The Dark Eight

ZAPAN, the minister of immortal relations, is as suave as Dagos is crude and intimidating. The original Zapan is believed to have served no less than three Lords of the Nine before being recruited by Cantrum.

Surprisingly, Zapan deals less with external forces than the internal forces of Baator. Well, perhaps that's not such a surprise, as the baatezu have a lousy record of diplomacy towards other immortal races. Indeed, if Zapan spent even a fraction of the time that Furcas spends guiling mortals trying to negotiate with the tanar'ri, the Blood War might be over already.

But Zapan's role is to keep the forces of Baator behind the dark eight, the "immortal relations" mostly concerning other baatezu, both base and noble, and their lords. He is a frequent guest in the more civilized courts, and a total outcast from the court of Levistus, who has issued a Kill-on-Sight order on the minister if he is seen in Stygia. Nobody knows why, except the two.

It is believed that the only member of the dark eight ever to resign its post was the third Zapan, who took the blame for failing to ensure yugoloth loyalty during the overtaking of the Bridge at Khalas by the tanar'ri. Strangely enough, he was allowed to step back, and is believed to be enjoying a relatively peaceful exile in Gehenna. Some say that he isn't "resigned" at all, but has somehow managed to duplicate himself to be able to operate in two places at once.

Zapan usually appears as a charismatic noble in highly fashionable clothes, with one feathered wing and one bat wing sticking out of his back. He is always smiling that ingratiating smile of his.
Pass it on, but don't tell anyone.

It's a secret, pass it on.
-The Orroloth

Isn't it obvious? <>

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