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Boys & Girls
by Dannie and Rinny

Disclaimer: Sorry to disapoint you, we do not own the characters of this story, we never have, and we never will. Those rights belong to Columbia Tristar Television, and various others.
Author's Note:This is the sequel to Untouched. The third book of the four book series. This takes place FOUR years after Untouched. Everything else pretty much ends up explained. Pacey and Joey haven't communicated at all.

Jack knocked roughly on the door to Joey's apartment late the next morning, he glaced over his shoulder at Pacey, who was leaning against the opposite wall, his arms crossed and an undeciferable look on his face.

Joey frowned and climbed out from under the two downy covers she had been using. She'd been cold last night and wore her favorite winter pj's to bed, the blue flannel two piece, and her hair hung limpy from her head. She spent most of the morning hovered over her toilet and had just now been able to get back to sleep when someone had decided to knock on her door. "Who is it?" she asked annoyed.

"Your very favorite homosexsual," Jack replied through the doorway.

Joey smiled and opened the door. "Bring me anything?" Jack moved out of the way to reveal Pacey. "I was thinking more along the lines of breakfast food." She walked over to her kitchen. "I have no breakfast food at all. Not even cereal. Not that it matters because I wouldn't be able to keep it down anyway."

"I'm sorry, Jo," Jack said. "I did bring you a muffin." He held out the white pastry bag. "I take it that bug hasn't gone away?" He and Pacey entered her apartment.

"Ooh a muffin," she said walking back over to Jack. "Thanks."

"Welcome. I called over at the gallery, and Lucy said you called it sick. So I took an early lunch and dragged Pacey here over with me."

"I look like crap," Joey mumbled brushing her hair behind her ear sulkily. "I'm going to order some Chinese food want anything?"

"No, don't do that." Pacey told her, "I can run out and get you anything you need."

"You sure? Because I can just call."

"Yeah, I have nothing better to do with my day."

She walked over to her phone and pulled out the menu she kept by it as she sat on her couch. "Um, you want anything Jack?"

"Yeah, just order me whatever you're having," he replied.

"Okay," Joey said scanning the menu.

"Unless," Jack stopped her, "You're going to order the whole menu again."

She gazed at him over the top of the paper. "Haha."

"Pace, you want anything?" Jack asked.

"No, I'll just order when I get there." He said, smiling half-heartedly.

"Okay, I think I want an egg roll," she said continuing to scan the menu.

"Got it. McPhee, the same?" Pacey asked, turning his gaze to his other brunette friend.

"Yeah, sure. That's fine." He answered distractedly, watching Joey.

"Wait, ooh and a hot and sour soup, an order of steamed dumplings, a small order of chicken and broccoli. Um, wait no, make that large and a small order of beef Lo Mein. Okay. That's it."

Pacey's eyes widened, "On second thought, I don't got it. You'd better write that down, or your liable not to get half of it."

She rolled her eyes and reached over for the pad and paper, she kept by the phone. "It's not that hard." She quickly jotted down her order. "Oh, and can you stop by the store and get me some orange juice?"

"Of course, and anything else you need. But why don't we save the grocery shopping until later, so we're not cutting into Jack's lunch break? Like I said, I have all day."

"Okay. That's fine."

"And I only want the eggrole and steamed veggies," Jack added.

Pacey smiled, "Alright," he took the order from Joey. "I'll be back soon."

She brought her feet up under her and smiled at Jack. "Okay."

Jack regarded Joey quietly as she watched Pacey leave, "Yeah, you seem really in love there, Jo." He commented.

She tilted her head to the side. "What?"

"How's he supposed to know how you feel if you barely agknowledge the guy?"

"He's not," she responded easily.

Jack sighed and sat back on the couch, watching her carefully, his brow knit, as she opened up the bag containing her blueberry muffin.

She broke a piece of the muffin off and put it in her mouth. She closed her eyes as she chewed and savored. "Mmm...Thanks I'm starved. I spent most of my morning hunched over the toilet."

"No problem," he mumbled, watching her eat, a troubled look on his face. "How did you feel last night, Jo? Did you throw up at all then?"

She shook her head breaking off another piece of muffin. "Um, it was pretty much okay. I was cold. My back is killing me. I think I slept wrong."

He paled slightly, "Um, Jo, have you ever considered that maybe there's not something wrong, health wise?"

She looked at him strangely pausing mid-chew. "Oh yeah, because feeling like this is just normal."

"It is if you're pregnant."

Her mouth fell open in surprise. "I-I'm not pregnant."

"Ya sure? The cravings, the morning sickness, the chills, the back aches...when was the last time you had your period?"

Joey got off the couch and hurried over to her bedroom to check her calendar. "I can't be pregnant. I'm on the pill."

"It's not fool proof, you know that." He followed behind her.

She frowned running her hand over the dates on the calendar. She pulled away and collapsed onto her bed. "It's only a few days late. It can still come," she said weakly.

"Wouldn't you rather find out for sure?"

She gazed up at him panicked. "What am I going to do?"

"First things first, have Pacey pick up a pregnancy test when he goes out to get you some groceries."

"Are you crazy?! There's no way I'm asking Pacey to get me a pregnancy test." She walked over to her closet and began pulling on her clothes. "I'll just go myself."

"What, and puke on innocent bystanders in the street?" Jack put a hand on her arm to stop her. "He deserves to know, Joey."

She yanked her arm away. "No. I need to know for sure first."

"So you're just going to up and leave?" He asked.

"You're right. That'll look suspicious because he's going to come back�That's why you're going to go and pick one up for me," she said.

"Joey...this is something he should be doing. You know, his sperm, your egg, not Jack's anything?"

"Jack's my friend. Jack loves me. Jack will do me this really big favor and tell Pacey nothing?" Her brown eyes were pleading.

"Ughhh! You are so lucky I have no spine." He grumbled.

She grinned brightly and wrapped her arms around him, placing a quick kiss on his cheek. "Thank you so much."

"Don't thank me, give me money," He frowned.

She went for her purse and pulled out a twenty. "Get at least three. I want to be absolutely sure."


"I don't want to take any chances," she explained logically. "That way I'll know for sure."

"Okay, three it is." He sighed.

"Good." She began to push him to the door. "Now go before Pacey comes back."

"I'm going, I'm going." he headed for the door. "Be back soon."

"Okay," she said tiredly.

He shut the door behind him and headed off to the nearest drug store.

She sighed leaning against the back of the door. There was no way she could be pregnant. She began to pace thinking of a million different reasons of why Jack could be wrong. First, she was on the pill. Second, it could just be a stomach flu. Third, there was no way in hell she could be pregnant because it...just wasn't possible. Well, it was possible in the technical sense...but she couldn't be pregnant.

She wasn't ready to be a mother. She was not mother material. She wasn't even married. She wasn't even engaged. God, she wasn't even seeing anyone. And if there was even the slightest possible chance that she was pregnant...She sank to the floor not even wanting to entertain the idea.

What seemed like just minutes later, there was a knock her door. And Pacey's voice declaring he'd returned. Joey's eyes widened. "Fuck," she muttered. Jack wasn't even back yet. She opened the door for him.

"Hey, Potter." He smiled his greeting and carried the bags into her kitchen. "I think I got everything you wanted." He told her and started unpacking the food.

She forced a small smile. "Thanks."

He looked around a little, "Where's Jackers?"

"Um, he went to the store," she said quickly. "To get something to drink."

"Oh," he checked his watch. "I hope he hurries back, he's gonna be late for work otherwise."

She shifted uncomfortably. "Well...I'm sure he'll be back as soon as he can."

"You okay?" He quirked an eyebrow at her, "Are you going to be sick again?"

She shook her head swiftly. "Um, nope. I'm fine."

"Okay, you were looking a little weird." He looked down at the food. "Should we dig in or wait for Jack?"

Joey glanced at the front door anxiously and bit her lip. "Um, let's eat. I'm starved."

"Think you'll be able to keep it down?" he asked, watching her carefully.

She nodded walking over to the table. "I should be fine."

"Dig in then," He opened a carton of steamed rice and grabbed a spoon from her silverware drawer.

"Can you get me a fork?" Joey said looking for the carton of Lo Mein as she bit into an egg roll.

He handed her the desired utencil before joining her at the table.

Joey watched the door nervously waiting for Jack to come back. "So, um, what's new?"

"Not much." He took a bite of rice. "Aside from the whole Shane/Jack drama."

"Oh yeah, how's that going?" Joey asked starting in on her Lo Mein.

"I don't know, neither of them will talk to me about it. Shane came home early Saturday night and went straight to his room. He wouldn't say a word to me about whatever happened."

She raised an eyebrow. "Oh...Well, I talked to Jack."

"Yeah? Was he anymore forthcoming with details?"

"I'm not telling you what he told me," Joey answered immediately.

"And why not?" He asked.

"Because it'd be wrong."

"Yeah, but if you know something then we may be able to help them."

She shook her head. "Don't think so," she said thinking of all the things Jack had on her.

"I know Shane, Jo. For the first time in his life, I think he's found someone he really cares about. And, like the moron he is, he somehow ruined it." Pacey opened a carton of cashew chicken.

"I know, Jack and he'll kill me if he knew I said anything."

"Suich yerself," he said with his mouth full. He swallowed, "I'll ask him myself later then. I can't stand to see Shane that way anymore, or the look in Jack's eyes."

She frowned dropping her fork inside her container and brought her hand to her mouth. "Oh God." She pulled away from the table and ran to the bathroom.

Pacey followed quickly behind her, and caught up to find her kneeling in front of the toilet as her stomach heaved. He carefully pulled her hair away and rubbed her back, a worried frown on his face.

"Thanks," she mumbled flushing the toilet and stood up. She walked over to the bathroom sink and began to brush her teeth.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" He asked, hovering in the doorway.

'Jack to hurry up and come back with those pregnancy tests,' she thought. "Um, nothing," she said leaning over and rinsing out her mouth.

"I don't think you should eat anything more, Jo."

"Why not?" she asked turning off the water.

"You can't keep anything down!" He said, thinking it was obvious.


"So, you shouldn't eat anymore. In fact, you probably shouldn't even be on your feet."

She rolled her eyes. "I'm sick, not an invalid."

"Sick people don't get well unless they have rest." He told her.

"I didn't go to work today. Isn't that enough? I'm not going to stay in bed all day. It's boring."


"But it's boring," she whined.

"Come on. I'll entertain you, I promise."

She eyed him dubiously. "You're not going to strip for me are you?"

"And risk the chance of making you even more sick? No way." He shook his head as he took her hand and pulled her from the bathroom.

She smiled. "Good."

"Gee, thanks." He led her into her bedroom and held open the covers for her to climb into.

"Ugh, my back hurts," Joey complained as she got in the bed.

"You want me to rub it?" he offered, tucking the convers in around her.

"You promise not to make it worse?"

"I'll try, but I'm no professional massuse. You want to go through the blanket's or what?" He asked, trying to figure out if she'd be comfortable if he just crawled into bed with her.

She shrugged. "I don't care just make the pain go away."

He nodded and kicked of his shoes, moving to the other side of her bed, he climbed in. "Where does it hurt?"

"Lower back," she mumbled.

She lay flat on her stomach her face turned away from him. He settled close to her on his side, he smoothed a hand down her back, and started making small circles with his fingers on her lower back. "Here?"

She nodded against the pillow. "Mmm...yeah, right there."

His circles grew wider, and he slowly added more pressure. "So, ya heard the one about the one-legged transvestite?" He asked.

She smiled faintly. "Hmm...Can't say that I have."

He chuckled, "That makes two of us."

"Smart ass," she commented.

He smiled, "Hey, I'm trying to keep you entertained here. Not my fault my jokes suck."

"Oh. Ooh. Right there," she said as he massaged a particularly tense spot.

"And here I was, thinking I'd never hear you say that again," he teased, paying special attention to that specific spot.

"Mm, bite me," she mumbled.

"Only when you ask nicely." He told her.

"Whatever. Move up a little higher."

He complied. "Knock, knock."

She rolled her eyes. "Who's there?"

"The interupting cow."

She released an exasperated breath. "'The interupt-"

"Moo." He interjected.

She laughed. "How old are you, five?"

"At heart." He answered simply.

She paused thoughtfully and bit down on her lip, glad that he couldn't see her face. "Do you ever think about having another kid?"

"Yeah, sometimes." He answered quietly.

There was a knock on her door. Joey climbed out of bed hurriedly hoping it was Jack and thankful for the interruption.

"I'm back," Jack smiled as Joey opened the front door to him. He held out a bag for her. "I wasn't sure if you wanted three different ones, or all the same brand so I got two of the same and one... diff...erent." He said, trailing off as Pacey appeared from behind her.

Joey snatched the bag from him and looked inside. "No, I think that'll be fine."

"So...Pacey. I take it lunch is here?" Jack smiled, hoping to take the focus off of Joey.

"Yeah, we started without ya, man. But she only got through one eggroll before it came back up for a visit."

"Oh, Jo..." Jack gave her a sympathetic look. "You should lie down."

"Um..." She gazed down at the bag in her hand anxious to get this over with. "Oh yeah. Know what I just remembered? I don't have any, um, apples."

"You need apples now?" Pacey asked her dubiously.

She nodded. "Yes. Yes, I do. I need them right now."

"Okay, apples, orange juice, cereal... anything else?" He asked.

She shook her head. "Nope. That about covers it."

"Okay, I'll be back in a few." He shrugged, "Jack, you have a hell of a lot of food to eat." He turned back as he reached the door, "Don't let her eat any of it." The door clicked shut behind him.

Jack turned to Joey, already making her way towards the bathroom. "You want to do one now?"

"Yes! I mean, there's no way I can wait any longer."

"Okay...I guess I'll be out here, stuffing myself, if you need me."

She began to open up one of the packages. "So all I have to do is pee on this little stick and in about a minute, I'll know?"

"Yeah, I grabbed the easiest ones I could find." He nodded.

Joey sat on the edge of her bathtub anxiously before standing up and sitting back down. She repeated the process a few more times before finally sitting again. She chewed on her lower lip nervously and wringed her hands in her lap. "I can't look."

There was a knock on the bathroom door, "Jo, you've been in there a long time." Jack said gently from the other side, "Pacey's going to be back any minute."

She got up and opened the door for Jack. "I can't do it. You look for me."

"Me?" He stepped into the bathroom and closed the door behind him.

She shook her head fearfully. "I'm scared, Jack."

"I know, Joey." He said softly, taking her hand as he turned the three sticks over one by one.

She licked her lips nervously. "So what's the verdict?"

"I, uh, don't know. But they're all the same." He answered with a sheepish smile. "What do two lines mean?"

Joey scrambled for the box and quickly read the directions. She dropped them and sat down on the edge of her bathtub. Her eyes became glassy. "I'm pregnant."

"Oh, Joey..." He knelt by her side and wrapped his arms around her."It's gonna be okay."

She started to cry. "God, Jack. I'm pregnant," she said not use to the word. "I'm going to be a mom."

"You're going to make a wonderful mother, Jo. And Pacey'll make a great father." He smoothed her hair.

She sniffled. "What the hell am I going to do? I'm not ready for a kid."

"You'll do the best you can." He took her hand, "Come on, let's go to the bedroom. Let me put you to bed, and when Pacey get's back I'll tell him you're asleep so he stays out of your hair for the day, okay?"

She nodded mutely, tears still streaming down her face. "Okay." He threw the used pregnancy tests in the garbage on their way out.

"No worries, okay?" He told her, walking her to her bedroom. "You'll be fine, and I'm here to help you."

"What am I going to do, Jack?" she asked quietly. "What am I supposed to tell him?"

"The truth," he answered quietly. "You'll work something out." She frowned as she climbed into bed. "Don't worry too much right now," he advised, brushing his thumb over the worry lines on her forhead. "Just get used to the idea that you have a baby growing inside you. There's plenty of time to think about how Pacey will react later."

"I don't know if I can ever get used to it." She tried to smile at him. "Thanks."

"Your welcome," he bent down and kissed her forehead. "You know, Joey." He paused, thinking about his nearly non-existant chances of fatherhood. "Being a mom, even unexpectedly, is a blessing."

She grimaced. "Lets hope so."

The faint sounds of Pacey knocking on the door drifted to them. "Okay," Jack rose from his seated position. "I'm going to go intercept him. Then I've got to get back to work. I'll call you tonight, alright?"

She nodded softly. "Alright and thanks again. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Jack? Jo?" Pacey called, entering her apartment when no one came to the door.

Jack shut the door of Joey's bedroom behind him as he stepped out and motioned Pacey to be quiet. "She fell asleep."

Pacey sighed, his brow knitting, "I wish she'd go and see a doctor."

Jack looked away. "I think she's going to."

"That's good." He held up the back, "Did she happen to mention why she needed apples?"

He shrugged. "Maybe she felt like having apples."

"Okay," he shrugged and started unloading the groceries he'd bought.

Jack glanced at his watch purposely. "Maybe we should go. I have to get back to work and Joey needs her rest."

"I think I'm just going to hang around here for a while." he gestured to the table, "Clean up for her and whatever."

"Are you sure that's a good idea? I think she just wants to be alone right now. Because. She's sick." Jack mentally kicked himself for how stupid that sounded.

"Someone should be here if she needs anything, then." Pacey said.

"I'm sure, she'll be fine. She'll be over it soon enough." 'In about nine months,' Jack finished in his head.

"Fine," he gave in. "Soon as I clean up here, I'll leave."

Jack released a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding and smiled relieved. "Good. Okay, then I should get going before I'm any later. Just make sure you lock up behind you."

"I will, Bye Jackers." Pacey gave him a small wave. He felt slightly guilty about lying to Jack, but he was only going to leave when he was sure Joey was okay.

"Catch you later," Jack said as he shut the door behind him.

Pacey turned to the cold chinese food on the kitchen table, and with a sigh started to clean. He frowned as he worked, he wasn't supposed to care like this. He wasn't supposed to want to take care of her. With an angry grumble he threw the empty containers in the garbage.

Joey sighed as she heard her front door close and she brought a hand to her stomach, placing her palm flat against the warm skin. She inhaled deeply and exhaled. She was pregnant. She was having a baby. She couldn't quite wrap her mind around the idea that she was going to be a mom. Sure, before she had told Jack that she had wanted a baby but that was more sometime in the distant future when she was married and had a house; when she was ready.

Her eyes began to well with tears. What was she going to do? She wasn't ready for this. What was Pacey going to say? She had told him she was on the pill. What if he thought she had done this on purpose or something to trap him? What if he didn't want her to have it?

She turned onto her side holding her stomach protectively. Did she want to have it? She knew there were things she could do if she didn't want to have this baby. She could have an abortion. She frowned and bit down on her lip. Did she really want that? Could she really just get rid of their baby?

She clamped her mouth shut to hold back a sob. God, what was she going to do? There was so many things she had to think of. So many things that changed now. So many questions she had to answer. She wished Jack was there so he could hold her and she didn't have the energy to call Bessie and talk to her about it. She sniffled and sat up, climbing off the bed she walked over to her purse and pulled out her phone book. First things first, she'd call her doctor and make an appointment, and make this official.

Three hours later, Pacey had cleaned the kitchen and the living room. Having run out of things to do, he'd settled himself in front of her television set at sat idly watching General Hospital.

Joey hung up the phone with a sigh; Bessie wasn't even home. Her stomach growled. She was starving. She smirked, climbing out of bed, at least she now she knew why she couldn't keep anything down. She wondered if there was any food left, if anything she'd just call and order more. She could go for some soup.

Pacey looked over his shoulder when he heard her bedroom door open and close. "Hey, Potter." He said, when she came into view.

Joey's eyes widened. "What are you doing here?"

"I cleaned up for you," he gestured to the kitchen. "I didn't think you'd be up for it."

She shrugged shuffling over to the kitchen and opening her fridge. "Did you save any of the food?"

"Yeah, most of it." He rose and followed her into the kitchen. "And your apples are in there."

"Thanks," she said pulling out an apple and a container of Chinese food. She grabbed a fork from the drawer.

"Are you sure you should eat?"

She smirked. "I'm sure."

"I take it you're feeling better then, Potter?" He asked wryly, opening the refridgerator and pulled out an apple for himself.

She raised an eyebrow digging into her chicken and broccoli. "That's a relative term."

"Okay, then relativly speaking, how do you feel?"

"Ravenous," she said taking a bite out of the broccoli on her fork.

"When was the last time you were able to keep any of your food down?"

She laughed. "Um, it's been a while."

"For your sake, I hope that agrees with you." He gestured to her food, then took a bite of his apple. "How's your back feel?"

She shrugged. "I can deal with it. You sure you don't have anywhere else to be?"

"Nope. And sadly if being forced to choose between a sick Joey and a moping Shane...well, I'm here, aren't I?" He smiled.

She smiled faintly. "I don't know if I should be flattered or insulted."

"For my sake, I hope flattered."

She frowned and pushed the food around in the container disinterestedly. "I think I'm just going to go back to bed."

"You want company?" He teased, arching an eyebrow comically at her.

She smiled sadly. "You're no Jack but I guess you'll have to do."

He gave her a funny look, having expected her to hit him, or at the least call him a pig. "Could you really handle having two Jacks?"

"I don't think Jack could handle two Jacks."

He laughed, "At least he wouldn't be lonely."

She shrugged. "Yeah, well..."

"Come on, Potter." he sensed her discomfort, "I'll put you back to bed."

She sighed reluctantly. "Fine."

He took her mostly uneaten carton of brocolli and put it back in the fridge. He turned back to her. "Well, so far, so good. You haven't bolted for the bathroom yet."

She shrugged again. "Yeah..."

He turned and faced her, "Okay, what'd I do?"

Joey looked at him strangely. "What?"

"Is it something I said?" He asked, "All of a sudden I'm only getting one word replies from you. Did I do something wrong?"

Her cheeks flushed embarrassedly and she glanced away uncomfortable. "I'm just not feeling too well that's all."

"Yeah, I know that. If you want me to go, I will." He told her, "If you want to be alone, just say so and I'll get out of your hair. I just thought I was being a friend, that's what you said you wanted."

She frowned. "I'm sorry."

"There's nothing to be sorry for, Joey. Just tell me what you want."

She snickered; if only it were that easy but right now what she really did need was a friend. "I want to go to bed," she answered honestly. "And I'd really like it if you'd stay with me as a friend."

He nodded, "Okay, I can do that." He held out his hand to her, "You are a confusing woman, Josephine. Healthy or not."

"Why do you put up with me?" she asked with feign interest.

"Good question," He replied, heading with her towards her bedroom.

"No, I mean really," Joey said climbing back into her bed. "Why do you bother?"

He sat on the edge of the bed beside her. "I donno," he shrugged.

She sighed sitting back on her legs. "You don't?"

He gave her a half-smile, "I think it's maybe because there are three people in my life I can count as friends...and two of them are gay."

She smiled. "And the third?"

"Well, she's feeling pretty rotten today," He smiled, "So I thought I'd take care of her, you know."

She grinned. "So you going to go see her after you leave here?"

"Of course, she needs me. The poor girl."

Joey lay on her back, her hair splayed out behind her. "Oh, well then don't let me keep you."

"Naw, You can keep me. I don't think she likes me very much right now." He stood up and moved around the bed so he could lay on the covers beside her.

She gasped in mock shock. "How can anyone not like you?"

"I don't know, something about me not being good in bed," he shrugged smiling to himself.

"Oh, well good point."

He smirked, "If you weren't sick, Potter..."

She laughed. "You'd what?"

"I'd be forced to convice you otherwise." He took her remote and flicked on the small television in her room.

She smiled and flipped onto her stomach. "Unless you can work a miracle that ain't going to happen. Besides that comment was made from personal experience."

He rolled his eyes, "So that's why you kept coming back for more."

She started to examine her nails. "That's why I ended it."


"Just call them as I see them."

"You always have, don't stop on my account."

She rolled onto her back and began to undo some of the buttons to her flannel top. "I'm hot. I think I'm going to take a shower." She placed the palm of her hand on her stomach.

"Okay, but why don't you save getting undressed for the bathroom, huh?" He gave her a confused look.

"Why? Scared you won't be able to resist me," she teased toying with one of the few remaining buttons.

"Exactly." He told her matter-of-factly. "Take it to the bathroom."

"You sure?" she asked as she undid the last button and held the top closed with her hands

He arched an eye brow at her, "Are you propositioning me, Potter?"

"Hmm..." She sat up. "Better go take that shower."

He nodded, looking back at the TV, "If you want company, you know who to ask."

"Why? You have Ben Affleck's number?"

"As a matter of fact..." He smirked.

Joey dropped her hands to her sides. "Oops."

"You, my dear Josephine," he flipped the television off, "Are a tease."

She smiled coquettishly. "It was an accident. Anyway," she began to get off the bed. "I'm going to get that shower."

He grabbed her arm to stop her, "What are we doing Jo?" He asked her seriously. "I thought you wanted friendship. And last I checked, friends don't flirt and flash each other."

Her eyes clouded over imperceptibly. "Says who?"

"You did."

"It was my decision before and now it's my decision again."

"And I get no say?"

She tilted her head to the side thoughtfully. "What's your suggestion?"

"My suggestion, Jo," He caught her chin with his hand. "Is that you stop playing with me." He told her softly.

She raised an eyebrow. "Playing with you?"

He nodded, "Decide what you want, and stick with it. I can't keep doing this, Jo."

She glanced away. "Why not?"

"Because one minute you want one thing, and the next another. I'm not a mind reader, Jo, and, forgive me for being a moron, but it's exhausting trying to be what you want, when you yourself don't seem to know."

She dropped her gaze to her comforter. "I thought we were having fun. No strings attached."

"We were, until you started getting undressed. I was under the impression, that that wasn't the kind of fun you wanted to be having with me anymore."

"Maybe I changed my mind," Joey retorted.

"Maybe. But is it going to stay changed?"

She shrugged. "Why do you care so much? It's just sex right?"

"It's not that, it's going from sex to friendship to sex to friendship and back over and over again that bothers me." He sighed, "Look, you know I want you. For some inconcievable reason I am- I can't resist you. No matter how hard I try, I can just barely manage hold myself in check. The more you toy with me, the harder it is. So, please, just make a decision, a final decison, so I can either ravish you or go back to watching "Friends".

Joey climbed off the bed and walked over to the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.

With a groan he fell back on the bed. Had there ever a time when he was capable of doing something right? He didn't want her mad at him, a little to late for that, he supposed, turning the TV on to wait for her return.

She closed the bathroom door softly behind her as she stepped into the bedroom. She casually leaned against the doorframe and cleared her throat. Pacey shifted his eyes away from the tv to her naked form. Her skin was still damp from the shower, a few water droplets slid down her body, catching the late afternoon light. He swallowed with difficulty as his eyes drifted over her lithe body, "Jo?" He asked, his eyes lifting to meet her eyes.

"Can you resist me now, Pacey?" she asked softly.

"Why would I want to?" He murmured, flicking the TV off as he rose from the bed. He crossed the distance between them and lifted a hand to caress her cheek. "You sure this is what you want?" he whispered.

She nodded, reveling in the feel of his hand against her skin. "Yes."

He nodded, lowering his lips to hers. He cupped her face in his hands as he moved his lips over hers. She moaned softly, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling herself closer to him. He wound his arms around her back, he opened his mouth under hers. He shivered as her tounge slid into his mouth and her nails grazed the skin at the nape of his neck.

She grimaced and pushed him away, hurrying into the bathroom and slamming the door behind her. She lifted the lid of her toilet and immediately began to empty the contents of her stomach.

Pacey opened the door and followed in behind her. With a worried frown, he poured her a cup of water to rinse her mouth. He knelt beside her, and wiped the corners of her mouth with a piece of toilet paper.

Her eyes welled with tears as she watched him. "You should go."

"No," He shook his head, and kissed her forehead, "I'm staying."

"I'm probably going to spend the night over the toilet�"

"Then I'll spend the night over the toilet with you." He murmured, running a few fingers through her still damp hair.

She sniffled and smiled faintly. "You will?"

"Yeah, I will. They don't need me at work that badly." He pulled her up, "Come on, lets get some warm pajamas on you."


"Don't thank me. Where are your pajamas and underwear?"

"Top dresser drawer."

He opened the drawer and pulled out a pair of blue cotton panties and a warm looking night gown.

She sat down on the edge of her bed nervously. "You don't have to do this."

"Do what?" He asked handing them to her. "You want socks to keep your feet warm?"

"Stay here. With me," she said slipping her pajama over her head.

"You want me to go?" He asked.

She shook her head. "No."

"Then what's the problem?" He held open the blankets for her. She shrugged sliding in under them. "Is there anything you need? A 7-Up might help settle your stomach."

"I really don't think that's going to help."

"Why not, it couldn't hurt."

"Just this feeling I have. Don't worry. I'll be fine."

"Okay, you want to sleep, or watch tv? Hey, we could even try that talking thing I've heard so much about."

She smiled weakly. "I don't care."

"Okay," he joined her on the bed. "You have to have a preference. TV, no TV? Pacey opens his big mouth and makes you mad or he keeps quiet so you can sleep?"

"TV will be fine."

"You have a preference or is Friends ok?" He relaxed against her pillows as he lay across her blankets.

"Um, Friends is fine."

He tuned to the right channel. "Someone's being awfully agreeable."

She shrugged. "I'm just tired," she lied.

"You wanna sleep?"

"I'll just watch television until I fall asleep."

He nodded and handed her the remote, "I'll even let you have the remote," he smiled at her.

"How generous of you to give me the remote to my TV in my apartment."

"Hey, it takes a lot for a man to reliquish the control of a remote." He chuckled, "It's like losing a part of the anatomy."


He crossed his arms loosely over his chest and tuned into the televison, trying not to worry too much about her.

Joey sighed snuggling against him and resting her head against his chest as she aimlessly flipped through the channels. "'Friends' it is."

He moved his arm around her shoulders running her drying hair through his fingers idly. "How many seasons did this show run?" he asked disbelievingly.

She shrugged. "Hell if I know."

"I never really liked Ross," he mumbled.

She laughed lightly. "There'd be a problem if you did."

He chuckled, the laughter rumbling through his chest. "You can vouch for my sexuality though, can't you?"

"Oh, I don't know...Two gay best friends, and one of them even wanted to date you..."

"Too bad I'm taken."

She laughed in disbelief and pulled away to look at his face. "By who?"

He bit his lip for moment, wishing he hadn't let that slip out. "No one."

"That's what I thought," she teased, resting her head back on his chest.

" one." He repeated under his breath rubbing her shoulder lightly through the material of her night gown.

"Just the way you like it."

"Hmmm...Just the way I liked it."

"Mmmm..." she said softly raising a hand to her mouth and masking a small yawn. "Liked?"

"Yeah...I donno," he shrugged. "It gets lonely at times."

She smiled faintly. "Gee, you almost sounded human there."

"And I didn't before?"

"I plead the fifth."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" he pulled back to get a better look at her face.

"Nothing," Joey said pretending to be enthralled with the television.

"I'm trying to decide if I should let that go or not." He settled back against her.

"Well, it's no secret how you feel about relationships," Joey couldn't help but add.

"Yeah, and why is that, you think, Jo?"

"Enlighten me."

"I don't trust women."

She clicked her tongue behind her teeth. "Why not?"

"Well...there was this one..." he started, "The love of my life..."

Joey yawned. "Want some cheese to go with that whine?"

"Nope, thanks." He replied.

She glanced down at her nails. "Besides if anyone should not trust the opposite sex, it's me."

"What, exactly, is it about your nails that's so fasinating?" he asked. "And you can't distrust the entire male sex based on your life with Dawson."

"But you can distrust the whole female population based on your bad experience?" Joey countered.

"If it were only one bad experiance, then no."


"Let's just watch TV," he tried to concentrate on Monica and Chandler.

She flipped the television off and pulled away to look at him. "Are you trying to avoid this conversation?"

"Would I do such a thing?" He asked, reaching for the remote.

"Seems like you are."

"What's to avoid?" He attempted to grab the remote from her. "Can we just watch the show?"

"Don't think so." She moved the remote out of his reach. "You tell me."

"Nothing to tell," he grumbled.

"Then why are you so upset?" she sing-songed.

"Cause you bug me."

"You looove me," she teased.

"Not unless you turn Friends back on." He threatened.

She shook her head. "Well, that's just going to be a risk I have to take."

"Suit yourself," He crossed his arms over his chest.

She smirked. "You're such a big baby."

"If I agree can we end the conversation?"

"Agree that you're being a baby?"



"Okay, I'm being a baby. There, we done?" He asked hopefully.

She shook her head enjoying this far too much. "Nope."

"You're annoying me."

"I know."

"What exactly is it you want to know, Potter?"

She sat up in bed bringing her knees up to her chest. "Hmm...let's start with your issues with woman. C'mon, it'll be therapeutic. Then you can tell me about how your dad never loved you and stuff," she teased.

"I have issues with women." He said, "There, how's that?"

She clicked her tongue behind her teeth thoughtfully. "Do you know why?"



"Hmm...where to start," He said sarcastically, "The first person I ever thought I loved cheated on me with a mental patient. Then the love of my life, the one person I actually loved, lied to me about sleeping with my best friend. Somehow believing that was for my own good. Then, I go off to college, meet a girl, get her pregnant, get married and then our daughter," he stumbled over his words slightly, "Our daughter dies. I pull away from Miranda, she turns to the bottle as a result. The relationship ends in divorce. Then, a few years later, I meet up with an old high school pal, and take my second stab at a real realtionship since said 'love of my life'. That starts out to be very promising until said 'love' needs rescuing from ex-best friend."

He paused momentarily, his tone softening. "I end up falling for her again, and she ends up falling into my bed. Come morning both the love of my life and said high school pal have skipped town." He gave her hard look, "There, that explaination enough for you, Therepist Potter?"

She nodded her head slowly surprised by his honesty. "And now?"

"What about now?" He asked, "I don't let myself get close to anyone with a uterus." He shrugged, looking away, "Or at least, I didn't."

"What changed?" she asked softly.

"What changed? I came across said love of my life again. Who, apprently, has no idea how badly she hurt me once upon a time."

"She must be a real bitch," Joey commented lightly glancing down at her hands. "Besides you haven't finished yet."

"She's not. What else do you want to know?"

She kept her gaze down unable to look at him. "Why would you want her in your life after all that's happened?"

Pacey looked down at his hands, wishing he hadn't been so honest with her. "Because, she's still that same woman I fell in love with, despite how the years have treated her." He replied ambigiously. He wasn't quite ready to delve inside his heart to figure out the full answer to that question.

"Oh," she said unsure of how to respond.

"Great, okay. So we done psycho-analyzing me?"

"Just one more question," she said trying to hide her smile.


She climbed on top of him, straddling him. She smiled. "You still ticklish?"

He laughed, "You trying to find out?" He asked, fighting off her fingers.

She giggled tickling his sides. "You are."

He laughed and squirmed beneath her touch, "Now the real question is are you?"

"Um, nope," she said with a laugh.

"Really? Cause I seem to recall a rather sensitve spot, right..." His hands drifted to either side of her legs since she was still straddling him, and he grazed his nails over the back's of her knees as she continued attacking his sides. "There."

Her eyes widened in surprise and she brought her hands to her mouth to stop herself from giggling at his touch, she immediately tensed to protect herself.

"Say uncle?" He asked, moving one hand up to tickle her side.

She shook her head stubbornly and laughed. "Never."

He smiled up at her, brushing her hair over her shoulder tenderly. "You are so stubborn."

She smiled down at him lopsidedly. "So I've been told."

His hands came to rest lightly on her hips, she seemed perfectly content to continue sitting on his stomach. He kept smiling at her, "One day you'll listen."

"Yeah, well..." She bit down on her lower lip and grimaced. "Oww."

"What?" He asked, his eyes squinting in concern.

"Cramp," she muttered her hand clutching her lower stomach.

"You wanna lay down?"

She nodded beginning to climb off him. "Yeah."

He turned on his side and placed his hand on her stomach, "There?" He asked, rubbing small circles into her abdomen.

She nodded softly. "Yeah."

"Just a cramp or are you going to be sick again?" He asked gently, continuing his ministrations.

She shook her head nestling further against the pillows. "Mmm...just cramps." She sighed softly. "That feels good."

"Good, it's not supposed to hurt." He teased lightly.

She smiled sleepily, her eyes fluttering shut as the pain began to gradually dissipate. He smiled softly and kissed her cheek. "You need sleep." He slowed his movements over her stomach.

She nodded her eyes still closed as fatigue began to work its way over her. "Sleep," she mumbled.

He relaxed beside her, his hand still resting on her stomach as she fell asleep. His eyes clouded slightly as he watched her breathing even out. This was bad...this was really bad. It was becoming harder and harder for him to remember why loving Joey was supposed to be a bad thing.

To Be Continued...

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