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Part Three
by Ashley Z and Rinny

Pacey's eyes opened slowly as he realized that someone or something was banging loudly on his door. He threw the sheets off of his tired body and stood, rubbing his eyes as he walked to the living room. He cussed softly as he stubbed his toe on the door frame, but continued to move towards the noise. He opened the door and took in the sight of Joey's sister, Bessie, looking rather unhappy, "Do you do this often to people?" he asked groggily.

She pulled back and let loose a right hook to his jaw. "What did you do to her?!"

Pacey stumbled back, "What the hell?! What did I do to who?"

"Joey! Did you knock her up?" She stalked into his apartment and started pulling off her coat. "What the hell are you thinking, Witter? She just finalized her divorce!"

Pacey let out a shaky breath and rubbed his jaw, "I'm well aware of that. And no, I didn't knock her up. And as for what I'm thinking? I'm thinking about having the doorman fired."

"She told me you're getting married." Her tone dared Pacey to deny it.


"And....what are you thinking?!"

"I'm thinking...Bessie, calm down, have a seat." He shook his head, "Look, Joey and I...we've always had this connection, and well, some things never change."

"Yeah," she glared at him. "Some connection, you didn't seem to have a hard time leaving her after you graduated. Do you have *any* idea what that did to her?"

He sighed, "Probably the same thing it did to me to leave her. It was a long time before I could love anyone the way I did her. To this day I don't think I've ever felt the same way about any one." He walked into the kitchen and came back out with a sip-lock bag full of ice and held it to his jaw. "I know it hurt her. I will never and could never hurt her like that again. I promise you that."

"So you just thought, 'oh, she's vulnerable and susceptible right now, I'll just move right on in'?!" Bessie started pacing through his living room. "She just got divorced. She doesn't know what she's thinking! And if you were to leave again..."

He shook his head, "I'm not going to leave. I know she's vulnerable, but that is not the reason we're getting married. I...I love her and want to marry her."

Bessie turned on him and braced her hands on her hips, "Look me in the eyes and say it."

He looked at the floor, "Which part?"

"Damn you, Pacey Witter. Tell me that you love my little sister or I swear to God, I'll castrate you here and now."

Pacey looked Bessie in the eyes, "I love Joey."

Her brown eyes, so similar to Joey's were hard as she studied his face. Finally, after several long, torturous moments she smiled, "Welcome to the family, Pace."

He released a breath and nodded, "You punch all your family members in the jaw when you welcome them to the family?"

She gave him a quick hug, "Just you."

He shook his head as the smile left his face, "Good to know."

"If you hurt her though, the CIA and FBI combined couldn't save you from murder at my hands, understand?"

He nodded, "Understood."

She nodded, "Then I'll be at the wedding. Husband and children in tow. You guys are welcome to the honeymoon suite at the B&B, free of charge."

Pacey grinned, "Really?"

"Really." She nodded with a smile, "You helped build the place."

He smiled, "Yeah. Do me a favor. Let me tell Joey about the honeymoon suite."

"If you'll do me a favor in return," she gave him a sly smile.

He smirked, "I'm almost afraid to ask."

"Don't tell Joey I was here."

He laughed, "What to I tell her when she asked who caused my jaw to swell up?"

She paused for a moment and then grinned, "Bodie."

Pacey shook his head, "She'll never buy it. He's too calm. Nope, this has Potter temper written all over it."

She grimaced, "If you want to add a broken nose to that swollen jaw, keeping pushing it, Pacey."

He held up both hands in a surrender, "Okay. I did it in my sleep. That work for you?"

She smiled sweetly, "Perfect. Now I've gotta get home before Bodie notices I'm gone." She grabbed her coat and slipped it back on, "I'll be in touch."

"Just not physically touching me, okay?"

"You'll be safe...for a while."

He smiled, "Good to know."

She gave him another hug, "I'll be proud to call you brother-in-law."

He smiled, "Thanks, Bessie."

"Don't think I wont be keeping my eye on you." She said with a warning smile.

He smirked, "I have every confidence that I will be watched like a hawk."

"Have a good night, Pacey." She paused at the door. "And just so you know, "I approve of the living arrangements as they are now. No need to rush things."

He laughed, "Subtle Bessie."

She shrugged a shoulder good-naturedly. "Have a good night."

He nodded and closed the door behind her. He leaned back against it and squelched the urge to call Joey and tell her about the encounter with her sister. The other part of his brain kicked in and told him that more bodily harm from Bessie would only ensue and he didn't feel like having his nose broken.

Joey inhaled a deep breath and stared up at the church steeple, the cross prominently in display. She smoothed out her skirt and tugged adjusted the chain of her necklace, turning to Pacey she smiled, "How do I look?"

He smiled, "Beautiful." He looked around at the church, "You know, I feel a little weird being here."

She tugged at his collar and smoothed his jacket across his shoulders. "Rick's not insistent that we be avid Christians, but he believes in the holy sanctity of marriage. They're very liberal here." She smiled up at him, "Just relax and be yourself. Wait, scratch that. Be someone else."

He smiled, "Who would you have me be? Brad Pitt?"

"Ooooh, I wish." She gave him a teasing grin. "But I'll settle for Ben Affleck."

He smirked, "In that case, can you be Heather Grahm? Please?"

"I can dye my hair all I want, but I'm never gonna have her boobs." She took his hand and started leading him toward the building.

He tugged back on her hand, "I think we're forgetting something," he said as he reached into his pocket and removed a black velvet ring box. "Here you are," he said as he lifted the ring out of the box. Her eyes were wide as she looked at it. An eight karat diamond was sitting on top of a white gold band.

"I am going to kill you," she said breathlessly, eyeing the ring with shining eyes.

"Don't kill me. I would rather a nice wedding be held in this church. Not my funeral."

"Pacey, this is too much." She shook her head.

He sighed, "It's not. I know you think it is, but it's something I wanted to do, okay? So let me have my moment."

She released a deep breath, "You're going to completely spoil me in this marriage, aren't you?"

"Plan on it. I'll make you regret every bad thing you've ever said about me," he said with a smile.

She laughed, "That's pushing it, Pace."

"Trust me," he grinned.

"Well," she glanced down at the ring again, momentarily dazed by it's sparkle. "Are you going to put it on me?"

He smiled, "I could do that," he said slipping the ring on her finger.

She lifted her hand, self-indulgently admiring the band on it. "Well, if there was any doubt I was engaged before..."

"Won't be now," he said with a slight chuckle.

"How'd you know that I don't like yellow gold?" She wondered, taking his hand in hers as the started up the stairs.

He shrugged, "Just guessed. I don't like it, myself, so I picked out the one I liked."

"Who'd have thought you'd have good taste in jewelry?"

He held the door open for her, "I have good taste in a lot of things. You just neglect to see that."

"Tell me that again when you try moving your leopard print couch into our house."

He sighed, "Do not knock leopard print. It goes with more than you think."

"We'll see."

As they walked into the church, Pacey looked around, feeling rather intimidated in the large room. Candles aligned the walls as stain glass windows allowed light to shine into the church. He took a deep breath and looked at Joey, "I'm going to burst into flames here."

"You are not," she squeezed his hand reassuringly. "You might smolder a bit, but that's alright. The offices are this way," she pointed to narrow hallway that disappeared off to the side.

He sighed, "We're gonna be lying in a church." He shook his head, "This guy, do I call him father or what?"

"It's not a catholic church, Pace. It's Pastor, unless he asks you to call him Rick."

"Okay. No need to get testy."

"I'm nervous."

"I know. But calm down, okay? It'll work out."

"Right," she nodded her head to help convince herself. "We both used to act, we can pull this off. Even if that was over ten years ago..."

He smiled, "But we were good. So, take a deep breath and let's go in there and get this over with."

"Okay," She straightened her back and led him to the door on the far right, with Pastor Rick Hennessey written on a plaque at the top. She knocked lightly on the door and took a step back.

"Come in," a friendly sounding voice called from inside. They followed his instructions and entered the office. It was comfortable looking, containing a sturdy wooden desk, chairs, and a large assortment of pictures one would assume were of his family. The man himself was in his early forties, his dark hair sprinkled salt and pepper gray, a friendly smile on his face. "You must be Joey's fianc�," he held is hand out for Pacey to shake. "We were beginning to think she'd made you up."

"Nope, I'm real," he said with a smile.

"Well, have a seat, both of you." He gestured to the chairs in front of his desk. "You're looking lovely today, Joey. I'm glad you could both make it this time."

"Thank you for seeing us," Joey smiled, slipping out of her jacket and draping it over the arm of her chair.

"Yeah, I've been a little busy with work...and things of the like." Pacey explained.

"Does your work life keep you away from home often?" He asked his friendly smile fading to polite interest.

He shook his head, "No, not any more. I hired someone else to help cover my end of the business, so I will have a lot more free time, and still enough money to support Joey, myself, and anything else her heart desires."

"Joey's kept me well informed of her career at the Gallery," Pastor Rick scribbled some notes on a legal pad. "What is it you do, Pacey?"

Joey squeezed Pacey's hand, "I own a club. It's one of the more successful ones in the Boston area."

He nodded, "Then you're more than financially capable of providing for a child. The purpose of this meeting is ensure that we're placing this baby into a healthy, happy environment where they will grow up loved. As you can guess, we'd prefer the child be raised Christian and as part of our church community. However, this is your child, and how you choose to raise him or her is your business."

Pacey nodded, "Sounds good to me. So, when is the church free for the wedding?"

Rick grinned, "You're quite eager, aren't you?"

"Pacey!" Joey hit his shoulder in a laughing reprimand.

"What? It was a question? Besides, I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with Joey, I'm ready for that to start as soon as possible."

"Let me finish going over the terms of the adoption first, Mr. Witter. Then we'll get to the wedding." He pulled out a stack of papers. "Because this is a private adoption and not state regulated, we can lay down whatever terms we want. The added bonus of that is you're only paying for the cost of doctors bills, health care, and the paperwork processing. Our terms our fairly simple, my wife, Madeline, and I will be assessing your home and your relationship to ensure that the child will be happy and healthy with both of you. After you take the child into custody, we'll remain in contact for several months to make sure everyone is adjusting. At that point, if we feel there is a pressing need to remove the baby for your home, we still retain the right to do so. After six months, that right is waved." He smiled again, "Now as for the wedding, I request that you hold the ceremony here, at your convenience of course."

Pacey nodded, "Sounds good. Uh...I don't really have any questions."

"Me neither," Joey said with a soft smile.

"Good, then we can get started with the preliminaries. We can provide the marriage license, but we ask that you undergo a session of marriage counseling, which consists basically of a session with me where you discuss your relationship, the problems you foresee, the strongths, et cetera. If you'd like to set a date today, we could have that session as early as right now."

"Okay." Pacey looked at Joey, "That okay with you, Jo?"

"Very okay with me." She agreed. "It'll take a week, at least to arrange the wedding. We'd like to keep it small: family and a few select friends."

"Okay," Pastor Rick pulled out a calendar and flipped through a few pages. "The earliest we have is three and a half weeks from now. The fourteenth."

Pacey smiled, "I guess we'll be getting married on the fourteenth? That day good for you, Jo?"

"The fourteenth is perfect." Joey nodded with a bright smile. "Sometimes I still can't believe that it's happening."

Pacey smiled and brought her hand up to his lips and kissed her knuckles, "Believe it."

"Okay," Pastor Rick settled back in his chair. "This part is incredibly casual. But it can also be uncomfortable for some people, the questions can get very personal."

Pacey looked worriedly at Joey, then at the pastor, "How personal?"

"Personal enough that you might squirm in your seat. But, we'll get to that."

"We're prepared for that." Joey assured him, crossing her legs over her knee.

"We'll start with something simple. How did you meet? Pacey?"

Pacey smiled, "She hit me in the back of the head with a tennis ball."

Rick chuckled, "She did what?"

"I did not!" Joey protested.

Pacey nodded, "I was in the sandbox, minding my own business, like a five year-old boy does, and the next thing I know, a tennis ball hits me in the back of the head. I turn around, and there's Joey, both hands covering her mouth. She was trying to throw the ball to her dog, and it hit me instead."

"It was an accident." She said meekly. "I always did have poor aim."

"Five years old? You've known each other that long?"

Joey nodded, "We grew up together on the cape. In this tiny little town called Capeside. I doubt you've heard of it."

He shook his head, "No, no, I have. My wife and I visit a little Bed and Breakfast out there every year for our anniversary. Family owned place, it's very nice. What's it called?" He thought for a few moments, "Potter, maybe?"

Joey and Pacey exchanged a look, "Yeah, that's the one. My family owns it." Joey told him, "My sister and her husband actually." She smiled softly, "But it wouldn't have even existed if not for Pacey."

Pastor Rick arched a curious eyebrow at the other man. "Do tell."

Pacey smirked, "Well, my girlfriend and I had just broken up, and Joey's family business was destroyed, I had free time and needed something to do, so I thought about how they could make some money. She came up with the B&B idea, and I convinced her it would work and got them free labor, and it turned out pretty well."

"Very well," he nodded in agreement. "So you two have had a very long friendship. That's a great basis for a marriage. When did things turn romantic?"

Pacey looked over at Joey, "That same year. We'd been spending so much time together, I just...kind of fell for her. But, I denied my feelings for a long time...I was so scared of her finding out how I felt about her that I was going crazy. So, one day, I went to pick her up from the train station and she said I knew her better than anyone, which sent my mind spinning. I pulled the car to the side of the road and kissed her."

Joey smiled softly at the memory, "You've got to understand though, I hated his guts at the time. Or, at least, I'd convinced myself that I did. It was a long road to get to a relationship. To make a long story short, I was being indecisive, and he couldn't take it anymore. He was getting ready to set sail for the summer and I tracked him down on the docks moments before departure." She rolled her eyes, "We did the corny happy ending thing and sailed off into the sunset." She sighed with nostalgia, "It was the most romantic time of my life."

Rick nodded, watching the pair, "And you've been together ever since?"

Pacey sighed, "Not exactly." He looked at the floor, "It was our senior year, and college was the big topic of discussion...and having a less than stellar academic record, I had no chance of getting accepted anywhere. So, Joey was heading for the Ivy League while I was pretty much doomed to stay in the middle. So, that and a few other things lead to our break up."

Joey's hand tightened on his. "It was tough to end things, neither of us really wanted to go our separate ways. There really wasn't any other choices though. The time apart did us good, I think. It allowed us to grow and mature, and it's made our relationship now just that much stronger."

Rick nodded again, seemingly agreeing. "And when did your relationship pick up again?"

Pacey looked at Joey, "How long has it been now Jo?"

"Too long," she said wryly.

He scrunched up his nose at her, "Aw, honey don't say that."

"It's true." She teased. "Actually, it'll be a year in two weeks. It's actually a rather boring story compared to our history. We were at the movies with two of our other friends, one of those horror flicks that I'm terrified of. He was beside me, and when a particularly gruesome scene occurred I hid my face in his shoulder and begged him to tell me when it was over." She paused with a little smile. "He tilted my chin up and kissed me. Pretty much kept me nice and distracted from all the gore on screen."

Pacey smiled, "I'm good like that."

"And things have been running smoothly ever since?"

He nodded, "Yeah. Pretty much. Hit a bump in the road here and there, but everyone does."

He nodded, "How exactly do you work through your problems?"

"There have been times when it comes down to Rock-Paper-Scissors," Joey replied with a smile. "Mostly, we talk until we've both said everything we need to. His words don't carry any more weight than mine do. And actually, we love to argue. We have ever since we were kids. Usually the arguing turns to passion, and we're..." she flushed, recalling some of their more heated arguments in high school. "Suffice to say, once the passion's spent, solutions tend to just fall into our laps."

Pacey nodded, "Yep. Honestly, I think we thrive on bickering with each other. What others would perceive as a fight it our way of...goofing around. It's never mean-natured, just bantering with one another. It's kind of fun."

He nodded, "What has been the most difficult bump in your relationship?"

Joey's eyes fell to her lap. "I'd have to say my infertility."

With a sympathetic nod, Pastor Rick turned to Pacey. "How did you feel when you found out, Pacey?"

Pacey lowered his head, "Heart broken. know, more for her than for me. She...she couldn't accept the fact that I loved her in spite of it."

Joey let out an uneasy breath, "It took me a while to accept the truth. I couldn't really believe that any man would want me when I can't give him children. Pacey worked hard at convincing me otherwise when most men would have walked away."

Rick smiled, "Now that we've gotten that subject out of the way, this will seem like a piece of cake. How's your sex life?"

"Our what?" Joey's jaw dropped.

"Your sex life." He repeated. "I don't want or need the details. But it is a proven fact that if sex is bad, no relationship will work."

Joey shot a panicked look to Pacey.

"I would have to say...I have no complaints," he said a grin forming on his lips. "What about you, Jo? Any complaints?"

"Well, I...we're..." She blushed, "No complaints."

Pacey squeezed her hand, "So, I would say it's pretty good."

He nodded, "Then we'll leave it at that. Keep in mind that problems in the bedroom have a way of seeping into other aspects of your life." He sat up and glanced at his note pad. "Just a few more things. How do you feel about parenthood, Joey?"

"I want to have a baby more than anything in this world," She said passionately.

"More than marrying me?" Pacey asked with a smile.

She paused thoughtfully giving him a soft smile, "I need to rephrase that. I want to have a baby with you more than anything in this world."

Pacey smiled, "I want a baby with you too, Joey."

"Well, that's what we're here to do," Rick interjected. "Based on what I've seen and heard, I give you both my blessing." He reached inside his desk and handed Joey a card. "This is the name of our wedding coordinator. She'll help you work out the finances, decorations and all the little bits that will drive a bride crazy. Madeline will also be in touch with you both. I understand you're still living in separate homes?"

Pacey nodded, "For the time being. Then I'm moving in with Joey. My apartment isn't 'baby safe'."

"It's also the size of a dog house." She smirked, "And that's not where the similarities end either. It looks and smells like one too."

Pacey scoffed, "I take offense to that."

"That was the point," she smiled sweetly.

Pastor Rick smiled, "A see what you meant. If you could leave us the numbers where you can be reached we'll be in touch."

Pacey reached for the pen the other man held out to him and looked over at Joey, "What's my phone number." She rolled her eyes, "What? I don't call myself."

"555-6262." She replied. "It's a wonder you made it through grade school."

He smiled, "Sometimes it even amazes me."

"Well, I'm not marrying you for your brains, that's for sure." She stood up as he finished jotting down her information as well.

"Robin will be glad to hear that we've chosen someone," Rick smiled again at them, rising from his chair behind the desk and coming around. "We'll arrange a meeting with her and John, in the coming weeks. I know the wedding will keep you both busy."

"And if not the wedding, Joey yelling at me about something dealing with the wedding."

"Precisely." She nodded.

Rick held his hand out to Pacey, "It was nice to meet you, Pacey. You're a lucky man."

Pacey shook his hand, then wrapped his arm around Joey, "I tell myself that every day."

Joey reached out and shook his hand as well. "Thank you, Rick, for all of this. If it weren�t for you, and the church, having a child wouldn't be possible for us for years to come, if ever."

"It's all part of the business." He said wryly. "Have a good afternoon, both of you."

Pacey nodded, "You too." They walked down the hallway and he shook his head, "Okay, that went very well."

She let out pent up breath. "That went very, very well." She bit back an over exuberant smile. "This is actually happening. I can't believe it!" She was nearly beside herself with excitement.

He chuckled, "You, Josephine Potter, are almost down right giddy."

"Oh, I think I'm way past giddy right now." She skipped down the stairs.

"Skipping," he laughed, "you're actually skipping."

"I would dance the polka right now if I had the faintest idea how to." She threw herself around his neck. "You were brilliant in there. If I didn't know better.."

He shook his head and pulled her away, "If you didn't know better, what?"

"I'd have thought we really were in love." She smiled, "I'm so impressed with us."

He smiled back, "We should have academy awards."

"Come on," she took his hand and started toward the car. "I'll treat you to lunch before I have to go back to work."

He smiled, "'re buying me lunch. I'm in the mood for...lobster."

"If lobster is what you want, lobster is what you're getting. But need I remind you that you'll have to wear a bib?"

He shook his head, "I was kidding. A burger is fine with me."

"So easy to please. No wonder we're getting married."

He nodded, "Explain it to me," he said smiling. "Your temper is just not something I'm sure I want to deal with on a day to day basis."

"You've got some leverage though. In fact, you could probably get anything you wanted out of me for the rest of your life."

He smiled, "Oh really? I can think of a list of things I would want from you."

"You name it, you got it."

"A foot massage sometime in the near future."

She winced, "Only after you've had a shower and I can be reasonably sure they wont smell."

He smiled, "I can do that. Shall we go?"

"We shall." She slipped into the passenger side of his car and closed the door behind her with a satisfied smile.

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