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Part Thirty
by Ashley Z and Rinny

"Oh my God," Joey inhaled deeply as she came home from her first day back from work. "That smells heavenly." She kicked off her high heels, leaving them at the door and went in search of Pacey in the kitchen. "What is it?"

He smiled over at her, "Food."

"No food smells like that. You had to use...magic or something." Her stomach rumbled and she licked her lips as she approached him, sliding her arms around him from behind.

He turned in her arms, "You know, if I didn't know better, I would think you are happy to see me."

"I'm very happy to see you," she pushed up on her toes and gave him a long, hard kiss. "Even happier because you're cooking."

He smiled, "You only want me for my culinary skills. Aren't you even going to ask where your daughter is?"

"I was getting to that," she murmured, kissing his neck.

"You still haven't asked."

"Where's my baby?" She asked, sliding her arms down his back to cup his ass, giving him an innocent look. "Sleeping?"

He licked his lips, "Yes, as a matter of fact. And if you do that again, I'm gonna take you on that table."

A wave of awareness surged through her veins and she blinked up at him before giving him a long slow kiss, her tongue slipping into his mouth. She gave his ass one quick squeeze for good measure and then stepped away, "I wouldn't want dinner to burn."

"The stove can be turned off," he said grabbing her wrist and pulled her back to him, kissing her thoroughly as his fingers wove through her hair.

"It should scare me that you're turned on this easily," she murmured against his mouth.

"It's your fault," he mumbled as his lips moved down her neck. "I was content with cooking dinner and then you came in and interrupted me."

"I offered to leave," she reminded him, biting her lip as he found that tiny spot below her ear that made her knees weak.

"Yeah, well, I want you to stay."

She smiled, running her hands over his back and then up under his shirt, feeling the warm skin beneath her palms. "I believe that's the most romantic thing you've said to me in years," she teased, pressing her body closer to his.

He reached behind him and turned off the eyes of the stove, then backed her up against the table, "Well, I'm full of romance."

"We have to eat on this table later, you know," she reminded him with a smile as she push aside the newspaper that was spread across the surface and slid onto it.

He nodded, "Well aware of that, actually."

She reached forward and grabbed the cotton of his shirt, pulling him toward her. "Just so you're sure."

He slid his hands up her skirt, "I'm very sure."

"I'm beginning to think you have a fetish for kitchen tables," she murmured into his ear, her tongue slipping past her lips to trace the shell of his ear.

He grabbed her shirt and pulled it over her head, "Could be."

She reached behind her and pulled out the clip that held her hair in place, letting it cascade down around her shoulders. "I think you do. We've done it here almost as much as we've done it on the bed." She slid her hands over his hips, holding him in front of her as she peppered kisses along his neck and over his shoulder, tasting him with her lips and tongue, making her way towards one dusky nipple.

He removed her bra, and brought his hands up to cup her breasts, his thumbs moving over the hard tips of her nipples, "It's just so much fun." He moved his hands down her back and unzipped her skirt.

"One of these days," she sat up straight, giving him another kiss on the lips as she unbuttoned his jeans. Her eyes were heavylidded as she pushed the material down over his hips, taking the boxers down with them, "We're going to break the poor thing." She didn't give him a chance to respond as she ran her palm along his length, her fingers trailing over the velvety skin.

Pacey groaned, "Probably so," he said before he leaned forward and kissed her. He propped a hand on each side of her, then moved down to her neck, "I have something I need to tell you."

"Now?" She giggled, and then gave a tremoring sigh, sliding her arms around his neck.

"Yeah..." he nibbled on her shoulder, "Now." His hands gripped her waist, pulling her closer to the edge of the table, "Joey, I'm..."

Their doorbell rang loudly, interrupting him, "Who the hell could that be?"

Pacey groaned, "I have no idea," he reached for his pants and pulled them up and handed Joey her clothes. "I'm going to check on Hope after I get out of the bathroom. You go answer the door."

She sighed, sliding off the table, "I wish I could take care of my problem by spending a few minutes in the bathroom..

Pacey sighed, "Believe me, this is not the way I envisioned taking care of this problem."

"Maybe you shouldn't take care of it quite yet." She gave him a quick kiss, "I"ll try to get rid of them." The doorbell rang again impatiently.

Pacey sighed, "Yeah right. It's probably Jen or Jack here for a long conversation and free food."

"I'll tell them they aren't welcome. Besides," she smiled up at him, "They'd probably wait while we took care" She trailed her fingers over the ridge in his jeans.

He let out a sound that resembled that of a growl, "Then go get the damn door."

She shot him a grin, and flounced from the room, preparing herself to tell Jack and/or Jen to get lost for awhile. The doorbell rang again, "Hold your horses." She opened the door, the retort on the tip of her tongue died as her eyes widened. "Dawson?"

Pacey turned towards the door way and banged his head against the door frame, then looked at the ceiling, "You hate me don't you?"

She stepped back haltingly, still staring at the tall blonde who took that as an invitation to come in. "What...what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be filming or something?"

"Filming is over. I...I thought I would come see you."

She blinked a few times, "You couldn't call first?"

"Well, I wanted it to be a surprise. I wanted to make sure you would be here."

"We were just about to..." She gestured towards the kitchen with her thumb, " have dinner."

Pacey walked out of the kitchen, the appearance of Dawson killed any desire he had to have sex. "I'm going to check on Hope," Pacey said quickly and left the room.

Joey watched him go with a frown on her face, turning back to Dawson. "I wish you had called first. It's not as though we'd have turned you away."

"Yeah, but I thought after our conversation a few months ago I wouldn't take my chances."

She sighed, "I can't say that I blame you." A quick look down the hall, and still Pacey hadn't returned. "Would you like to stay for dinner?"

He smiled, "I don't want to impose."

"You already have," she sighed, shooting him a polite smile. "I'm sure Pacey's made plenty of food."

Pacey sighed, "I did," he said holding Hope in his arms. She played with his hand as he stared at Joey.

"Hi, sweetie." Joey met his eyes and gave him a quick, reassuring kiss before turning back to the blond. "Dawson, this is our daughter, Hope."

Dawson smiled, "She's beautiful. Can I hold her?"

Pacey looked at Joey, then held Hope out to Dawson, "By all means."

Joey squeezed his hand as Dawson took the baby, "Why don't you finish on dinner, I'll set the table, okay?"

Pacey gave one last look at Dawson and Hope then walked into the kitchen, "Fine."

"Would you mind giving her a bottle while we finish in the kitchen, Dawson?" Joey offered, not waiting for an answer as she followed Pacey into the kitchen.

Dawson watched as they walked into the kitchen then back at the baby who looked at him with curiosity, "I wouldn't mind at all."

Joey fetched a bottle from the refrigerator and set it in the microwave, hitting go before turning to Pacey. "He doesn't know," she told him.

"I kind of figured that out," he said softly.

"No, not what you're thinking," she crossed the tiled floor to him, and forced him to look at her. "I told him we were married, but I kinda told him it was because I love you. Not that I was infertile and wanted a baby."

Pacey sighed, "So he doesn't know that our marriage is fake?"

"No." She focused on the front of his shirt, "It probably would have been easier to tell him that. But the fewer people who know the truth, the better, right?"

"Yeah. The wrong person could say the wrong thing and then where would we be?"

Her eyes flicked up to him and she touched his arm, her brow furrowed in confusion, "Are you okay?"

He nodded, "Yeah. I'm fine. Take Hope her bottle and I'll finish dinner."

"You sure?"

He nodded, "Positive."

"Okay," she gave him a weak smile and a kiss on the cheek before taking the bottle from the microwave and out to Dawson. "Here you go, Mr. Director. Let's see what you can do."

Dawson smiled, "I do know how to feed a baby, you know."

"We'll see," Joey smiled at him. "I'm going to set the table."

Dawson nodded and watched her walk away. He looked down at Hope, "Now, are you gonna fight me on this? Cause she seems to think you will," he said holding the bottle up for Hope to see.

Pacey looked at Joey as she walked into the kitchen, "Hope taking her bottle?"

"Has she ever taken a bottle from a stranger?" Joey arched an eyebrow at him with a little smile and started to gather plates and silverware.

Pacey smiled, "Not really. Did you tell him that?" Off her look he shook his head and chuckled, "You should have warned him."

Hope's piercing wail could be heard from the living room. "I just wanted to give him a taste of what we live with day in and day out. Perhaps he'll be less inclined to stay."

Pacey shook his head, "You stir that, I'll get her."

Joey nodded and set the dishes on the table, watching him leave the room, his shoulders set back confidently. Pacey walked over to the couch where Hope was crying in Dawson's arms. He held out his hands to Hope and she held out her chubby little arms to him. Pacey smiled at Dawson's look, "Don't take it personally. She doesn't take a bottle from anyone that's not Joey or me."

Dawson handed him the bottle, "Joey didn't tell me that."

Pacey took the bottle from him and gave it to an eager and now calm Hope, "She's just stubborn, like her mother."

Dawson sighed, watching Pacey through shadowed eyes. "Sit, let's talk for a bit. We've lost contact through these last few years."

Pacey cast a look at the kitchen, then sat beside Dawson, "Okay." Hope's fingers played with his as he looked down at the baby.

" did this all happen?" Dawson wondered.

"Which part? The wedding or the baby? Cause if you don't know how the baby happened, I think we need to talk about the birds and the bees."

"I know how the birds and the bees work, Pace. But Jen told me about her divorce...isn't Hope a little old to be yours?"

Pacey tilted his head at the baby, "Isn't that a little...forward, Dawson?"

He shrugged a shoulder, "We've been friends since diapers, what's the point in using tact?"

"She isn't as old as you think...and if you knew everything, which I really don't feel like discussing with you tonight."

"They way I see things there are two options. Either Hope is Samuel's daughter, or she's yours. And if she had an affair with you, than that explains while Samuel left her."

Pacey shook his head, "Dawson, I think your best bet would be not to say another word about this baby or her father, okay? Because there are circumstances here that...well, aren't really any of your business."

"We're best friends, doesn't that mean anything?"

"We're not best friends. We haven't been since we were in high school. Joey is my best friend."

"Let me rephrase then, Joey and I are best friends."

Pacey sighed, "Then ask her."

Dawson was quiet for a moment, watching Hope drink, her bright blue eyes looking adoringly up at Pacey. "She's beautiful."

Pacey smiled down at the baby, "She is."

"It's odd, thinking of you as a father. Who'd have thought?" Dawson gave him a smug smile.

Pacey looked over at him, "Am I really that horrible, Dawson?"

He laughed, "No of course not. I just never saw you as father material, that's all. Or husband material, for that matter. How do you do it? Staying loyal to one woman?"

Pacey smiled, "I love her."

"Well, sure. Now you do."

Pacey sighed, "What?"

"I just mean, sure you love her now. You've got everything a man could want, beautiful wife, beautiful baby, beautiful house...and if the Viper I saw out there is yours, a beautiful car. But all that only lasts so long, ya know? Eventually, you're gonna want some variety. That's always been your nature. I just don't want to see Joey hurt."

Pacey shook his head, "People change, Dawson. I have, you have, Joey has...I love her and want to be with her forever. No matter what. As for variety, she never ceases to amaze me. Never. So why don't you trust me not to hurt her, because I have no intention of ever doing so."

"Like I said," he smiled, "You feel that way now. I know you don't want to hurt her, but it's inevitable."

Pacey grew angry, "I am not you, okay? I'm not selfish enough to drop the woman I love for my career. I'm not going to sit here and let you bad mouth my relationship with Joey either. I know you think the two of you will once again rekindle that little sick drama that you hold with so much respect, but let it go Dawson. Joey doesn't want you, she's married to me. She's my wife and this is my child. If you don't like that, I'm sorry but you can also leave. You don't have to stay and have dinner, you know where the front door is."

"Hey, Pace," Dawson held up his hands, an innocent smile. "I didn't mean anything by it. Look, I'm just trying to look out for Joey's best interests here."

"Joey's best interests are all I think about."

"And you really think that you're in her best interest?" He asked skeptically.

"Why aren't I, Dawson? I love her, would do anything for her, why am I not good enough? Because I'm not you?"

�No, because you're nothing."

Pacey smiled, "I'm nothing? Dawson, what's your wife's name? For that matter, what's your daughter's name? Oh, that's right, you don't have either. While I grow old with Joey and live the life you think you're supposed to have, you will be living in your big house, all alone, with no one to stand beside you."

Dawson tilted his head to the side, "I never realized you were so cold hearted."

Pacey rolled his eyes, "I get called 'nothing' and I'm the one whose cold hearted."

"I think I'll go see if Joey wants help," Dawson stood up.

Pacey shook his head, "Give it up, my friend. The Dawson and Joey saga has died."

"Pacey, you've never understood what's between me and Joey. You can't even comprehend."

"I've seen it all my life Dawson. I've seen the two of you hurt one another over and over again because what you think is love isn't really love. It's an infatuation with what you think you can have. But it has never been the way you thought it would be. It's always lower than your expectations." Pacey stood, Hope still taking her bottle, oblivious to what is being said around her, "Let it go man. For your sake and for Joey's. She's with me, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, til death do us part. Accept it, and move on."

"You know what, I didn't want to say this, Pacey. But I know that you love her, probably even enough to last you the rest of your life. I just don't believe she loves you back."

Pacey sighed, "So what are you planning to do here Dawson? Break up our marriage because you think she loves you? When was the last time you saw her? When was the last time you actually listened to anything she had to say? Did you know we were married two months before she told you? Did you know that Hope was a week old before she even told you we were married?"

"I know I've screwed up, Pace. But I'm going to make up for it now."

"She's my wife, Dawson. Meaning she is married to me."

"I'm her soul mate, Pace."

Pacey shook his head, "I guess for me to believe that I have to believe in soul mates."

"You'll just have to see it to believe it." Dawson smirked and entered the kitchen.

Pacey rolled his eyes and followed Dawson into the kitchen and leaned against the door frame. He shook his head and cursed Dawson for being right about how Joey feels about him.

Joey eyed the two men uneasily, "Dinner's just about ready."

Pacey nodded, "Great. You didn't burn the sauce did you?"

"You've taught me well, love," she gave him a soft smile. "Can't say the same for the rice."

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Dawson asked, moving in close to Joey.

Pacey stepped forward, "You burnt the rice?" he asked with a smile.

"Only some of it," she nodded.

Pacey chuckled, "That's okay, we'll teach you how to cook one of these days, won't we Hope?" The baby released the bottle and stared up at him, waving her arms. "See, she says we will."

"Either that our she'll starve if I keep burning everything," Joey took her daughter from Pacey. "Wont we, Hope?"

Pacey rubbed her back, "I can cook, remember?" He kissed the top of Joey's head and moved to the stove. He smiled when he saw the burnt rice in the bottom of the pot, "Well...let's eat what we can," he said giving Joey a look.

She stuck out her tongue at him. "Dawson, could you grab the milk from the refrigerator?"

He watched the exchange between Joey and Pacey, then turned to the refrigerator, "Sure."

Pacey tickled Hope's feet and the baby giggled, "She sat up by herself today."

Joey frowned, "And I missed it?" She settled into her seat at the table, Hope in her lap. "You're always doing the fun stuff for Daddy, aren't you?"

Hope raised both hands, "Dadda!" Pacey smiled at the baby as he sat the food on the table.

"Don't take it personally."

Dawson looked at the baby, "She's talking already?"

"You could say that," Joey kissed the top of her head. "Dadda's the only word she
knows." She smiled up at her husband. "It made Pacey's day."

"Made my month, actually," he said as he sat beside Joey, Dawson across the table from him.

They settled into a polite conversation. Letting Dawson discuss his latest movie, and interjecting small talk when appropriate.

Pacey stood and began clearing the table, "I was going to make dessert, but I got a little distracted earlier," he said giving Joey a look.

"We can have dessert later," Joey winked at him, a tiny smile on her lips. "How long do you plan to stay, Dawson?"

He looked at Joey and smiled, "I don't know...a few days?"

"That's great," she smiled, "Where do you plan to stay?"

"Hotel down the road."

"It's nice that you'll be close." Joey nodded, relieved she wouldn't have to offer him a place to stay.

Pacey stacked the plates in the sink and walked back to the table. Hope reached for him and he took her into his arms, "What's up, sweetie?"


"Yep, Dadda." Pacey said with a smile.

Dawson looked at Joey, "Have you tried to get her to say Momma?"

"Yeah," Joey nodded, "But she's stubborn."

"I wonder which of you she gets that from," Dawson grinned.

"Probably both of us," Pacey said smiling at Hope as she played with the ring on his finger.

"Pace, you wanna start cleaning up? I'll walk you out, Dawson."

Pacey nodded and handed Hope back to Joey, "Sure."

Joey stood beside Dawson's car, Hope's head resting against her shoulder. "It was good seeing you, Dawson. Give us a call tomorrow, we'll see what we can arrange. Jen and Jack would love to see you. We could all go out to dinner or something."

"I would love that, Jo." Dawson touched Hope's little fist, standing close to Joey. "Maybe you and I could spend some time together tomorrow. Alone."

She frowned a little, "Well, alone isn't exactly a possibility when you have a six month old."

"I fell in love with her the moment I saw her," He met her eyes, "Just like I did with you." He cupped her cheek and angled her lips towards him.

Pacey walked outside to tell Joey the telephone had rung and watched as Dawson kissed Joey. He swallowed the lump in his throat and walked back inside and leaned against the wall beside the door, the phone still in his hand as the image of Joey and Dawson kissing burned into his brain. He lifted the phone to his ear, "She'll call you back, Jen."

"Is there something wrong?" Jen asked, hearing the strain in Pacey's voice.

"No...she...she's outside with Dawson. She'll call you back, okay?"

"If you're sure..."

Pacey sighed, "Y-yeah." He hung up the phone and walked over to sit on the couch. He put his head in his hands and tried to keep the tears at bay. He knew Dawson had something up his sleeve, and he knew what it was now. He let out a shaky breath and wiped a stubborn tear away as it made it's way down his face.

Pacey glanced over at Joey when he heard her walk into the house, "Jen called you," he said softly as he stood and left her quickly.

Joey watched him walk away and then glanced down at Hope, "What was that about?" She sighed tiredly, and started down the hall. "Let's get you to bed, huh? You've had a busy day, then I'll call Auntie Jen back. Sound like a plan?" She pouted down at her daughter, "Come on sweetie, say Mommy for me? I'll settle for Mama. Even a Ma."


"Okay, fine. Let's go see if we can find Dadda." She turned towards their bedroom and opened the door.

Pacey laid on the bed, his hands folded beneath his head when he heard the door open, Hope clapped her hands when she saw him and he smiled softly at her. He couldn't bring himself to really look at Joey. It hurt too much to think that when she divorced him, she might run to Dawson.

"I think someone wants you," Joey smiled down at him, putting Hope down on his stomach. "Almost as much as I do."

He sighed and sat up, holding the baby close to him. He kissed Hope on the head, "I'll put her to bed."

"You don't have to, I can handle it of you're tired."

"No...I'm fine," he said as he stood and shut the door behind him. She stared after him for a moment, and then went back into the kitchen to finish cleaning up from dinner.

Pacey walked into the nursery and looked at Hope who stared happily at him, "You know what it's like when someone kicks you in the head?" he sighed, "More like the heart, actually."

She gurgled up at him, drool escaping the corner of her mouth as she waved her hand in the air.

He kissed the top of her head, "I love you, baby. If you want to ever do Daddy a favor, cry every time Dawson picks you up. Or puke on him. Either one would make me very happy."

"Dadda." Her smile faded a little, as if she could sense his sadness.

"Yeah..." he sat in the rocking chair, "Daddy's been kicked in the heart, baby. And by one of the only two people I never thought would do it. Your Mommy."

She blinked up at him and curled her little fist around his pinkie, bringing it to her mouth.

Pacey sighed, "Seriously, will you please puke on Dawson? I mean, it would make my month, and you are so good at doing that."


"Yeah...puke on him. I'll buy you a pony when you get older if you do. We don't like Dawson. He's trying to take Mommy..."

Hope pulled his finger from her mouth, "Mama."

Pacey stopped, "Jo-ey! Joey!"

"Oh my God, what?" She burst into the room, soap suds falling from her hands. "What happened?! Is she okay?!" She fell to her knees beside the rocking chair, running her hands frantically over the baby.

"She said Mama!"

"Oh, baby, you did?" Her eyes softened and she lifted Hope away from Pacey. "Say it again for me? Mama. Mama."

Hope looked between her parents, "Dadda."

Pacey sighed, "Mama?"

The baby shoved her thumb into her mouth and curled against Joey, "She's tired, is all." Joey sighed, "She probably forgot for a second that she was holding out on me."

Pacey sighed at her, "Yeah."

She stood up and handed Hope to Pacey to finish putting her to sleep, "I'll finish the dishes."

"Yeah, you do that."

"You okay?" She paused at the door, turning back to look at him.


She frowned, not believing him, and left the room.

"Why couldn't you have said it for her? She already thinks you love me more than her." She made a little cooing sound and closed her eyes. Pacey sighed and kissed her forehead, "My baby."

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