Lyrics from Diskelmä-split 2005

Circle of life (elämän kiertokulku)

We born, we died, we forgotten
when our bodies fade in soil, all
beautiful memories fall into oblivion
ch: Life goes on and on
hand in hand with the death.

I hate(vihaan)

I hate selfcentered liar assholes, i hate
"fuckheads" and all fanatic assholes,
because without leaders is no slaves.
ch: I hate i hate i hate
i hate life restricting fuckheads, i hate
jesuses stuffing their learnings, i hate
this fucking system; others are overweighted
in their castles and others die hunger
in the gutter, i hate all this fucking shit!

See you in hell (nähdään helvetissä)

You can try to catch me
but you never get me
i pull you in the mud
ch: See you in hell
fuck you! i don't give you respect
you don't give me any
respect eighter, i don't
have to bow any leader

Wait (odota)

Wait that you're over 18
wait that you're ready to society
wait that you get a job
wait for your death
ch: Wait
wait that you get accepted
wait that you get classifyed
wait tomorrow
wait death

Pope (paavi)

Catholic church won't
change, they picked
ss-nazi for old assholes
ch: pope
homosexuals and women
are disease in catholic
church, where the blind
leads his sheep.
ch: pope - fuckin'bastard!

I won't belong (en sopeudu)

How could you think, that i would
belong to this society, where greed
and selfishness is way to acceptance
ch: I won't belong
the boundaries what idon't believe
way do i have to defend them, the laws
i don't believe, why do i have to observe them

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