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Part Eleven
by Dannie and Rinny

Joey stared at the open history book in front of her and rubbed at her eyes, trying to concentrate on the words she was reading. She bit her lip and picked up her pen, tapping it against the notebook she was using to take notes. She frowned at the unmarked lined paper, and turned her attention back to her reading, forcing herself to focus.

The phone on her desk began to ring. "Pick up, pick up, pick up," Audrey chanted on the other end as she waited for Joey to answer.

Joey answered the phone glad for the distraction. "Hello?"

"Joey, thank God!" Audrey's slightly panicked voice came through the line.

She sat up in her seat. "Audrey? What's wrong?"

"Dawson gave me a ride to work after we were done going over his script. Which didn't bother me at all, because usually Pacey gives me a ride, but we've kinda been fighting again, only not...he's just being an asshole. But anyway, I came in to work and he wasn't here yet. Which kinda worried me since his shift started before mine and we're already short staffed. He just came in now, but, Joey...he's drunk. And Danny's about to have a coronary and he's threatening to fire him. And I can't get a hold of Dawson or anyone else with a vehicle and I can't leave because we're short and I don't know what to do now. Pacey wont even let me touch him."

Joey frowned, her gaze landing on her notebook. "Just give me five minutes, and I'll see what I can do. Okay?"

Audrey nodded without thinking, "He drove here, Joey. I swear, I could kill him right now."

She sighed. "I know...I'll see you soon, alright?" She hung up the phone, grabbed her cell phone and her coat, and headed out the door.

Joey was true to her word, getting there in a little over five minutes. The moment she stepped into the restaurant, Audrey appeared and took her arm, pulling her into the back. "Thank you for getting here, I tried calling Dawson or Jack but they aren't home. And Ryan has to stay here and work, and if Pacey doesn't get out of Danny's sight he's going to lose his job, if he hasn't already."

"I hope I can be some help," Joey said uneasily as she followed Audrey. "You know how Pacey can be."

"A drunken idiot?" She replied, leading her through the busy kitchen. "If you could just drive him home, that's all that really needs to be done. Maybe ring his neck if you feel like being ambitious." She pointed to the office door, "He's in there."

Joey nodded heading for the door. "Alright."

Pacey sat behind the desk, a mug of coffee steaming in front of him. His head came up at the sound of the door opening. "Joey? What are you doing here?" His words were slurred ever so slightly, he'd been worse the other night.

"Well, I heard you could use a ride home."

"Not really, I'm supposed to work."

She tipped her head slightly. "I think you have the rest of the day off."

"That's what they keep telling me." He took a long swallow of coffee. "I suppose you want the keys?"

"That would be nice."

He stood up and searched his pockets, finally finding the keys in the back pocket. He moved around the desk and held them out to her, "I think I really screwed up this time."

Joey grabbed the keys. "Come on let�s get out of here."

He nodded his head, and immediately regretted the action. Unsteadily, he moved to the door and held it open for her. "Ladies first."

"Thanks." She looked at him. "Need any help?"

"I'm embarrassed enough as it is, I wanna try and walk out of here of my own power." He leaned heavily against the door as the room spun crazily.

"Why'd you do this?"

"I didn't mean to." He opened his eyes when he was reasonably sure he wouldn't be sick. "I started thinking after I left your place and it dawned on me what I horrible person I am. And I just didn't want to think anymore."

She frowned, wrapping an arm around his waist. "You're not a horrible person, Pacey. You just have bad taste in judgment."

"Nothing makes sense to me anymore. I feel like I'm spiraling out of control and taking everyone I care about down with me."

"Well, alcohol is not going to lead to cohesive thought anyway, so don't bother."

"Cohesive thought wasn't what I was aiming for."

"So what were you trying to accomplish?"

"Oblivion." He shrugged, "It worked for a while."

Joey sighed. "Sorry."

"You got nothing to apologize for, I'm the one who's screwing up." They made it through the back door without too much notice.

"I wish I could help you, Pacey, but I think it's something you have to work out on your own."

"I don't know if I can."

"You will."

"The best solution I got is to find myself a cheap boat and get the hell out of here."

She smiled faintly, and led him toward the car. "Running away again?"

"It's what I'm good at."

"You can't keep running away."

"I can't go on like I have been." He leaned against the car as she pulled away to unlock the door.

She met his eyes as she pulled open the door. "So do something about it."

He got into the passenger side as she walked around. Once she had started the car, he leaned his head back on the seat. "I'm open to suggestion."

"You have to handle this yourself, Pace."

"I was afraid you'd say that." He groaned as they started to move, resting his head against the cool window pane."

She smiled wryly. "That's one of the fringe benefits of growing up."

"I must have missed that day in Growing Up 101."

"Must have."

"How do you do it?" He wondered tiredly.

"Do what?"

"Keep it all together."

She shrugged. "I have no idea."

His eyes fell closed, "I'm sorry for all this, Jo.'

"It's okay. I wasn't really studying anyway."

"I don't mean having to pick me up," he said quietly. "Though I'm sorry for that too."

"I know," she said softly, nodding her head.

He let out a long sigh, "I'm an asshole."

"Sometimes." She smiled faintly.

"You're being generous," he said wryly.

"Don't be so hard on yourself."

"Someone should be," he opened his eyes to watch the lights of Boston pass by.

"No one's expecting you to have all the answers." She smiled. "Just some of them."

"I'm going to stop drinking." He said after a moment.

"There's an idea."

He ran a hand through his hair, "It's a start, huh?"

"Sounds like it."

"I kinda..."

Joey leaned forward in her seat, staring out the windshield. "I think it's going to rain."

"I think I'm going to be sick," he squeezed his eyes closed.

She shot him a concerned look. "Should I pull over?"


"Okay." She shuddered and pulled the car to a stop.

He fumbled with the car door and stumbled away from the car. She could hear him retch as his stomach cleared the toxins from his system. Joey winced, her hands tightening on the steering wheel.

Pacey remained bent over, taking slow, deep breaths to regain control. He swiped his sleeve over his mouth as he straightened and grimaced at the bitter taste of bile. Tears, whether a reaction from throwing up or the pressures of everything else, stung his eyes.

Joey wrapped her arms around herself as she came up behind him. "Are you okay?"

He swallowed thickly, his voice hoarse, "Not really."

She bit her lip, eyeing him with concern. "What's wrong? Do you need to see a doctor?"

"No," he gave a choked laugh. "Nothing like that." He wiped at his eyes and turned around, "I just wanna go home."

She nodded. "Alright."

"God, I wish I could just start over sometimes," he sighed.

"I think you're over dramatizing."

He shook his head with a faint smile, "You keep me grounded, Potter."

"Someone has to."

"Thank you," he murmured.

"You're ready to go?"

"Yeah. I think I got rid of everything I've drunk in the last week." He started back to the car.

She grimaced. "That sounds healthy."


She rolled her eyes, climbing back into the driver's seat. "Come on." He got back in the car and rolled the window down, letting the cold air flood over his face. She glanced over at him. "Feeling any better?"

"Yeah, I'm good now," he smirked. "At least physically."


The rest of the drive went smoothly and they pulled into Pacey's parking lot moments later. He climbed out of the car slowly, still feeling light headed. Hitting the lock on the door, he shut it and waited for Joey to climb out. "So...?"

Joey handed him the keys. "I'll call a cab, and head back to the dorms. I better finish my studying."

"Lemme pay for it, at least."

She waved him off. "I have it covered."

"Joey. Let me."

"No. That's okay."

"Potter, please." He gave her a sincere look. "I'm feeling lower than dirt when it comes to you right now. Just let me do this tiny little thing."

She was thoughtful for a moment. "Actually there is something you can do for me."

"Name it."

"Well, the Rose Lazare project is almost over so we're having this sit down dinner thing and I need to bring a dessert or something, and since I'm not exactly the next Julia Childs and Bodie is all the way in Capeside..."

"You want something delectable to dazzle them with, right?"

She nodded. "Right."

"What night do you need it?"

"Saturday, by five. It's going to be an early dinner since everyone else has more enticing plans for a Saturday night."

"Including you?" He teased faintly. "Tell me what you want and how much you need and it's yours, Potter."

She shrugged. "I don't know. I figured a cake or something."

"I've got just the thing in mind." He told her.

She raised an eyebrow. "Anything I can help you with, so at least I'll only feel moderately guilty when I take credit?"

"Jo, sweetheart," he rested his hands on her shoulders as he looked at her with a half smile. "I've seen you in the kitchen. You're only slightly less destructive than Jack. But, if you could find some fresh strawberries for me in the dead of winter, you could feel like you contributed."

She made a face. "I can help. Even if it's just mixing or something. I can preheat the oven."

His smile grew, "I don't work until Saturday evening, so if you really want to, you can come over in the morning and help."

She nodded. "Fine. Anything you need me to bring besides strawberries?"

"Just your sweet self," he replied. "I'll handle everything else."

She smiled. "Okay. Thanks."

"You wanna use my phone to call a cab?"

"I have my cell."

"I'll wait."

"You don't have to do that."

"I may be drunk, but I'm not stupid enough to leave you out here alone. Call."

She rolled her eyes. "Fine."

He moved to sit down on the stairs and waited while she made the call. The cold air had done much to help clear his head, after his last confrontation with Joey that afternoon, he'd been feeling the weight of the his guilt. Between stealing reluctant kisses from Joey and the fact that he couldn't even bring himself to touch Audrey was playing havoc with his emotions. Drinking had held great appeal that afternoon as he tried not to think of the heartache he was causing. Instead, he'd caused more. With a shake of his head, he watched Joey talk into her cell phone, he wasn't going to drink anymore.

Joey hit end, and walked over to Pacey. "It'll be a few minutes."

"Okay," he patted the spot beside him. "Pull up a stair."

She sat down beside him and rubbed her arms lightly. "God, it's cold out here."

He pulled off his coat and draped it over her shoulders, "That coat's not thick enough for you."

"It's fine."

"Try not to argue with me, okay?"

She sighed. "I'll try."

He smirked, "I know, it's hard. It's an ingrained response, right?"

She nodded with a small smile. "Yes."

"You've been pretty good about it lately. It's kinda scary."

A corner of her mouth turned up faintly. "I must be off my game."

"Side affect of all that stress, I suppose," he said with a sigh, staring out over the expense of cement and cars in front of them.


"How many people do I need to feed Saturday?"


"That'll be too easy, Potter. Give me a challenge."

She shrugged. "Go crazy with dessert."

"I'll do something a little more complicated than cake."

"As long as it's edible."

"It'll be orgasmic."

She smiled. "That a promise?"

"Satisfaction guaranteed." He said with a grin.

"I'll be looking forward to it then."

He smirked, "And if you're disappointed, I have ways of making up for it."

She smiled in amusement. "I'm sure."

"You should be," He nodded in agreement, leaning back on the stairs. "Are you gonna be okay Saturday night?"

She nodded. "Yeah, I was thinking of asking Charlie to come with me."

"No better way to get back at an ex-lover than to show up with another guy."

"I guess."

"You don't sound okay," he noted softly.

"I am."

"We can talk about it."

"There's nothing to talk about," she said, standing as the cab pulled up.

"I'll see you Saturday then," he said with a sigh as he stood up.

She nodded. "Yep, bright and early."

"I don't promise that I'll be awake."

"I'll make sure you are."

"Bye, Potter." He said wryly.

She pressed a kiss against his cheek and gave him a quick hug. "Later Pace." She returned his coat and got in the car. He watched her climb inside and drive away before he started up the stairs to his apartment to sleep off the last of the alcohol in his system.

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