Phantom Techno Teaching Company
These are the images you are going to use for our exercise in "Beauty Queen":

~Beauty Queen Tutorial~
Icons Used
Name of the tool
Dodge Tool
Lightens a part of an Image
Healing Brush Tool
Targets a fine area of an image image and heals it to another part of an image or other image

  1. Open Adobe Photoshop and start a new canvas

  2. Open the Images that will serve as your guide and will serve as your starting images (Save the images at the top of this tutorial)

  3. Use the tool "Healing Brush" to remove the unpleasant acnes, blemishes and spots on the subjects face

  4. In the finer image, press Alt+Left mouse click to pick the spot you want to be the basis of your fine image

  5. Getting back to the less fine image press little by little the spot you want to heal (Note: If you hold the left clicker of the mouse and spread it you will also copy the unnecessary parts of the fine image, so I suggest do it little by little)

  6. Do the same steps until you completely healed all the unleasant parts

  7. Use the dodge tool to add lightness to the cheeks (Note: 2 or 3 clicks will sure complete a fine image)

  8. Save as ".psd" if you want to continue your work and ".jpeg" for finished project