23:00 By Matsumoto Tomo

Completed Series Of 1 Book

We can see the silhouette of a guy dancing.
Guy A: "Hey, did you know? They've got a younger brother. I heard that he's a first year junior in our school."
Buy B: "Really? Isn't that just a rumour? Any rumours circulating about that streetdance gang are usually unreliable."
Guy A: "Chi...! I knew you'd say that. If you're skeptical about the rumours, shouldn't we just go check it out?!"
Guy B: "I knew you'd say that."

Some girls are chatting in their classroom. "Ne... How do you rate the guys from your class?"
"Terrible...terrible! A bunch of lil twerps, no different from junior high students. Ahahahah....."
"Sigh... where can we find good looking guys?"

(Does such a creature as a "good looking guy" exist on this earth?) a girl thinks as she overhears the conversation.
"Midori! Midori! Hey...! Come over for a minute. Hey! Make it quick would you?
Midori just looks up in surprised silence at whoever is shouting for her. It's that (Guy A - Takimoto Takeshi) we saw at the beginning of the chapter. "Oniisan (I'm gonna change this to bro for my convenience ^_^), do you have to be so loud?" Midori's really pissed. "Since when was I loud?" he replies.

Wow....! They're really good looking! 2 guys comment as they turn to look at Midori's bro(Takeshi) and his pal(Sutou). "Who are they?"
"They're our seniors. One's known as Giant and the other Suneo. Giant is notoriously bad tempered. It's rumoured that those who piss him off suffer a hard time." (Sutou (suneo) is meanwhile congratulating Midori on her successful entrance to their school)
"Really?" "But they're so good looking! God sure has a warped sense of humour."

Takeshi: "Hey, Midori, is there a guy in your class named Higa? Where is he?"
Midori: "It's only the 2nd day of school and I'm not familiar with the guys' names yet."
Takeshi starts telling her off that she doesn't know anything and Midori gets mad, asking him why she should suffer a scolding from him over nothing?! ^_^ We can see Sutou laughing in the background.
"Forget it. I'll find him myself." Takeshi claims and proceeds to shout for Higa, telling him to get out of the classroom right this minute.
The other guys in the class start paling and think that Higa's gonna be dead for sure.^_^ A quiet, unassuming looking guy with English sheepdog bangs steps forward and Takeshi, Sutou and Midori look at him in surprise. "You're Higa?" Takeshi asks.

"This is totally unbearable!" Midori tells her bro whilst she's preparing dinner. "You gave me such an awful shock today."
"What? It's not like I did anything bad. Are you or aren't you preparing dinner?" is his bored reply.
"Keep up with that attitude and I'm gonna tell mum." And that has Takeshi going into panicked mode, causing Sutou to start laughing in the background once again.
(Hmph..! How can a younger sister threaten her elder brother) Takeshi thinks, looking disgruntled.

About that guy, he's just too quiet, considering he's the youngest of the Higa brothers. There's a flash back of the conversation Takeshi had with Higa.
Takeshi: "Can you dance?"
Higa: "No."
Takeshi: "Your brother dances right?"
Higa: "Don't know."
Higa: .............
Can you consider him as a quiet individual? He drove me nuts! Takeshi mutters. Sutou comments it's rare that he controls his temper like today. ^_^ And adds that it's just as he said, that him being one of the Higa brothers is just a rumour, putting Takeshi into a foul mood. ^_^

The next day, Midori's classmate asks her if she's got a boyfriend. Another classmate butts in whilst she sweatdrops - "don't bother asking her about such things, she's always hated guys."
Midori blushes and sweatdrops as she clarifies her friend's statement. "Not exactly. It's not that serious. It's just that whenever I look at my brother, I think that guys are so wild and shameless. And they're full of themselves, never considering the feelings of others." (A guy walks past them in the hallway)
Her friend laughs and agrees, saying that her younger brother is exactly like that, adding that he's a lech as well.
Midori turns around, notices it's Higa and calls out to him.

Her friends excuse themselves as Midori talks to Higa. She apologises for her brother's behavior the day before, telling Higa that Takeshi meant no harm, he's behavior being on the wild side. Higa replies "That's alright." (his word bubble is all in black) having Midori staring at him in stunned silence.
Higa stares back at her for another 2 screens before explaining that his voice has always been gravelly. Midori replies that it sounds just fine. (A deep and gravelly voice) she thinks.

Meanwhile, Sutou tells Takeshi that they should be on their way. Takeshi tells Sutou that he'll be in charge of the music selection. As they start the music, there are guys exclaiming "Hey..! Takimoto's started dancing." "Eh? Really? Let's go check it out!"? They run past Midori and Higa.
"Takimoto?" Higa asks. "I guess they mean my brother." Midori replies looking resigned. Other guys are making their way to catch a peek too. Where to? Where's Giant's one man show?
There are a few pages worth of Takeshi's street dancing skills, girls are looking from the windows and plenty of guys have also gathered around obviously impressed.

"Hmm... it's such a bother, he enjoys being the center of attention." Midori mumbles. "Wow.. the music's not bad." Higa replies. He's in some sort of a daze. Midori's surprised and asks Higa if he favours such music. She tells him that as Takeshi often plays this track at home, she knows it well too. Midori explains that it shouldn't be followed in your mind, but should be felt in your body naturally..... she trails off.
"Um.. am I being too noisy?" she sweatdrops as she faces Higa. "Not in the least. You're better off than me, children start crying in fear when I speak."
"Ah...! I can imagine." Midori replies ^_^ (A deep and forbidding voice) "But it can be considered as a deep bass voice as well right?" (that's why it's addictive)

A group of guys approach Sutou who's sitting by the side and he mentions that they're recruiting members. They start getting all excited and try to outdo one another, boasting of their skills.
Sutou spots Higa with Midori and crooks his finger. "You over there, come here." This has both Midori and Higa pointing at themselves questioningly ^_^ He points to Higa again (No, Midori, I didn't mean you) and tells him that's it's an order. -_-;

Takeshi's pouting and complains to Sutou about having to teach the wannabes.^_^ "Well, I could loan you my Jackson 5 remix album." This has Takeshi jumping after him, and Sutou promises that it'll be available after the lesson.
Midori stands by Sutou as they look on. She comments that all the guys have tried street dancing before except Higa, putting him at a disadvantage.
Sutou tells her that occasionally, there are some who are exceptionally gifted. Such individuals are natural in their movement, even when doing simple moves with others, they can't be missed.
There are a few close up screens of Higa dancing. (Who is this guy? He's so charismatic all of a sudden, it's scary) Midori thinks.

- Does such a creature as a "good looking guy" exist on this earth? -

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