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monophonic ringtones

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Mobile content is any type of media which is viewed or used on mobile phones, like ringtones, graphics, games and movies. As mobile phone use has grown since the mid 1990s, the significance of the devices in everyday life has grown accordingly. Owners of mobile phones can now use their devices to make calendar appointments, send and receive text messages (SMS), listen to music, watch videos, shoot videos, view Microsoft Word documents, and so forth. Patience: Yoda (Star Wars) Text Alert You Have: Razorlight. The use of mobile content has grown accordingly.

[edit] Content viewed on mobile phones

[edit] Mobile music

Mobile music is any audio file that is played on a mobile phone. Mobile music is normally formatted as an AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) file or an MP3, and comes in several different formats. Monophonic ringtones were the earliest form of ringtone, and played one tone at a time. This was improved upon with polyphonic ringtones, which played several tones at the same time so a more convincing melody could be created. Polyphonic Ringtones, Monophonic Ringtones, MP3 Ringtones and Realtone Ringtones without any Our Ringtones are Sent Directly to your Mobile. The next step was to play clips of actual songs, which were dubbed Realtones. These are preferred by record labels since realtones require the payment of a "mechanical royalty" as well as a publishing royalty, whereas monophonic and polyphonic ringtones only require the payment of the publishing royalty. [1] Some companies promote covertones, which are ringtones that are recorded by cover bands to sound like a famous song. Recently Ringback tones have become available, which are played to the person calling the owner of the ringback tone.

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