Phantom Techno Teaching Company
A good day to you Visitor!

I would like to introduce myself first, the name bestowed upon me is Sebastian Michaelis and I am of your humble service. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you upon visiting my site and as my gratitude I am in favor of how I can serve thy humble visitor.

I thou discuss a wide-range of information considering the topic of photoshop and having the knowledge to perform various tasks with it. The datas that are given are all trustworthy for I never give any false issues upon the wits of the readers

Enough chitchat let us begin your first step on becoming a true Image Editor by the use of Adobe Photoshop (ver. Cs3 or Cs5)

I almost forgot if you want to take a tour on my website here are the tips for you to travel it efficient and fast:
  1. Home- the starting point of your journey towards image editting
  2. Tutorials- the page on where you will learn how to use photoshop this contains videos, tutorial texts and exercises for you to be familiar with the use of Adobe Photoshop
  3. Commentary- give my site a comment, negative or positive comments are always welcome
  4. About Us- about this site, about me and the purpose of creating it
  5. Be Social- Go and share your knowledge with your allies so that they may garner such knowledge as yours with Adobe photoshop editting

I know I can give you enough techniques and knowledge to understand the true purpose of the Adobe Photoshop Image Editting, after all I am one HELL of a tutor

Thank you and have a Wonderful day!

                                                                                                                                                                                                   -Sebastian Michaelis