
Former lord of Hell, demipower of the Prime Material

The Outcast, the Dragon, the Kingmaker

Alliases: Gargoth, Gargauth, Ashtoreth, Astarte, Diabolus, Ishtar

AoC: reptiles, politics, aquisition

Superior: Lucifer

Allies: the Dark Lord

Rivals: none

Old, older than almost any devil active today, Astaroth was part of the original coalition that the Bright Lord formed after the conquest of Baator, one of the Primal Three who, along with Lucifer and Armaros, were the most powerful baatezu ever to exist. Astaroth was made Baator's Treasurer, in charge of tallying the store of souls and artifacts that the archdevils amassed. Astaroth spread his wings over the locked gates of the Treasury, clutching it tightly in its claws and dreaming of power. Each time that power changed hands at the highest levels, Astaroth was there to say yea or nay, and such was his ancient might that none could gainsay his wishes. Yea, Baalzebul may be the next to rule. Nay, Belial must step down.

Yea, Asmodeus must follow Baalzebul on Nessus' throne. In all cases, he was an invaluable ally for a prospective leader, and an unstoppable adversary.

As the ages turned, Astaroth grew weary of the endless intrigues and power plays and the demands they made of his time, and more interested in one specific baatezu lord: Count Beherit, Lord of the Sixth. Beherit was not handsome as Astaroth was, but the Dragon found the count's lizardlike features appealing and his company entertaining in a way that nothing had been for millenia. Astaroth left his post in Nessus, bringing the treasury with him, and settled in Beherit's city of copper in Malebolge, where the two began to plot. Then came the enigmatic Malegard and her damnable prophesy, and the tragic consequences.

Unable to allow an admitted criminal to retain his post, but unwilling to slay so valuable a potential ally, Asmodeus had no choice but to exile the noble. According to their deal, Astaroth would be Hell's ambassador to the Prime Material, an office he has served well. Both Mephistopheles and Beelzebub would literally give their arms to gain Astaroth's support against their rivals. Astaroth has thus far refused to become involved. Of the baatezu, Astaroth respects only Asmodeus and Mephistopheles, who he thinks of as a younger, more ambitious versions of himself. In truth, though, he feels loyal only to Lucifer, whose location he may or may not know. On the Prime, Astaroth allies himself with blue dragons and is usually found with several vipers wrapped around him. He resembles a deva, but with dragon wings and a rakish mustache. Whenever possible, he tempts souls down the path of law and evil. Exactly what communications he makes to Asmodeus are unknown. Astaroth's worshippers are detailed in Powers and Pantheons.

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