Shinomori Aoshi

     The leader of the Oniwabanshu, appointed the position when he was only thirteen. Misao has described him as; 'A genius in martial arts and short sword techniques, responsible, gentle, and cares for his companions'. That's true. But why at first he joins forces with Kanryu? I think he's upset that the Tokugawa shogun has surrendered completely to the enemy without even a fight and he wants to show the world how strong the Oniwabanshu really is. And to achieve that, he joins Kanryu and waits for the legendary Battousai to appear, thinking if he could kill him, the Oniwabanshu would be accepted. But later, after he's defeated by Kenshin, Kanryu takes out his Gatling gun and tries to kill everyone. And the four Oniwabanshu die saving Aoshi. This really hurts him, so Kenshin challenges him another dual in the future, to give him a reason to go on living.  Although he never smiles...

He's so handsome! Aoshi-sama!

     Aoshi later appears using two swords, called Kodachi. But Kenshin manages to defeat him again, and this time manages to pull him to his senses. Aoshi at last is able to clear the thing that has clouded his mind for a long time and returns to his true self he was before he joined Kanryu. And as Kenshin says; 'These are the eyes that Okina respects, the four Oniwabanshu sacrifice their lives for, and Misao admires... the eyes of Shinomori Aoshi'. 
     After that, Aoshi becomes so lovable! He seems to be very gentle and caring (not to villains, though). He never smiles or shows any emotion, but with Misao around, he's healing from his mental wounds. He's smart and skilled and he cares for his friends. In the Revenge Arc, he's the one who figures out that Kaoru isn't dead, but kidnapped. He goes and wrings out the information of her whereabouts from Gein, and in such a fashionable way. He's a good friend who is willing to help. He's so cool and handsome and adorable. No wonder why Misao loves him so much. ^_^

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