Welcome to the Robert Loizeaux Family Site

Pardon Our Dust
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(Easter 2004)

Good News!!!
Meet the Parents

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Good News!!!

"All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23)
This means that everyone has sinned, and therefore noone can stand up to Holiness of God.

Doesn't really sound like good news does it? Just wait, it gets worse before it gets better.

"The wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23a) this means that what all sinners (everyone) deserve is eternal death in Hell. The only way to pay the penalty is death, nothing else will do -not good works, not purgatory, or even going to church.
So where's the good news??? Glad you asked!

"...but the gift of God is ETERNAL LIFE through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Romans 6:23b)
The good news is that Jesus came to Earth to live a sinless life, and then be crucified by man and die. His death paid the price for all of us. Because of His death, we can have eternal life rather than eternal death. As John 3:16 says "God so loved the world that He sent His only Son [to die] so that whoever believes in Him will not die, but have everlasting life."

He resurrected on the third day, having conquered death, so that we would not have to fear death. What a wonderful peace and freedom Jesus gives from the sting of death. Although we will still die physically, we do not have to fear death, because we can know that we will spend eternity with God!

You too can know the peace and freedom from sin that Jesus brings. Simply pray to God, acknowledging to Him that you are a sinner in need of salvation, ask Him to forgive you for your sins because of Jesus' death, and ask Jesus to become your Lord and Savior. You'll never regret it!


Meet the Parents

Robert Samuel Loizeaux (Dad) was born and raised in Towson, Maryland, the third of the six children of A. Milton and Elsa Loizeaux.

Janet Elvina Lintz Loizeaux was born and raised in Cockeysville, Maryland. She was also a third child -of Roland and Elvina Lintz.

Mom and Dad both grew up attending Loch Hill Chapel, and they also knew each other well from when Mom would go to her grandparents house, the Hofmann's, which was right down the street from Dad.

In 1969 Dad went off to fight in Vietnam. After he returned, Dad and Mom were married on December 12, 1970.



The Loizeaux clan consists of two parents, three girls, one boy, three son-in-laws, two grandsons, two granddaughters, and numerous pets.

Although all four children were born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland, Mama Bird's nest has since exploded, scattering the fledglings all across the globe.


Jennifer Joanne Loizeaux is the firstborn.

She attendend Western High School (a public, all-girls school) in Baltimore, Maryland. Following this she obtained a degree in Primary Education from Towson State University in Towson, Maryland.

For several years Jenny taught Kindergarten and first grade at Immanuel Mission, a mission school on a Navajo reservation in Arizona.

During the past few summers she spent several weeks at Kansas Bible Camp, where she met Sean Foster.

Jenny and Sean were married on July 13, 2002.
Jenny and Sean now live in Hutchinson, Kansas where Sean owns Foster Masonry.

Hadassa Joy was born January 10, 2004.


Rebecca Ann Loizeaux Johnson was born two years after Jen.

She also attended Western High School, and then spent the next few years working as a historical reinactor in several local museaums.

Becca then went off to Emmaus Bible College in Dubuque, Iowa, where she met her husband Jason Johnson who was also attending.

They were married on June 6, 1999.

On May 11, 2000, Samuel Aaron was born, and Elijah Benjamin was born March 7, 2003.

Jason, Rebecca, and Samuel Johnson now live in Rosedale, Maryland.


Carolyn Ruth Loizeaux King, born three years after Becca, is (quite obviously) the third child, just like both of her parents.

Like her sisters before her, Carolyn went to Western High School, and then went on to Bob Jones University in Greenville, South Carolina.

It was while attending a local church in Greenville that Carolyn met Jeremy King, who was home for a break from Auburn University on his way to becoming a mechanical engineer.

Carolyn finished her degree in Special Education for Secondary Schools, and they were married on June 19, 1999.

After living in South Carolina for about a year where Carolyn was teaching and Jeremy was working for Lemforder (a German auto parts manufacturer), Jeremy's company moved them to Germany for about two years. They have since moved back to the states, and are living near Detroit, Michigan, with Audrey Carolina, born June, 2003.

Jeremy and Carolyn traveled all over Europe while they were in Germany. You can take a look at some of their pictures and read about some of their stories by visiting their website.


Daniel Christopher Loizeaux, the lone boy, was born four years after Carolyn.
By the way he's the only one still single. Hint, Hint (j.k.)

He attended Baltimore Polytechnic Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, and graduated on June 5, 1999, just one day before Becca and Jason's wedding, and just 14 days before Carolyn and Jeremy's wedding.

Daniel graduated in May from LeTourneau University in Longview, Texas, with a degree in mechanical engineering.

While there, he lived on Dorm 41 - a floor with a rich and long tradition of serving God and having fun.

Daniel also ran Cross-Country for four years at LeTourneau after having run for his last two years of high school.

In March 2003, Daniel had the opportunity to travel to Greece over spring break. Stay tuned for updates, stories, and pictures!


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