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Part Two
by Dannie and Rinny

�Seen it. Seen it. Boring. Boring,� Pacey tossed each movie onto Dawson�s bed in succession. He sat up at the desk. �Let�s go out. Somewhere far away from Capeside. We�re both two good-looking single guys. Why waste a perfectly fine Saturday night at home watching movies?�

"Because we're two good-looking single guys without any viable mode of transportation tonight."

Pacey waved him off. �Details. We must know someone with a car. Mitch-mobile? I could probably wrangle out my Dad�s station wagon but that�s not exactly going to help our cause any with the ladies.�

"He's got the car." Dawson replied leaning back against his headboard. "And the only one of us who has a car is Andie."

He shot up in his chair. �That�s it. We�ll borrow the car from McPhee. Not like she�s going to be needing it.�

"On the contrary, she, Jen and Joey took off for Providence early this afternoon."

�Well, that just sucks.� He slumped down in his seat. �We�re not thinking hard enough. There has to be something to do around here.�

"What's got you so antsy tonight, Pace?"

�Don�t you ever just get tired of sitting in your room? We�re both two able-bodied males no reason for us to-Jack!� He sat up quickly the wheels of his mind churning. �We�ll call Jack. He has access to plenty of transportation. He can probably even get his dad to lend him his car.�

Dawson tilted his mouth into a smile. "And even if Jack bought into this 'spur of the minute- lets take some action' thing, what are we going to do?"

�As long as it doesn�t involve a television, a VCR and a rented video, we�ll go out and do something that�s far more entertaining.�

"If you say so." Dawson shrugged, "Call him."

Pacey grabbed Dawson's phone off the desk and began to dial. He raised the phone to his ear. "McPhee?"

"Hey,Pace." Jack greeted his friend, turning the volume down on the TV.

�Any hot plans for tonight?�

"If by hot you mean deathly boring, then yes, I do have hot plans."

�Well, then I have an interesting proposition for you. As of now, Dawson and my plans are just as scintillating as yours. I�m thinking we do something to remedy the situation. No reason for the females of our little group to see more action than we do.�

Jack chuckled, "And what do you have in mind, Witter?"

He smiled leaning back in his chair and propped his feet on the desk. �You get us a feasible mode of transportation and leave the rest up to me.�

"Why do I suddenly feel a cold chill?"

�I�ll just pretend I didn�t hear that, most importantly are you in?�

Jack eyed the TV warily, and weighed his options. "Yeah, I'm in."

�Smart man, McPhee. Just come by Dawson�s house when you�re ready to go.�

"Should I wear anything in particular?" he asked, looking down at his faded jeans and red t-shirt.

�Nah, just dress up for a night on the town. Don�t want to scare any potential prospects away.�

"You do realize, I don't pick up women, right?"

�What? You don�t think a guy�s going to care about what you look like?�

Jack sighed, "I'm not about to pick up a strange guy either. But fine, I'll change first.'

�I suggest the blue sweater. It goes well with your eyes.�

"Pacey, dare I ask why you know that?"

He shrugged. �Andie was rattling on about it one day. I listened. Anyway, less talk more action. I�ll see you in ten?�

"Yeah, I'll pick up Dawson first and then head over to your place."

�Don�t bother. I�m already at Dawson�s. He wanted to waste a perfectly good Saturday night watching movies,� Pacey scoffed.

"That's Dawson for you." He smiled thinking of the odd post-Joey friendship that existed between Dawson and Pacey.

�Some things never change,� Pacey said observing Dawson who was lying on his bed and flipping through the channels on the television.

"I'll be there in a few minutes. Bye."

�Later.� Pacey placed the phone back in its cradle and grinned widely at Dawson. �Jack�s on his way.�

"And where exactly are we going?"

Pacey nodded his head in thought. �I�m still working on that.�

Dawson shrugged, he eyed Pacey's outfit. "You want something to change into?"

Pacey glanced down at his clothes, his favorite Hawaiian shirt and a clean pair of jeans, seemed okay to him. �There something wrong with what I�m wearing?�

"You plan to attract a woman in that?" He eyed Pacey's shirt dubiously.

�What�s wrong with it?� He eyed his clothes critically. �They�re...clean.�

"Yeah, and clean is what attracts girls." He scoffed. "But, then, I'm not exactly one to talk." Dawson added.

"Yeah, exactly," Pacey muttered standing up. His eyes fell on the picture frame of Joey by Dawson's bed stand. "What do you think the girls are up to?"

"I haven't the faintest idea." Dawson sat up on his bed. "Jen told me it was Andie's idea to head to Providence. She probably heard about some College Convention she was just dying to go to. On the other hand, Jen's not likely to stand that kind of atmosphere for very long. So she's probably dragged them back to a coffee house or something."

"Not surprising that Potter's big plans consisted of something related to school. Those girls really like to live dangerously don't they? A college convention here, reading group on Sunday's and when they really feel like living it up there's that wild and crazy cram session."

Dawson raised an eyebrow, "You sound a little cynical."

�God forbid someone disturbs their regular routine,� Pacey mumbled under his breath. He smiled at Dawson. �Moi cynical? That�s Joey�s role. I�m just here for a laugh.�

"Hmm." Dawson eyed his friend critically, and then shrugged. "At least they're out and doing something. Which is more than I can say about us as of late."

�Well, I�m trying to do something. You and Jack are about as motivated as week old bread.�

"It's Senior Year, Pace, there's going to be more than enough action and drama. I don't know why you're so restless."

�It just feels like we go through the same song and dance, week after week, followed by a movie night here with you. It�s getting a bit repetitive.�

"Well, we're going to shake things up tonight." Dawson sat up. "Maybe."

�No we most definitely are,� Pacey said assuredly.

The sound of a honking horn from outside interrupted them. "Are you sure you want to wear that?" Dawson asked as they headed out the door.

Pacey stopped in exasperation. �For the last time what exactly is wrong with what I�m wearing?�

"Geez, it was a joke. Lighten up." He hit him lightly on the back as he passed, heading down the stairs.

�Everyone�s a comedian.� He glanced down at his clothes one more time for good measure before following after Dawson.

"Okay," Joey spoke breathlessly; leaning against the table Jen and Andie were seated at. "Who's idea was this?" She yelled with a wide smile over the loud pounding of the music.

�Well, I suggested we drive up to Providence,� Andie began her face flushed from her dancing.

�And I said there was no way in hell we were going to do anything that required us focusing on school or our future,� Jen added taking a sip of her bottled watered and brushing a sweaty strand of hair away from her face.

�And I remembered Kates mentioning this awesome little place that she and Jack used to hang out at,� Andie interjected.

Jen nodded. �So I think it was a collaboration between Andie and I.�

"Whatever the reason, thanks." She looked over her shoulder and blushed, seeing the guy she'd been dancing with watching her. She turned back to her friends. "I'd like to see Pacey say I don't have a life now."

�Oh yeah, you guys have any kinds of issues,� Jen laughed and tossed a glance at the guy Joey was eyeing. �He�s cute, Jo.�

�Yes, he is.� Andie sighed and propped her elbow on her table cupping her chin in her hand. �It�s a miracle I still have toes after the last guy I danced with.�

Joey looked back once more; the guy was still looking at her. "He's okay. Good dancer. Why don't you have a go with him Andie?"

Andie perked up and cast her eyes on the handsome stranger. �You sure?�

"Not like we're ever likely to see him again." She shrugged, "Besides," She grinned, "I get him back when you're done."

She giggled sliding out of her seat. �Okay guys, I�ll be right back. Wish me luck.�

"Good luck." Joey smiled, taking her seat beside Jen. She watched with an amused smile as Andie approached the guy, at least two years their senior.

�I wonder if it hurts her teeth to smile that much,� Jen commented offhandedly. Her smile fell from her face and she leaned closer to Joey as if they were in an intense conversation. �Oh god, don�t turn around but there�s this guy right behind you that�s been stalking me. I danced with him once and now he won�t take the hint.� She gave a quick fleeting glance over Joey�s shoulder.

Joey moved to look over her shoulder.

She released a sharp breath as he disappeared back into the crowd and slumped down in her seat. �I�ve become too nice. The old Jen would�ve been able to let him down without breaking a sweat.�

Joey chuckled, "No offense, but the old Jen was a whore."

Jen�s mouth fell open in surprise before she finally laughed along with Joey. �Just shut up, okay.�

"You know I only say that cause you're my bestest friend, right?" She winked.

She waved it off. �Oh yeah the bestest.�

"So, anyone else appeal to you?" Joey asked, scanning the crowd. She stole a sip of water from Jen.

She surveyed the room disinterestedly. �I�m still in my �all men suck� stage of post break-up etiquette.�

Joey winced, "Have you talked to him at all recently?"

�No. I�m not all that interested in being friends with a guy that didn�t even have the guts to break up with me to my face.�

"Boys are pricks." She said decisively.

Jen nodded in agreement. �Yes they are, and it�s worst when they act all sweet and make you fall in love with them only to break your heart in the end. Bastards.�

"I never had that problem," She sighed, leaning back in her chair.

�I don�t know whether to admire you or feel really bad for you.�

"Feel really bad." Joey supplied. "I've had worse guy problems than yours with Henry. Like a guy who took three months to realize, I was female. My boyfriend turning out to like men better than me. A guy who turned my dad in for drug dealing. Another guy who didn't even care enough about me to try and make it work..." she sighed. "I'd say you got lucky with Henry. At least at one point, you felt the love."

She shrugged lamely. �I�m not even sure if it was really love with Henry. It was just enough to make it hurt a bit. I think my ego is more damaged than anything.�

Joey nodded, then smiled. She turned to face Jen, "We should go les."

Jen laughed. �I don�t think Pacey and Dawson could take the competition.�

She chuckled, "Good point."

�Enough wallowing,� Jen said standing up with new resolve. �Let�s go break some hearts.�

She rose too, "As if I could." She mumbled, following Jen and entering the crowd of dancers gyrating in the underage club.

Pacey ran a hand through his hair doing more damage than good and brought a hand to his mouth for a quick breath check. He�d popped a tic-tac just in case and slid the packet back into his pocket. �Hey ladies.� He leered appreciatively at the bevel of girls passing by on their way into the club. They smiled back flirtatiously. His smile widened, the night wasn�t a total lost.

Jack nudged Dawson and pointed at Pacey as he stalked a few of the girls. They grinned at each other in amusement, he was so predictable. "Hey Casanova," Jack called, "Why don't you wait till we're inside before you start attacking poor defenseless women."

He smiled and raised an eyebrow turning away from the girls. �Then what are we waiting for?� His eyes widened as a red head passed by in a short black dress. �Excuse me.� He did a quick about face and began to walk after her.

"Either he really is that...wolfish," Dawson chuckled, following behind with Jack. "Or he's running from something." He tilted his head eyeing the redhead Pacey was falling into step with. "Not that he doesn't have good taste."

Jack rolled his eyes, "You straight guys are all alike."

"How so?"

"It's all for the booty." Jack said, straight faced.

"Please tell me you didn't just say 'booty'." They entered the club, taking in the dim surroundings-tables, juice bar, and packed dance floor.

Jack scanned the crowd searching for Pacey, who'd already gotten lost in the crowd. He winked at Dawson, "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." They headed over to an unoccupied table.

Pacey shuffled over to Jack and Dawson�s table seemed red head had a boyfriend, just his luck. �You guys can�t be sitting down already. We just got here.�

"Unlike a certain someone," Dawson started. "We thought we'd see what's going on and who's with who before we start in on the dancing."

�Yeah, Dawson because some beautiful girl is just going to walk over here and ask you to dance.�

"Um, excuse me." A quiet female voice tapped Pacey on the shoulder. He turned around to face a thin Asian girl, her hair pinned back to frame her face. "That's exactly what I came here to do." She smiled smugly at the tall brunette with a baffled look on his face. She turned to Dawson smiling. "I may not be beautiful, but would you like to dance?"

Dawson laughed to himself at her timing, "Only if you admit that you are in fact, gorgeous." He rose from his seat and led her to the dance floor.

Pacey stared after his friend dumbfounded. �How does he do it? Is it the hair?�

"With that shaggy, unwashed look?" Jack asked. He shook his head, "No, it's definitely not the hair."

He threw his arm around Jack�s shoulder. �Well, Jackers, looks like it�s just you and me.�

"Sorry, Pace. You're just not my type." Jack smiled playfully at his friend and pushed him away.

Pacey�s mouth fell open in mock offense and he adjusted the collar to his shirt. �I am insulted. I happen to be very attractive.�

Jack eyed Pacey, "Yeah, Pace, you're a hottie."

He smirked nodding his head in reassurance. �Thank you.�

Jack chuckled, "Come on," he rose from his seat. "Let's go watch you strike out some more."

�Okay, you�re not really helping a guy�s ego here.�

"You need my help boosting your ego?" he asked evenly.

Pacey rubbed his hands together as he spotted a beautiful blonde by the juice bar. �Excuse me, Jackers but I just found someone in dire need of my attention.�

Jack chuckled and waved him on his way. He worked his way into the crowd of dancers, intent on having a good time, regardless of his chances of meeting anyone.

Pacey cleared his throat coming up behind her and wiped his palms on his jeans. He casually motioned in the direction Jack had disappeared in. �You see my friend over there? He wants to know if you think I'm cute.�

Jen giggled at the lame come on and turned to see the poor fool who'd hit on her. Her eyes widened, "Pacey."

His eyes widened. �Lindley! What are you doing here? You know I was joking right,� he said in some lame attempt to cover his embarrassment.

"Apparently I'm acting as bait for lonely teenage boys," she replied wryly.

"I knew it was you the whole time," he lied.

"Sure, ya did." She laughed. "What are you doing all the way down here? Last I heard, you were on a date." She crossed her arms over her chest expectantly.

�Change of plans,� he brushed it off. �I�m here with Jack and Dawson instead.�

"Funny how boys night out meets girls night out. Don�t ya think, Pace?"

He slung his arm around her shoulder. �With the way my night�s been going I�m not so surprised.�

"Am I just another in the long line of strike outs?" She winked at him.

He laughed sarcastically. �Ha ha.�

She jumped down from her stool and wrapped her arm around his waist. "Come on, Witter, let's dance. You'll never strike out with me."

He smiled down at her touching his index finger to her nose. �And that�s why I love you, Lindley. Though I do feel that I should warn you I can�t dance.�

"You can't dance and you came here?" She arched a well-manicured eyebrow at him. "I guess I'll just have to teach ya."

He waggled his eyebrows at her suggestively. �Well, I was hoping to wow the females with my other talents.�

"You have talent?" she teased.

He hugged her to him. �Jennifer, I am insulted although if you keep on with your insinuations I might be forced to show you.� He smirked.

"I'm afraid there just wouldn't be much to see. I wouldn�t want to ruin my preconceptions about your..." she smiled wickedly, "attributes."

�Jennifer, Jennifer, Jennifer,� he shook his head in disappointment, his blue eyes twinkling in amusement. �If I recall correctly you never got to fully appreciate some of my better attributes.�

"Sorry, Babe. You just weren't my type." She smiled up at him as the reached the dance floor.

He nodded in concurrence wrapping his arms around her with a smile. �Sadly, that I wasn�t.�

She returned his embrace as he tried to guide them to the music. "Pacey, Pacey, Pacey." She shook her head in disappointment, "You really don't know how to dance do you?"

He grinned. �I told you so.�

"First of all, this isn't a slow song." She smirked, "And second of all, we're meant to actually touch when we dance." She took his hand and turned around in his arms, so her back was to his front, and his hands were resting on her hips.

He smiled cockily securing his hold on her waist. �This dancing thing just keeps on getting better and better.�

She smiled wryly over her shoulder at him. "Don't ruin the moment by talking. Just dance."

He chuckled huskily his breath warm against her neck. �Okay fine, no talking.�

She pulled away from him and did a little spin before sidling up beside him again, her breasts pressed against his side. He didn�t say anything instead just focusing on the music, and their movements. She moved silkily against him, and he was doing his best to follow her lead without looking like an idiot.

"See, you're getting it." She smiled at him. "Who knows, you might be able to move on to real women soon." She moved so his knee was between hers and wrapped her arms around his neck.

He lowered his head, a small smile on his lips as they just barely brushed her ear. �And what exactly are you then?�

"I," she swallowed, feeling shivers run up her spine at his hot breath on her skin, "am on the rebound."

He shook his head against her neck, his breath warm against her cheek. �Doesn�t make you less of a woman.� He pulled back slightly to look at her, his blue eyes serious. �Henry�s an idiot.�

She shrugged. "Yeah, I know. I knew that in the beginning and I still went and fell for him," she said unhappily her eyes downcast as she moved in time to the music with him.

He raised his hand up and gently cupped her chin in his hand forcing her to meet his gaze. �Look you can�t help things like that, believe me, I know. No sense in beating yourself up about it.�

She smiled sadly. "Especially not now." She hugged him tightly. "We're here to have fun, right?"

He nodded returning her embrace. �Right. Fun. No wallowing on my watch, Lindley.�

"Jen! There you are." Joey sidled up behind Pacey, having spotted Jen's face over his shoulder. "I see you found yourself a hunk of meat." She teased.

Jen tried hard to contain a smile and playfully squeezed Pacey�s butt. �Oh yeah, found myself a real winner here.�

Joey giggled at Jen's blatant grope. "I'll just leave you to it then..."

Pacey pulled away from Jen with mock appall. �I�m ashamed of you women pawing at me like a piece of meat,� he raised an eyebrow, �unless of course I can return the favor.�

"Dream another dream, horn dog." Jen replied easily, and then looked to catch Joey's reaction.

"Pacey?" She narrowed her eyes. "What are you doing here?"

�Getting groped by Lindley of course,� he retorted with a smile.

"So she was your date tonight?" she asked hands on her hips.

He grinned charmingly and looked at Jen. �I don�t know. Lindley was I supposed to be your date tonight?�

Joey glared at him. Jen just laughed, wrapping her arm around his waist and resting her head on his shoulder. "Nope, but you're what I got."

�So no, Jen was not my date tonight rest assured.� He reached a hand out and pinched Joey�s cheek playfully. �Now this might come as a surprise to you, but I lied. I didn�t have a date tonight.�

She crossed her arms in front of her chest and arched an eyebrow at him. "There a reason for your blatant lie then?"

�What better reason do I need than to bug the hell out of you?�

She scowled and turned on her heel, making her way angrily through the gyrating dancers and back to her table. She sat down and tried to fight back the sting of angry tears. Why was he able to get to her so easily?

Jen gave him an exasperated look, "Was that really necessary?"

He shrugged helplessly ignoring the slight uneasiness he felt. �How was I supposed to know she was going to take it to heart? Joey and I bug each other all the time. That�s what we do.�

"Maybe you should rethink your relationship then." She told him scathingly. "Because obviously that's not what she does."

He frowned jamming his hands into his jean pockets and shifted uncomfortably. �Fine. I�ll go do some damage control then.�

"Save it, Pacey." She told him, and then softened her tone; �I�m going to go talk to her. I somehow doubt she's in the mood for your company right this second."

"You sure?"

"Yeah," she nodded. "See if you can find Andie or something." She suggested, pinching his behind. "I'll catch up to you later."

He jokingly smacked her hand away. �No feeling up the goods.�

"I gotta know what I'm buying before I make my purchase." She smirked.

He winked. �Don�t worry comes with a special money back guarantee that you won�t be needing because I always make sure my customers are satisfied.�

"Ok, this conversation just crossed the line between flirting and illegal. But if anyone I know would become a male prostitute..." She laughed. "I'm going to go find Joey."

�Oh yeah sure, now you just think I�m cheap and easy.� He folded his arms over his chest while nodding empathetically.

"Yep." She nodded teasingly before turning away and heading in the direction Joey had disappeared in.

�Want to talk about it?� Jen asked sympathetically as she slid onto the wooden seat beside Joey.

"What's to talk about? He lied to me with the sole purpose of making me feel miserable."

The corners of Jen�s mouth turned down in a faint frown and she scooted forward in her seat. �I thought you were just friends,� she commented cautiously.

"We hardly seem to be that, now do we?" She replied sarcastically. "And no, I don't mean he was trying to make me jealous. Cause even he knows that's not possible." She sighed, "He went out of his way to make me feel pathetic for not having any type of social life. When it turns out, he's just as pathetic is I am!"

Jen smiled encouragingly and nudged Joey�s shoulder. �Pacey�s all talk, you know that. Besides, he did you a favor. You would have never came out tonight if he hadn�t encouraged you in some misguided sense of the word, and you�re having a good time right?� She sighed, "Yeah...I am. Or at least, I was."

�Y�know, we started the night without the guys, no reason for us to be stuck with them now...we can always find some place else to hang,� Jen said trying to be understanding.

"No," she shook her head with resolve. "No. We're going to stay. And we're going to have fun. No reason for him to ruin our night."

�Good to hear,� Jen remarked with a grin.

Joey took a long drink from the bottle of water on their table before turning to Jen, "I suddenly feel the urge to cut in on Andie."

Jen smiled brightly, her cheeks rosy and propped her elbows up on the table cupping her chin in her hands. �Feel free to and warn her about the intruders in our sanctity.�

"I'll make sure to," the corner of her mouth tilted up. "I'm sure she'd love the chance to dance with a certain someone."

Her eyes glittered merrily. �I just bet she would.�

Joey moved away from the table and back into the crowd, her eyes roaming the dancers for the familiar form of Andie.

�Hey Joey!� Andie exclaimed happily; the pink of her cheeks almost matched the dress she was wearing. She waved enthusiastically at her friend from behind the shoulder of the cute guy she was dancing with, his name was Matthew, and he was a senior at Andie�s old high school. She�d never seen him when she was a freshman though because she was sure she�d remember his beautiful gray eyes, he�d transfered the year after she left for Capeside.

"Ya mind if I cut in?"

�Um...sure I guess.� She stepped away slightly uneasy.

"Dawson, Pacey and Jack are here," she told the blond as she put her arms around Matthew. "Seems they couldn't stand to be without us for the night."

She giggled. �Well, that�s just like them isn�t it? I�m going to see if I find Jack then.�

"Uh-huh." She nodded distractedly, staring up into Matthew's eyes. Andie rolled her eyes and faded into the crowd before Joey had even noticed. He looked to be about the same age as her. She toyed with the hairs at the back of his neck as they moved to the slow song. She tilted her head, "You know how to freak?" She blurted out, and then blushed looking down at the collar of his shirt.

"Do I know how to what?" He chuckled. His laugh was warm and smooth, 'A lot like-' she cut that thought short.

"Freak." She repeated, smiling shyly. "At least, I think that's what it's called. It's that style of modern Dirty Dancing. I've always kinda wanted to learn...there just isn't the opportunity back home."

He smiled widely, captivated by her shy boldness. He'd only known the girl for a few seconds, and already she was a mystifying walking contradiction. "Yeah. I freak."

"Teach me?" She asked, eyes wide.

He nodded, "Yeah, if we get the music for it."

She smiled happily, "The name is Josephine, call me anything but Joey, and you'll lose that charming baritone voice and become falsetto."

He smiled wryly, "I'll be sure to keep that in mind."

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