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Part Eleven
by Dannie and Rinny

Jen sighed tiredly her gloved hands wrapped tightly around the wrought-iron bars of the gate that surrounded the ice skating rink in Central Park as she watched the skaters whirl by. It had been far too long since she'd been in the city and it was a bittersweet reunion. Her parents were not even home when she and Grams had arrived and had only showed up yesterday. She frowned the whole visit was tense so far with only forced, polite conversation. She let out a huff breath of annoyance. She had never missed Capeside so much.

"I take it dinner didn't go so well?" Henry's warm voice floated through the cold air behind her. She turned around to face him with a bitter smile, taking in his tall frame and the concern in his eyes.

"Actually dinner went right as I expected. It was just like I wasn't even there." She sighed and gazed out at the rink again.

He moved to stand beside her, leaning against the railing. "I'm sorry to hear that, Jen." He said softly, "You deserve far better than them."

"I just wish," she paused. "I don't know what I want anymore. All I know is that Grams and Capeside feel even more like home after this week."

He smiled softly, "If your parent's make you this miserable, Jen, I'm glad they forced you to live in Capeside. That was probably the only decent thing they ever did for you."

"You're probably right."

He nodded his head to the ice skating rink, "You wanna go for a spin?" He arched en eyebrow at her.

She smiled. "I don't know. It's been a while."

"I'll help you." He took her hand and pulled her in the direction of the skate rentals. "It'll take your mind off things."

She raised an eyebrow. "You mean like how having a broken leg will make everything seem lesser in comparison?"

He chuckled, "Yeah. Something like that."

"It's not funny. I'm a klutz, really," Jen protested.

"I know," he winked at her. "That's what will make this fun." He pouted, "Come on, my treat."

She smiled. "I might be able to be enticed if promised, let's say, some hot chocolate with extra marshmallows maybe some whip cream..."

"And a cherry on top." He finished for her. "It's a deal."

"I'm probably just going to end up falling and embarrassing myself."

"Don't be so negative." He chided her, "It's a learning experience."

"So you say now..."

He rolled his eyes comically at her, and handed over the money for the skate rentals. They retrieved their skates and moved through the crowd to a bench.

"So you any good at this stuff?" Jen asked as she laced up her skates.

"Yeah, I took a few lessons when I was younger." He laced up his own as he spoke. "Make sure you get them tight, or you'll end up breaking your ankles."

Jen's eyes widened and she glanced down at her feet as she sat up. �Oh God, you've sentenced me to some death trap.�

He shook his head, "I don't think you'll die. The worst that could happen is you loose a few fingers." He smiled teasingly at her and held out a hand to help her stand.

"I'm really hating you right now," Jen muttered as she grabbed his hand and stood up on unsteady legs.

"I think I'll live with you hating me." He walked with her to the edge of the ice, "Ya ready?"

She released a calming breath and nodded her head as she surveyed the ice. "As I'll ever be."

"Okay," he stepped onto the ice and glided a few feet away and stopped to watch her.

Jen tentatively stepped onto the ice and tried to maintain her balance. "Henry," she called out warningly as she reached out to hold the railing. Her eyes narrowed intently as she tried to keep herself up.

He skated over to her, a smile on his face. "It's just like rollerblading, Jen. Only without the pads." He held out both hands to her and she took them to steady herself.

Jen stuck her tongue out at him gripping his hands tightly. "But ice is cold and hard."

"Then don't fall," he advised. He started skating backwards, pulling her slowly along with him. He laughed at her awkward stance. "See, this is fun."

She shook her head tightly her gaze focused on her feet as she repeated her mantra of �don't fall� in her head. "Yeah fun."

"Take it slow," he advised. "One foot in front of the other."

"That's what I'm doing!" Jen whined pulling a gloved hand away to brush away some strands of hair that had become matted on her lip-gloss.

"And see, you're doing okay. You'll be a pro in no time." A boy around six year's old zoomed around them, and continued dodging in and out of the skaters. Jen and Henry looked at each other and burst into laughter.

"Now I'm officially embarrassed."

"Don't be." He smoothed her hair with his glove, "Everyone's gotta start somewhere."

The corner of her mouth turned up slightly as she gazed at him, her eyes dancing in amusement. "Stop trying to make me feel better. We both know I suck."

"But you suck less than you did when you stepped on the ice." He teased optimistically. "I'm gonna let go now." He warned her before releasing her arms slowly.

"No!" Jen exclaimed loudly her eyes widened in panic. "Don't!"

She leaned over precariously, lurching to where his hands were. He laughed and steadied her again, "Okay, okay. I wont go anywhere." His eyes danced in amusement."

She smiled visibly relaxing once she was sure she had his help. "Thank you."

"What time do you have to be back home?" He asked.

"Grams wants to go out for dinner at eight." She answered gliding along beside him unsteadily. "What about you?"

"We had my Aunt's birthday dinner last night, so I'm pretty much free until nine-ish. I'm supposed to be Christmas shopping." He winked at her.

She raised an eyebrow, her cheeks a rosy red from the cold. "And instead you're with me. Please, don't let me and my inconsequential little problems detain you from your shopping."

"Jen, Hon. I'm a guy."

She smiled. "Okay, then."

"And as I guy, I hate to shop." He smiled, "So really, you're doing me a favor by keeping me distracted from doing my least favorite thing."

"But you're going to need to Christmas shop eventually," Jen added. She paused thoughtfully. "I can help you. It's the least I can do after all you've done for me this week," she said quickly.

"It was nothing, Jen. I'm glad I was able to be here for you." He shrugged, "Believe it or not. I actually had fun."

"You've actually had fun dealing with my family neurosis," she shook her head in disbelief. "You're weird."

He slowed them down, and leaned forward to whisper in her ear, "No, I'm in love."

Jen's eyes grew wide and she turned to face him in surprise, she moved too quickly causing her feet to fly out from under her. She reached out for Henry as she fell onto the ice pulling him down with her. "Oomph!" she cried gazing up at the world from the flat of her back. She stood silent for a moment staring up at Henry who had fallen on top of her. "Ouch."

"You okay?" He asked, concern in his eyes as he brushed her hair away from her face.

She nodded her head slowly her gaze locked with his. "I'll live."

His eyes drifted to her full lips, then back to her eyes. He arched an eyebrow in silent question.

Jen cleared her throat uncomfortably and averted her eyes. "Um, we should probably get up."

"Duh, yeah." He moved away from her and stood up. Holding out a hand to help her up.

She smiled awkwardly and accepted his hand standing up on unstable legs. "Thanks."

"So ya really want to help me shop?"

Her smile grew. "I wouldn't mind."

"Great, then it's a date."

Jen shifted her weight uncomfortably as she stood outside her parents' front door with Henry. She offered him a smile, her face flushed from the cold. "Thanks, for today�It was fun."

"No...thank you." He replied. "I never would have survived the mall without you."

She giggled. "Well, that's what you get for last minute Christmas shopping."

"Thank you." He smiled softly at her, his hands buried in his pockets.

She smiled. "Well, you're welcome."

"Not just for the shopping thing, Jen."

She looked at him confused. "What else for then?"

"For believing me when I told you I didn't follow you here." He smiled shyly. "That's important to me. After all the stalking I did last year...I want you to know I've changed."

A faint smile crossed her lips. "Hopefully not too much, just enough."

He nodded, "I'm sorry, Jen. About everything I did. I screwed up our relationship all on my own, and the fact that you're still standing here, smiling at me...makes me love you all the more."

Her face fell slightly. "Henry�" she began in protest.

"No, listen, Jen." He stopped her. "After all this time we've spent together this weekend, you can't tell me that you don't feel it. That magic is still there between us. Now more than ever, I'm ready to handle this relationship like an adult."

She bit her lip and gazed down at her feet before raising her eyes. "Henry, I'm with someone else now."

He swallowed and closed the distance between them, covering her lips with his. His hand cupped her cheek, while he stole the very breath from her lungs. He pulled away slowly and looked in her eyes. "Does he make you feel like that?" He asked huskily.

Jen inhaled sharply and gazed at him wordlessly, her mind in utter torment over what had just happened and in great confusion over something she hadn't expected to feel after all that had happened. She dropped her eyes and reached for the doorknob. "Th-that was a mistake. Good-bye Henry." She quickly ducked inside the door and shut it behind her. She leaned against the back of it and closed her eyes, taking calming breaths. Oh God. Oh God. She was in trouble.

"Andie, what time did they say they were coming?" Jack asked from behind the huge cardboard box marked "Xmas Decorations". He sneezed loudly as he caught a whiff of dust.

The younger McPhee checked her watch, "Pacey said he'd be here half an hour ago. Which means he should show up in about ten minutes and Dawson-" She was cut off by the doorbell. "Is right there." She smiled happily and bounced off to answer the door.

"Wait, Andie..." Jack grunted and let the heavy box drop to the floor.

She smiled widely and opened the door to find Dawson, wrapped in his heavy winter coat. "Merry Christmas, Dawson!" She pulled him into a hug.

Dawson exhaled in surprise and tentatively wrapped his own arms around Andie. "Hey Andie."

"Glad you could come!" She said happily, "Jack's in the living room organizing boxes. He hates doing this."

Dawson began to take off his jacket. "Then I guess I'll go help him out then."

"Hey, Dawson." Jack greeted his friend. "First off, I want you to know I had no part in roping you into this."

"It's okay," He laughed.

"You know how she gets," Jack looked pointedly at Andie.

"Bite your tongue, Jack." She stuck out her tongue at him. "So, Dawson. When's Joey coming?"

"Actually, Joey couldn't make it," Dawson responded as he started helping Jack.

"Is it just me, or has she been flaking out lately?" Andie asked, opening one of the boxes.

"Who's been flaking out?"

"Joey," Jack replied to Pacey who'd just waltzed into the living room.

"Don't you know how to knock?" Andie reprimanded playfully.

He shrugged. "The door was open."

"Actually, Andie. I've kinda noticed that too." Jack returned to the previous conversation, pulling out tree decorations from the box.

"I wouldn't exactly say she was flaky," Dawson amended as he moved one of the boxes. "She's just been acting distant, like something's bothering her."

"Pace, you know what's going on with her?" Jack asked.

Pacey shook his head. "Nope not a clue. Whatever is wrong she hasn't told me."

"Have you noticed anything going on at the B&B when you're working?" Andie asked, "Maybe she's been fighting with Bessie?"

"If they are fighting they're hiding it well. I haven't really noticed any strife in the Potter household. Besides if they were fighting wouldn't Joey have jumped at the chance to leave the house?"

"Good point." Jack pulled out a string of tinsel.

"Either way, she did invite us all there for Christmas dinner, so maybe it's not too bad."

"Maybe she's just busy with school," Dawson suggested. "Joey's been feeling pressure about college."

"Haven't we all," Jack muttered.

Dawson nodded. "You're telling me."

"Abrupt change of subject," Jack spoke up, "But you're not gonna believe who's back in Capeside."

"Who?" Dawson questioned unpacking one of the boxes.

"It's not any fun if you don't guess."

"Jack..." Andie said warningly.

"So spill Jack who's this mysterious person you're alluding too?" Pacey asked, setting to work beside him.

"The one and only Henry Parker."

Dawson let out a surprised chuckle. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, just last week. He got injured and lost his scholarship. He's still hanging out with our football buddies though."

"I wonder if Jen knows," Dawson mused.

"I doubt she'd care." Andie said, shooting a concerned glance at Pacey. "She's otherwise occupied."

"I'm not so sure about that...I mean they didn't exactly break up on the best of terms, I'm sure Jen has a few choice words for him."

Jack snorted, "Or in the best of ways either."

Dawson nodded. "That too."

"Pacey, You wanna grab some lights?" Andie asked.

Pacey nodded his head distractedly. "Right, lights."

"They can go on the tree first. I have this whole theme I want to do for the living room... it's going to be white and crystal." She continued to babble on while the guys mechanically followed her orders.

"Hey, Pace." Jack nudged him later as they were nearly finished. "You okay?"

Pacey smiled weakly as he helped Jack string some lights. "Yeah, sure. Why wouldn't I be?"

"You haven't said a word since you got here. What's on your mind?"



"What?" He stepped back and surveyed the tree. "I think it needs more lights."

"Check with Andie before you start messing with her *plan*." Jack warned. "And what do you mean 'what'? You know what."

"Yes, what, a one syllable word of course I know it," Pacey answered quickly as he rifled through the box full of ornaments beside him.

"Pacey, I've known you for two years now. You're not exactly a difficult person to figure out."

"So what exactly are you trying to get at?"

"I'm trying to get you to discuss your doubts surrounding the return of Jen's ex."

"That's crazy. Why would I have doubts?"

"That's what I want to know." He replied. "You shouldn't, I want to know why you do."

"But I don't."

"You do." His friend replied confidently.

"You're imagining things."

"Wouldn't it just be easier to talk about it instead of arguing with me?"

"There's nothing to talk about."

"Pacey, quit being so stubborn."

"I'm not being stubborn, there's just nothing to talk about, right?"

"Are you asking me, or telling me?" Jack sighed.

"Telling you."

"In that case, you're wrong."

Pacey released an exasperated breath. "I am not wrong."

"Are too, there's plenty to talk about. Namely, why you're not talking."

"But there's nothing to talk about because Jen and Henry are a thing of the past."

"Okay, fine. How about the Pacey and Jen of the present?"

"We're fine."

"Okay, and how about the Pacey half of that couple?"

"He's fine too."

Jack rolled his eyes. "You are entirely stubborn."

Pacey stepped back and surveyed the work they'd done so far. "Hey Andie, you don't need me here anymore right?"

"No, Pace." She called from the kitchen, "I don't think so. But aren't you gonna stay for some cookies?" She appeared at the doorway a pout on her face.

He supplied her with one of his most charming smiles. "McPhee, you know I'd love to stay for some of your delicious cookies but I promised Gretch I'd pick up some things for her before she gets out of work."

Her shoulders slumped, "Fine, but let me send some home with you for payment." She scurried back into the kitchen.

"Pacey." Jack tried again.

"Remember? There's nothing to talk about Jack."

He sighed, "Whatever Pacey. When are you going to start opening up to your friends?"

"Jack, I appreciate the concern and it's duly noted but it's not needed."

He gave him a dubious look as Andie appeared. "Here, Pace." She handed him the plate of cookies covered in Saran Wrap. "I even added some chocolate chips ones for you."

"Thanks Andie." He took the plate from her and headed for the door. "I'll catch you guys later."

"Bye Pace." Jack said, turning back to the tree.

"Merry Christmas!" Andie called cheerily as she walked him to the door.

He smiled. "Merry Christmas."

"Bye Pace." Dawson called from the kitchen.

"Later D."

"Bye," Andie held the door open for him and waved as he walked out to his car. Quietly, to Jack she said, "Something's bothering him."

"Of course," Jack muttered through a false smile. "But he'd never admit to that."

"We've got the most stubborn set of friends." Andie sighed.

Joey sighed as her eyes inadvertently traveled back to her dock. Or rather, the figure sitting at the end of the dock. She tried to focus on the dishes she was washing at the kitchen sink. Seconds later, her eyes were on him again. "Ughhh!" She growled to herself and let the plate settle back in the dirty water. She dried her hands and pulled on her thick winter coat. "Bessie, I'm going outside." She called back into the house and went out to meet him. Why did he always do this to her?

"Hey loser," She said softly, "what're you doing loitering on my dock?"

"Eating Andie's chocolate chip cookies," he pushed the plate toward her. "Want one?"

"Hmmm," she joined him on the edge of the dock and sat down. "Hers rival Bodie's." She took one and bit into it. "Still warm even."

"Just out of the oven," he commented staring out over the water.

They sat in silence for a few moments, eating some cookies. She swung her legs back and forth over the edge of the dock, just allowing herself to enjoy time spent with him. Soon, though, the cold grew to be too much. "Pacey, as much as I love the outdoors," she looked at him out of the corner of her eye. "You wanna go inside and talk about it?"

"Did you know that Henry's back?" he asked ignoring her earlier question.

She quirked her eyebrows together in surprise. "He is?"

"And you know it's kind of funny because Jen failed to mention it and you'd think she'd know this, right?"

"You think he went and saw her? Maybe she doesn't know yet. The sophomores and the seniors don't usually socialize. If he hasn't approached her...then maybe she doesn't know." She said optimistically.

Pacey gave Joey a get serious look. "You do remember who we're talking about here, right?"

She nodded and looked down. "I'm sure she has her reasons. Maybe she didn't want you to worry unnecessarily."

"But it's such a coincidence that right when I make a fool out of myself and tell her I love her, she talks about the weather and fails to mention the return of her ex-boyfriend. It's just kind of funny," he said bitterness lacing his tone.

"You're not laughing." She smiled sadly at her poor attempt to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, well, right now I'm just feeling kind of stupid."

She frowned and tentatively put her arm around his broad shoulders and rested her head on his shoulder. "You're not stupid, Pace." She paused, "You just love her...and that makes it hurt worse."

He swallowed. "But--but maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions...seeing things that are not there, right?"

"Right." She rubbed his back through his coat, "You're probably just blowing it out of proportion."

He let out a sharp breath. "Right..."

"I'm sorry, Pacey." She said softly.

"Why? You didn't do anything."

She looked down. "I know...I just wish you didn't hurt."

He sighed and bit into a cookie, deciding they needed a subject change. "Why didn't you show up at Andie's today?"

She shrugged uncomfortably, letting her arm drop from around him. "I, uh, figured, with you, Dawson, and Jack there, she wouldn't need the extra help, I'd just be in the way."

He turned and looked at her expectantly. "Now you do know you're a terrible liar right?"

She blushed, "Yeah, I know."

"And I would ask for the truth, but I like all my body parts right where they are."

"I donno," she narrowed her eyes, scrutinizing his face. "I think your nose would look better a little to the left."

The corner of his mouth turned up slightly. "Funny, Potter."

"On second thought," She tilted her head to the side. "Having it slightly off center does add a little character."

"If it weren't the middle of December, I'd be forced to push you in," Pacey said nodding his head toward the water.

"You're becoming sentimental in your old age, Pace." She said, "The old Pacey would have no qualms about pushing me into a freezing creek."

"Don't tempt me."

She smiled and stood up, "Come on, Pace, let's go get some hot chocolate to go with those cookies."

"As long as you're not planning on making it."

"Nope, Handyman Witter will." She shot him a teasing smile over her shoulder as they walked back towards the house.

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