The New Teacher - 1887

Corporal Bennett and Marshal Craddock were seated on the front porch of the detachment having their morning coffee. Craddock was drinking his second cup.The street was coming to life as the residents started their day, and the lawmen seemed to notice every movement. At the far end of town Wendell MacWherter was opening the big double doors of the livery stable. It was obvious that MacWherter was annoyed at Archie when the blacksmith arrived a little later than he should.
Jack Craddock grinned, "Ya, know Clive, yer old compadre there sure tied one on last night. Last I seen 'a him he was walkin' near sideways." Clive Bennett ignored the marshal's remark and took a mouthful of coffee.

Their attention soon turned to the saloon where the Denny's were preparing for another day of work. Zack was sweeping the dried mud that had been left on the boardwalk after yesterday's rain while Diane washed the front window. "Good mornin' gentleman" she called out, in an unmistakeable southern drawl. Both men acknowledged her greeting with a nod, Craddock replied, " 'Mornin' Ma'am" and touched two fingers to the brim of his hat in a respectful salute.

The mountie and the marshal both jumped to their feet when they saw Dr. Dumont heading up the street in their direction. "Good morning Marie", Clive smiled and straightened his uniform.

Jack gave him a quick frown then turned to the lady, "Marie".

"Good morning boys, isn't it a glorious day"?, she replied as she passed by.

"What's yer hurry Marie"? asked the marshal.

Without turning back she answered, " Bordertown's first school teacher arrives today, I have alot to do Jack." They watched her disappear into the general store.

The marshal turned back towards the doorway, "Think I'll have one more coffee 'for I do my rounds".

"Don't you think you should shave Jack"? Asked Bennett as he followed him inside.

Ignoring the mountie, Craddock poured his coffee, sat at his desk, put his feet up and lit a cigar. As a haze of smoke encircled his head, he took a long draw on the cigar, from the corner of his eye he watched Bennett, then exhaled the smoke towards the corporal's desk.

"Jack! Do you mind"?

"Oh, sorry Clive".Clearing his throat the marshal asked,"So what's the story on this here school teacher anyhow, where's she from"?

"Well Jack, all I know is that she is a qualified teacher, apparently she has lived with the Blackfoot and the Cree, teaching them english and math."

Craddock was busy cleaning his gun and without looking up he replied "Uhuh. So how'd she get the job in Bordertown"?

"She applied for it Jack, how do you think"?

The marshal looked over the top of his glasses, "So is she gunna teach english kids ta speak indjun now"?

The corporal decided not to answer the question, turning his back to the marshal he began straightening the books on his desk. Clive Bennett was a perfectionist, everything in it's place, he was constantly cleaning. Jack Craddock was the fair opposite, his desk was piled high with papers, wanted posters, tools, dirty coffee mugs, even the socks he had been mending the day before. Sharing an office with someone like Bennett took alot of patience. Clive straightened the already straight portrait of Her Majesty Queen Victoria which hung on the wall behind his desk. Jack looked over his shoulder at the portait hanging on his side of the office. It was as crooked as a cattle rustler. Seeing that everything was as it should be, Craddock turned his attention back to his gun.

Slipping his colt 45 into it's holster as Marie walked into the room, Jack reached for his hat and turned to greet her. Marie scolded him as though he were a child, "Jack Craddock! You can't meet the new teacher looking like that!"

Clive stepped in front of Craddock who was rubbing his whiskers, and smiled, " How do I look Marie "?

"You look very handsome Clive....Jack, go and make yourself presentable. The stage will be here any minute ", and she pushed him out the door.

Looking down the street, corporal Bennett smirked, " Too it comes now, right on time. "

Marie glared at the marshal and he smiled back, " Now Marie, don't go gettin' all riled up. She's probably just some old spinster. Why I'll wager she even looks like one 'a McPherson's chickens."

The stage pulled up in front of the depot office and Wendell MacWherter hurried out of the bank to meet it. He was anxious to get a look at Bordertown's newest available woman. A teacher would look very impressive on his arm indeed, and unlike Craddock's chicken theory, Wendell imagined her to be tall and thin with long dark hair and a beautiful smile. As he peered inside the stagecoach, Jack, Marie and Clive gathered around. Finding it empty, MacWherter looked up at the driver just as Jeremiah tossed the luggage down, " No passengers today folks, just luggage."
With a puzzled look on his face Wendell turned to the mountie, " But I thought you said Miss Nestor was arriving today ?"

Checking the tags on one of the suitcases Marie spoke, "These are her things, but where could she be"?

Just then a chicken darted across the street, " There she is !" yelled Jack. Marie shot him a disgusted look as he chased after the bird and called out to it, " Now Miss Nestor you get back here, folks 'll be wantin' ta meet ya !" Jack was pleased with himself as he caught the chicken and returned with his prize. Marie and Wendell didn't see the humor, but Clive couldn't stop the grin from spreading across his face. It was funny to see the marshal so playful, Craddock was usually a very serious, intense man. This was, no doubt, an effort to amuse Marie. Clive was pleased to see the attempt failed, Marie was not amused, she was annoyed.

" It ain't my fault Marie, I reckon Miss Mabel probably heard McWherter was waitin' on her." Jack laughed in Wendell's direction," Can't says I blame 'er fer runnin', can you ?"

Giving the marshal a hurtful look, Wendell walked up the stairway to the bank, " I may as well go back to work, let me know when she arrives. " - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Winter will soon be here", Clive commented to Marie as they walked towards the saloon later that evening.

Wrapping her shawl tighter across her shoulders."When exactly does school begin Clive ?" The doctor asked.

"In about two weeks I think, if the teacher arrives. "

The couple found Jack sitting at his table in the back of the room. Bennett wanted to ignore him and have Marie to himself, but she smiled in the marshal's direction and he motioned for them to join him. As the group enjoyed a cup of Zack's coffee, Marie expressed concern that something horrible may have happened to the young woman. Clive tried to reassure her by suggesting that Miss Nestor may have stopped to visit relatives in Bragg Creek. "I understand she has family in the area."

Wendell McWherter, overhearing the conversation, joined them at their table, "She doesn't have a husband does she? Or a beau? Someone should be out there looking for her, she is a young gentile woman who is unfamiliar with these parts. Corporal, she may be in need of assistance."

Clive grinned at Marie, then looked back towards the banker, "No Wendell, she doesn't have a husband or a beau, not that I'm aware of. I'm certain she's just fine, she'll probably arrive on the next stage."

Jack snorted, " I still say we otta check McPherson's chicken coop."

Marie was about to scold Craddock again when Gabriel Couteau caught her eye as he entered the room. By his side was a stranger, a woman, dressed almost exactly like Couteau himself. Their eyes turned towards the odd pair who had paused just inside the door.

Craddock looked at Bennett, then back to the stranger. " Looks alot like Couteau don't it ? Only not as big, and no where's near as ugly."

Gabriel scanned the room, then made his way towards the corporal. The young woman followed. Clive stood and straightened his uniform.

In a very thick french Canadian accent Gabriel Couteau introduced his friend." Corporal Bennett I would like you to meet Bordertown's new school teacher, Mabel Nestor." He said proudly.

Extending his hand, Clive smiled, "It's a pleasure to meet you ma'am."

'It certainly is', Mabel thought to herself. Corporal Bennett had the most gorgeous blue eyes and a smile that could melt butter on a cold winter's day. She had always despised the North West Mounted, after having seen their inhumane treatment of 'her' people, but Gabriel assured Mabel that Bennett was different.

After a brief silence Marie spoke, "Welcome to Bordertown Mabel, I am Doctor Marie Dumont", and she extended her hand. Clive smiled and introduced Jack, but the marshal was too busy staring to respond. Craddock figured Mabel was somewhere's in her mid twenties, a small little thing, maybe 5' 2", and not bad lookin', but her appearence was less than womanly. Her hair was cut short, almost as short as Bennett's. She was wearing a grey cotton shirt with a red bandana tied loosely around her neck, a deerskin jacket with matching britches and on her feet were a pair of deerskin moccassins. ' She's almost an exact replica of Couteau...without the whiskers,' he thought to himself. Then he noticed the gunbelt that hung around her waist. Mabel Nestor carried a colt .45 peacemaker, just like Jack's. "Huh, go figure," He said aloud.
Suddenly feeling the pain of Marie's elbow in his ribs. "Uh, howdy ma'am."

" Good evening marshal ", Mabel greeted him with a smile. " I'm sorry if I caused any concern by arriving so late, Gabriel offered to show me around and I guess we lost track of time. I do hope you'll forgive my tardiness. " The truth be told it was necessary for her stop at Fort Edmonton to purchase some proper clothing, she had nothing suitable to wear. She couldn't very well show up for a teaching job with her belongings being pulled along in a Red River cart, so she had put her luggage on the stage before departing on horseback.

Marie was aware that for someone who looked like she just walked out of the woods, this woman seemed to be well bred, that was obvious in the way she carried herself, in the way she spoke. Clive was also surprised when he heard her speak, an educated woman indeed. But why was she dressed this way, and why was she travelling with a roughian like Gabriel Couteau ? Jack suddenly wished he had shaved.

Bennett cleared his throat and turned to introduce Wendell McWherter. "Where did he go"?

The marshal replied with a grin , " Ah....I think Wendell said somethin' 'bout havin' ta go check on the McPherson's chickens."

Marie asked Zack to bring two more coffee's and invited Mabel and Couteau to join them. As Mabel sat herself down to the table in a manner befitting a lady, Couteau turned his chair around, straddled it like a horse and sat with his arms folded across the back, "Bring me a whiskey Mr. Denny, I'm not so fond of coffee."

Marie spoke, " How wonderful it will be to have a school in Bordertown. There are too many children here who don't know how to read or write. " She said.

"Well Mrs. Dumont, I am a firm believer in the power of the mind. If our children are going to survive in this world it's up to us to educate them in a way that will prepare them for the changes that progress will bring. For example, when the railroad is built, and it will be built, it will bring people to this area from all over, businesses will spring up everywhere. A man who can't read or write will have a difficult time managing a business if he can't keep track of stock, he won't even be able to 'order' stock without the help of someone who can read. The young ladies in this town may one day grow up to be doctors, lawyers, or even politicians, who knows? Times are changing, the role of women is going to change someday too, you are an example of that. You are someone the young women of Bordertown can look up to. Take me for instance, I'm a school teacher. It's a woman's job, but if I were to get married I would no longer be able to teach. How many men would allow their wives to work outside of the home? How many people would frown upon a married woman working as a school teacher? I see the role of women changing in the future, it may not happen in my lifetime, but it will happen, ....through education."

Gabriel Couteau laughed as he turned to Craddock, " Mabel can sure talk eh marshal ? And her head is full of such foolish ideas ? Imagine a country that is run by women !" Jack wasn't sure about all that, but one thing was certain, Mabel Nestor was long winded.

Corporal Bennett interrupted their conversation, " Miss Nestor, your room behind the schoolhouse isn't quite ready, so I took the liberty of taking your things to Mrs. Duffield's boarding house. Sally has a room ready for you. It will only be for a few days."

"That sounds fine. If you wouldn't mind showing me where that is, I'm tired. I think I'll call it a day." Mabel bid goodnight to Jack and Marie, took a long look at Couteau and warned him to "behave", then followed Clive outside.

As they strolled along the boardwalk Clive considered offering his arm to the young woman, but the thought of strolling the boardwalk arm in arm with a woman dressed like a man suddenly made him reconsider the offer. He knew he was being forward, but he had to ask, everyone would be asking soon enough. "Forgive me for being so bold, you always dress this way?"

Mabel snickered, she was known to be forward herself,"You've all been wondering that haven't you ? I bet you think I'm one of Gabriel's women don't you ? "

Clive was embarrassed now, "Oh no, Miss Nestor. I didn't mean to imply anything of that nature." Mabel was enjoying watching him squirm. "What I meant was that a woman of your education isn't often seen dressed in such attire."

"Uhuh, so how am I supposed to look? A pretty dress with a ruffled collar and a bow in my hair ?"

"I think that's what most people will be expecting."

"Don't worry corporal, I'll play the part. I'll dress in the appropriate manner for school. But otherwise I believe I have the right to dress as I choose."

Clive's mind drifted to Wendell MacWherter and he smiled politely,"Here we are," as they reached Sally Duffield's front door. "Please allow me the pleasure of showing you around tomorrow, perhaps we can discuss the school program over a cup of coffee ?"

"That's kind of you corporal, thank you."

He waited until she was inside. Shaking his head and smiling to himself as he walked away, Clive was only too aware that Mabel Nestor would make an interesting impression on Bordertown.

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