contact our church or visit Light Ministies and see what you can do to help missionaries Terry and Cary Nelson win the nation of Haiti for Christ.

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