RUROUNI KENSHIN HALLOWEEN '99 This site is the result of a very pathetic dress up of the Rurouni Kenshin characters for Halloween '99. It's very bootlegged, and mainly for our own entertainment purposes only (so we can laugh at ourselves). you can find our REAL sites at PROJECT * LYNX. disclaimer, please READ (onegai) : let's just put it this way - we are a bunch of poor students who cannot afford to buy real stuff/costumes, so we ended up being... one, very un-color cordinated with the anime two, forget to take off our glasses, so you see misao, soujirou, hoji and shishio in near-sighted mode and three, our photo skills suck, so if something like say, the head, gets cut off, it's not our fault. ok, so we also smile when we're not suppose to, but getting to the point, it was still ok... maybe we'll try something else next time (recca?)... wait, i'm a senior, there is no next time... oh wellz.... --kamiya shuusai (seta soujirou quite possibly for the rest of senior year) Email the current active webmaster! demidragon.rwen.jaurn @ [email protected] February 5, 2001 Monday (3:06a EST) THE CAST Himura Kenishin = C.S. Kamiya Kaoru = P.L. Shinomori Aoshi = demidragon.rwen.jaurn Makimachi Misao = hugomatic Shishio Makoto = the nameless E.F. Seta Soujirou = kamiya shuusai (me, who else?) Komagata Yumi = the cook (who could make simple sushi taste bad; she should be kaoru) Sadojima Hoji = the prez of Neo Yukishiro Tomoe = our weapons master Yukishiro Enishi = hair gel (aka liquid cement) supplier ok, so that's the ten ppl we've got, three swords plus two wooden ones, you can really do a lot... * NEWS! * sort of... The Kenshin-Gumi has a few new members: Sagara Sanosuke Saitoh Hajime Kamatari Takani Megumi Okon Hiko Seijuro THE PROPS let's see, our resources are very limited, hair spray, big pieces of cloth, a little sewing the night before (mainly done by demidragon), real & wooden swords from Shinomori-san and Tomoe-san, daggers/all these other different weapons (wonder why we haven't been arrested yet, we were walking around school with them. and yes, the katana was real...) the cloth ranged from putting together what you already have, borrowed kendo outfit, and completely homemade kimono. oh and shredding a big piece of cloth (gee, i wonder for who...) did i mention graduation gowns? yes, graduation gowns, lot of them... (you'll when you get to the pictures--see above and below) KENSHIN-GUMI THEATRE Stories & Mangas (aka unpublish(-able) doujinshis) based on "true stories..." PHOTO GALLERY More visual evidence to our insanity... ART GALLERY This gallery features Kenshin-related, non-manga artwork done by members of the Kenshin-Gumi. Don't confuse this with Seta Soujirou's "Kenshin Gumi Theatre" (see above); the pictures here are unicellular and can be paralleled with fanart (as opposed to doujinshi). OTHER AMUSEMENTS Here you will find Kenshin-related jokes, games, etc. This is a tentative section and may be fused with another section if I don't get enough material to put here. But for the time being, enjoy. UPDATES You can't really call a webpage a webpage unless it has one of these "Update" sections, now can you? |