...OuR WaY Of ShaRinG OuR SmiLeS WiTh YoU...
This is our way of sharing our smiles...
To families...friends...that are from a far...

To my two precious gifts...
I`m sharing this site to you two makukulits...

Love you both everytime...
And that is until the end of time...

Much love and care to each of you...
Cause each of you are special, and that is true...

I may not be a perfect Mom...
But i`ll be here no matter what comes...

So always remember and keep in your hearts...
Be proud and happy no matter what...

My love and care for each of you is straight from the heart...
*~*~*...ArLeNe a.k.a YaYiN...*~*~*
Life is hard but never give up...Love is great and should be shared...Love your life to be able to survive...Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment, it isn`t only survival...Do not delay anything adding laughter and joy to your life!!!
OsLo, NorWay....
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