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Part Eighteen
by Dannie and Rinny

Bessie knocked on her sister's door a few moments later. "Hey sis, your date's waiting."

"Okay," She stood up and approached her sister nervously. "How do I look?"

"You look great, Jo," she said sincerely as she took in her sister's appearance. "He's cute too." She winked.

Blushing, Joey looked down with a smile. "Please, tell me Bodie's not giving him the third degree." They walked down the hall to the living room.

"I'll tell you that, but I can't exactly say that it's true."

"Bodie, leave him alone." Joey said warningly as they arrived in the living room.

Bodie stood up from his seat across from Kyle. "Lesson number one, never cross a Potter woman when they use that tone."

Kyle laughed nervously and stood up sliding his hands into his pockets. "I'll keep that in mind." His smile grew when he saw Joey. "Hey, you look great."

She smiled, "Thanks. Not so bad yourself." His hair was the same unruly, but sexy mess. He wore a pair of dark jeans and a dark red long sleeve shirt that made his shoulders seem even wider. He held his thick winter coat over his arm. Essentially, he was the exact opposite of Pacey.

He grinned staring at her for a few moments unable to get over how beautiful she looked. Bodie cleared his throat knowingly trying to hide his own smile and Kyle shook his head clearing his thoughts. "Um, we should probably be going."

"Yeah," she headed for the coat rack. "I'll be home by twelve, maybe earlier." She told Bessie.

Bessie smiled leaning against Bodie. "Have fun."

"We will." Joey replied, taking her coat from the rack.

Kyle smiled at Bessie and Bodie. "It was nice meeting you."

"You don't have to say that," Joey said in a teasing stage whisper.

"Save those things until after we're out the door." He grinned and helped her on with her coat.

"Thanks," she smiled doing up the buttons.

"No problem."

They stepped out onto the porch, the January air smelled of snow. "Cold out, isn't it?" Joey said, searching for something to say.

"It tends to be that way in the winter," he teased as he led her to his car.

She giggled, "Yeah, duh. Can I ask your forgiveness ahead of time for anything stupid I might say? I'm not really used" She blushed furiously.

"It's okay because I'm sure I'll say or do something stupid too..." He laughed nervously. "Like right now."

"Great. If we're both feeling a little stupid, then we're even."

"Right...It all balances out in the end." He held the car door open for her.

She buckled her seat belt as he got in on her side. "So, what's on the agenda?" She asked.

"Well, if you're hungry we could pick up something to eat and then go to the movie or movie first, and then the meal or we can just go to the movie. Whatever you'd like."

"Why don't we wait?" She suggested as he pulled out of the drive.

"Um wait for the movie or wait to eat?"

"To eat," she clarified, offering him a soft smile.

"Okay." He grinned and started the car, pulling out of her driveway.

"So, what's playing?" She asked as they started heading towards the remodeled Rialto.

"A movie." He winced at how idiotic he sounded. "Actually, I didn't really have time to check."

"Oh, well...that adds mystery." She said with a smile.

"You sure you don't want to pick up anything? You can turn on the radio if you want."

"No, we can get some popcorn or something at the theater to tide us over until dinner." She leaned forward and switched on the radio, hoping some music would cover their awkwardness.

He smiled nervously tapping his hands against the steering wheel. "Okay. Whatever you want is fine."

"We can do what you want too, ya know."

"Yeah but what I want to do is what you want to do, so the question's moot." He grinned.

She laughed, "If you put it that way..."

"Unless you know, I just consigned myself to rob a liquor store but if that's what you really want to do, I think I have enough gas."

"The scary part of that statement, is that I actually think you're serious."

"Well, I was joking. I swear." He smiled pulling the car to a stop in front of the movie theater.

"Good, cause I was really looking forward to the movie." She smiled.

"Good," he repeated and climbed out of the car, walking over to her side to hold the door open for her. "So anything in particular you want to see?"

"Um...nothing too deep." She wrinkled her nose, "I'm really not in the mood to get in touch with my feelings tonight. But other than that, I'm open to suggestion."

"Is it too early in the date to tell you that you look adorable when you do that?"

She blushed and looked down. "Maybe just a little." She lifted her eyes to meet his. "But I wont tell if you don't."

"It's a deal." He impulsively reached for her hand and gave it a small squeeze. "So see anything that interests you?"

"Aside from you? Not really." She bit her lip, surprised at her own forwardness.

He smiled. "Any movies capture your attention?"

She scanned the listings, "We don't have many options do we?"

"This is Capeside."

"You choose."

He shook his head. "Nope. Then this only has the potential to be bad. You choose."

"Why do I have to choose? Just because I'm female?" She challenged him with a glint in her eye.

"No, because I'm paying and I asked you out. It's in the rule book."

"The rule book?" She asked skeptically, arching an eyebrow.

He nodded solemnly. "The Rule Book."

"Should I be worried that you read The Rule Book?" She chuckled.

"You're funny. I like that." He led them to the ticket booth. "Two please."

"What show?" The girl behind the desk asked in a monotone voice. She didn't bother to even look at them.

Kyle looked at her, arching a blond eyebrow. Joey rolled her eyes with a smile, "Save the Last Dance."

"$8.50," the girl replied, printing out the tickets.

Kyle pulled out his wallet and gave the girl a ten dollar bill. He took the tickets and handed one to Joey, pocketing the change. "So do you want to get something? Popcorn? Soda? Snowcaps?" he asked as he held the door open for her.

"Hmmm..." she thought for a minute, "I think I have a craving for some Jelly Bellys."

"Jelly Bellys it is," he said heading for the concession stand.

She smiled, following behind him, joining the short line in front of the stand. The line moved swiftly and it was there turn in no time.

"You sure you don't want any popcorn?" Kyle asked after he'd asked for soda and Joey's Jelly Bellys.

"Yeah, but if you get some, I'll probably steal a little."

He smiled turning back to the counter. "And let me get a medium popcorn."

"I hope you're planning on eating most of that," Joey teased as the guy behind the counter handed Kyle the bucket of popcorn.

"Or if the movie's really boring we could throw it at people for fun," he joked.

"Maybe," she smiled. "Can you believe I've never done that before? What kind of teenager am I?"

"A seriously deprived one." He grinned and held the door open to the theater for her. "Any place you want to sit?"

"Well, we can't throw popcorn from the front now can we?"

"Right." He nodded. "How about somewhere in the middle?"

"Or...we could sit in the back, it's darker there," She suggested quietly.

"If you want."

Joey nodded, "I want." If Pacey could make out with a girl in the middle of the lunchroom, then she could easily do the same in the back of a darkened theater, right? She thought with a tiny smile as she followed Kyle down the row.

"So I had a really nice time tonight," Kyle said as he walked Joey to her door after the movie. He'd been a perfect gentleman in the theater. Making a move only to put his arm around her.

She offered him her trade mark half smile, turning to face him as they reached the door. "Me too."

He smiled nervously and stuffed his hands into his pocket. "Maybe we can do it again some time?"

"I'd like that," she said sincerely. "So, um...does that rule book of yours say anything about first kisses?"

"Well, I do believe there was a chapter dedicated to it," he said scratching the side of his head thoughtfully.

"And," she blushed faintly, "what did it say?"

"Well, first I have to ask and make sure you'd be comfortable with it, I mean, it's politically correct." He smiled. "So, Joey Potter, would you mind if I kissed you?"

"And if I said no?" She wondered with a soft smile.

"Well, besides praying for a hole to open up and swallow me because of my utter embarrassment, I guess I'll tell you goodnight with a handshake?"

"Well, that just isn't enough for me." She took a step closer to him, a teasing smile spread over her lips.

"Then I guess I'm just going to have to do something about that," he murmured moving a hand up to cup her cheek. He moved forward and pressed his warm lips softly to hers.

Joey broke the sweet kiss away after a moment, her eyes closed as she tried to commit the warmth to memory.

He grinned faintly. "I'll call you."

"Yeah," She nodded, a blush climbing her neck to color her cheeks. Her eyes fell to the porch shyly. "Thanks again, for the date."

"My pleasure."


"Goodnight." He headed down the porch steps and glanced back at her one more time with a smile before heading to his car.

Joey waved at him once before turning to the door and letting herself in. The smile that had been plastered on her face faded. Why couldn't she get Pacey out of her head? True, she thought as she pulled off her heavy winter coat and hung it on the coat rack, when she'd been with Kyle, he'd managed to distract her from her thoughts of him. And the kiss...she touched her finger tips to her lips, the kiss had been sweet. Like kissing Dawson.

Hurrying down the hall to the laundry room she picked up a pair of pajamas and disappeared into the bathroom, all the while trying not to compare Kyle's kiss to Pacey's. She frowned at her reflection in the mirror. Pacey's kisses were hot and passionate...and she felt them throughout her entire body. Kyle...his kiss had been warm and sweet. Very sweet. Only, it lacked the fire she felt when Pacey's lips touched hers.

She glared at her reflection for even allowing herself to compare Kyle to Pacey. At least Kyle's kiss meant something. She twisted the knobs on the sink and cupped the water in her hands and splashed it on her face. She grabbed the soap and rubbed it viciously into her hands and face. Pacey didn't matter anymore. He had his trampy rebound girlfriend to keep him company now, she thought bitterly.

With a scowl, she grabbed a towel hanging from the rack and dried her face. Quickly, she stripped out of her clothes and pulled on her pajamas. Lastly, she brushed her teeth, forcing herself rethink her date with Kyle instead of thinking about Pacey. After rinsing her mouth she deposited her dirty clothes into the laundry room and made her way to the bedroom.

"So," Pacey drawled from his perch on top of her bed, when he saw her enter the room. "How'd the date go?"

"Pacey." She took a step back in surprise, her brown eyes wide. "What are you doing here?"

He shrugged uncomfortably, "I was bored."

"After weeks of the silent treatment you decide now to pay me a visit?" She closed her bedroom door behind her and moved to the bureau and undid the ponytail she'd had her hair in so she wouldn't have to look at him.

"Well, you didn't exactly go out of your way to talk to me either, Potter," he reminded her quietly, watching her with interest.

"That system seemed to be working fine for both of us." She replied non-commitedly. She shook out her waves of hair, picked up the hairbrush and began to pull it through her thick brunette strands.

"Or maybe only one of us..."

The hairbrush stilled in her hands for a moment as she glanced at him for the first time through the mirror. Her heart skipped a beat just looking at him. She blinked and her eyes grew hard again, "Yeah, well." She pulled the hair brush violently, her eyes watering as the bristles caught on a knot.

"Easy there, Potter or you won't have any hair left." He climbed off the bed and came up behind her. Taking the brush from her hand, he carefully began to run it through her hair.

"You-you don't have to do that." She murmured, watching him in the mirror with awe. Her hands fell to her sides numbly as he gently brushed through her hair.

"It pained me to watch you," he joked lightly.

The corner of her mouth turned up weakly. "It was just a knot."

"There. I think I got it out." He ran the brush through her hair one last time.

"Thanks," she said softly, reaching behind her to take the brush from him, her hand grazing his.

He cleared his throat uncomfortably and moved away from her. "Yeah, well..."

She took a deep breath. "So, um, Gretchen kick you out?"

He shook his head. "Nah."

"Then what's with the late night visit?" She asked, smoothing out her pajamas needlessly as she sat on the edge of her bed, curling her feet beneath her.

He shrugged again, fingering a picture frame on her desk. "Just bored."

"I don't think you're gonna find any relief to your boredom here." She picked up a pillow and cradled it in her lap, playing with the laundry tag. "Maybe you should try Ash for that."

"Or maybe I just missed you," he said turning to her.

Joey stared at him for a moment, then tore her eyes away from his. Just when she thought she could move on, he had to say something to tear her apart again. Swallowing she said, "I don't know why, we see each other every day at lunch."

"Figures..." he mumbled, moving to sit beside her on the bed.

She tightened her hold on the pillow, pulling it protectively to her chest. "Was there something you wanted?" She managed to get out, her voice just above a whisper.

His fingers moved of their own accord to stroke the soft strands of hair that framed her face, he brought her eyes to his. "You."

Her mouth fell open slightly in surprise. "What are don't...but--" She stuttered, her heart racing a mile a minute.

"I miss you, Jo," he murmured sincerely.

"I-I miss you too," she whispered, leaning into his touch. His hand drifted to caress the softness of her cheek, just wanting to touch her. They sat there in silence, the tension mounting as they stared at one another in the dim light of Joey's room, waiting for someone to make the first move.

Finally, Joey blinked and smiling weakly, she opened her mouth to speak more just as Bessie chose that moment to knock on the door as she pushed it open. "Joey, I wanted to--oh," she blinked in surprise. "Pacey, long time no see."

His hand immediately returned to his side and he stood up, smiling awkwardly at Bessie. "Yeah, I was just leaving."

"Sounds like a good idea, it's late." She nodded, arching an eyebrow at Joey.

Joey swallowed, still not quite sure if what had just happened was real. "Yeah, we can talk tomorrow, Pace," she smiled faintly at him.

"Goodnight, Pacey," Bessie held the bedroom door open for him. She leaned in as he passed, "And don't be a stranger anymore," she said in a low whisper. She shut the bedroom door as Pacey left, "What was that about?" she questioned her sister.

"It was nothing," Joey shifted uncomfortably under her sister's scrutinizing stare.

Bessie raised an eyebrow. "Nothing?"

"He, uh, wanted to know how my date went."


"What?" Joey turned away from her sister's all too knowing eyes, and pulled back her blankets. "That's what he wanted."

"Because it's late and I'm tired, I'm just going to let that one pass. Tomorrow morning though..."

"I'll be sure not to be here for questioning."

Bessie rolled her eyes and smiled faintly, despite the worry she felt for her little sister. "Just go to bed."

"Night, Bess." She said tiredly, switching off the bedside lamp. She stared up at the dark ceiling, trying to comprehend what had just happened. She turned on her side, sleep was going to allude her tonight.

After a fitful night's sleep, Joey got up early to avoid Bessie and made the long trek to the Witter's beach house. It was obvious to her that she couldn't let hope get the better of her. Better she play it safe and assume only that he wanted her friendship back in his life. And really, that's all he'd said. Just that he'd missed her. Nothing more.

So that was what she'd take. And if he did mean something more...well, he couldn't. He was with Ash. She frowned just thinking of the other girl. And she was with Kyle. Her frown deepened to a scowl. She liked Kyle...she did. But he wasn't--

"And what brings you around these parts at this God awful hour in the morning?" Pacey asked when he opened the door only awake because he had to drive Gretchen to work because her car wasn't working yet again.

"Would you believe hiding from an inquisitive older sibling?" She asked lightly, smiling softly at him.

He raised an eyebrow. "Breakfast?" he asked moving aside so she could enter if she wanted.

"Depends. Are we talking a meal a la Chef Witter or cold cereal?" She asked as she entered.

"You have something against Lucky Charms?"

"No," she smiled teasingly at him. "I have something against your cooking."

He smiled. "Ooh harsh."

"Excuse me, I recall a certain someone dissing my omelet making skills just a few months ago."

He shrugged with a smirk. "Well, that was justifiable."

"If I recall, you wolfed those eggs down," she recounted, moving to the cupboards and pulling out a pair of bowls.

"What's your point?"

She smiled, "I guess I don't really have one."

He walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out the milk. "Don't forget the spoons, Potter."

"Got 'em," she pulled open the drawer and placed the dishes on the table beside the box of cereal.

"At least you're good for something," he joked as he sat down.

"Yeah," she scoffed, "whatever would you do without me to get you a spoon?"

"Exactly." He nodded solemnly as he poured some cereal in his bowl.

She offered him a faint smile, then took the box from him, pouring her own bowl of cereal and then added milk.

"You have to start learning to visit at a reasonable time."

"I didn't wake you, did I?" She asked, taking a bite of the sweetened cereal.

"You did ruin what could have possibly been a few extra hours of sleep. It's bad enough Gretchen woke me up before dawn to drive her."

"I can leave after this," she gestured to her cereal.

"You don't have to."

"Okay," she nodded.

He ate his cereal in silence, chewing thoughtfully as he eyed her through his peripheral vision.

"So," Joey finally broke the silence, rising and rinsing out her bowl in the sink. "Where do we start?"

"Your guess is as good as mine."

She let out a long breath, avoiding meeting his eyes. "I-I've been hoping that what you needed was time. I mean, everything just kind of hit you at once, right? So, I thought that eventually, given time, you could forgive me. And last night...did that mean you had?"

"Forgive you? I was kind of hoping you'd forgive me."

"You didn't do anything, Pacey. There's nothing for me to forgive."

"That's not true, Potter." He coughed and cleared his throat uncomfortably. "You deserved better. Your first time should have been special with someone you love."

She bit her lip, "You mean with someone who loves me back."

He shook his head. "No, I mean with someone you're in love with not some drunken friend."

She turned her head away, her hair falling to curtain her face. "You know how I-," she couldn't seem to finish the sentence. "I don't regret it, Pacey. I may wish that things were different, but I haven't regretted for a single moment that my first time was with you."

He gazed at her helplessly. "I do. You deserved to be with someone like Dawson."

She turned back to him, a disgusted look on her face. "Dawson? You want me with someone like *Dawson*?"

He shrank back in his seat. "Or someone that means as much to you as Dawson," he said weakly.

She shook her head, "*You* mean more to me than Dawson does."

He shrugged. "Yeah, well...Exactly."

She sighed, crossing her arms protectively over her chest as she leaned against the counter. "The fact remains, that I don't regret it, and you do."

"Of course I regret it, Joey. I didn't want our first time together to be under those circumstances."

The air caught in her throat, "Our-our first time?"

He smirked. "What Potter? You don't think I ever thought about it before?"

She was quiet for a moment, staring into his eyes, "How did you picture our first time?" She asked in a whisper, swallowing thickly.

"Well, I can definitely tell you it wasn't anything like what actually happened."

She nodded, "It wasn't how I pictured it either..."

He raised an eyebrow a small smile on his lips. "I knew you wanted me."

She shook her head, looking down as an embarrassed smile grew across her face

"So, um," he shifted uncomfortably. "How'd you picture it?"

She smiled faintly, "Well, I was beautiful and you were sober." The corner of her mouth turned up, "I knew exactly what to do to make you--and you didn't pass out at the end."

"Well, at least one part came out right."

"And what part was that?"

"You were beautiful."

She could feel her cheeks flush, "There was actually this one you remember when I came over with that muffin for an apology and you came out of the shower and I was..."

He raised an eyebrow curiously. "What?"

"I was kinda...fantasizing about joining you in the shower."

He gasped in exaggerated surprise. "You don't say."

"What? You could tell?"

He shook his head. "Nah."

She shook her head, "See, this is why I don't tell you things."

"And why is that?"

"Because...that was something you really didn't need to know about." She blushed, "And now, I'm always going to know that you know."

He smirked and shrugged. "Hey you've imagined me naked, I really can't blame you."

She tossed a glare at him, "And I've seen you naked, and sadly, you didn't measure up to my imagination."

He reached for his shirt. "Well, it was dark, maybe you need a better look."

She arched an eyebrow, "Cocky, aren't you?"

"Just wanted to make sure you made a correct assessment."

"So," she moved back to the chair, changing the topic. "Have we forgiven each other?"

"You insulted me and quite frankly, I am deeply offended." He grabbed a peach from the bowl on the table and took a bite.

She watched a drop of the fruit juice trickle out of the corner of his mouth and she shifted in her seat. "I didn't say you had a bad body...just not what I had pictured."

"Uh-huh..." he eyed her dubiously and took another bite of the fruit.

She looked away from his mouth, knowing letting her gaze linger there would cause her nothing but problems. "You know, I don't even know why we're discussing the merits and pitfalls of your body. It holds no relevance to..." she struggled to find the right words, "fixing our friendship."

He fixed her with a look. "Are you wearing a bra?"

Her eyes widened, "What?!"

He shrugged halfheartedly and bit into the peach. "Just asking."

"Tell me about, Ash." She returned, catching him off guard just as he had her.

"I'm sure she's not as interesting as Kyle."

"I've had one date with Kyle. She must be special if you' her."

"It's nothing serious."

"Right," She sighed, looking away.

He eyed her contemplatively. "So you never did answer my question..."

"Why do you want to know?"

"Are you wearing a bra or not?" He grinned.

"I don't see what that as to do with anything." She shifted again in her seat, crossing her arms over her chest.

He leaned over in his seat as if to get a better look. "So you say."

She slapped his shoulder, "Stop that."

"What? You can think about me naked but I can't wonder if you're wearing a bra or not?" he said as he sat back down.

"Ummm..." she tapped her chin thoughtfully, "No."

"Oh c'mon, that's not fair."

"You can wonder all you want. But I'm not going to dignify that with an answer."

"How about one quick look then?"

She stared him down for a moment, "What is going through your mind right now, Pacey?"

"I'm imagining you naked." He didn't even blink.

She blushed again, "Then you don't need to know whether or not I'm wearing a bra, do you?"

He smiled. "I'm sorry I didn't hear you. I was too busy imagining you naked."

"Stop it!"

"Stop what?" he asked innocently.

"Picturing me naked."

"How are you going to stop me?"

"By asking nicely?" She batter her eye lashes at him.

He pretended to mull it over. "Nope. It's still not better than picturing you naked."

"Wouldn't it just be better to see the real thing?"

"You offering?"

"I might." She answered bravely.

He folded his arms in front of his chest and smirked. "You're bluffing."

"You'd be obligated to get naked as well."

He shrugged it off. "Fine."

She fingered the bottom seam of her shirt, her lips curved downwards in a faint frown. "You know we can't do this," she said softly.

"We've already seen each other naked, so I don't see what the problem is."

"Then why get naked at all?"

"You're the one that offered."

She sighed, "Yeah, I know."

"So I guess I'll just keep on picturing you naked."

"You're an ass, Pacey."

He smiled sadly. "I know."



"I'm not."

His gaze dropped to her chest and he groaned. "Potter, you're killing me here."

"*I'm* killing you?"

"Well, if I wasn't really thinking about you naked before, I sure as hell am now."

She giggled lightly. "You can stop staring at my chest now."

He coughed and cleared his throat. "Right."

"Thank you."

She smiled in amusement.

"Um, yeah..." He stood up and walked over to the living room. "So TV?"

"Yeah, sure." She nodded, rising to follow him. She grabbed the half eaten peach as she left the kitchen and bit into it. "Well, at least the awkwardness is gone."


"Or not..." She added warily, biting into the fruit as she sat down on the couch.

He tossed her the remote. "You can choose."

"There's nothing I really wanna watch," she suggested.

He shifted uncomfortably. "Just pick something."

She nodded, and flipped the TV on. She ran through the channels until she came across a baseball game. Boston verses Seattle. "This good?"


She gave him a side long look, licking her lips of the sweet juice from the peach. She wasn't quite sure what he was thinking. She never was anymore.

He stilled and willed himself to focus on the baseball game and not on the fact, that Joey Potter was sitting not too far not wearing a bra. Baseball, he thought. Think baseball.

"I heard this was a classic game," she finally said, watching the game on ESPN Classic.

He nodded not bothering to look at her. "Right."

She frowned slightly, turning her gaze to the television. She wasn't much of a baseball fan, but of any sport, she'd rather watch this one. She tilted her head slightly, the tight pants were rather nice.

Baseball. Baseball. Baseball. Baseball, Pacey repeated in his head. An image of Joey wearing those tight baseball pants and no bra, popped into his head and he shifted awkwardly in his seat. He reached for one of the pillows Gretchen kept on the soft and placed it over his lap.

His silence was beginning to grate on her nerves, "Did you used to play baseball for a while, Pace?"

He glanced at her distractedly. "Huh?"

She licked the corner of her mouth to catch a drop of liquid. "Didn't you play when you were younger?"

He almost choked. "Play?"

"You" She gave him a funny look.

"Uh, right."

"Are you okay? You look flushed."

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"


"Okay," She leaned forward and placed the peach pit on a dirty plate sitting on the coffee table. Then, she lay down on the couch, putting her head on the pillow in Pacey's lap and curled her feet up. "I didn't sleep well last night," she said by way of explanation, turning her attention back to the TV.

He gazed down at her hopelessly. "Oh."

She pushed her long brown hair, to fan out across the pillow as she focused back on the game, wondering why his breathing was so uneven.

Oh fuck, she wanted to kill him. He swallowed his hand impulsively moving to stroke her hair. "Uh, you can sleep on the bed if you want."

She smiled faintly at his gentle touch. "I think I like it here," she murmured, her eyes suddenly feeling heavy.

"Uh, you sure? I think you'll find the bed much more comfortable," he insisted.

"I'm already comfortable. If you're not go a head and move, just leave me the pillow." She snuggled deeper into the couch.

Unable to resist he lightly ran a finger over the smooth curve of her neck. "If that's what you want."

She tried to repress the shiver his touch sent down her spine. "Stay."

He nodded, his breathing heavy. "Okay."

They were quiet for a long time, the volume on the TV was low. He continued to run his fingers through her hair, thinking maybe she'd fallen asleep. "Pacey?" Her voice was a whisper, breaking the silence between them. "If you could do one thing different, what would it be?"

His hand stilled in her hair in surprise. He cleared his throat. "There's a long list."

"You can only choose one."

"I'm not sure," he said honestly. "You?"

"I wouldn't have let Dawson pressure me into making the wrong choice."

"Jo?" he murmured hoarsely.

She turned onto her back so she could look up at him. Staring into his bright eyes, she willed him to kiss her. It was probably the worse thing she could ever do to herself, letting him in again...but for this moment, she really didn't care.

He gently ran his finger over the soft skin of her lower lip as he gazed down at her, captivated. Of it's own accord, the tip of her tongue left her mouth and moistened her lips before meeting his finger. He groaned softly, shutting his eyes against the image and wanting nothing more than to pin her to the sofa and kiss her senseless.

She watched the pained expression flash across his face and wondered what the hell she was doing. She lifted his hand and turned it, leaving a lingering kiss on his palm. "I think maybe I should go."

He nodded slowly. "Y-yeah."

"I can't do this again, Pace." She said carefully, "Not when we have such a fragile hold on our friendship."

He shook his head regretfully. "You're right."

"I am?"

"I think so."

"Okay," she sat up, letting him make the decision for her. "Is there anything else we should talk about to clear the air?"

"Not that I can think of."

"Then I think I'll head home now. I'm sure Bessie want to interrogate me about last night."

He exhaled sharply. "Okay."

She stood up and walked around the back of the couch, then leaned over the back near his head. She placed a soft kiss on his cheek, "Bye, Pace." With that, she was out the door.

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