The Whirlpool Jet Boat Ride on the Niagara River

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The most exciting part of our trip to Niagara Falls was the thrilling ride on one of the super-fast Whirlpool Jet Boats. The jet boats travel up to speeds of 65 mph with its two high-powered jet engines, and can carry up to 48 passengers. The ride begins on the Niagara River at Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada, and speeds up the Niagara River Gorge to the "Whirlpool" which is formed at a bend in the river. The water is flowing so fast that it cannot make the sharp 90 degree turn and runs into the opposite bank where it swirls around until it finally exits.

The Famous Whirlpool

The 18-mile boat ride ends with a couple of 360 degree spins (the boat can turn on a dime) in the whirlpool. The boats cannot go further up the river because a Class VI rapid blocks the way, making passage too dangerous. These rapids are caused by the narrowing of the river, and its raging water forms the whirlpool.

The Class VI Rapids

Next, Page Two.  Viewing The Jet Boats from the River Bank

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