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The Season
by Dannie and Rinny

Pacey worked his way through the maze of evergreen trees littering the lot in a search for Joey. Christmas was around the corner and they'd decided, under much protest from Pacey to get a live tree for the apartment. He stopped to look at a small Douglas Fir and she'd disappeared on him.

Christmas was three weeks away, and so far, it still felt like late October. He wore jeans, a windbreaker, a baseball cap, and the late afternoon breeze wasn't bothering him a bit. His missing girlfriend, however, was.

He turned a corner, and spotted her walking down the isle of trees, one arm wrapped protectively over her round stomach. His mouth quirked upward in a smile as he took her in. She wore a large pair of overalls, a beige sweater over top to keep her warm, and her hair was done up in two long braids. She looked remarkably like she had ten years ago. Aside from the fact she was very much pregnant. "Hey, Potter." He called, a smile on his face. "Have I told you how cute you look today?"

"Yes, but you forgot to mention that I'm as big as a house," Joey said with a wry smile as she surveyed the trees in front of her.

"Big houses can be cute," he replied unperturbed. He caught her hand with his and walked along beside her. "Remind me again why we can't have a fake tree?"

"Because this is our first real Christmas together and I want it to be perfect," she said simply as she gazed around the lot. She smiled. "Besides, I haven't had a real tree since I was ten. It'd be nice. I missed the smell of fresh pine."

"They sell that in a bottle you know." He said half heartedly, "You can just spray it right on the tree."

She crinkled her nose. "It doesn't smell the same."

"Yeah, I know." He agreed. "You know, when you say things like wanting our first Christmas together to be perfect, it makes it incredibly hard for me to get my way."

She grinned lopsidedly. "Which makes it incredibly easy for me to get mine."

"Right." He swung their hands back and forth between them, "So, ya found one yet?"

"Nope," she said shaking her head. "How about you? Seen anything you like?"

"They're trees." He smiled wryly. "I don't know one from the other. I'm just hoping we choose one without bugs."

She turned to face him and raised an eyebrow. "You're not taking this seriously."

"No, no, no." He shook his head. "I'm serious. Very serious. Tree selection is important business. You choose the wrong tree and Santa wont leave you any presents."

"Santa won't be the only one not giving you any presents," Joey said dryly before turning her attention back to her searching.

"Hmmmm, I see your point." He frowned. "Okay, so I'm thinking we get one of the smaller one."

Joey's eyes grew wide in awe as she spotted the perfect tree. "This one," she said gazing up to the top, it had a good two feet on her. "Let's get this one."

He eyed the tree with distrust, "Hon, I think your eyes are bigger than our apartment."

She tugged at his hand, ignoring his comment. "Let's get this one, Pacey. It's perfect."

"Joey, baby, it's not gonna fit." He shook his head, eyeing the tree.

"Sure it will," she said insistently as she surveyed it, already mentally decorating it. "Our living room is big enough."

Her eyes were lit up in excitement and her cheeks were a rosy red. He smirked to himself and kissed her cheek, "You are so spoiled." He left to go find the nearest dealer, already trying to figure out how they'd get it from the lot to their apartment.

Joey braced her hand on her lower back as she gazed up at the tree and she rubbed her belly soothingly with the other. "Oh, I wish you could see it. You'd love it, but I promise you next year we'll get another one just like it. No matter what your dad says."

"Okay, thanks." Pacey shook the dealers gloved hand.

The elderly man smiled, slipping the money in his pocket, he turned his eyes to Joey a few yards away. "When's she due?"

Pacey grinned and followed the dealer's gaze to Joey. "January."

"Your first?" The man asked warmly.

Pacey flinched a little. "Her first, my second."

"Hmm. Well, you chose a great tree." The man smiled, sensing Pacey's discomfort. "We'll have someone deliver it tomorrow. Around three, okay?"

"Yeah, okay." He nodded distractedly, still watching Joey.

The man clapped Pacey on the back and went to place the order, leaving Pacey to his thoughts. Hands in his pockets, he headed back to Joey.

She smiled brightly as she watched Pacey approach. "I was just telling our son about how much he'd love the tree," she said looking back at it as she spoke.

He smiled softly, "They're going to deliver it tomorrow," he told her. "Can you stand to wait that long?" He teased lightly.

"Yes." She stuck her tongue out at him. "Besides, it gives us plenty of time to buy decorations and stuff."

"Awww, man." He whined.

She sighed. "What are you complaining about now?"

"I'm a man. Whining is a prerequisite when it comes to shopping."

"Fine. I'll just go by myself then."

"Hmmmm," he scrunched his face in thought. "Nope."

She looked at him. "Then stop whining."

He sucked the air between his teeth, "Sorry, Probably not gonna happen, either."

She rolled her eyes and braced her hands on her back. "Not like you have anything to really complain about. anyway."

"You're right, I'm not carrying a bowling ball in my stomach." He agreed. "I just thought maybe you'd gotten tired of hearing yourself moan and grumble."

She narrowed her eyes. "When you're carrying this baby in your uterus then you can talk. Until then, not a word."

"Honey," he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, "If I could carry our baby for you, I would."

"Talk is cheap."

He chuckled, "Cheer up, Jo. You've only got another six weeks to go."

"That's right. I do. Not you." He smirked and kept his mouth shut, knowing better than to offer her another reason to bemoan her pregnant state. She grabbed his hand. "Let's go buy me a milkshake."

"You and your milkshakes." He squeezed her hand, "I think I know what to get you for Christmas."


"A blender."

"I'm carrying your child for nine months and the best you can do is a blender?"

"Hmmm, Good point." He thought for a moment, "What if I toss in a waffle iron?"

"Only if I get to toss it at your head."

He chuckled, "Now, really, Potter. Where would the fun be if I told you what I was getting you weeks in advance?"

She pursed her lips together. "Better not be a blender or a waffle iron."

He pulled her to a stop, and wrapped his arms around her. "You have very little faith in me, dontcha?" He teased.

She smiled despite herself. "And you like to annoy me."

"I like to tease you. It's a form of affection." He kissed her nose lightly.

"I think you just like being a pain in the butt," she said wryly.

"Only yours," he replied cheekily.


"Glad you think so," he gave her a soft kiss.

"Mmm," she said returning his kiss before pulling away. "I still want that milkshake."

"And you'll get it." He pulled away and caught her hand. "I think I saw a restaurant when we were driving here."

"Good," she said as she pulled him along toward the car. "I'm hungry too."

"What else is new?" He replied wryly. She shot him an angry look. "I love you?" He tried to amend.

She raised an eyebrow. "Saying you love me is not going to get you out of trouble."

"'re beautiful?"

"Not even close."

"You complete me?"

"Bite me."

"Now, now...we have no more of that," he unlocked the doors to their car.

She made a face of annoyance. "Just shut up."

"You can't seriously be mad, pumpkin." He climbed into the drivers seat.

"Whatever," she said as she shut her door behind her.

"Okay, you're mad. You let me call you 'pumpkin'." He started the car. "Did I do something wrong this time, or is it the hormones?"

She pressed her lips together tightly and said nothing.

He caught her hand and brought it to his lips. "Sorry I was being annoying." He apologized, scanning the street for a parking place.

She sighed tiredly and smiled faintly. "Yeah right."

"You don't think I'm sorry?"


"Why not? You think I enjoy making you mad?"


"And why would I like that?" He questioned, directing the car around the block.

"Because you get some sick, perverse pleasure out of it."

"No, I get some sick perverse pleasure out of making you laugh." He corrected. "It seems to have gotten harder than it was before."

She looked at him pointedly. "Because I'm so hormonal, right?"

"What answer means I don't get smacked on the back of the head?"

She smiled. "Why do I put up with you?"

"Cause you love me." He replied. "And I'm good in bed."

She burst into a fit of laughter and wiped at her eyes. "Thanks I needed that."

He shook his head in amusement, "When I'm not trying to be funny she laughs."

She stopped. "Oh, you were actually serious about that?"

"Ha ha," he pulled into a parking space. "Okay, Princess, we're here."

"Took you long enough."

He gave her a skeptical look as he exited the car and walked around to her side. He held open the door and offered her a hand getting out. "Your milkshake awaits."

She smiled sweetly taking his hand. "Thank you."

He tilted his head in amusement. "And you say you don't have mood swings." He smiled softly. "I'm going to be so glad when this is over."

She stuck her tongue between her teeth. "You say the sweetest things."

"Hey, I can't be perfect all the time." He kissed her lightly and shut the door.

"As you're so fond of telling me."

"Come on, Potter." He nudged her towards the door. "You can tell me what you want for Christmas."

"To fit into all my old clothes."

"You know, I could do that. But I think you'd kill me for taking all the seams out on your clothing. And face it, my sewing skills leave much to be desired."

She rolled her eyes. "That's not what I meant."

"I know, but that's about the best I can offer. So you may want to request something else."

"If you know me so well, you should have no problem figuring out what to get me."

"Don't overestimate me, hon. What I think you want, and what you actually want have the potential to be very different."

"Well, what do you think I want?"

He was silent for a moment, thinking the question over for a moment. He smirked, "A blender."


"Love you," he kissed her temple and opened the door to the restaurant for her.

"I know."

"Good, don't ever forget, okay?"

She smiled. "So what are you really going to get me?"

"What would make you think I'd tell you?"

She pouted. "Don't you love me?"

"Yes, which is why I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise when you unwrap that brand new blender."


"So, come on. What do you want?"

"I not get me a blender."

He chuckled, "I can't promise that. But I'll take it under consideration."

"Yeah, well, you better."

"I will." They walked up to the counter, looking over the menu. "So, what'll be it be, Potter. Chocolate or Vanilla?"


He smiled and turned to the waitress. "One vanilla milkshake and a rootbeer float."


"You know you're fat when you have to bring snacks with you wherever you go," Joey said munching on a piece of carrot from the small sandwich bag she had in her hand as she gazed around the store. "I have cookies and chocolate in my purse."

"At least you're starting with the healthy stuff." Jack smirked. "And you're not fat," he added as an afterthought.

She sighed picking a blue sweater off the rack and surveyed it critically before putting it back. "I hate department stores during the Christmas season. They're always so crowded and people are so rude."

"I know," Jack agreed. "Let's get out of here as soon as possible. So, what exactly are we shopping for?"


Pacey gave Shane a dubious look and gestured around him to the various cases full of jewlary.

He gazed at him puzzled. "Jewelry?"

"Bingo." Pacey replied, he scanned over the cases and pointed to one in particular and walked over to it, Shane in tow. "Specifaclly, this kind of jewlary."

"These suspiciously look like a certain kind of ring one gives when they're planning to propose," Shane said surveying the case.

Pacey took a deep breath, and released it, "That they are, my friend." He murmured.

"So you caved and you're finally going to pop the big question. You guys do everything backwards."

Pacey chuckled, "Yeah. We do."

They surveyed the rings as a saleswoman came up to them. "May I help you?"


Joey shook her head, turning away from the rack she was at with Jack. "No, that's okay. We're just looking," she said to the salesclerk that had asked if they'd needed help. "So what are you getting Shane?"

"I'm not sure, but he's been talking about getting a new DVD player," he shrugged. "What do you think?"

Joey shrugged helplessly biting into a carrot. "Don't ask me. I still haven't been able to figure out what to get Pacey."

"I wanted to get something more...heartfelt." He frowned, "But I can't think of anything."

Joey frowned her gaze sweeping over the store before landing on a display case and her eyes lit up, inspired. "How about a watch? You can have something inscribed on the back."

"Hmmm, yeah." He looked over the case, "Would a watch and the DVD player be too much?"

She smiled. "I don't think you can ever spend too much on the person you love."

Jack smiled, "Yeah." He stared down into the case. "What one do you think he'd like?"

Joey shrugged. "You know him better than I do."

"Hmm," he smirked, "Something flashy, I think. So, what are you gonna get Pace?"

"Not a clue."

He arched an eyebrow at her, "He's not that difficult to shop for."

She looked at him curiously. "Then what do you suggest I get him?"

"A Playboy subscription." Jack answered straightfaced.

She made a face. "I don't think so."


Joey gave him a playful glare before turning away. "You are so not funny."

"Why's it so difficult? Get him a sweater or something."

She shrugged as she idly gazed at the case of expensive jewelry in front of her. "I don't know. I just...I want to get something perfect and I don't think a sweater is going to cut it."

"Jo, whatever you get him, he's gonna love."

"I know..."

"You could, I donno...paint something. Or, hey, why don't you do something with your photography?" Jack suggested.

She paused thoughtfully. "You might actually have something there."

"And besides," he added. "You could always go ahead and get that Playboy subscription if he doesn't like it."

"Still not amusing."

Jack looked down into the case, his lips curved in a smile. "So, Joey. I think it's going to be one of those four." He pointed along the back row. "What do you think?"

Joey smiled and motioned toward the last one. "I like that one."


Pacey squinted his eyes at the ring Shane had pointed out. "I'm not so sure. It's a little...complex for Joey."

"You know Joey better than I do. It shouldn't be too hard for you to pick out a ring," Shane said as he surveyed the rings through the glass.

"See, that's where you're wrong." Pacey contricted. "If I don't get her a ring that completely blows her away, she's gonna throw the stupid blender at my head."

Shane cast a weary look at his friend. "Blender?"

He chuckled, "She really doesn't want a blender for Christmas."

"So why are you getting her one?"

"Cause I know she'll use it." He replied, "She's been craving milkshakes, and frankly, I'm kinda tired of having to go across town to a twenty-four hour diner in the middle of the night to get them for her."

He laughed. "Glad, I don't have to worry about going through any of that."

"It'll be worth it though," Pacey replied. He lifted his eyes from the case and gave Shane a peculiar look, "Have you ever thought about having kids?"

"I never really put much thought into it," Shane said honestly.

"No offence, buddy, but you're not exactly getting any younger."

"Thanks for reminding me." He glared pointedly before continuing. "I wouldn't mind kids but before I wasn't exactly in the place to even consider it."

"Hey, I'm not advocating you and Jack go out and adopt a child or anything. I'm just curious, you know?" He gave Shane a friendly smile, "I know that being gay makes it hard to adopt. I just wondered if you'd ever thought about it."


He gave Shane a teasing smile, "So you are in that place with Jack."

"Don't you have a ring to buy?"

He grinned, "Yeah. And you are absolutly no help. I need something simple, but elegant. Beautiful without looking flashy."

"You shouldn't have that much trouble finding a ring."

"You said that already." Pacey replied dryly. "I kinda think she might like that one." He pointed to a ring with a thin gold band that had a medium sized diamond flanked by two smaller ones on either side.

Shane gazed down at it curiously. "Maybe you should have brought Jack with you. He knows Joey just as well as you do."

"Yeah, I was beginning to think the same thing." Pacey said wryly.

"Sorry, I'm not an expert on woman's jewelry."

"Then I've come at just the right time." A salesperson appeared before them. "How may I help you?"


"He's looking for a watch," Joey said gesturing to Jack. "But he can't decide on which he likes best." She smiled sweetly at the man behind the counter.

"Well, I'm here to serve." The young man smiled. "Who's it for?"

"His boyfriend."

"Oh." He looked confused for a moment and then smiled. "So she's not yours?" He pointed at Joey.

"No, no," Jack shook his head and put an arm around Joey. "She is. We just have a very open relationship." He tried to hold his smile of amusment in.

Joey nodded pokerfaced and tried her best not to crack a smile. " Very open."

The salesman looked rather stunned. "Well, I-uhm." He shook his head. "What's he like?" He tried to get back to business.

Jack met Joey's eyes and they burst into gales of laughter. "No, sorry, man." He smiled at the bewildered salesman, "We're not together. Just friends."

"Oh," he gave them a rather put out look. "But you are interested in a watch, right?"

He nodded, "Yeah, I am. For my boyfriend."

Joey smiled. "And there's just so many to choose from."

"I think he'd like something a little flashy, he's rather...brash." He smiled wryly. "That's a good word to describe him, right, Jo?"

She nodded. "I guess you can say that."

"Okay, well," He unlocked the back of the case and pulled out a row of watches. "One of these might be in his liking."


Shane gazed down at the rings the sales woman placed on the counter, hardly able to tell one from the other. "Which of them do you think she'd like?"

Pacey let out a low breath. "I don't know. I don't even know if she'll say yes."

"Joey's crazy about you. Of course she'll say yes. Why wouldn't she?"

"I just...I don't know. She's not as crazy about me as I think I'd like her to be." He sighed, picking up one of the rings and examing it.

Shane eyed his friend concerned. "Is there something I'm missing here?"

"No. Maybe. I donno." He shook his head and put the ring back, gently picking up another as the sales woman stood off to the side, ever watchful. "It just feels like she's holding back."

"Have you talked to her about it?"

"What exactly would I say, Shane?" He gave his friend a tired look.

"Tell her that you feel like she's holding back."

"You do realize I'm talking about a very emotional, [/i]very[/i] pregnant woman, right? Have you seen her mood swings?"

"Then maybe you're the one being irrational."

"Yeah, probably. I mean, how much can you tell from a feeling?" He shrugged, and gestured to the salesman, "Could I look at that tray?" He pointed back into the case.

"But like I said, Joey's crazy about you. I wouldn't worry about it too much."

"Yeah. Sure." He shrugged non-commitally. He smiled, picking up one of the rings. "I think this might be it, Shane."


"It looks great," Joey said as she observed the watch Jack had in his hand. "Shane'll love it."

Jack nodded happily, "Do you do inscriptions?" He asked the salesman.

The man nodded. "Yes, we do. You'll have to fill out a form though and there'll be a two to three day wait."

"That's fine." Jack smiled. "I'll take it."

"Great." He smiled and reach under the counter for the order form, handing it to Jack along with a pen. "Here just fill this out." He took the watch and grabbed a specially marked envelope and slid the watch inside of it.


"Thanks. So I can come back for it on Thursday?" Pacey asked, handing over his credit card.

"Yes, it'll be resized and ready by then." He ran the information through the computer and handed Pacey back his card.

Smiling he put it back in his wallet and turned to Shane, "Now I've just got to figure out how to get her to say yes."

"She's going to say yes. That's not even going to be an issue."

"Then why don't you propose for me."

"I can now see why Joey would want to throw a blender at your head."

Pacey chuckled, "Yeah, poor girl. I feel for her sometimes, having to deal with the likes of me."

"Hopefully, getting a blender thrown at your head will knock some sense into you."

"I wouldn't count on it." He and Shane headed out into the mall. "So, what are you getting Jackers?"

"I haven't decided yet."

"You do realize Christmas is two weeks away, right?" He smirked, "Haven't you learned from last year's last minute shopping mishap?"

"I'll get something soon," Shane said in his defense. He arched an eyebrow at his friend. "I will."

"So, you guys going to join us for Christmas dinner? Jo's family is coming to the city for the holidays. I know they'd want to see Jackers."

"Sure, I guess Jack will want to do that."

"What about your family?" Shane made a face, "Look, I know you haven't talked to them in ages, but don't you think it's time to mend those fences?"

Shane rubbed the back of his neck wearily. "Maybe. I'll see how it goes."

"What about Jack? Are you going to meet the infamous Andie McPhee?"

He smiled. "Looks like it."

"How long is she staying for?"


"A couple of days," Joey said as she and Jack paid for their purchases. "Then Bessie and Bodie are planning to go visit his family just outside of Boston."

"God, how old is Alex now?" Jack asked, picturing the three year old they left behind when they left for college.

"Thirteen," Joey said with a smile.

"Oh lord, now I feel old." He frowned, running a hand down his face. "Well, Andie's stopping in on the twenty-second and staying for the week. We should all get together."

"Yeah, that would be nice," Joey said smiling faintly. "We can have dinner."

"I'm a little worried about Andie meeting Shane." He said, a slight grimace on his face.

"I'm sure Andie will love him."

"I'm not so know how she is."

"As long as you're happy, Andie will be happy."

"Probably." He shrugged, "Still doesn't ease the quesy feeling in my stomach."

"You're worrying over nothing," Joey said patting his shoulder.

"You say that now..."

She smiled. "Jack trust me. Andie's going to love Shane."

He rolled his eyes innocently away from her, "See, Andie doesn't really know."

"Oh...Well, I'm sure she'll still like him," Joey said helpfully.

"Yeah, here's hoping." He sighed, "I still need to buy her a present."

"Buy her a really great one just in case."

He chuckled, "Yeah. When was the last time you saw Andie?" He asked, "When I mentioned you were going to be around this Christmas she got all excited."

"I haven't seen her since my engagement party."

He chuckled, "Yeah, so then she's in for a big surprise." His eyes fell to her stomach.

She smiled placing a hand over her stomach. "Yeah, I guess she is."

"I know she hasn't seen Pacey since the party, so I didn't mention him at all. She'll be thrilled to see you guys together."

She laughed lightly. "I hope so."

"So, aren't you glad I added another person to your shopping list?" Jack knudged her.



"Hmm, it looks great," Joey commented surveying the set table, her hands taking up permanent residence in supporting her lower back.

"It's not gourmet, but I think it'll suffice for a Christmas dinner." Pacey commented, putting the twice baked potatoes into the oven with the honey glazed ham. He snapped the door shut and threw his ovenmitts onto the counter.

"Plus, I warned everyone you were cooking so if they're smart they will have eaten something before they came," she teased.

He met her by the doorway to the kitchen and kissed her lightly on the lips. "All the more for us."

She smiled. "You kidding? Bodie already has my order."

"Lord woman, why do I put up with you?"

She tilted her head to the side wrapping her arms around his neck and smiled sweetly. "Because you looove me."

"Oh yeah," his lips curved in a half smile, "I knew there had to be some reason." He kissed her again, his arms wrapping around her waist.

He was interupted from deepening the kiss by the sound of the doorbell. He pulled away reluctantly and checked his watch, "6 o'clock on the dot. How much you wanna bet that's Andie?"

She smiled already heading for the door. "And where there's an Andie, there's a Jack and where there's a Jack, there's a Shane."

"Nuh uh," Pacey shook his head, "If I know Shane, he's out doing his Christmas shopping right now." He turned back to the stove, turning the heat down.

Joey opened the door prepared with a huge smile across her face. "Hey guys, Merry Christmas."

"Ahhh! Joey!" Andie squealed. She grinned and dropped her bag of presents at the floor of the door. She threw her arms around the taller woman in a hug and found herself impeded by the huge swell of her stomach. "Oh my God, Joey! You're pregnant." She cried wide-eyed, looking from Joey's stomach to her face.

Behind her Jack rolled his eyes and waited patienty for Andie to finish gushing. Joey smiled helplessly at Jack over Andie's shoulder and grinned brightly at her enthusiastic friend. "I know."

"Oh my God. When? How? Who?" Andie was nearly jumping with excitement as she hugged her friend again.

"Can we play twenty questions once we're inside?" Jack asked, readjusting his hold on the garbage bag he'd used to bring the presents over.

Andie ignored him, "What are you doing having us all over for Christmas Eve dinner? You shouldn't be cooking in that condition. How far along are you? Is it a boy or girl. Do you even know? Oh! Have you thought of any names?" She grinned widely in excitement.

Pacey listened to the exchange from the kitchen, chuckling quietly to himself as he pulled the wine glasses from the cupboard. Joey laughed at Andie's excitement and ushered her inside. "Come in and take off your coat. Then we can talk. I can't stay on my feet much longer."

"Merry Christmas, Jo." Jack said kissing her on the cheek as he entered.

Andie hit him on the arm, "You didn't tell me she was pregnant!"

He shrugged mischeivously, "It never came up."

"So I take it that was the surprise you were telling me about."

He smiled and shook his head, "No, not quite."

Pacey smiled and took that as his cue to make an entrance, "Is that my favorite McPhee, I hear?"

"Pacey?" she looked stunned for a moment before enveloping him in a tight hug. "I haven't seen you in ages! Oh my God."

"Does she know how to talk in anything but exclamation points?" Joey mumbled in amusement under her breath to Jack.

He chucked, "She hasn't changed a bit."

She smiled. "I know."

"Jack," Andie turned on her brother. "Why didn't you tell me he was coming too! I would have bought him something."

He shrugged, "Surprise?"

She scowled playfully at him. "You're horrible." She smiled at Joey again taking her hand, she pulled her to the couch. "Tell me everything." Jack chuckled, and took the coats Joey had collected and deposited them in the spare bedroom.

"Well, what do you want to know?" Joey smiled weakly at Andie and sat down across from her, shooting Pacey a desperate glance.

Pacey smirked, "Didn't you hear, Potter? Everything." With that he dissapeared back into the kitchen to retrieve the wine and sparkling cider.

"Yeah. Everything. When are you due? Is it a boy or girl? Where's the husband? Everything!" She grinned, bouncing onto the couch.

Joey glared at Pacey's retreating figure and then forced a smile for Andie. "It's a boy," she said brushing a strand of brown hair behind her ear with another smile. "And I'm due in January. The twenty-first."

"So soon? Wow." She smiled. "Where's the dad?" She asked, then looked horrified. "Oh God, is there one? I mean, I know that accidents happen and guys can be such assholes sometimes." She gave Joey a panicked frown, "Crap, I completely said the wrong thing didn't I? There's nothing wrong with raising a baby on your own, Joey. Single-motherhood is a little more difficult, but it almost always works out for the best. I'm sure you'll be fine." She nodded, patting Joey's hand.

"The dad's going to die shortly," Joey said pointedly in the direction of the kitchen and then she nodded solemnly. "I think I'll do just fine on my own. Jack will always help."

She looked slightly puzzled, "Yeah, I have no doubt he and Shane will help you out."

Joey nodded and smiled at Jack. "I don't know what'd I do without him."

Jack gave her a pointed look as Pacey entered the room, bringing the wine and sparkling cider with him. "You know what Pace," he stood as Pacey made a move to leave again, "Why don't I go and get the glasses. You stay here and catch up." With that, he left the room.

"Yeah, Pacey, stay here and catch up," Joey repeated dryly.

"Yes, Dear," he replied sarcastically, pouring her a glass of the sparkling cider. "Andie? Wine or cider?"

"Thank you," Joey said shortly raising her glass to her lips and taking a small sip.

"Wine," she replied. "God. So, Pace, what have you been doing in the last four years?"

He looked at Joey's irrate face and turned back to Andie. "Not much. Stripping mostly. I kinda gave up on the writing thing. And more recently, getting ready for fatherhood." He rested his hand over Joey's knee.

Joey smiled faintly and placed her hand over Pacey's, searching Andie's face expectantly. She looked surprised for a moment, "Oh my God, you guys! That's wonderful!" She impulsivly hugged Joey first, then Pacey. "How long have you been together?!"

She laughed lightly. "It's been a while now."

"It's hard to say, exactly. Our relationship was a...a gradual evolution." Pacey said, kissing Joey lightly on the cheek.

Joey nodded in agreement and stood up. "I'll go see what's taking Jack so long."

"No, Hon." Pacey stood, "You need to sit. Besides, I need to check on the ham anyway." He gave Andie a warning look, "Don't annoy her with the endless questions, McPhee. You get to go home at the end of the night, whereas I must suffer the mood swings long after you leave." He turned to Joey, "I love you, don't kill me." He dropped a kiss on her head, then retreated before she could threaten his manhood.

"Where are the glasses?" Jack asked open and shutting another cupboard in his endless search.

"Top shelf, far right corner." Pacey replied, opening the oven to peek in at the ham. "So where's Shane this fine Christmas evening?"

"Shopping," Jack replied finding the glasses where Pacey said they were. "He'll come by later."

"Hmmm, dinner's about ready." He frowned slightly, "I hope Bessie and Bodie show up soon." He closed the oven.

"Give them time. It's supposed to snow."

"Need help with those?" Pacey gestured to the glasses Jack was fumbling with. They headed back into the livingroom to join Joey and Andie.


Joey settled back on the couch and watched the cluster of friends and family that had gathered around the tree after dinner. She couldn't help but smile as she watched everyone. Bodie and Bessie sat across from her watching Alex as he went through the pile of presents under the tree with Andie's help. Jack and Shane were sharing the armchair. She rubbed her belly soothingly and motioned toward the back of the tree. "I think Alex's gift is towards the back there," she said noticing her nephew's anxious face.

Pacey returned from the kitchen with a glass of water for Joey. He handed it to her and settled on the couch at her side, his hand resting over his own stomach after the filling dinner they'd all partaken in. "You almost done there, Al?" He asked as Alex walked around the room, depositing the last of the presents to their owners.

Alex nodded as he handed the last gift to Joey. "There I think that's everybody."

"See that's the benefit of having a kid around," Pacey joked, "they do all the dirty work for you."

Alex rolled his eyes as he sat back down by the tree. "I'm not that young."

"Right, but from where I'm standing, thirteen's young." Pacey replied.

"Pace, quit picking on my son." Bodie warned teasingly.

Joey smiled. "Besides Alex you're way more mature than Pacey any day. No matter what your age is."

"I know." He smiled and started playing with the ribbons on one of his presents.

"Shall we start?" Andie asked, turning away from her conversation with Bessie. "If I'd known about the baby or that Pacey'd be here I promise that I'd have brought more."

"It's okay," Joey said quickly and smiled. "Pacey doesn't need a gift."

"Nope," he agreed and wrapped an arm around her middle. "I have the best present right here." He dropped a kiss on her shoulder.

She rolled her eyes. "You're so full of it."

Bessie smiled softly, watching the pair, her own stack of presents left untouched as she watched them cuddle together. Pacey whispered something in her ear and she leaned in closer to him, kissing his chin lightly, a soft smile on her face. It had been so long since she'd seen her sister so...content. The corner of her mouth turned up, they were beautiful together. His strong masculinity was tempered by Joey's femininity. There was something heartwarming about watching them together. She reached beside her for Bodie's hand and gave it a soft squeeze.

"Okay," Joey said turning back to her friends and leaning against Pacey. She smiled at her nephew as she brushed her hair behind her ear. "I think Alex should go first because of his astounding maturity level," she teased.

"Go first?" Alex asked, "I've already started." He smirked having gone halfway through his first present, one from Andie.

She laughed. "Okay then who's next?" Her gaze fell on Jack. "How about you?"

"This is going to be systematic?" Jack asked, a teasing tone to his voice as he picked up a gift and began to unwrap.

"Oh, you know we can do it the old fashioned way and all dig in at once," Joey responded with a smirk.

"I vote for that," Shane threw his two cents in, reaching for one of the presents at his feet.

She giggled as she watched them tear into their presents. "Okay, then I guess that's what we'll do."

"They're monsters, Hon." Pacey mumbled in her ear, "What can you do?"

She smiled faintly as she watched them, cuddling closer to Pacey. "Isn't it great?"

"Yeah," he agreed, "I don't think I could have hoped for a better Christmas. So far at least," he added under his breath.

She grinned her eyes light in amusement as she gazed at her friends and family. "I know," she said softly.

"You gonna open something?" He asked.

Joey glanced down at the coffee table where she had put the gift Alex had given her and reached over for it. "Well, I have this one right here," she said leaning back and running her hand over the shiny wrapping paper.

"You know, I'm beginning to think you like the anticipation of the gift more than the actual gift." He teased, watching her play with the wrapping paper.

She stuck her tongue out at him and shook the box. "Once you unwrap the present the fun is over."

"I love you," He smiled, feeling a rush of affection for her wash over him.

She smiled and leaned over to kiss him. "I love you too."

"Okay," he pulled back, "now that we've established that," he gave her another peck on the lips, "why don't we open a few things so we can get these people out of here?"

"Sounds like a plan," she began as she started to unwrap her gift.

He did the same, falling into light conversation with the friends and family surrounding him. A chorus of thank you's sounded through the living room as the piles of gifts diminished and those of wrapping paper grew.

Joey ran a hand through her hair as she took in the amount of wrapping paper on the floor. "So I think that's everything. It looks like everything."

"Yup," Pacey nodded surveying the room, strewn with paper, wine glasses and empty dessert plates.

"Wait, No it isn't, Pacey." Alex said, spotting a large package that was under the coffee table as he pulled it out and read the tag. "It's for Aunt Jo."

Pacey winced slightly, he'd nudged it under there earlier having chickened out on the proposal. "We can save that one for later."

"Ooh, another one for me," Joey said teasingly. "Hand it over Alex."

"Come on, Jo." He protested as Alex picked it up to hand to his pregnant aunt. "Don't you want to save something for tomorrow?"

"What time is it Alex?" Joey asked as she took the gift from Alex.

Alex glanced at the new watch on his wrist. "It's half past twelve."

Joey smiled simply and sat back in her seat. "Look, it's tomorrow already." He bit his lip, not really willing to put up a fight, she already seemed suspicious.

Without further protest, Joey began to carefully undo the wrapping paper. She pursed her lips together after she was done and glanced at Pacey. "It's�a blender."

He nodded, "Yeah, and before you do me bodily harm, open it." He bit his lip nervously.

"Open it?" she glanced at him curiously and began to open the box. "I can't believe you actually bought me a blender. I thought you were jo-"

Her eyes widened and Pacey glanced warily around the room, unprepared to do this in front of a crowd. She reached inside the container and slowly pulled out a black velvet box. Pacey met Shane's reassuring gaze and he took the box gently from Joey's hands and sank to one knee in front of her.

He swallowed thickly and looked into her shining eyes. "I-I've gone through my life, having this dream...this picture in my mind of what the perfect life for me would be. And, you know how it is, when you really want something, want it with you're whole heart and soul?" His brows drew together as he tuned out everything around him except for her, "You spend hours fantasizing and dreaming and imagining what your future will be like with those key elements in it. You, Potter, were the key element that I hoped for.

"But as much as you long for it and yearn for it and you pray for it, that dream doesn't become a reality for most people. For me, it did. And for those few who their achieve their unattainable dreams...inevitably, when the day comes, and they get what you wanted, they find that it's not so wonderful and meaningful as they imagined it would be all those years waiting and hoping and dreaming. And they're left with this tremendous sense of let down."

His hands were shaking as he licked his lips to continue, "But, Joey, for me...I've never felt that. For all the nights I spent alone, when I didn't have a hope in the world, I lay awake dreaming about how perfect my life would be with you in it...I never imagined it could be like this. That I would feel absolutely elated just to wake up next to you in the morning, or doing something so simple as making you dinner, would make me feel so complete. As much as I speculated how wonderful our life could be together, I never knew that there'd be so much love between us. I never knew it would be this good. Every day with you has surpassed my wildest dreams."

He paused, and gave her a weak half smile. "I know, I'm babbling here, and you probably want me to get to the point. So, Josephine Potter," he opened the box, and swallowed, revealing the gold engagement ring embedded within, "Will you marry me?"

Joey gazed at him wide eyed her eyes glistening with tears, she smiled. "Well, I'm sorry to say this Pacey but it looks like you're going to be stuck with me for the rest of your life."

"Yeah?" He asked his smile stretching across his features.

She smiled and nodded softly. "Yes."

He grinned at her as he took the ring out of the case and slipped it onto the ring finger of her left hand. He cupped her face in his hand and pulled her lips to his, completely ignorant of the wide grins on the faces of their guests.

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