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Dawson Returns
by Dannie and Rinny

Pacey looked at Joey out of the corner of his eye. She was turned away from him, staring intently out the window as they made their way back into Capeside. He glanced at his watch, they'd been gone nearly six hours. She hadn't said more than ten words to him since they'd gotten in the car. Her silence was making him nervous, he had come to peace with Chelsea's death years ago, shortly after his divorce from Miranda, but nothing had really prepared him for telling the story to Joey. Let alone her bizarre reaction to it.

Joey fingered the engagement ring on her hand preoccupied. She couldn't wait to get out of that car and away from Pacey, then away from Capeside if that was possible.

He pulled into the Potter B&B driveway and shifted the car into park, not even noticing the black 1978 BMW in the drive. "Um, you want me to go in with you?" He offered, already unbuckling his seatbelt.

Joey shrugged and reached for the door handle. "If you want-" the rest of the words were lost on her lips as her eyes locked on a familiar figure standing on the front porch. Dawson. She was out of the car and in his arms in an instant. She held onto him tightly never being glad to see anyone, as she was to see him. "I'm so happy you're here." She whispered against his neck, he smiled somewhat grimly and pulled back from the embrace to get a better look at her.

"I came as soon as I got your message. I was worried."

"Uh, Hey Dawson." Pacey greeted his childhood friend solemnly as he stepped out of the car.

Joey moved to Dawson's side and he slid an arm protectively around her waist. "Hey Pacey."

"Well." He said, already feeling the awkwardness grow. "I guess I should go see Jen, I'm sure the plumber's been by now. I'll, uh, see you guys later." He gave the couple a short wave.

Dawson moved away from Joey and walked down the last few porch steps. "Actually Pacey I was wondering if I could talk to you."

"Me? Yeah, sure." He agreed, stepping away from the car. "You have anyplace in particular you want to have this conversation?"

Dawson motioned to his car. "How about if we go for a drive?"

"Works for me. I've always wanted to get one of these," he gestured to the car, "But I don�t make nearly enough money."

Dawson nodded. "Okay then."

Joey stepped down the stairs timidly. "Actually, I was hoping we could talk," she said quietly.

Dawson eyed her in surprise, his eyes slightly clouded over and tossed Pacey the keys to his car. "Here." He turned back to Joey. "I was under the impression that there was nothing to talk about seeing how you've terminated our engagement," he murmured coldly under his breath. "Do you know how embarrassing it was for me at the office?"

Joey bit down on her lower lip to stop it from quivering and she blinked back tears. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

He reached for her wrist and forcibly pulled her closer to him, tightening his grip. "It doesn't matter what you meant to do. You did it." She sniffled and winced at his vise like grip. "Now look at me." She did. "Wipe those tears and don't cause a scene here, Jo. We'll talk about it when I get back." He kissed the top of her forehead affectionately and released her from his grasp. Joey nodded and rubbed at her sore wrist.

Pacey unlocked the door and climbed in the car, forcibly looking away as Dawson moved closer to Joey. �Not my business, not my business,� He reminded himself, but couldn't resist looking through the review mirror just as Dawson kissed her forehead.

"Now go inside. I'll see you later." He pushed her towards the steps and she almost stumbled back. She turned away from him and climbed the stairs slowly feeling his eyes on her back. He watched her close the door before heading toward his car. He grinned at Pacey and climbed in. "Now where's the nearest bar. I could use a drink."

"You lived here for 18 years, and you don�t know where the bar is?" Pacey asked incredulously. "Capeside hasn't changed any." Pacey shook his head.

Dawson smiled. "Just shut up and be useful."

He rolled his eyes, "Larry's, out on McGrath road. You do remember where McGrath is, don't you Dawson?"

"I think I can manage."

"So, what brings you back to Capeside anyhow?" Pacey asked carefully, hoping to play the fool on this. Better not to get anymore involved in their relationship than he already was.

Dawson tightened his hold on the steering wheel. "I came to see Joey. She left some asinine message on my machine and I came to make sure she was okay. The girl's a handful."

"She left a message on your machine? That's something new?"

He shrugged and made a sharp turn. "It doesn't matter now. I'm taking care of it."

"Taking care of it? What'd she do? Tell you she was pregnant?" He asked faking curiosity, he was more interested in exactly what Dawson meant by 'taking care of it'.

He laughed sardonically. "She better not be pregnant...She's just having some pre-wedding jitters that's all."

"That's all?"

He eyed Pacey wearily. "Yeah...that's all unless you know something I don't?"

"No, no...nothing like that." Pacey backpedaled quickly. "That just doesn't seem like a reason to come all the way down here on such short notice."

Dawson shrugged. "I care about Joey. I don't want her to do anything stupid."

"I suppose that's reason enough." He shrugged and looked out the window as they drove. "So, how are things at the firm?"

"Things are fine. In another year or two I should make junior partner." Dawson responded pulling into the first available parking space. "And how are you doing?" he asked out of politeness more than concern.

"Good, I've started work on my second book." He paused, "But I'm sure you don�t want to hear about that."

"Of course I'm interested," Dawson said.

"No, really, you're not." Pacey smiled, "It's off to a really bad start. I may just scrap it and start over."

Dawson nodded distractedly. "I'm sure it's fine." He headed to the bar. "Two Coronas." He winked as the pretty, blonde bartender placed his drink in front of him. She smiled and leaned over the counter, giving him a full view of her breasts before turning to tend another customer. He took a long swig from his bottle and walked over to Pacey, handing him his drink. "Now there was a God given reason to being single." He took another drink and leered appraisingly at the other girls in the bar.

Pacey could feel his blood begin to boil. He gripped the beer bottle in his fist and forced himself not to glare daggers at Dawson. He took a long, healthy guzzle of the beer. He nodded and gave one of the women disinterested elevator eyes. "That they are, Dawson." He said dryly, drinking from his bottle again.

Dawson smirked and sat down at one of the rickety tables that lined the floor. He motioned to a short red head wearing a short black dress. "Now that one, do you think she's a moaner or a screamer?" He laughed and raised his bottle to his lips taking another healthy chug. He wiped his mouth. "Of course I can always find out myself."

"Yeah, you go ahead and do that, Dawson. And while you're at it, kiss your marriage to Joey goodbye." He took a sip from his bottle. "Screamer, though, definitely." He couldn't help but put his two cents in.

"We're not married yet," Dawson said pointedly. "Besides a guy has to take care of his needs somehow." He finished off his bottle with one last gulp and motioned one of the passing waitresses for another.

"Yeah, man." Pacey gritted his teeth, "That's what girlfriends, fianc�es and wives are for."

Dawson shook his head and drank from the bottle that had just been placed in front of him. He pulled it away and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Nah, Joey's come up with this "I want to wait for marriage" bullshit. She's so fucking full of it."

"This is the twenty-first century, and she wants to wait for marriage?" Pacey gave him a weird look. "I thought you guys have already done the deed."

Dawson stared at him incredulously and burst out laughing. He took another swig of his beer. "That's funny. Joey's locked at the knees. Her thighs are frozen shut. There's only so far she'll go before she puts a stop to it." He snorted and sipped his beverage. "I almost respect her for it."

Pacey snorted, "She's changed a lot since high school then, I take it."

Dawson shrugged in disbelief. "Joey's always been like that. The only reason we've lasted so long is because I've gone elsewhere for certain things, unless there's something you're not telling me."

"So you guys have never...?" He trailed off waving his drink through the air in disbelief.

"Fuck, would I lie about nailing Joey Potter? Like I said, the girl's thighs are frozen shut. Which is so fucking unbelievable considering...unless the bitch is lying to me."

"Lying about what?" He asked, just to keep Dawson talking while he tried to compute what this new information meant. She hadn't slept with Dawson back in high school. Why would she have lied to him?

Dawson downed another good swallow of his beer finishing it off. This time he asked the waitress for a rum and coke. "I don't know maybe the bitch isn't really saving herself for marriage. Hell, she could be screwing all of Capeside for all I know."

"Naw...she wouldn't." Pacey mumbled distractedly. "So, you never slept together...not even in high school?" He eyed Dawson carefully, trying to assimilate of his friend was lying to him. Although, he knew Dawson had no motive for it.

He shook his head and raised his glass to his lips. "Nope as far as I know Joey graduated high school with her hymen in tact."

"Hmm..." The gears of Pacey mind began to turn again. He tuned out Dawson and the other noisy patrons of the bar and stared off into space, sipping occasionally on his second beer of the night. She'd lied to him. Flat out lied. Broke his already battered heart. And for what? To marry a bastard who slept around on her?

It wasn't until that thought crossed his mind that Dawson's words sank in. "You cheat on her?!" He turned blazing eyes on his so-called best friend.

Dawson brushed it off and took another sip from his glass. "It's no big deal."

"Not a big deal! You profess to love her, and you're fucking other women!"

He eyed him coolly. "What's your point?"

Pacey recoiled at Dawson's cold emotionless eyes. "Why the hell are you marrying her if you dont love her?" He seethed.

"You see, I do love her and Joey will make the perfect wife and partner for me. She's smart, attentive, attractive and she listens." He finished off his rum and coke and slammed the glass down on the table.

"If you loved her, you wouldn't be screwing around on her, you bastard! If you want a trophy wife, go out and get one. Joey Potter is better than that!" He glared.

"You know what? Fuck you, Pacey. She's going to marry me."

"You think she'll still be so willing after she finds out about your indiscretions!? She's not about to let herself be the laughing stock of your little lawyer parties. She has a little more self respect than that!"

Dawson started laughing in amusement. "You actually think she's going to believe you over me? That's a good one."

Pacey's eyes narrowed and he rose from his seat. He placed both palms down on the small table and leaned toward Dawson, a tight scowl on his face. "I will never, never sit back and watch her ruin her life by marrying you, you fucking bastard. And if by some slim chance, she still wants to exchange vows with you, I promise you, I won�t be there to witness it." With that his, tightly fisted hand, shot across Dawson's face, catching him in the jaw. Pacey heard a sharp, satifying crack. He smiled bitterly and walked away.

Once outside, inhaling the cool, clean air, the magnitude of everything Dawson had said sank in. They had never slept together. Never. That meant she'd lied to him back in high school. They could have been together...hell, even if it had been the truth, eventually he could have worked past the idea of them sleeping together in a moment of was when she went back to Dawson that killed him.

She'd lied, though. She hadn't had sex with Dawson. And despite the fact that he told himself it meant nothing... it really changed everything. Because now, she was going to marry the bastard.

That brought on a whole new onslaught of confusion. His hands fisted at his sides as he walked back towards town. He couldn't allow her to marry him, no matter what the status of their relationship. Dawson was only going to make her life miserable, and no one, save Joey herself, would be aloud to make her life miserable as long as he had anything to say about it.

Joey poured herself a cup of coffee before sitting down at the table and tentatively. She lightly blew across the rim hoping to cool the hot beverage down some. She sighed and closed her eyes. Sleep had eluded her last night because she had spent a good part of the night waiting up for Dawson.

"Good morning, Jo." Dawson greeted his fianc�e gently as he walked into the kitchen bare-chested in a pair of worn sweatpants. He made a beeline for the coffee maker and began pouring himself a cup.

Joey eyed him warily, last night had given her enough time to build up her defenses. "Where were you last night? I thought we were going to talk."

"Oh...last night. It's a little fuzzy." He poured the mug full and took a long sip of the hot liquid. "Pacey dragged me to some bar. He wanted to have some company while he hit on everything with breasts." He shrugged, "Lord knows why, he did just fine on his own. He cavorted and I drank. He ended up abandoning me for some leggy blond. Of course," he continued indignantly, "not telling about his sudden departure, so I was left waiting around for him to show up. I guess I didn't leave until 3 or so."

Joey nodded in understanding. " should have called. I was worried."

"I'm sorry, Honey," Dawson said in a sugary voice, caressing his hair as he slid into the seat across from her. "I just figured any normal person would have gone to bed after a few hours of waiting."

Joey sighed tiredly. "Well, at least you're here now. I can't believe Pacey would do that to you and not to mention poor Jen."

Dawson gave her an incredulous look, "You can't? He's always done that kind of thing. You know, Love 'em and Leave 'em Witter. I mean, come on, Jo. Even you were a victim of his fickleness." He paused momentarily, "Though I do see what you mean about Jen. You'd think she'd be smarter than to allow herself to be pulled into his web."

Joey paused thoughtfully Dawson's words making in sense in some abstract way. "I just," she shrugged and took a small sip from her warm mug. "I don't like to think of him as that kind of person."

He gave her a dirty look, "He is that kind of person, Joey. The kind of person who would lie to his friends, cheat on his girlfriend, and do his best to tear apart two soulmates just to make his own miserable, failed relationships seem better in contrast." He said vehemently. "And don't ever forget that."

Joey shook her head doubtfully. "Maybe you're being too harsh. Pacey's had a lot going on his life."

"Yeah, an awful lot of sex, drugs and sticking is nose where it doesn't belong." He said bitterly.

Joey frowned. "I don't know...He made me realize I was marrying you for the wrong reasons." She reached for his hand and squeezed it affirmingly. "I love you but I just don't think I'm ready for marriage."

"Didn't I just tell you not to listen to a thing he says?! He's only trying to make us as lonely and miserable as he is! He just doesn't want anyone else to have even the tiniest bit of happiness, least of all us." He sneered, picturing Pacey's indignant face as they fought in the bar. "He's a pathetic excuse of a man, he practically has no heart. I don't suppose he told you about leaving his wife, did he?"

Joey shrunk back a bit in her seat. "I don't know all the details but I was under the impression that they parted under good terms."

"Of course that's what he'd tell you. He'd say anything to get you on his side and try to end this marriage." He leaned forward suddenly in his seat, covering her hand with his. "Don't let him do this, Jo," He forced a pleading look to his eyes, the one he knew always broke her resistance, "Don't let him break up another happy couple just to soothe the icy ache in his heart. I love you," the words fell from his mouth with practiced ease. "We've been so good together up until now. Don't let him ruin that." Inwardly he smirked, drawing on the trump card, "We're soul mates, Joey. Destined to be together. Even he can't ruin that."

Joey smiled faintly. "You really think so?"

"I know so," Dawson said confidently, assured now that he'd made it past that hurdle. It was so easy to get what he wanted, it wasn't even a challenge anymore. "In fact..." he trailed off, playing on her natural curiosity.

She looked at him expectantly. "What? What is it?"

"The reason I came down suddenly..." he trailed off again.

Joey's face faltered. "I'm sorry. It just seemed like the right thing to do."

"No, that wasn't the reason." He said, putting his hand over hers reassuringly. 'Like hell it wasn't.' he thought to himself. "I was up in Boston, and I just couldn't bear to stay away from you anymore. All this commuting back and forth from home and Capeside just seems like such a waste of time. Not to mention inconvenient and tiresome. So I thought, why not move the wedding up?"

Joey stared at him questioningly. "You think that's a good idea?"

"It's perfect. The sooner we're married, the sooner you can leave Capeside and come back home. I mean, do you guys really need two months to plan a wedding? I think two weeks would be more than enough. Not to mention, it'd get Pacey out of our hair sooner and we can move on with our lives, together... just like soul mates are meant to." He added for an extra touch.

Joey's grin widened and she leaned over hugging him. "That's great. There's still so much that has to be done though." She pulled back. "I should call Jen and ask her to help."

"Sure, Jo. Do whatever you need to. Just do it soon." He plastered a fake smile on his face. "I can't wait for our wedding night." He leered at her, running his eyes over her body wolfishly.

She blushed faintly and reached for the phone Bessie kept on the kitchen counter. "Just try to keep your hormones in check till then buddy."

"Not a problem." He whispered, thinking of the sexy red head he'd met last night at the bar. She'd been a wild one all right. All the red heads were.

Joey rolled her eyes and gave him a small half smile before calling Jen.

"I'll leave you to your planning then, Jo." Dawson rose from his seat taking his coffee elsewhere.

Joey smiled. "You do that."

"Hello?" Jen answered a slightly panicked tone to her voice. "Hello?!"

Joey eyed the phone worriedly. "Hello Jen?"

"Oh, Hey, Jo." She replied her voice deflating.

Joey stood silent a moment before speaking. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing." She sighed, "Pacey just never came home last night. I waited at his apartment the entire night, and he never showed. You wouldn't know where he is, would you?"

Joey bit down on her lower lip and twirled the spiral telephone wire around her finger wondering if she should tell Jen what Dawson had told her earlier. "No. I have no clue," she lied. "He dropped me off at Bessie's then he left with Dawson somewhere, but Dawson came back alone."

Jen sighed worriedly, "This isn't like him. He almost always checks in if he's going to be late." She drummed her fingers one the arm of the chair she was in. "So, how'd dress shopping go yesterday?" She tried to change the subject and get her mind of Pacey's absence.

Joey shrugged. "Small change of plans. I ended up not getting the dress and canceling the wedding but long story short, Dawson's convinced me to get married in two weeks. Two weeks, can you believe it? He said he can't bare being apart from me for so long so that means I need to definitely get my dress as soon as possible."

"Whoa, wait a sec. Two weeks?! Can we even pull that off?"

Joey shrugged absentmindedly. "It's no big deal. It'll just be small than expected. Only friends and family. I really need to get my dress today though and get yours and Andie's dresses too if I can."

Jen ran a hand through her tousled hair. "Yeah, that's do-able, I guess." She mentally ran down the list of things that would need to be done. "The first thing that needs to be done, though is notify the guests of the change. I mean, they're going to need time to rearrange their schedules. And, we'll have to call the church and reschedule or cancel altogether and do it on Dawson's lawn or something." She began checking off things on her fingers. "The caterers, the florists, the baker, the tuxedo rentals. We need to reserve rooms at the B&B, and the honeymoon..."

Joey sighed. "Oh I know you're right. I have way too much to do. I'll call the church and the florists right now. I'll have Dawson take care of the tuxedos and how about we meet around two to go get the dresses?"

Jen glanced at her watch, "Um, yeah. I just hope Pacey shows up before then." She bit her lip, her brows furrowing.

Joey frowned feeling sorry for her friend. "Don't worry. I'm sure he will."

"Yeah, me too." She tried to sound upbeat. "I mean, where would he go?'

Joey nodded. "You're right...I should go now and start making some phone calls."

"Okay, I'll see you at two, don�t forget to call Andie and let her know about the change of plans, and get her dress size. Or better yet, find out if she can come down today for the fitting."

"Okay, will do..." She fell silent again. "Jen?"

"Yeah?" She asked tiredly.

She let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. "Can you just be careful when it comes to Pacey? I mean, we all know he hasn't been the best when it comes to relationships and I don't want to see you get hurt."

Jen frowned into the phone. "Neither have I, Joey. That's why I'm with Pacey. He'd never hurt me intentionally. I can trust him. He's not like any of the guys from my past."

Joey shut her eyes for a few moments. "Just be careful Jen."

"Yeah," She said, confusion coloring her words. "I always am."

Joey shook her head. "Okay then. I'll talk to you later."

"Ok, bye, Jo."

"Bye." Joey hung up the phone and turned back to face the kitchen feeling incredibly sorry for Jen. She sighed and raised her cup of coffee to her lips taking a drink thinking how incredibly lucky she was to have Dawson.

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