Shishio Makoto

Shishio Makoto

     Who else but the great Shishio-sama! He's strong. He's ambitious. He's cool... er... sort of...
     Every story's gotta have a 'bad guy', and I think Shishio makes a really great one. Actually he's not all evil. He used to be a hitokiri (like Kenshin), but then the government feared their dark secrets would be revealed so they decided to get rid of him. They set him on fire after thinking they had killed him. But the great Shishio survived! And now he's out the get his revenge. Oops! sorry, no, he says he doesn't want revenge. He only wants to create a new world based on his timeless motto : The strong shall live, and the weak shall die.
     Shishio's strength comes from within. Even though he's badly burned, and those burns hurt a lot, he still has his ambition to take over Japan. His sweat glands were destroyed; that's why his body temperature is always high, so he can fight no longer than fifteen minutes each time. And wrapped around his forehead, beneath those bandages, he has a piece of metal so hard that Saitoh's powerful Gotatsu can't pierce through. Well, beside all these extraordinary things, I have to say he's really good with his sword. With the saw-like sword blade that sharpens itself every time it cuts through anything, some human oil extracted from his victims, and a bit of gunpowder in his glove, Shishio is almost invincible. He kinda killed Kenshin in their fight...  Shishio again
     I like Shishio. He has a very distinctive character. Like I've said, he's not evil. He looks at things differently, and he certainly has his point of view clear. The first time I saw him I thought 'How good can this guy be when he's all wrapped in bandages', but after a while, I found out how remarkable he really is. Well, nobody can ever forget this Shishio Makoto, the perfect bad guy!

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