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Who You Love
by Dannie and Rinny

Disclaimer: Sorry to disapoint you, we do not own the characters of this story, we never have, and we never will. Those rights belong to Columbia Tristar Television, and various others.
Author's Note:This is the sequel to Untouched. The third book of the four book series. This takes place FOUR years after Untouched. Everything else pretty much ends up explained. Pacey and Joey haven't communicated at all.

Joey placed the small stepladder at the foot of the closet and climbed on carefully. Her hands reached for the shoeboxes at the top, covered in dust and she sneezed. It had been far too long since she'd been in here.

Behind her, the shrill ring of her phone sounded impatiently.

She groaned and placed one of the bigger boxes on the floor as she climbed down. She wiped at her forehead tiredly and placed one of her hands on her lower back for support as she surveyed what she'd been able to get done before grabbing the phone by her bedside. "Hello?" she questioned sitting down at the front of the bed.

"Hey, Jo. It's Pacey." His voice sounded distant, and distinctly lacking it's usual bouyant charm.

"Okay," Joey said surprised that he had called her after what had been more than a week. "Hey."

He took a deep breath, "Do you have a minute, or, like five?" He asked, "'Cause if you're busy, I can alway call back later. It's not hugely important or anything." He rambled. He really didn't want to be having this conversation, but he figured they had to eventually. After a week, he'd finally gave up procrastinating and made the call.

Joey's gaze wandered to the pile of boxes she'd left on the floor by her closet. "No, that's okay. Now is fine."

He sighed, "O-kay." There was a long pause.

"Yeah, so what did you want to talk about?" Joey questioned sitting back.

"Oh, right." He replied, "Well, obviously, what happened last week."

"Oh...what about it?"

"It was awkward...for whatever reason. And, as per usual, it was something I said. So, I'm sorry for causing any kind of confusion. This isn't a situation I'm used to, so I don't really know the proper ettiquate here. Or anywhere for that matter..." He added to himself. He sighed when she didn't say anything, "You confuse me, Potter."

She rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah and I'm just the casual sex queen."

"I didn't mean it that way, and you know it." he said tiredly.

"Then what did you mean?"

"You get under my skin, Potter."

"And you're confusing me, Pacey."

He sighed again, "Okay, Joey, it's no secret that I've slept around. Right, I mean, you know that."

She wrapped an arm around her stomach uneasily. "Yeah..."

"But I've been careful with them--those other women--I've kept them at a distance. If you asked me to give you a name, any name, I wouldn't be able to reply." He paused, inwardly debating with himself. "See, I have these...rules, I guess you could say. I don't see anyone more than once, ever. I always use protection, whether or not the woman is using something in addition. I don't bring anyone back to my apartment, I never stay the night, and," he paused for a moment, "I'm always on top." He rushed on, "And you... you've already broken three of those."

She shut her eyes for a moment and exhaled sharply. "Oh."

"So, like I said, you've gotten under my skin. You've managed to do something that I haven't let anyone else. That's what was bothering're closer than..." he trailed off.

"Oh. Well then um, sorry for inconveniencing you." She said angrily, hanging up the phone, she sat back crossing her arms in front of her chest irritated.

With a frustrated groan, Pacey redialed her number and waited impatiently for her to pick up again. He couldn't believe how stubborn this woman was.

Joey glared and reached over for the phone. She picked it up before letting it drop back into the cradle. There was no way she was going to talk to him now.

Undaunted, he redialed her number again on his cell phone. He wasn't just going to let this go, her friendship meant to much to him to just let her remain mad.

She didn't move from her spot on the bed instead opting to just let her machine answer it.

"Joey," his voice came through after the beep. "I know you're there. Answer the phone." He paused, waiting for her to pick up. "You know, I have never in my life met anyone as infuriatingly stubborn as you. Don't you think it's a little unfair that I don't even know why you're mad? Well, I guess I know.... sort of." he trailed off. "Would you just pick up the phone?!"

She made a face of annoyance and sulkily reached over for the phone. "What is it?"

"You tell me."

"Are you sure you're not breaking some kind of rule just by calling me?" she asked sardonically.

"Despite what you may think, I don't have rules just to spite you. It's not some consiracy to make you feel used." He said, his voice scathing. "I have them to protect myself."

"Well, how nice for you."

He groaned, "I don't know why I bother with you." He muttered frustrated. "You aren't listening. I'm trying to apologize here, but if you don't even care, then why the hell am I doing it?!"

"I don't know why you're doing it either because you suck at it!"

"What do you want me to say then? Tell me and I'll say it!"

She released an exasperated breath. "Why did you tell me this?"

"Because, I want you to understand me. And I, in turn, want to understand you," he sighed.

"And how did you think I was going to react?"

"Apprently nothing like you did react." He scowled into the phone. "I am not using you, Joey. Because, despite what you think, you're not just sex to me."

She raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "I'm not?"

"God," He replied, shaking his head, despite the fact that she couldn't see him. "If you were, it would have started and ended that first time. That's what I've been trying to tell you, you're getting to me. You're breaking these defenses I've made and, frankly, it's disconcerting."

"So..." she shrugged uncomfortably unsure of what to say. "What now? I thought we were friends at least but I guess not."

"Well, yeah. It's not like the fact we grew up together has comepletly escaped my mind, either. You're still the person who knows me best, even after all this time. Which is rather sad, given that you don't seem to know me at all." He paused, then rushed on, "What I meant to say, was yes, you're my friend. And in that aspect, infinatly more important that sex."

"You don't have to lie," she muttered.

"I'm not." He replied instantly.

"So I guess I should consider myself lucky that you even know my name?"

"You know, as much as I've tried--and believe me Joey, I have tried-- to forget about you and it's just never gonna happen." He sighed, "I don't know why you're making a big deal out of this. I've been trying to tell you, you are nothing like the others."

"Okay. Fine. I get it. I'm not like the others."

"Could you possibly act more distant?"

"What are you talking about?"

"What am I talking about?! I'm talking about you!"

She scoffed. "What did I do?"

"Nothing." He growled, "Maybe it you pulled your head out of your ass, you'd see that's where the problem lies."

"You know what? Screw you, Pacey. I don't know what your problem is but you need to get over it."

"You wanna know what my problem is, Josephine? In all the time I've known you, every problem we've ever had, be it as friends or enemies or lovers, I'm the one chasing you down to fix it. I'm the one apologizing, I'm the one making an effort." He told her emphatically, "I'm tired of being the only one who cares!"

"Well, I'm sorry for not being perfect like you are!" She slammed the phone down angrily and wiped at her eyes in frustration.

Pacey threw his phone down on the blankets of his bed with frustration. His hands were clenched at his sides in frustration, what the hell was wrong with women? Did they have some sort of conspiracy to confuse anyone with a penis? He felt like punching something. He hit the wall beside him, satisfied when the picturing hanging on it came crashing to his floor.

There was a light knock on his door before it swung open and Shane's appeared. "What happened?"

Pacey grimaced, "Nothing, man."

"Let me guess, women troubles?"

"No, not exactly." He grumbled.

"Man troubles?" The blond asked, arching an eyebrow. Pacey gave him a disbelieving look, "Okay, so money?"

"No, more like Joey troubles."

"Ohh," Shane nodded in understanding. "Her."

Pacey gave him a suspicious look, "What is that supposed to mean?"

He shrugged, "Women aren't worth it, Pace. Especially the ones who've already broken your heart before."

Pacey sighed and flopped back down on his bed. "What do you know? You're gay."

"Right, well," he gave Pacey a half smile before leaving the room. "Men suck too."

Pacey sighed and stared up at the ceiling as he heard Shane depart. Why couldn't it just be about sex? Sex was simple, sex didn't hurt, sex wasn't confusing, sex never changed. Why couldn't he and Joey just be about sex?

He shut his eyes, he knew why. Nothing between he and Joey could ever be simple. Sex, friendship, all got muddled when they came together. Regardless of his intent.

He sighed, this time though, he wasn't going to let himself be drawn in. Falling for Joey equalled pain. It always had, and there was no sign of that changing. This time it just wasn't going to happen. He wouldn't let it.

Joey sniffled as she began to restack the boxes on top of her closet angrily. Why did he always do this to her? Make her feel like it was her fault when it wasn't. She wasn't really cold or distant; at least she didn't believe she was. She cussed under her breath as one of the boxes fell, its contents falling all over the floor. Her eyes watered and she climbed down.

She got down on her beginning to throw everything back into the box, papers, pictures, an invitation to her and Dawson's wedding. She sighed and sat down, resting her back against the side of her bed and brought the box onto her lap. She smiled bitterly as she glanced through the plethora of mementos. Capeside in a box. She frowned and brought the lid over it. She reached for the phone and began to dial.

Reaching for the phone beside him, Pacey clicked the talk button, "What?" He asked tiredly.

"I'm sorry."

"Joey?" His eyes flew open and he sat up.

"Yes. I'm sorry." She nodded her head softly, her eyes beginning to water. "I don't mean to be distant. I don't want to be distant. Not with you."

"Then don't be." He replied. "I'm not even sure what we were arguing about."

"It's just that this past few years haven't been easy for me. The only real friend I've had is Jack�"

"I know, Joey. But look how far you've come since you left Capeside. That's something to be proud of."

She wiped at her eyes. "Yeah, so proud."

"Joey, why are you crying?" He asked, completely mystfied by her.

"I'm not crying." She sniffled.

"I know you, Potter. You're crying. I can tell."


"I can hear it in your voice."

"Maybe it's allergies."

"Maybe it's not." He countered, "Talk to me, Jo."

She shrugged. "There's nothing to talk about."

"Then why were you crying?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"You don't want to talk about it, or you don't want to talk about it with me?" There was a pause, "No, nevermind. I don't want to know."

"Why does every conversation between us have to turn into a fight?"

"I don't know," he sighed. "Too much left unspoken? Too many misunderstandings? We really truly do hate each other?"

"I don't hate you," Joey said softly.

"I know, I don't hate you either."

"So what now?"

"I don't know...God, I'm tired of saying that."

She idly traced a pattern on her rug with her fingertip. "Maybe we should just try the friend thing minus the fringe benefits."

"I'm fine with that." He replied, drumming his fingers on his knee. "If you think we can manage it."

"Well, we can try," Joey offered helpfully.

He smiled, "Okay. And as my first act as your friend, and only your firend, I demand to know what brought on the water works."

She laughed lightly. "Nice try."

"Had to give it a shot."

"Uh-huh." She glanced at the mess in front of her closet and then at the clock on her dresser. "I need to get back to cleaning."

"Yeah, okay. And Jo?"


"If you don't want to talk to me about to Jack."

She smiled. "Okay."

"Bye Potter."

"Bye." She hung up the phone and sighed bringing up her knees to her chest and hugging them close. It was official now. She was royally screwed.

Jack knocked on the familar door to Joey's office, to find he hard at work on her computer. "Hello, Gorgeous."

She turned away from the screen and grinned up at him brightly. "Hey yourself."

"Anyone ever told you that you work to hard?"

She laughed. "Yeah, but I never listen."

"Why am I not surprised?" He chuckled, "I know I'm a little early, I can wait or can you skip out early?"

"Hmm�" she took a quick glance at the watch on her wrist. "I think I can leave a little early today." She hit a few keys and shut the monitor off before sitting up with a stretch.

"Great, Mario's?"

She smiled and stood up reaching for her purse that she kept on the back of her chair. "Sounds wonderful."

"So, how was your week?" Jack asked, holding the door open for her.

"It was fine. Thank you very much and yours?"

"It could be better."

"Going out to lunch, Lucy," she called over her shoulder. She frowned at her friend. "What's wrong?"

"You've remember Shane, right?"

"Yeah. Pacey's roommate?"

"I kinda think maybe I might be in love with him." He muttered quietly.

Joey's eyes grew wide. "Wow. Really?"

"I think so..." He mumbled, his brow furrowing.

"Good thing? Bad thing?" Joey asked cautiously.

He sighed, "I don't really know."

"Are you happy?"

"No." He shook his head.

"Well, you're going to have to elaborate," Joey began as they entered the restaurant.

"I said I think I'm in love with him, I don't actually know."

"So, is it a bad thing like 'Ah, he's a jerk who doesn't deserve your affections' or more like bad 'I'm completely and totally not ready for this'?

"It's bad 'I don't know if I love him' bad. I mean, I've really only known him for like two weeks...and this is so different than what I felt for Chris." He sat down at their usual booth and put his head in his hands as the waitress brought them their usual drinks, a diet Pepsi for her and a Sprite for him.

She sipped at the cold glass of diet Pepsi that was placed in front of her. "Well, don't worry. I'm sure you'll know."

"How? I mean, I thought I was in love with Chris. I thought that was the be all and end all of love. And now Shane comes along and he's turned that upside down!" There was a edge of panic to his voice.

She shrugged calmly. "Every time you fall in love it's different. Jack believe me, you'll know and it's going to be incredible."

"How did you know?"

"How did I know what?"

"How did you know when you fell in love?"

"I didn't." She looked away. "At least not until it was too late."

"You've been in love, Jo. At the very least, you loved Dawson at some point in your relationship."

Joey raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, well I thought I did and look at how well that turned out."

"Well, what about Pacey?"

"What about Pacey?"

"You fell for him, back in high school. What did that feel like?" Jack asked, taking a gulp of his soda.

"It hurt," she said honestly and then smiled softly. "But it was incredible and nice and wonderful. Everything a high school romance should be, but the angst factor in our relationship was way too high. It never was simple."

"When did you know, though? How did you know?"

"Okay. Well junior year, we were walking home from one of those dumb dance lessons and I made some remark about why the reason we danced so bad was all his fault. So of course Pacey felt the need to prove me wrong because he's so damn stubborn." She smiled.

"So there we were dancing right at the end of Main Street where anyone could see us...and I guess, a strand of hair had escaped from my ponytail and he just naturally tucked it behind my ear. It wasn't even some grand gesture; it was just this simple thing that he did for me, without asking, without any comments. That was when I knew I was a goner."

Jack smiled softly, "I wish I had that."

"Yeah, well it was high school what can I say? Everything seems important," she said glibly while opening her menu.

Jack sighed and sat back in his seat, not really feeling all that hungry. "High school was important. It completely shaped who we are now."

"I really feel like having a spumoni," Joey said surveying her menu.

"You mind if I just sneak some from your plate? I'm not really feeling too hungry."

"Is something wrong?"

"No, I just don't have an appetite right now," he shrugged.

"Oh, well sure. Feel free to pick. I'm starving." She motioned to the waitress. "Um, I'd like to start with a small salad with Italian dressing, lots of it and then let me get the baked ziti--lots of cheese. Ooh and a small plate of fettuccini with a bit of olive oil on the side and then an order of your mozzarella breadsticks bring that out with the salad please, but you can bring the fettuccini with the ziti." She smiled handing over her menu. "Thank you. Oh and wait, please bring me another diet Pepsi."

"I'll say you were hungry," Jack said, his eyes widened.

She shrugged. "Yeah, I just had a craving for cheese and pasta."

"So, tell me, Jo. What's your advice for a man with a loney heart?"

"Jack, if you think you have a chance at true happiness with Shane, take a risk. Besides, I've seen him. He's cute."

He chuckled, "Yeah, he's cute."

"Exactly," Joey responded raising her glass of soda.

"If only looks were everything." Jack lamented.

Joey grinned as her salad and mozzarella sticks were placed in front of her. "Well don't worry so much about it, Jack. I'm sure everything will work out fine." She began to eat.

"I wish I was that sure," he stole a mozzarella stick from the basket. He took a bite from it and immediately fanned his mouth comically.

She laughed and gave him her soda. "Here drink." She reached for one. "Hmm...she didn't give me any marinara sauce to dip it in."

"Ask when she comes back," He replied after cooling his burnt tongue on her drink. "So what about you, Joey?"

She chewed thoughtfully on her mozzarella stick. "What about me?"

"Kris? You remember, you went on a date with him earlier this week?" Jack gave her a curious look.

"Oh yeah." She turned her attention to her salad. "He was nice, and cute. We're going to have dinner this time. I wonder if I can talk him into Spanish cuisine..."

"So there's hope for you finding the man of your dreams yet?" Jack asked, a small smile crossing his face.

She raised her gaze and smiled at him. "Looks like it."

"So then why is something off?"

"Off?" Joey questioned taking a sip of her soda and another bite of her salad.

"There's something not right with you, Joey." Jack said, looking at her with concern. "I knew it even before Pacey said anything, but the fact that even he noticed makes me more concerned."

She reached for a mozzarella stick and bit into it. "There's nothing wrong with me. I don't know what you're talking about. What exactly did Pacey notice?"

"He didn't exactly say. He just asked me to check up on you, that he thought you needed someone to talk to."

She rolled her eyes and finished off the last of her salad. "I am perfectly okay. No problems whatsoever."

"Try again, Jo." Jack said, taking a sip of her soda again.

Joey sighed and finished off the remaining mozzarella stick. "Pacey has issues, because I don't need to talk to anyone." She grabbed her soda back from Jack and finished it off.

"Okay, he might buy the stubborn denial, Joey. But I'm not letting you pull it on me."

"Jack, can you just please trust me on this one. There's nothing wrong."

"No," he shook his head. "I'm not Dawson, Joey. You can't pretend nothing's wrong and expect me not to notice the ache in your eyes."

There was along pause before her face fell and she looked away. "Can we please not talk about this?"


She glanced down at her now empty plate. "Don't make me do this."

"Give me a good reason not to?"

"Because when I'm ready to tell you, I will," she said locking her eyes with his.

"And what if you're ready too late?"

She let out a breath of relief as her food was placed in front of her and she asked for another soda. "It's not that serious a situation. I'm sure it'll all blow over soon enough."

"Then what's the big deal about telling me?" He asked. "Whatever it is, I can help, Jo."

"You can't help me, Jack. It's just something I have to deal with on my own." She motioned to the waitress and asked for a side order of garlic bread.

"Talking, helps. Regardless of the situation." He insisted.

"I really like Kris. A lot," Joey said gathering some ziti on her fork.

"Uh huh," Jack nodded. "But?"

"No but," Joey added grabbing a piece of garlic bread the moment it was placed in front of her. "I like him and I think it might actually evolve into a relationship."

"And the problem is where, then?"

"Um, no problem," she said chewing on her food.

"I don't know what makes you think I'm going to give up. Talk to me."

Joey dropped her bread onto her plate along with her fork and paused mid-chew, feeling queasy. "Hold that thought," she said hurriedly and pushed away from the table in a mad dash for the bathroom.

Jack followed behind her quickly, a worried frown on his face. He leaned against the wall just outside the woman's bathroom for her to return.

Joey pulled away from the toilet and wiped at her mouth embarrassedly before walking over to the sink and running the cold water. She splashed some on her face and quickly rinsed her mouth out before turning the water off. She stared at her reflection curiously and wiped her hands on one of the brown paper towels, tossing into one of the trashcans as she stepped out of the bathroom.

"Are you okay?" Jack questioned the moment she stepped through the door, a hand on her shoulder.

She shrugged uneasily and patted her stomach. "Yeah, I must have caught a stomach bug or something."

"You seemed fine a few minutes ago," he said warily.

"I know...Strange. God, anyway let's get back to the table before the food gets cold."

"You're still hungry?" He asked, walking with her back to their table.

"Yeah, well I just lost most of what I ate."

"O-kay." He slid back into the seat across from her. "Where were we?"

Joey picked at her ziti sparingly. "Want to get some ice cream after this?"

"Yeah, sure..." He agreed easily. "Joey, just because you were sick, doesn't mean we're done with our conversation."

"Damn, I was kind of hoping�"

"No such luck. I can be just as stubborn and bullheaded as you. Now tell me."

She took a tentative bite of her food. "Well I was kind of seeing someone before. Not anymore and I wasn't exactly honest with you because I never told you."

"That's not such a big deal, Jo." Jack said his voice soothing. "Just because we're friends, doesn't mean you need to share your entire love life with me."

She smiled quickly finishing up the ziti and moving on to the fettuccini. "Well, then that's good. There's your problem. I felt guilty."

"Because you didn't tell me who you were dating?"

She nodded solemnly twirling the noodles around the fork tines. "From keeping such an important thing from my best friend."

"There's no need." Jack shook his head, "So what happened?"

She shrugged casually and swallowed. "Um, nothing. It didn't work out."

"Why not?"

"It just didn't."

"What aren't you telling me, Joey?" Jack asked, "I know there's more to it. You wouldn't be this upset if it were."

"We wanted different things," Joey stated quickly.

"So, who was this mystery man?" Jack asked, taking a sip of his drink.

"No one you know."

He gave her a frustrated look, "Why don't you tell me the real problem Joey, because this guy obviously isn't what's bothering you."

"What are you talking about? I just did."

"That isn't the kind of problem that causes that look in your eyes. That's hardly a problem. Either there's more to it, or you're out right lying to me."

She dropped her fork in disgust. "God, Jack, just let it drop."

"No," he protested. "You would never, ever let something like this drop when it came to me. Do you remember what I was like after what happened with Chris? Do you remember how hard you pressed me to talk about it, even when I'd rather have gouged out my own eyes than talk."

She smiled sadly if anyone would be able to talk to her about this it'd be Jack. "Okay fine, but not here. Let's go get some ice cream and then I'll pour my heart out."

Jack sat back with a sigh, "Okay," he eyed her plate. "You're still hungry?"

She shrugged standing up. "I told you earlier I had a craving for some ice cream, didn't I?"

"Yeah, I just don't know how you'll possibly have room for it, even after you threw up." He shrugged, "But whatever you want."

"Okay, so you've got your ice cream..." Jack took a bite of his own mocha ice cream cone as he walked along one of the sidewalks in the nearby park with Joey.

"I have my ice cream," Joey said in acquiescence sticking her spoon in her hot fudge sundae with extra sprinkles.

"But I still haven't gotten any answers," he spoke quietly.

She sighed sitting down on one of the many wrought-iron benches that lined the park. "I don't want you to judge me because of what I'm going to say."

He sat beside her, a confused look on his face. "When have I ever?"

She offered a wane smile. "Yeah, well I wasn't just seeing someone these past few weeks. It was a little more involved than just casual dating, to tell you the truth we never even went out on an actual date."

"I'm a little confused, Jo." he said, looking at her. "So you just slept together?"

She nodded finding her ice cream incredibly interesting. "Yes, basically. He'd come over and we'd..."

"But...why?" Jack asked dumbfounded, "Why would you want to let some guy use you that way?"

She shrugged scooping up her sundae with her spoon. "It was a mutual understanding."

"I don't get it though. Why would you want a purely sexual relationship? That doesn't sound like you, Jo." He asked softly.

"Well, obviously it is me," she began with incredulous disbelief. "Because even I can find some way to screw up something as simple as that."

"What happened?" He asked, his voice low, the sourse of her pain slowly revealing itself.

She shrugged eating her ice cream slowly. "Nothing. It's over now."

" didn't want that?"

"Jack, I'm looking for a serious relationship now."

"And I take it he didn't want that?" Jack sighed.

She nodded making a considerable dent in her ice cream. "Not now or ever. I'm okay with that. I mean, I knew that going in. That was the point. I didn't want the hassle."

"So then what part of that has made you miserable?"

"I'm not miserable."

"Than how would you describe it?"

She looked thoughtfully at the ice cream in her hand. "I'm okay," she said before taking another spoonful.

"Your eyes tell me otherwise." He paused, "and for that matter, so does Pacey."

"Yeah, well what does Pacey know?"

Jack sighed, "So this guy you were sleeping with, he wanted to keep your relationship strictly sexual, and you wanted to find a real realationship. Have I got that straight?"

She nodded. "Straight."

"So when, exactly did you get hurt?"

Her face fell. "I didn't get hurt. I could have if I'd stayed."

"So, you ended things?"


"Sounds like you did the right thing. If you were feeling something for him..." Jack trailed off taking a bite of his rapidly melting ice cream.

"Yeah I know�" She nodded distractedly and shook her head. "Wait, no. I didn't feel anything."

He gave her a dubious look, "Too late, spill, Potter."

"Fine." She gave in exasperated. "I was starting to fall for him. Is that what you want to hear? That I fell for the worst possible person I could fall for. That I, Joey Potter, am a complete and total idiot who's in love with a guy that couldn't possibly care less?" She collapsed into tears.

"Oh, Jo." Jack threw his ice cream away in the nearby trash can and took hers out of her hands so he could embrace her.

She sniffled and pushed him away before leaning over the trashcan and emptying the remaining contents of her stomach. She pulled away and sat back wiping her mouth. "Take me home," she said weakly.

"Yeah, of course." He agreed, rubbing her back gently. He stood up and held out a hand to her. "Do you have the flu?" He asked quietly, putting his hand to her forehead.

She shrugged half-heartedly. "I don't know. I don't think I do."

"If this keeps up, you might want to see a doctor." He held her hand as they headed back for his car. "So, are you going to tell me who the guy is?"

She frowned and rested her head against his shoulder. "No one you know."

"Yeah, I know. I want to find out so I can go beat some sense into him." He kissed the top of her head lightly.

She smiled faintly. "That's okay, but thanks."

"What can I do for you, Jo?" He asked.

She shook her head and then nodded. "Actually...Can you not tell Pacey about this?"

"Not tell Pacey? About what?"

"Any of this."

"Why? I thought he already knew."

Joey stopped. "He told you?"

"Yeah, I thought I told you that already," Jack gave her a curious look. "He told me you needed someone to talk to and he was concerned about you. He sounded like he knew what had gone down."

"Oh. Well, he doesn't."

"Okay, I wont tell him, if you don't want me to. But, if anything, Jo. I think he could probably help." Jack said, as they neared his car.

"I don't."

Jack gave her a pecular look, "I know you guys have had your problems in the past, Jo. Don't think I was oblivous to all the fighting when we first found out him. But I thought you worked through that. I mean, you guys spent the entire night on the phone" He finished up quietly, things slowly beginning to add up in his mind.

She shrugged. "Yeah well..."

He stoped walking and caught her eye, "It's him, isn't it?" He asked softly.

Her eyes widened. "No."

Jack shook his head, "Don't lie to me, Joey. I can just as easily go ask him."

Her shoulders slumped. "Don't do that."

"Give me a reason not to." He unlocked the car doors.and got inside.

"Jack, if you love me at all, you won't," Joey said climbing into the passenger side seat and closing the door.

He closed his eyes and nodded. "Fine. I think that was answer enough."

She frowned and gazed at him. "Are you mad?" she asked quietly.

"No, a little hurt maybe." He looked over at her as he started the car. "More than anything, concerned for you."

She frowned even more and turned to gaze out the window. "Oh. I left my ice cream."

"I don't think you'd be able to keep it down, anyhow." He said touching her hand for a moment before pulling out.

"Yeah, you're probably right."

"This isn't a side affect from your period or anything is it?" he asked, entering the heaving mid-afternoon traffic.

"No, I mean at least I don't think it is."

When they reached a stop light, he put his hand to her forehead, "You don't feel overly warm. Was it something you ate, you think?"

"Maybe it's a stomach bug."

"I don't think you should go to work tomorrow." He told her.

"It's just a little stomach bug. I'm sure it'd be gone by tomorrow."

"Jo, maybe that's the problem. It could be that you're working too hard."

She frowned. "Doubtful."

"Just promise me that if you feel at all sick tomorrow, you'll stay home?" He gave her a look, when she opened her mouth to protest. "For me?"

She gave in reluctantly. "Done."

"Okay," he pulled up outside her building. "You want me to go up with you?"

She shook her head already opening up the door. "No that's okay." She leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thanks."

"Welcome, Jo." He replied. "And Jo? I'm here for you, regardless of who you love." She smiled thankfully at him and closed the door quietly behind her.

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