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Part Twenty
by Ashley Z and Rinny

"Pace..." Joey walked into the living room from the kitchen, her skirt swinging just above her knees. With a tiny smile gracing her lips she stood in front of the TV, blocking his view of the football game and slowly inched onto his lap.

He tried to look around her and found it futile, "What?"

"How badly do you wanna get some tonight?" She asked innocently, weaving her arms around his neck.

"Well, you now have my full attention."

She grinned, "Good. 'Cause I kinda burnt dinner and need you to go buy pizza."

He laughed, "I should have known. Why did I ever agree to let you cook?"

"'Cause you wanted to watch the game," she gave him a quick kiss and slid off his lap."Your keys are on the table."

He stood, "Be very happy I'm such an understanding husband who values sex more than football."

She laughed, "I don't know of any man who values anything more than sex."

He smirked at her, "Good point," he said as he opened the door, grabbed his keys, and left.

Joey was about to go pour herself a glass of wine when she saw Jen's silver car pull into the drive. Smiling, she opened the front door and went out to greet them.

Jen smiled at her, "We just passed Pacey. Where was he headed?"

"He went to buy pizzas. The poor guy accidentally burned dinner."

Jen pulled Marissa out of the car, "Pacey burned dinner? Were you distracting him?"

"Nope, he was watching football."

"The Redskins game?" Mike asked, pocketing his car keys.

"Like I'd know," Joey smirked at him. "Come inside, I'll get you all something to drink."

"How can he watch football and cook dinner at the same time? And I'll just have water," she said as she spread a blanket out on the living room floor and laid a few toys on it, then placed Marissa there.

"He can't. Which is how dinner was ruined." Joey explained, "Mike, you want anything?"

"Beer." He replied, settling in front of the TV to keep an eye on both Marissa and the game.

"Coming right up," Joey smiled with a shake of her head, preceding Jen into the kitchen.

" is everything going?"

"By everything you'd mean...?"

"Just life in general."

"Things are great," Joey replied, pulling a cup from the cupboard and filling it with cold water from a pitcher in the refrigerator. "Busy, though. We went shopping for baby things the other day," she grinned. "Everything's currently sitting in boxes in the half-painted nursery."

Jen smiled, "Why is the nursery only half painted?"

"Every time we get started on it," she shrugged a shoulder. "We get distracted."

"Distracted doing what? The room isn't really that big."

Joey rolled her eyes, "I'll give you three guesses."

Jen smiled, "Well, I guess that's completely understandable."

"I hate that tone." Joey pouted, pulling the ruined sauce from the stove and dumping it into the garbage.

"What tone?"

"That I-know-exactly-what-you-were-doing-and-I-knew-it-was-going-to-happen tone."

"Well, you can't blame me for having that tone. Besides, it's not like you aren't getting something out of it," she said with a smirk.

Joey blushed faintly, "That's true." She ran water in the sink and set the pan inside to soak. "Did I tell you we went to the last ultrasound?"

"No. What was that like?"

"I was a big baby and cried when I heard the heartbeat," she admitted. "It's going to be a girl."

"Awww," Jen said and hugged her friend. "You cried?"

"Yeah," she let Jen hug her. "I could hear her little heart beating and it all became real for me. I'm going to be a mom." She pulled away from her friend and swiped at her eyes. "I didn't know I'd love her so much."

"It's amazing isn't it?"

"There really aren't words," Joey sighed. "For the last two years, I thought I'd never get to be a mom..."

"And now you're getting everything you've ever wanted."

"Not everything," Joey smiled. "But pretty damn close."

"Yeah. So, have you thought about names?"

"Only about a dozen."

"What about Pacey? Is he contributing?"

"Sort of," she smiled uncomfortably. "He likes to ask what I'm thinking and gives me his opinion."

"What's that look?"

"I don't know. Just, sometimes, I feel weird about this whole arrangement."


"I can't explain it any better than that." Joey poured herself a glass of water too. "Don't start jumping to conclusions here, but I keep wanting to ask his opinion on baby things or stuff around the house or even work things, and then I'll remember that he's not going to be here in ten months."

"Kind of hurts, doesn't it?"

"A little." She set her glass down. "But this is the way I want it."

Jen nodded, "Okay."

"I just need to keep telling myself that."

Jen smiled, "You have to remind yourself? Joey, you still have another ten months with Pacey living here and playing house with you. It's going to be much harder to tell yourself that when the ten months is up."

"Nope," Joey shook her head. "By that time I'll have gotten bored with the sex and I'll have the baby. I'll be too busy to miss him." She waved a hand, "And it's not like he's going to disappear off the face of the earth, he'll be around."

Jen smiled sadly at her friend, "Whatever you say, Joey."

"Okay," Joey frowned, leaning up against the counter. "What do you think is going to happen?"

"I'm not saying a word. This is your life and you're far to stubborn to listen to me."

She giggled, "Yeah, I am. But that doesn't mean I don't value your opinion."

"My opinion will only be met with 'I refuse to let that happen'. So I'm not giving it to you."

Joey smiled, "Well, then. Let's leave Mike to watch the baby, I wanna show you the things I bought."


"Right this way," she gestured back towards the hallway that led to the bedrooms. "I found the cutest little mobile to hang over the crib. It's got stars and moons and plays Twinkle Twinkle Little Star."

"Aw, I bet it's precious."

The girls disappeared into the bedroom to oooh and ahhh over Joey's purchases, leaving Mike to keep one eye on the game, and another on his daughter. He completely missed seeing Pacey approach the house, balancing two pizza boxes and a bag of breadsticks on his arms.

He opened the door and walked quickly to the kitchen and placed the pizza on the counter along with the bag of breadsticks. He walked out of the kitchen and found Mike glancing down at Marissa as she chewed on her teething ring. But no sign of Jen and Joey. "Hey, Mike, where did the women go?"

"Last I heard, they were giggling in one of the bedrooms." He shrugged, "It's hard to pay attention when they start twittering like hens. We're up by six though," he gestured with a grin to the football game.

Pacey plopped down onto the couch beside Mike, "When did we score again?"

"End of the second quarter." He shook his head, "Damn fine play too."

"Damn it. Maybe they'll show a replay during half time."

"It was a beauty. You shouldn't have burnt dinner." Mike smirked, picking up Marissa as she started to fuss. "Come 'ere, sweetheart. I know, let Daddy make it better." He let her pull his finger into her mouth and slowly massaged her gums.

"I burnt dinner? Who told you I burnt dinner?"

"That would have been your wife."

"That lying little hussy," he said with a smile.

"So it wasn't you who ruined dinner." He winked over at his friend, "And that's okay, I've tasted her cooking. We're definitely better off with the pizza."

Pacey laughed, "It doesn't surprise me that she tried to put it off on me."

"She doesn't like to admit failure, does she?"

"No. She hates it with a passion."

"I'll file that away for future knowledge." Marissa started bouncing on his knee and he withdrew his hand. "All better, huh?"

Pacey held out his hands, "May I?"

"Please, take her." Mike handed the baby over, "That child would be perfectly content to bounce on my knee for enternity."

Pacey lifted her in the air and held her over his head, then rubbed his face against her belly, getting little giggles out of her as she latched onto his ear. "You love your Uncle Pacey, don't you?" he cooed as he brought her back to rest in his lap.

She giggled and tugged on his ear again. "If you aren't careful, she'll rip that right off." Mike warned with a teasing smile as the doorbell rang. "I'll get that, Jen didn't mention anyone else was coming," he pushed off the couch and went to the door.

Pacey watched as Mike went to the door, and disengaged Marissa's hand from his ear. He tickled her lightly as she giggled. She clapped her little hands together and kicked her chubby legs as Pacey laughed. He looked up when he heard a woman's voice at the door. He stood and held Marissa against him. He walked to the door, "I'm Pacey Witter, may I help you?"

"Hello, Pacey. I'm Madeline Henessy," she held out her hand to him, "Pastor Rick's wife. We met briefly at your wedding."

Pacey smiled and nodded, "Ah yes. I remember now. Come in, please."

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." She smiled at the baby in Pacey's arms, "And who is this little darling?"

Mike smiled, "My daughter, Marissa."

Pacey smiled, "You're not interrupting anything. We'd invited Mike and his wife, Jen, to dinner."

"She's adorable," Matilda touched her little hand lightly. "I remember seeing you at the wedding. "It's nice to see you again. I wont stay for long then," she promised with a sweet smile.

Pacey shook his head, "It's not a problem. Let me go get Joey."

"No problem," she gestured to the baby, giving Mike a questioning look, "May I?"

"Go right on ahead," he nodded wryly. "She loves strangers. We haven't quite gotten her to break that tendancy yet."

Pacey left the room and walked down the hall way. He heard Jen and Joey both laughing as he approached the nursery. He popped his head in to the half-painted room, "Hey. Matilda is here."

Joey laughed, "You mean Madeline?"

"Yeah...whatever her name is," he whispered. "So come out here and be charming."

Joey rolled her eyes, "I thought you were the charming one in this marriage?" She folded the outfit she'd been showing Jen and put it in the dresser.

"I have my moments. But you better get out here or you will pay later," he said winking at her and leaving.

"Demanding, isn't he?" Joey arched her eyebrow at Jen and followed him into the hallway.

Jen smiled as Pacey gave her a look over his shoulder. Pacey smiled at Madeline, "I found her."

Joey slid her arm around Pacey's waist and smiled a greeting at the older woman, "He still hasn't learned his way around the house yet. His sense of direction is rather sad." She smiled teasingly up at her husband.

He looked over at her, "My directional skills may be lacking, but my culinary skills wouldn't leave us eating pizza tonight."

"Oh, who asked you?" She pinched his side. "Madeline, I'm sure we've got enough for you, if you want to say for dinner."

"That's sweet of you dear, but if I eat here, Rick will go out for McDonalds, and his cholesterol will just skyrocket." She tickled the baby's stomach. "I really just stopped by to check and see how the move went and make an appointment to stop by later in the week."

"Why don't you guys give her a tour of the place, and Mike and I'll get dishes out for everyone," Jen offered, already pulling her husband towards the kitchen. He quickly took Marissa back from Madeline before leaving them alone.

Pacey nodded, "Sounds like a plan. Joey, you lead the way."

"Well," Joey gestured around the room, this is the living room." She slid her hand into Pacey's back pocket, "You'll have to excuse the leopard print couch, it was the one thing I couldn't convince him to get rid of."

"Hey...leave the leopard print alone. It's a classic."

"Well, it is at least comfortable," She agreed. "We've pretty much gotten the place settled." She told Madeline, "The dining room is through there," she gestured to a wide doorway where the table and china cabinet were visable. "And the kitchen is just through this hallway."

"I try to keep Joey out of there as much as possible," Pacey said with a smile.

She stomped on his toe. "Be nice."

"Ow." He kissed her nose, "I was."

Joey silenced him with a quick kiss and Madeline laughed, "I see what Rick meant by volitile relationship." She gave them a wide smile, "It's always good to keep that spark."

"Oh, we have sparks a plenty," Joey told her.

Pacey nodded, "Would you like to see the rest of the house?"

"By all means," she nodded.

Pacey took Joey's hand in his, "As I said before, lead the way."

"This is our bedroom," Joey pointed to the door on her left, "But I really doubt you wanna look in there. Pacey's still got boxes all over the place. You know how men are about unpacking."

Madeline nodded, "Unfortunately I do."

Pacey looked at Joey, "Excuse me, do you ever remind me to unpack? No."

She laughed, "I didn't know that was part of my job description, Pace."

"It is. You remind me to do things."

"Hey, Pace?"



He smirked, "Ha ha...funny."

She winked at him and turned to the left, "This is our bathroom," she opened the door so Madeline could peek inside.

Pacey smirked as he leaned against the wall in the hall, "Excuse clothes laying in the floor. Someone forgot to remind me to pick them up," he said sticking his tongue out at Joey.

Joey went inside and scooped them up to put in the laundry basket behind the door. "Aside from the dirty laundry, I actually manage to keep it pretty clean in here."

Madeline nodded, "I can see that. Even after being married for as long as I have, you still have to remind them to pick up their dirty clothes."

"Thanks," Joey rolled her eyes. "Now I've got something to look forward to for the next fifty years."

Pacey pinched her on the butt, "Be nice," he said throwing her words back at her.

She stuck her tongue out at him, but grinned. "This is going to be the baby's room, she opened the door next to the bathroom. "So far it's pretty much a disaster. But I'm planning to finish painting this weekend, then we'll get everything set up in here."

Pacey nodded, "The painting seems to be the problem."

"Well, without you to distract me it shouldn't take more than an hour or two." She smiled up at him.

He rolled his eyes, "You start the fights everytime, Jo. It's completely your fault."

"I resent that, you're the one who--" She cut herself off. "Never mind."

He smirked, "Yeah, I thought you would see it my way," he said as he started for the living room again.

Joey rolled her eyes and pointed to a set of stairs that led downstairs. "The den and study are down below, we had the basement converted a few years ago. And the backyard is just through that door," she pointed again. "But you get a much better view from the porch through the dining room."

Madeline looked at her, a little curious, "Who's 'we'?"

"Oh, and my ex-husband," She said reluctantly.

Pacey stopped and turned, "Jo, I think Jen and Mike had things set up for dinner."

"Great." Joey gave him a relieved smile. "Are you sure you can't join us, Madeline?"

She shook her head, "No. I really do need to make sure Rick eats a healthy meal every now and again. So I'm going to go and eat with him. You guys enjoy your evening."

"Okay, thanks." Joey nodded, "When do you want to plan a visit?"

"Well, when's good for you?"

Pacey sighed, "Well Tuesday and Thursday are not for me. I have books to do Tuesday and I'm covering for Tony on Thursday."

"Wednesday?" Joey offered, "I'll cook?"

"Please don't," Pacey said with a smile. "I'll cook."

"Wednesday is perfect," Madeline nodded, as they walked her to the door. "Tell your friends it was nice meeting them, and I'll see you both Wednesday."

Pacey nodded and watched as she made it to her car. He closed the door behind her and turned to Joey, "You told Jen and Mike I burned dinner."

She shot innocent brown eyes to him, "I did?"

"You did. Why would you lie like that?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around her. He moved his lips to her ear, "Could it be that you're afraid of people thinking you can't cook?"

"Hmm," she tighted her arms around him. "Could be. But it probably has more to do with wanting them to think you can't cook."

"Joey, I worked in restaurants for years. No one is going to believe that."

"Even if I burn everything and blame it on you?"

"No...because soon, they will regain their senses and realize that you are the one who can't cook. It's one of the only downsides I can think of you having. That and you being stubborn."

"I am not stubborn!" She said stubbornly.

He released her, "Okay, I'm going in the other room with Jen and Mike because when you�re hit by lightening, I don't want to be around."

"I hope you got Pepperoni," she hurried to catch up with him, sliding her hand into his.

"I did."

"You're such a good husband," she stood on her tip toes and kissed his cheek. "Even if you let me burn dinner."

"I didn't let you. You did that all on your own," he said as they made their way into the kitchen.

"Hmm, No." She shook her head in protest, "That's one of your responsibilities as a husband. Just like I'm supposed to remind you to do things."

"What's one of my responsibilities? Remind you not to burn dinner?"

"Well, more like not letting me near the kitchen stove, but pretty close."

"I told you to let me cook. But you insisted. You remember the part about you being stubborn?"

"Remember the part where I don't put out tonight?" She shot back with a smile.

"No...that was never mentioned. As a matter of fact, I was pretty much guaranteed to get some because I went and got pizza."

"I'll retract the offer if you keep insisting I'm stubborn." They entered the kitchen where Mike and Jen were already working on the pizzas.

"You are." He took a seat beside Jen, "Ask her."

"Jen, am I stubborn?"

Jen's eyes widened a little as she looked from Pacey to Joey, "You're kidding, right?"

Joey put her hands on her hips as Pacey chuckled and took a piece of pizza, "See."

"Mike?" Joey appealed to the other man at the table.

He shook his head, "Not even getting into the conversation."

"Well, at least Marissa doesn't think I'm stubborn." Joey frowned, sitting down in the last chair, picking up a piece of pepperoni pizza.

Pacey chewed the bite in his mouth, "Give her time."

Joey wrinkled her nose delicately as she leaned back against the headboard of their bed, her knees propped up in front of her as a table for the book she held. "Ophelia? Who would name their daughter Ophelia?"

"Okay, so Ophelia is not an option."

She frowned, tossing The Big Book of Baby Names to the side. "That thing is useless."

"Yep. What about...Dillan?" he said with a smile.

"For a girl?" She slid down under the covers.

"Why not? It's different."

"Dillan," she tested the sound on her tongue. "I like it. What else ya got?"

"Mary, Elizabeth, Patricia, Cindy, Emma, Emily..."

"You've been thinking about these a lot?" She propped he head on her hand, looking over at him on his side of the bed.

"Sure? What else do I have to do."

She smiled softly, "Which do you like best?"

He smiled, "Dillan. It means faithful. I checked it in your baby book."

"I wonder how I missed that one. It sounds so pretty when you say it."

He smiled over at her, "You think so?"

"Yeah," she nodded, her eyes soft. "But you know me, I'll change my mind again in a week. At the rate I'm going, she's either going to have twelve names or no name at all."

He smirked, "No-name Potter. Does have a nice ring to it."

"Oh, stop it." She punched his shoulder lightly.

"Hey, no physical violence," he said as he took her hand in his.

"You think you can stop me?" She teased, trying to aim another punch to his stomach.

He grabbed her hand at the wrist and rolled her onto her back as he rested part of his weight on top of her, "I'm extremely confidant that I can stop you."

"I'm extremely confident that I'll let you," she replied with a smile.

Pacey kissed her softly, dragging his hands over her body. He moved down her neck, "I don't know why you insist on getting dressed before you get into bed."

"Well, I was feeling too tired for this..." she sighed, sliding her fingers into his hair. "But somehow, you always manage to make me not care."

He kissed her softly, "Because deep down, you know you want to do this as much as I do."

"Hmmm," she parted her lips, kissing him back. "Can't argue with that."

"Kind of hard to argue when your lips are busy doing other things."

She smiled and kissed him again, then brushed light kisses along his jaw, down to his neck. "Feel free to try."

He kissed the spot below her ear that makes her shiver, "Believe me I will."

Sliding her hands down the flat of his stomach she reached between them to stroke him through the worn material of his boxers. She faked a yawn, "I am pretty tired."

He groaned, "God knows I am too," he said cupping her breast.

"Let's make this quick then," she breathed, pushing up on her elbow to kiss him hotly.

"Quick," he mumbled as he tugged her panties off her legs. "I can do quick."

She wrapped her arms around him, her mouth finding the hollow of his throat as he situated himself between her legs. Lifting her hips to meet him, she cried out with a loud gasp as he thrust inside her.

One arm slid beneath her back as his other arm braced him over her. He moved slowly at first, knowing that despite what she said, she liked the anticipation as much as she liked reaching her orgasm. He placed hot liquid kisses over her neck as he buried himself as far as he could, over and over again.

"Ohhh...God..." she dug her nails into his back as she wrapped her legs around him. As much as she liked the hard, fast paced sex they usually had, a part of her deep down loved this so much more.

"Joey," he groaned thrusting a little faster. He removed the hand from around her back and moved it over the outside of her thigh, then drug his hand over the skin of her inner thigh. She shivered and moaned his name as he swept his finger over her clit.

"Please...please, Pacey," she gasped, tightening her legs around him. She slid her hands over his back and threading her fingers through his hair, she pulled his mouth down to hers. He slipped his tongue passed her lips, much like he moved his body into hers. He rubbed his thumb over he clit and she tore her lips from his and gasped for air as he drove her over the edge.

Her legs felt like jello and she smiled dazedly up at him as she rocked her hips forward. She leaned up on one elbow and kissed his ear. "Come for me Pacey," she whispered breathlessly, still trying to catch her breath. "I want to feel you--" she didn't get to finish the thought as he shuddered in her arms, his come spurting deep inside her body. Smiling softly to herself, she drew him down on top of her, loving the feel of his weight pressing her gently into the mattress.

He rubbed her neck with his nose, "I told you I could do quick," he said with a smile.

"Hmmm, that wasn't exactly quick," she murmured, sliding her hands over his back. "But I completely forgot I was tired, so I don't care."

He smiled, "Good." He rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling, "But I'm tired now."

"Too much work for you?" She teased with a yawn.

"No...but I was tired before. Even more so now."

"Goodnight then," she pushed up on one elbow and gave him a quick kiss goodnight before laying back down on her side of the bed.

He smiled as he rolled onto his side and looked at her, "Night."

Her eyes fluttered open again after a few moments, when she continued to feel his eyes on her. "What?"

He shook his head, "Nothing," he laid back and stared at the ceiling.

She let her eyes fall closed as she listened to his breathing. Several minutes later, just as he was about to fall asleep, she spoke again. "Pace?"


"What about Ruby?"

"Who's Ruby?" he asked sleepily.

"For the baby's name."

"Oh..." he was quiet, "Nah...reminds me of an old woman sitting in a chair chain smoking."

"Okay," she yawned again and settled back into her pillow.

"Night, Potter."

"Night, Witter." He smirked, and closed his eyes. "Monique?"

He sighed, "Let's talk about it later."

She smiled into the dark and turned onto her side, "Okay." He was almost asleep when she spoke again.


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