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These days, there are all sorts of nasty computer viruses lurking around. Here are some that you should definitely watch out for:

Sanosuke Virus
Attacks financial programs, wildly borrowing money and never repaying it. It is also know to attack restaurant computers, where it eats all available data and then looks around for more. When it is not borrowing, eating, or fighting with other viruses, it loafs around and simply takes up space.

Shishio Virus
You computer launches a fiendish plan to take over the country, then spontaneously combusts before completion.

Battousai Virus
You computer kills you and every other user in the vicinity.

Saitou Virus
You computer becomes psychotic and takes up chain smoking. It immediately destroys any program by Microsoft, following its code of Aku Soku Zan.

Ayume and Suzame Virus
Your computer wants to play games with you.

Kenshin Virus
A completly harmless if not beneficial virus. You wake up every morning with you laundry done and a breakfast tray by your bed.

Enishi Virus
Hides all of your favorite programs, causing you to think they've been erased.

Tomoe Virus
Insinuates itself into every aspect of your computer memory, making itself impossible to remove, and serves no useful purpose. It paves the way for the Enishi virus.

Aoshi Virus
Removes what little personality your computer has. Fights harmful viruses as a time buyer while the "Kenshin, get off your butt" program loads. Prints the words "Hyotoko, Beshimi, Shikijo, Hannya" on your screen constantly at random intervals.

Misao Virus
Your computer becomes overly active and you have trouble keeping up with its processes because it's moving so fast. If you have the Aoshi Virus you can bet that the Misao Virus will soon invade your computer.

Soujirou Virus
It draws ^_^ faces on your screen while aiding the Shishio Virus. When you try to retrieve data from 10 years ago the Soujirou Virus crashes your computer. After Shishio Virus is destroyed the Soujirou Virus will slowly mutate into either a Kenshin or Shishio Virus.

Hoji Virus
Rides along with the Shishio virus, and is quite possibly the most annoying virus known to man. Constantly prints out reams of documents about the Shishio Virus' Kuni-Tori and takes up a lot of space. When the Shishio virus self-destructs, the Hoji virus destroys your computer mainframe.

Yumi Virus
It takes you to porn sites and when someone tries to destroy the Shishio Virus it serves as a kekkai.

Kaoru Virus
Beneficial virus that tries to protect your favorite programs from destructive viruses. Unfortunately, it tends to be slightly wimpy and often needs the Kenshin virus to protect it.

Kamatari Virus
You're never quite sure what this virus is. After the Shishio Virus self-destructs the Kamatari Virus will randomly repeat in a .txt log file the Shioshio Virus' legacy while it controlled your computer.

Hiko Seijuuro Virus
Your computer becomes too cool for you. It doesn't do much of anything else, as it spends most of its time sitting around and being in love with itself. Occassionally protects the Kaoru virus or goads the Kenshin virus into action.

Yahiko Virus
A small, loud virus that incites the Kaoru virus into randomly destroying programs in an attempt to kill the Yahiko virus.

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