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A Lifetime Thing
by Dannie and Rinny

"Hmmm, as much fun as that was, Jen. And believe me, it was definatly the high point of my day, week even. Hell, the entire two months since I last had some time alone with you." Pacey kissed the corner of her mouth as he held his naked body over hers. He ran a caloused hand over her wild hair, smoothing it away from her face as she lay on her back across the kitchen table of his apartment. "But you've got butter in your hair." He smiled down at her in amusment as her face changed from blissful contentment to weak discust.

She rolled her eyes sardonically. "Geez, Pacey so glad you still know how to make a girl feel self-concious. Well, I suppose it could be worse. I could have butter in some other unmentionable places."

"Hey, it's not my fault you couldn't contain your sexual urges at the site of me." He picked himself off of her, and offered a hand to help her sit up.

"Next time I'll try to contain myself," Jen deadpanned and slid off the table easily. "I'm going to take a shower, if we plan to make it to dinner on time."

"Dinner?" Pacey asked, moving so she could slide by. "I just thought we'd eat in."

She paused and grimaced. "Oh, didn't I tell you? I told Joey we'd go to dinner tonight with her and Dawson."

"No," he said darkly, "You didn't tell me."

Jen winced. "Oh, sorry. But it should be fun," she added meekly.

"Yeah, sure." He turned away from her, his demeanor aloof. "I take it you told them about our little summertime experiment?"

Jen shrugged. "It came up while I was talking to Joey and she suggested dinner. I didn't think it was such a bad idea. I didn't know our relationship was some sort of big secret," Jen replied feeling herself get a bit angry.

"It's not." He turned back to her, "But we haven't really got much of a relationship at this point, now do we? I thought we were going figure things out before sharing this," he gestured between them, "with the public."

Jen sighed. "The public? It's Joey and Dawson. Our friends," she said pointedly.

"Fine, fine. It's too late now, anyway," he began to walk from the small kitchen towards his bedroom. Jen frowned and watched his departing form before heading to the bathroom to take her shower.

The drive to Chez Nous was tense, the conversation between Pacey and Jen was stilted as they pulled into a parking space. They entered the restaurant silently, the hand Pacey usually used to guide Jen at the small of her back was conspicously missing, instead it was clasped tightly by his other hand behind his back. The waiter led them to the table where the could see Joey waiting, playing with her engagement ring, twisting it around her finger as she continued to glance periodically at the gold watch on her slender wrist.

She brightened upon seeing them and smiled. "Hey, you guys made it. I would've suggested the Leery's but I figured something different was perfect for the occaision."

"Oh, and what occasion is that?" Pacey asked, smiling widely at her. Her mere presence made him want to smile. He pulled out a chair for Jen, and pushed it in gently as she sat down, before taking the chair that was directly across from her.

Joey shrugged and motioned the waiter for another glass of wine. "It's just been a while since we've all been able to catch up."

"Longer for some of us than others." Jen said dryly, gesturing to the waiter to bring her a glass of whatever Joey was drinking.

Joey nodded. "Yes, and I want to thank you Jen. For the other day. I know I was a little out of it, but I'm great now."

"I knew talking with Dawson would help. Did you call him after your nap?"

Joey nodded taking a large gulp from her wine glass. "Yes, and he made me realize that I'm perfectly capable of doing this on my own and I shouldn't have to bother him all the time at work about frivolous things such as our floral theme." She leaned forward as if telling Jen a secret. "He was just a little upset."

"Why?" Pacey asked, "It's his wedding too, doesn't he want to be involved? I know I would." He took a large gulp of water, ignoring the small drop that dribbled out of the corner of his mouth.

Joey frowned and pulled away. "He's involved. He's just busy. That's all and I completely understand."

Jen shot Pacey a dark glare. "I know, Joey, and that's why you have your friends to help you." She smiled, turning back to her friend.

"Of course we're here to help." Pacey amended. "No one's actually given me a run down of my responsibilities yet. What exactly am I in charge of?"

Jen smiled sweetly. "Keeping your mouth shut can be a start." She turned to Joey. "What happened to Dawson?"

She smiled nervously. "He said he'll meet us here. He had to leave a little later then expected."

"Ahh, and how is life for the up and coming big shot laywer? I haven't gotten a chance to talk with him since the party."

"You know how it is. He's just so busy lately, with court dates and stuff. He's on the fast track and he like what he does." Joey grinned nervously using the same speech she had given Jen before.

"Good for him, and it's a great way to make a living. There's never a lack of criminals in this world." Pacey smiled.

Joey nodded distinterestedly. "Umm...yeah. So what's going on with the two of you?" she asked trying to get the focus off of her.

Pacey met Jen's eyes with his own, her usually friendly hazel eyes were closed off and distant. He frowned slightly and turned back to Joey. "Well, I'm taking the summer off from touring to try and write another book. What better place to find inspiration than in the home of my youth?" He gestured out the window to the harbor, a smile on his face.

Joey returned his smile and motioned to the waiter. "I'd like a margarita on the rocks with salt." She turned to Pacey and nodded. "Sounds great and well, Jen's already told me her plans." She smiled brightly at the blonde before looking toward the door of the restaurant. "I wonder where Dawson is..."

"Yeah, Pacey and I are going to see if we can carve a relationship out of our friendship. So far, at least the sex is good." She said with a dark smile. If Pacey wasn't going to address the fact that they were together, she was going to force him to.

Joey laughed and took a large drink from the glass in front of her. "Sounds like a good sign. I'm really happy for the both of you."

"Thanks, Jo. That means a lot." Pacey said mechanically, taking a healthy swallow of the scotch he'd ordered from the waiter. "Where is Dawson?"

Joey giggled. "Not here, yet anyway." She became serious. "I hope nothing happened to him, he hasn't called." She grabbed her bag to check her cell phone and made sure it was on. She dialed a few numbers and held the phone up to her ear, checking her voice mail.

Jen frowned as Joey put the phone back in her purse, a troubled look on her face. "No message?"

She shook her head sadly. "There was a message, from his secretary telling me he couldn't make it up tonight." Joey sighed and ran a hand over her face tiredly. "You know what? You two stay for dinner. I'm going to head up home. I'll pay for it considering I was the one that invited you here."

"No, no. Stay, Jo." Pacey protested. "Like you said, we can use the time to catch up with one another, rebuild friendships. Discuss the wedding."

Joey shook her head and stood up. "No, I don't really feel up to it anymore, but you guys can feel free to stay."

Pacey caught her hand as she moved to walk passed his corner of the table. "Please?" he met her troubled eyes with his own sincere ones. "Stay."

Jen sat back and watched in silence as they communicated with their eyes. She only wished she knew what they were saying. She tried to ignore the nagging feeling of jealouy in the back of her mind.

Joey let out a resigned sigh and forced a smile to Jen. "Well, fine, but let's not stay here. It's too pretentious for me."

"I agree. Leery's?" Pacey rose from his seat, pleased.

Joey nodded. "Yeah, sure why not?" She turned to Jen for confirmation.

"Majority rules."

Joey shrugged and handed the waiter her credit card. "Okay, great. Just let me get my jacket." She walked over to the coat check.

Joey licked her wrist lightly, grabbed the salt shaker and sprinkled some salt on it with her other hand. In one swift move she licked the salt off, downed her shot of Tequila, and finished it off with a lemon wedge. She grinned and giggled, pouring Jen a shot. "Your turn Lindley."

Jen proceeded to do the same procedure as Joey, instead opting to use the other girl's wrist for the salt. Joey laughed as Jen pulled the lemon wedge from her mouth. Jen shrugged nonsensically. "I wanted to give those guys at the bar something to really stare at." She laughed and Joey joined her.

"I think this is the most fun I've had in ages," Joey exclaimed and grabbed Jen's hand. "Let's dance. Gives them something else to talk about."

"I'm always up for hittin' the dance floor. Besides, this place needs a little more spice." She allowed Joey to pull her to the dance floor, enjoying the beginnings of a great buzz.

Joey laughed and began to dance. "You know, Dawson will probably kill me if he saw me now." She shook her head. "I always have to play the role of the 'proper fiance'." She giggled. "Not much fun and all our friends are these stuffy snob types." She smiled. "God, I missed you guys!" she yelled to be heard above the music.

"I know... I miss everyone too. The wedding gives us a good excuse to have a little reunion." Jen yelled over the music, doing a little shimmy against the groin of the man dancing just behind her. "To bad no one was able to get hold of Jackers."

"I know what you mean!"

The two women smiled at each other as they took over the dance floor. Finding themselves surrounded by oggling men they exchanged a wicked look and moved closer to one another, determined to put on a show.

Joey grabbed her Jen's arm and gave her a small twirl before grinding her body against hers in beat with the music. She smiled at the other girl enjoying this chance to be carefree.

Jen slid her arms over the taller womans shoulder and giggled as someone in the crowd gave a cat call when their chests meshed.

Joey giggled herself at this new found attention and continued to dance lewd and salaciously with Jen. Getting a real kick out of the response they were able to illicit from the bar's other patrons, Joey winked at Jen and Jen nodded as Joey lowered her mouth as if to kiss her.

"What in HELL are you two doing?!" Pacey yelled, working his way through the croud surrounding his girlfriend and friend. He pulled them apart, almost violently. "I go to the bathroom at the Leerys and the next thing I know you two have flown the coop!" he turned and caught a few guys looking at the girls with more than a little desire in their eyes. "What're you lookin' at?" He burst forth.

Joey laughed and swung her arm around Jen's shoulder in comraderie. "We were just having a little fun, right Jen?"

The blonde nodded her head with a giggle. "Right."

"A LITTLE FUN?!" He said in disbelief, "It looked like you two were trying to seduce each other!" He led them back to a table in the corner.

Joey rolled her eyes and smirked. "You discovered my secret, I'm hot for Jen." She winked and blew a kiss at her. Jen pretended to blush, before they both cracked up in laughter.

"I need something to drink." Pacey groaned rising from his seat and heading for the bar. Before he took more than a few steps, he turned back, "Don't go anywhere."

Joey rolled her eyes at him behind his back and shrugged before turning to Jen. "Well, I for one, am having fun. This was a good idea."

"I know, it feels great to let loose." Jen agreed.

"I caught you're little rendition of Dirty Dancing," an older looking man approached their table, placing two glasses of Long Island Ice Tea in front of them. "Care to give me a private showing?"

Joey smiled sweetly. "Thanks, but no thanks."

"That's fine...but I couldn't resist asking." He winked before leaving the girls to their own devices.

"I've been hit on by a lotta men. But I've never had a guy try to pick up me AND another woman as a package deal."

Joey bent over in a fit of giggles. "Oh God, that was too funny."

"Yeah, it was." Jen joined in her laughter before taking a healthy swallow of her iced tea.

Joey playfully smacked her in the hand. "You know you shouldn't drink that. He could've put something in it for all we know."

Jen made a face, "Gimme a break, there's a teensy chance that there might be a drug in it, but I KNOW there's alcohol in it. And I want the booze." She took another deep drink, "Besides... um... someones 'ere to look out for us. Damn, whass 'is name? Tall, brown hair, bootiful eyes?" Jen could feel the alcohol kicking in.

Joey giggled her head swimming. "Ummm... Pissy, because he sure is acting like it."

Jen giggled, "We gotta thank Buzz for comin' up with that nickname... it suits him." She drank some more of her ice tea, playing with the pink umbrella stuck in it.

Joey nodded with a smile. "That it does." Her head fell to the table with a loud bang. "I'm tired, Jen," she mumbled.

"All that dancing drain yer energy?" She asked, feeling a little woozy herself.

Joey sighed. "You can say that." She felt her eyes begin to drift close and she instantly sat up straight. "I'm up! I'm up!" she called out sleepily. She stood up on wobbly legs grabbing her jacket and purse. "I'm going to head back to the B&B now." She hiccuped.

"Naw, wait for Pissy, we'll drive ya." Jen said, pushing away her empty glass. "You gonna finish that?" She pointed to the almost empty glass in front of Joey.

Joey shook her head before changing her mind. "As a matter of fact I do." She grabbed the glass and swallowed the contents quickly. She bent over and stuck her head between her legs as the liquor went to her head. "I shouldn't have done that." She pulled her head back up and sat down. "Where the hell is he?" She broke into a fit of hysterical laughter.

"Lost, I bet. Never did have a good sense of direction...'cept in bed."

Joey giggled and raised an eyebrow pointedly. "So you know, how is he?"

"Les jus' say he knows his way 'round south of the border. An', for that matter, north of it." She grinned, "An' eas' and wes' of it."

Joey laughed. "Lucky girl."

"He's not as good as 'e thinks he is, though."

Joey set forth a burst of new giggles. "Dawson's the same way."

"An' how is the 'olden boy in the be'room?"

Joey raised her hand and shook a finger sternly at Jen. "J-Jen, let me tell you that I haven't had an," she lowered her voice to a small whisper and leaned conspirationally closer to Jen. Her voice had a lilting slur to it. "Orgasm, in at least six months."

"Six months!" She yelled. "Girl, go buy a vibrator! Or, hey, I could len' ya Pissy for the night, he'll cure tha' right up."

Joey blushed deeply and glanced around self-concisely. "Announce it the whole goddamn bar why don'cha?"

"Eh, who's listenin' anyway?" She looked around the bar to see most of the croud was swimming before her vision. "Why're ya marryin' a guy who can't get ya off?"

"Cause," Joey hissed under her breath. "Marriage is 'bout more than sex and I love him. He's just been under a lotta stresses lately."

"Ya love 'im? What's to love 'bout a guy like that?" Jen asked, sipping on the water melting at the bottom of her glass.

Joey paused. "Well, um he's um, my bes' friend an' um, he's caring an' compassionate and um, he's um. Yeah..."

"Yeah, he's inconsiderate, a workaholic, selfish, greedy, annoyin', stupid, borin'... ya put up with all that an' he can't even give ya an orgasm.

Joey pouted and crossed her arms over her chest in defiance. "I don't wanna talk 'bout it anymore."

"Fine, we'll talk 'bout Pissy." Jen conceded. "D'ya care tha' I'm fuckin' him?"

Joey sighed. "A-a little at firs', but y'know? At leas' one of us is gettin' a good fuck."

"I could getta good fuck anywhere. Doncha care that it's Pacey givin' it to me?" She asked carefully, trying to push the haze of alcohole to the back of her mind so she could concentrate on Joey's response.

Joey tried to gather a certain train of thought but the alcohol in her system was making it impossible. "Listen, no 'cause ya see I shouldn't care an' 'cause of that I don't care."

"Ya don't care 'cause you shouldn't? Or ya don't care 'cause you should? Or ya dont care 'cause he broke yer heart and ya broke his?" Jen's brow furrowed as she tried to keep the thoughts swimming in her mind straight.

Joey laughed and lowered her head to the table. "I'm shure its one of those."

"I wish he cared as much as you dont so much."

Joey glanced at her puzzled. "What? You know Jen, ya always as' me how I feel, how do'you feel 'bout the whole thing?"

"Feel 'bout wha'? That he's thinkin' of you when we screw?" She smiled sardonically, "Look, I rhymed."

Joey's face fell and her eyes saddened. "Aww, Jen; Hon. I'm shure tha's not true. He's over me and I'm over him. We were a high school thing, and guess wha'? High school's over."

"Ha! You were more 'han a high school thing. You were a lifetime thing." She frowned looking down at the table.

Joey glanced down at the table and started to laugh. "Y'know Pacey an' I broke up 'cause I slep' with Dawson." Her laughter grew until she felt her eyes began to tear. "A guy tha' canna even give me an ORGASM for chris'sakes!"

Jen giggled, "And af'er six of ye'rs of practice, he still can't give ya one!" Her laugher joined Joey's, sending them both into drunken hysterics.

Joey began to wipe away tears. "Oh God, tha's so sad."

"I can't decide wha's worse, marrying a guy ya don't love, or lovin' a guy who doesn't love you." She laughed. "We're shuch a pair."

"Pair of what?" Pacey asked appearing at the side of the table just in time to hear the tail end of Jen's sentance.

The two girls exchanged looks. "A- a pair of drunks, right Jo?"

Joey shook her head solemnly biting on her lower lip. "Yep, 'xactly Jen."

"And how much, exactly, did you two drink?"

"Too much," Jen answered. "I think I'm rea'y to go home now."

Joey nodded and stood up attempting to stretch. "Yep, home sounds like a shimply marvelous idea."

"Alright, seeing as you two are completely wasted, I take it that means I'm the designated driver."

Joey offered her hand to Jen and the other girl accepted it willingly. "I can see 'is mental ap'itude was what drew you to 'im in the firs' place."

Jen winked knowingly at Joey. "One of many things." Both girls fell into another shared laugh.

Pacey rolled his eyes and directed the stumbling pair out the door. "This is the last time I leave you two unsupervised when you have access to abundant amounts of alcohol."

Joey groaned and rolled her eyes. "Ya know any of those men in there woul' be more 'an happy to give Jen and me a ride home, Mister."

"They'd be giving you more than just a ride home, Potter. You should be counting your blessings I'm here to keep you from cheating on your fiancee." He unlocked the doors to his car and held them open for the girls as they climbed in.

"Yeah, save me from th' chance of probably havin' a decen' orgasm," she mumbled under her breath. She and Jen shared a smile. Pacey climbed into the drivers seat.

"I-I thin' I wanna go home tonigh', Pis- Pacey." Jen corrected. He gave her a funny look, but turned around, directing the car away from the B & B and towards the Ryan home.

Joey glanced out the window at the passing scenery but after a a while deemed it a bad idea and just closed her eyes. Pacey pulled into the Ryan home, and climbed out of the car, walking Jen to the door, a worried look on his face. "You ok?"

Jen smiled weakly. "Nothin' a little sleep won't cure." Jen motioned to the car. "Thin' you can get 'er home, okay?"

"Yeah, she's pratically asleep as it is. Call me tomorrow?"

Jen sighed and opened the door. "Yeah, sure. Whatever." She leaned over to give him a kiss good-bye but her stomach recoiled at the idea. "Hold that thought," she mumbled and slammed the door shut behind her as she hurried inside to the bathroom.

"Great." Pacey mumbled to himself turning back to the car. He stood on the porch for a few moments, just watching the car. He was barely able to make out her form in the pale light of the moon. He shook his head, why couldn't he get Joey out of his mind? He was dating an indescribable woman. She was getting married in a few weeks, for christ's sake. He walked slowly down the steps and got back in the car. "The B & B?"

Joey nodded and flicked a hand at him. "Ya got it buddy." She smiled through an alcohol induced haze.

To be continued in Part Three: Questions & Confessions

I know, I know. Pacey/Jen? What the heck? Just trust us though. Believe me, it's gonna be worth it in the end. Send feedback to [email protected] and [email protected].

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