Ullr Kindred Page
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The Ullr Kindred is based in Tulsa, OK whose patron is the God Ullr.

(Ullr is Sif's [Thor's wife] son from a previous liason.  He  takes over the high seat from Odin when Odin is out ramblin' around the 9 worlds during the winter months. 

He is associated with the rune Eihwaz, the rune associated with the Yew Bow and the Yew Tree.  He is an excellent skier and woodsman and lives in his hall Ydallira which is located in a valley wooded with Yew Trees.)
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The Ullr Kindred is associated with OPHA (the Oklahoma Pagan/Heathen Alliance) who is  hosting Tulsa's Pagan Pride Day.  An annual event to promote harmony among the different traditions and the Tulsa community.
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws