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Part Five
by Dannie and Rinny

Joey tugged off her gloves and smoothed out her hair as she entered the restaurant. Glad to be out of the cold, she began to look around for Audrey.

"Well, if it isn't my favorite brunette," Charlie smirked as he approached Joey.

"What are you doing here?"

He grinned, "Isn't it obvious? I'm stalking you."

She sighed as she continued her search for Audrey. "How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not interested?"

"�Till I start to believe it?"

She rolled her eyes. "Have you seen Audrey?"

"She and Pacey are on break," he smirked. "They should be back in a few."

"Great," Joey muttered in annoyance and then asked the hostess for a table for two.

"Make that four," Charlie added.

"Two," Joey corrected shooting Charlie a look.

"Fine, two...Pacey and Audrey don't need to eat."

"Audrey and I are having lunch together. You're not invited."

"That's perfect, since I had plans with Pacey."

She stared at him with incredulous disbelief. "You have plans with Pacey?"

"Yeah," he smiled. "You didn't actually think I was stalking you did you? Oh, you did? That's sweet."

"Actually, I can't believe Pacey'd associate with the likes of you," Joey said simply.

"He has good taste," Charlie said simply.

"I'm beginning to doubt that," Joey responded as she followed the hostess to one of the tables in the back.

"Have you always been this unapproachable?" He asked conversationally as he followed her to the table.

"I just want you to leave me alone."

He grinned, "You'd miss me if I did that, you know it."

"I'd console myself." She removed her coat and sat down on one of the chairs at the round table.

"It's a moot point, since I don't plan on going anywhere."


"Why what?" He smiled his thanks as a waitress brought them water.

"Why me?" Joey questioned as she took a sip of water and then raised her menu.

He gave her a disbelieving look. "You're beautiful, smart, witty, and a challenge. What more could a guy ask for?"

"I am also very not interested," she said not bothering to glance up from her menu.

"You will be."

"I wouldn't count on it."

"If you want to believe that you can." He smiled, "but only time will tell."

She set her menu down and met his eyes over the table. "If I have to get a restraining order, I will."

He shook his head, a smile on his face, "I don't think you will."

"Try me."

"I think you like be pursued, Joey." He tilted his head thoughtfully, "I think it turns you on."

"Were you ever dropped on your head as a child?"

"Repeatedly," he grinned.


He smiled, "Well, hello beautiful," Charlie smiled as Audrey approached their table.

Joey rolled her eyes and cast her friend a baleful look. "Took you long enough."

"Sorry," Pacey smiled wryly, appearing behind her, "I was monopolizing her time."

"If you didn't want to have lunch with me, you could have just told me," Joey said to Audrey before turning back to her menu.

"I do," Audrey explained as she sat down. "I was just running late."

"Pace, I know we said we'd head down to the Marina, but do you feel like joining these beautiful ladies for lunch?"

"I'd be a fool not to."

"I don't recall anyone inviting you to join us," Joey said dryly.

"Audrey?" Charlie turned the full force of his smile on the blonde.

She cast an uneasy glance at Joey from the corner of her eye. "I wouldn't mind..."

"Decision made," Charlie opened the menu. "What's good here, Pace?"

"I mind," Joey snapped.

"Why?" Charlie asked innocently.

"You annoy me."

"Hey, we can go somewhere else if you want, Jo." Pacey offered.

"That's okay. I will." She grabbed her coat and climbed to her feet. "I'll see you later, Audrey."

"No," Charlie shook his head, "We'll go. You guys do your girlie lunch thing." Pacey eyed the exchange curiously.

"I've lost my appetite."

"You have not," Charlie stood up. "I know when to back off."

She raised an eyebrow. "So why don't you do so now?"

"I am," he grinned and gestured to Pacey. "Lets go man, I've got my motorcycle."

Joey bit the inside of her cheek and folded her arms across her chest, wondering why some insane part of her wanted Charlie to take her with him instead. She glanced at Audrey and Pacey and then at Charlie. "I need to get out of here." She pulled on her coat and headed for the door.

Rolling his eyes, Charlie followed after her, leaving Audrey and Pacey alone. "What is that about?" Pacey asked, his brow furrowed.

Audrey grinned turning in her seat to glance back at the door. "I think Joey's hot for him."

"For Charlie?"


"The same Charlie that played Jen in the fall?" He frowned.

"Looks like it."


Audrey smiled taking a sip of water from Joey's glass. "He's cute."


"A little." She shrugged. "I think Joey can afford a little sleazy."

"And sleeping with her professor isn't sleazy?"

Audrey arched an eyebrow. "You sound like you're jealous."

"I do not." He scoffed, taking a long drink of water.


"Why would I be jealous when I've got you?" He winked. "Besides, he doesn't stand a change with her."

She smiled. "Hey, you never know. Who could've imagined Joey sleeping with her Professor?"

"Don't remind me."

"It's not so bad." He shot her a skeptical look. "It's not," she repeated firmly.

"Not for you, Audrey. You could handle something like this. But Joey...she's in over her head."

"You underestimate her."

"I've known Joey Potter my entire life...I think I know her a tad better than you do."

"We share a room and a bathroom. I know more."

"I've shared a living space of no more that 15 feet for an entire summer, Audrey. There's nothing about that woman that I don't know about."

"I still know more."

"Oh yeah? Like what?"

"Just face it. As a female and her roommate, I'm privy to more privileged information."

"That may be so, but in the long run, the minor happenings in her life are nothing like being there for nineteen years."

"People change."

"Not Joey Potter," he insisted.

"Yeah, sure." Audrey rolled her eyes.

He was quiet for a few moments, "Hey Audrey?"


"I think we've both been ditched." He raised his eye brows, "What say you we head back to my place and rumple up the sheets?"

"Is sex all I am to you?"

He waited a beat too long before answering, "No, of course not."

Audrey pursed her lips together as she brought the glass of water back to her lips. "That was a really bad answer."

He arched an eyebrow, "You'd rather I have said yes?"

"I should throw this glass of water in your face indignantly, but I'm above such petty scenes."

He laughed, "I'm shocked. It's not every day the drama queen refuses to put on a scene."

"Don't tempt me," she said warningly.

He gave her his most charming smile, "What was the correct answer? For future reference, of course."

"You actually had to think about it before you answered," she responded in exasperation.

"Of course I did," he admitted freely, "That's one of those questions a guy *always* thinks about first. There are too many hidden dangers. Just like, "Do you think that girl is pretty?" and "Do I look fat in this?"" He shook his head, "You women are tricky creatures."

She smacked the back of his head. "The answer to all those questions is 'No' of course. Honestly, I'm beginning to think the only thing you're good for is sex."

"Good," he rubbed the back of his head, "Then we agree."

"I thought you had all this experience with women, when really you suck," she continued with a shake of her head. "I think we should stop having sex for a while."

"Stop having sex?"

She nodded. "Yes."

"And we'd be doing this....why?"

"Because obviously, we can't do something as normal as have lunch together without you wanting to run off and have sex, not that I'm objecting, but sometimes a girl wants a little more."

"Excuse me, but you weren't complaining in the least five minutes ago. In fact, I think you were the one who locked the door behind us in the break room."

"You tempt me with your evil ways."

He grinned at that. "Your wish is my command. No sex. But I guarantee, you'll crumble long before I do."

She tossed her blonde hair over her shoulder. "We'll just see about that."

He smiled, "So, you wanna order lunch or what?"

Charlie caught up with Joey just outside the restaurant, "Joey, wait!" He jogged to catch up with her fast pace. She frowned and continued walking, pretending that she didn't hear him. "Joey," he took her arm, forcing her to stop. "Wait a minute."

"What do you want?" she asked turning to him reluctantly.

"I want to know what your problem is."

"I don't have a problem."

"You obviously do, I offered to take Pacey and leave, and instead of enjoying lunch with Audrey, you bolt. Something is very wrong with that."

"Like I said, I lost my appetite."

He sighed, "All right then, you still could have stayed and gone out with Audrey or something."

"It's really not that big of a deal."

"Come back then."

"I'm not hungry."

"Then where are you going?"

Her cheeks colored slightly. "It's none of your business."

"Quite obviously," he agreed. "But that won't stop me from asking."

"Which doesn't mean I'm going to answer."

"Wherever you're going, I can give you a ride. It's the least I can do for ruining your appetite."

"I can walk."

"Sure you wouldn't rather get a ride on my motorcycle?"

"I'm sure."

He eyed her for a moment, "You're going to go get laid, aren't you?"

Her face reddened and she glared. "Must you be so vulgar?"

He shrugged a shoulder, "You'd rather I called it making love? I have a hard time trying to visualize you making love to your professor. Now, fucking...I can see." He shot her an inquisitive look, "Does he make you call him professor when he's--"

"Don't even finish that sentence."

He grinned cheekily at the bright red flush to her cheeks. "Come on, let me give you a ride, it's not like I haven't before."

"Don't you have plans with Pacey?"

"He and Audrey are doubtlessly in the back room going at each other like animals by now."

She winced visibly and then shook her head. "All right fine. Let's go." Charlie wisely kept his mouth shut and led the way to his motorcycle. "David," Joey said to break the silence. "I call him David. That's his name."

"Hmmm," he bit back a smile, "Interesting."

"I save Professor for when we're in his office." She smiled.

He laughed handing her a helmet, "How wild of you."

She shrugged. "I guess I have my moments." He straddled the seat and put his helmet on, holding out a hand to help her get seated. She swallowed nervously as she climbed into the seat behind him. "I don't know what I was thinking agreeing to this."

"You've ridden with me before," he smiled over his shoulder at her. "Hold me tighter."

"Why can't you have a car like any normal person," she muttered under her breath as she tightened her hold on him.

"Motorcycles are sexy," he revved the engine. "Tighter."

"I still think you're overcompensating," she grumbled.

"Care to find out?"

She rolled her eyes. "Just get me there in one piece, okay?"

"As you wish," he pushed off the street and gunned the engine, sending them speeding into traffic.

"So, this is it." Charlie pulled up outside a rather boring looking two story house. The lawn needed to be mowed, and the potted flowers needed watering. His eyes traveled to convertible parked in the driveway, "Wow... I didn't know a man could make that much teaching English." He smirked as Joey climbed off the back of the bike.

Joey shook her head in bemusement. "That's not his car."

"Damn, I was thinking about changing my chosen profession."

"And what's that?"

"Rock star." He grinned teasingly. A light turned on upstairs, catching his attention. Watching, he saw as the professor start stripping another woman of her clothing in front of the window.

She smirked. "Majoring in delusional, huh?" He put a hand on her waist and pulled her to him, kissing her hard on the lips. Joey's eyes widened in surprised and she pushed him away. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Kissing you," he grinned wolfishly, "That smirk you use when you insult me...I just can't help it."

She shot him a look of annoyance. "You're such a pig."

"Come on," he patted the back of the bike, "Let's go somewhere else."

"I don't think so."

Charlie grit his teeth, "A guy tries to do something nice..." He grumbled under his breath and pointed to the upstairs window. "Is that your prof?"

"What are you..." Her voice trailed off as she stared up at the window.

"Now, can we get the hell out of here?" He sighed.

She handed him her helmet. "I'll walk."

"From here?" He shook his head, handing her back the helmet. "Especially not after what happened last time you walked alone."

She narrowed her eyes and handed the helmet back. "There's still plenty of daylight. I'll be fine." She stalked off down the sidewalk.

"Damn," Charlie groaned, and then glared up at the house, where the professor and his latest student were still clearly visible.

Joey stalked back down the sidewalk toward the house. "I should really give him a piece of my mind."

"Are you sure that would be wise?" Charlie climbed off the bike and followed behind her.

"I don't care if it's wise or not." His lips curved into a proud smile as he followed behind her. "What is it with you men?" Joey muttered angrily as she stormed up the porch.

He took a step back and pointed his thumb behind him. "I think I'll just wait out here, kay?" Joey ignored him and banged on the front door.

She pounded for several minutes before she could hear David hurrying down the stairs. The door swung open, "What?" His eyes widened when he focused on Joey. "Oh, Joey. I wasn't expecting you today." He shifted his weight uneasily.

She smiled tightly. "Obviously. I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"No." He shook his head, "Well, actually...I was just getting ready to--to go to a faculty meeting."

She raised an eyebrow. "You were?"

"Yeah," he glanced down at the sweats and T-shirt he'd just slipped into. "I'm about to hop into the shower."


"Yeah," he nodded once. "So I'll see you in class on Monday."

She smiled wryly. "Don't see why you wouldn't."

"Right." He said uneasily. "Good bye now." He made a move to close the door.

"Don't want to keep the blonde upstairs waiting, do you?"

"The, uh...the what?"

"The blonde." She brushed her hair behind her ear. "You know David, you should really invest in some shades."

His face flushed a dark red. "Now, I know how it must look to you..."

"Really?" She folded her arms across her chest expectantly.

"W-well," he shrugged a shoulder, "We never talked about our relationship becoming exclusive. There's no reason for you to be upset."

She nodded. "That's a really good point."

"No it's not." He made a face. "Please, just slap me and get it over with. I'll give you and A in the class and we'll call it all even."

"Fine." She smacked him. "Have a nice day, Professor Wilder."

He backed away from the door. "Have a nice life, Joey Potter." She turned away from him and headed down the steps.

Charlie caught her arm as she stormed down the sidewalk. "Please, just let me take you home."

She stopped. "Why?"

" look like you need someone to talk to."

"Yeah, Charlie and you're just the person I'd want to speak to," she snapped.

"Fine," he winced, "I can understand that. But there's probably someone at the dorms who you could talk with."

She shook her head. "I'm not really in the mood to talk."

"Okay then," he back away. "I'll leave you on your own then."

"Actually..." She was quiet for a moment before arching an eyebrow. "You still want to give me that ride?"

"Of course." He smiled weakly at her and handed her the second helmet. "The dorms?"

She nodded, sliding onto the bike behind him and wrapping her arms around him. "Yeah." He started the bike and peeled away from the curb, her hair flying back behind them. She leaned forward. "So how fast can this thing go?"

"I've only gone as high as 90," he said as the paused at a stop light, "But supposedly it can go almost twice that."

"Oh. So you've never gone," She smiled faintly bringing her lips to his ear. "Faster."

He smirked, "You wanna see just how fast I can go?" he challenged.

She smiled. "Yeah."

"You asked for it," he made a left turn. "I know just the place." He revved the engine and they were off. Boston passed by in a blur as Charlie stayed safely within the speed limits as they traveled through the city. Twenty minutes they were on an old stretch of highway that was relatively abandoned when the freeway was built parallel to it. He slowed to a stop. staring down the long stretch of road. "Sure you're ready for the ride?"

She tossed her hair behind her shoulder and bit her lip, while nodding, squeezing him lightly. "I'm ready."

"You're going to want to hold on tighter than that." He chuckled and revved the engine.

"Okay." She moved forward and held onto him tightly. "Let's go."

The motorcycle ate up the road as Charlie flooded the gas. Balanced precariously on two wheels, they sped along the abandoned asphalt, the speedometer climbing steadily past

Joey laughed and tossed her head back, letting the wind whip through her hair. "This is amazing!"

The speedometer reached it's peak at one hundred and seventy-three miles per hour and Charlie forced himself to let up on the gas, allowing them to coast down the road. "It's a rush, isn't it?" He grinned, "It's almost like you're flying, and there isn�t anything that's gonna slow you down."

She smiled. "I love it!"

"You love the adrenaline" He corrected.

There was a smile on her lips. "Just let me enjoy the moment."

"Enjoy away," he grinned, gunning the engine again and picking up speed.

Joey giggled, her face flushed as she pulled Charlie to a stop in front of her dorm room. She pressed her finger against his lips. "Shh. You have to be quiet."

"Quiet? Why?" He glanced around the empty hallway, it was late, and there wasn't a soul around. He turned a circle, taking in the intricate wood work of the dorm. "You live in a freaking castle, ya know that?" His words were slightly slurred.

She laughed and pressed her back against the door. "I do not. Shut up."

"A castle," he moved closer to her, putting his arms on either side of her head. "And you're the princess locked away up in the tower." He tugged on a lock of her windblown hair, "'Cept there's no way I can climb up your hair."

She smiled up at him shyly, her honey gaze inviting as she tilted her head, slumping slightly against the door as her hand reached for the knob. "Maybe I'll just have to open the door for you then."

He grinned, and leaned in, nuzzling the side of her neck. "I know you're using me as a distraction because your prof cheated on you," he brushed his lips over her ear as he whispered. "And I'm perfectly okay with that. It's a start."

"Charlie?" She smiled faintly. "It really kills the moment when you bring up past indiscretions."

"I'm counting on the fact you're drunk enough that it wont matter," he chuckled huskily, before kissing the corner of her mouth.

She pressed her hand against his cheek, a small grin playing on her lips as she turned the knob and opened the door. "I'm not sure if there's enough beer in the world for that."

He smirked, following behind her, "Then I guess I'll just have to rely on your generous spirit." He slid an arm around her waist, as they entered the room.

Audrey glanced up from the copy of Vogue she was flipping through and her eyes widened impressively. "Well, what do we have here?"

"Well," Charlie laughed, "I, Knight Charles of Boston Bay, am returning Princess Joey to her home in the castle towers after an evening on my trusty steed."

Audrey opened her mouth and Joey stopped her before she could say anything. "He means his motorcycle."

Pacey emerged from the bathroom and frowned at Joey's obviously tousled state and knew Charlie was the cause. "What about his motorcycle?"

Joey ignored Pacey and turned to Audrey. "I thought you were going to spend the night at Pacey's."

Audrey shrugged setting her magazine down. "Slight change of plans."

"Kinda ruins our plans too," Charlie pouted.

Audrey tilted her head thoughtfully. "We're going to have to work out a new system bunny."

"I doubt that's necessary anymore." Pacey said dryly, flopping down across Joey's bed.

Audrey rolled her eyes. "It's been less than a day."

"And quite the torturous evening it's been." He cast her a superior grin, "But I'm quite capable of outlasting you."

Audrey smiled confidently. "We'll see."

Joey rolled her eyes, not really caring what they were talking about and pulled away from Charlie, taking off her coat. "You want to get off my bed, Pacey? I'm going to need it."

"No, actually. It's quite a bit more comfortable than Audrey's."

"Probably because it doesn't have quite as much mileage," Joey remarked dryly as she hung up her coat.

"Rawr," Pacey arched an eyebrow and rolled reluctantly off the bed.

"Thank you."

"So, Charlie, man, when are we going to go down to the marina?"

Joey pressed her hands against her temples and frowned. This is not how she wanted the rest of her evening to go. "Maybe Audrey and I should leave you two alone."

"Got plans tomorrow afternoon?" Charlie questioned.

"We've got dinner at Grams, but that should end early enough. You want to meet me there? There's this beauty of a boat you've just *got* to see." Pacey's face lit up as he started to describe the boat.

"Or maybe I should go," Joey offered.

"No, don't, Jo." Audrey rose from her bed and grabbed Pacey's arm. "I'll just kick him out and then head to the library to do some studying. I've gotta write that paper on Wordsworth," she grabbed her back. "It'll take me a few hours, definitely."

Joey smiled. "All right. See you later then."

Pacey rolled his eyes and snatched up his coat as Audrey pulled him through the door. "I'll see you guys tomorrow."


"Have fun!" Audrey called as they left.

"I do believe we're alone now, Princess," Charlie smiled.

Joey turned around toward him. "Maybe you should go to."

He laughed, shaking his head in confusion, "What?"

She folded her arms across her chest. "You should go."

"But...didn't you just kick your friends out?"

"It made me realize that anything that would happen between us would be for all the wrong reasons."

"Haven't you ever heard two wrongs make a right?"

She smirked. "Nice try."

He shrugged a shoulder, "It was worth it. So you're gonna be okay tonight?"

"I'll be fine." She sighed.

He nodded and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Call me if you need anything."

She smiled. "I'll keep that in mind."

"I mean it, anything."

She laughed and rolled her eyes. "Fine."

"Okay, I know when I've outworn my welcome." He headed for the door, "But I'll be back. I have not yet begun to stalk!"

"Lucky me."

"Bye, Josephine."

"Bye Charles."

Pacey sighed, "I highly doubt I'm going to be any help with Wordsman."

"Wordsworth, Pacey."


"You can go if you want to."

"I think I will. There's no real reason to hang around." He did an about face to go back to the dorms. "I just need to pick up my keys, they're still up there."

Audrey grabbed his arm to stop him. "Uh-huh, yeah. Sure, and interrupt Joey's little liaison." She shook her head. "I don't think so."

"Shall I just sprout wings and fly home instead?"

"That's always an option."


She smiled. "Come with me to the library then."

"Do any of you people realize I'm not actually in college? I gave up libraries when I graduated and I don't plan to step inside another one for the rest of my life."

"That's too bad. You're still coming with me."

"I'd rather walk home than hang out with you and a bunch of dead writers."

Audrey brushed her hair behind her shoulder. "Okay I'm going to ignore that because the lack of sex has obviously gotten to your brain."

"Makes sense since my brain is clearly located in my pants," he replied derisively.

"What exactly is your problem?"

"I'm sexually frustrated. We've gone six whole hours without having sex. Of course I'm irritable and grumpy." He said sarcastically.

"You're being an ass."

He ran a hand down his face, "It's been a long day, Audrey."

She narrowed her eyes. "Maybe you should walk home."

"Or maybe I could go get my keys and drive. If you let me go now, I can get them before I interrupt anything important."

"I doubt they'll open the door. Charlie doesn't seem the type to let something like that cockblock him."

Pacey's eyes narrowed, "If that's the case, then I'll walk."

"I think that will be best."

"I don't even know why we're arguing," he muttered.

"You're the one acting bipolar."

"What do you want from me Audrey? You said you wanted to spend time getting to know each other," he held out his arms, "Well, here I am."

"And I am really not liking you now." She shook her head in disbelief. "I'm going to the library. Do what you want Pacey." She turned and walk off.

Instead of following after her, he turned back to the dorms. At the sound of a knock on her door, Joey reluctantly rose to her feet and answered it.

"Hey," Pacey smiled weakly, "Sorry to interrupt, but I left my keys."

She stepped away from the door to let him in. "Whatever."

A quick survey of the room and the open bathroom door revealed that Charlie was suspiciously absent. "I know Charlie's a fast worker, but I didn't realize he was *that* fast."

"I sent him back to his dorm." She sat down on her bed. "Did you find your keys?"

"I don't mean to pry...but why?"

"Because I wanted to."

"O-kay," he held his hands up in innocence. "I'll just find my keys and get out of your hair."


He looked around quickly and saw them on Audrey's night stand. "And here they are. I'll see you around, Jo."

"Okay. Bye." With the keys jingling in his hands he turned away from Joey and headed for the door. "You can tell Audrey she can come back to the room now."

"No can do."

"Why not?"

"We had an argument outside and I don't think she wants to see me right now anymore than I want to see her. Enjoy your evening, Jo." He again headed for the door.

"What did you two argue about?"

"Whether or not I should come up here to get my keys. Obviously, she lost."


"We were both irritable. Everything will be better in the morning, I'm sure."

"Probably. Audrey can't stay mad for long."

He leaned up against the wall, regarding her in her pajamas. "What's the deal with Charlie?"

A smile came across Joey's lips. "He's persistent."

"And David?"

She shifted uncomfortably and dropped her gaze. "He's history."

"Broke your heart, huh?"

She shrugged. "Not really."

"Good. He didn't deserve to have your heart anyway."

"How would you know?" Amusement laced her words.

"He was your teacher."

She stiffened. "What?"

"Your English Professor. This should ring a bell."

"Who told you?"

"Who do you think?" He murmured.

Joey sighed as she realized Audrey must have told him. "Well, I guess it doesn't matter now."

"Guess not."

She raised an eyebrow. "You're still planning to leave?"

"I should go before Audrey comes back, God knows she wont stay in the Library any longer than she has to."

"Sounds a lot like you."

"G'night, Jo."

She smiled softly. "Night Pacey." He shut the door quietly behind him as he left.

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