<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.geocities.com/rlgrneyes/C:/Desktop/hero.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
The Simple Life Is The Best Life

We all have dreams...you have only to follow them to fulfill them, for you never know what lays beyond a door ..until you have opened it and looked inside.

My history has not much excitement....I am sure there are many that have accomplished more..but..I look forward to creating a life that I hope shall be remembered with fondness.

Here you will find and entry to the Isle of Arach....where I now reside.  It is a home filled with love and respect for both family...and friends.  Should you chose to enter our home....We wish to give you warm welcomes..please...enjoy yourself

Below is a small history of myself (rp char)...with many things still needing to be added...as things have changed this year...that make it outdated.

One more special link is to my new shop...it is currently under construction ...I hope to have in service very soon.
To My Shop
To Arach
My Bio
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