The Blizzard of 1887

On the morning of Saturday December 15th, Mabel woke to find the world covered in snow. She had planned to seek out a tree for the children to decorate in preparation for Christmas.The snow on the ground put her in the festive spirit and she was eager to get on with the chore.
Grabbing a quick cup of coffee she wrapped a biscuit in the dishtowel that hung over the stove and stuffed it in her pocket for later.
With hatchet in hand, she headed out the door and across the field to the adjoining woods. It was a beautiful day, the sun seemed to bounce off the snow and the air was clean and crisp.

Mabel walked for a mile or two, then stopped. 'You wouldn't think a tree would be so hard to find' she thought. But the young woman was fussy when it came to choosing a Christmas tree, it had to be just right.

Sitting down to rest she took the biscuit from her pocket and broke it in half, stuffing it into her mouth and replacing the other piece to her pocket. As she rose to her feet she saw it...her Christmas tree. It was about four feet high with a perfect triangular shape.
Snowflakes had begun falling from the sky, big snow flakes. The scene was beautiful. This was Mabel's favorite time of year.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Back in Bordertown the folks were busy preparing for the storm. One look at the sky would tell a seasoned pioneer that a bad one was brewing.

"Marie... you seen Mabel?" the marshal asked the doctor as he entered the store.

"No, I haven't seen her all day Jack."

Looking at his time piece "It's almost noon, she ain't home I just checked." he said, returning the watch to his pocket.

"Perhaps she is teutering a student Jack. Or maybe mi'suer Couteau is back in town." she teased.

"Very funny Marie," Craddock frowned.

Marie Dumont was pleased that Jack and Mabel were courting, and she enjoyed teasing him about his past jealousy.

"She ain't gone too far, her horse is in the livery. She'll turn up soon I 'sppose."

As the storm worsened, the streets of Bordertown became deserted. Convinced everyone was taken care of, Craddock and Bennett returned to their office to wait out the storm.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mabel had been walking for close to an hour when she decided to leave her precious tree behind. It was just too heavy to drag through the deep snow. What had been a mere blanket on the ground earlier must have been two feet deep by now, and the snow was still falling. She had never seen a storm like this one. She suddenly wished she had told someone where she was going. 'What a stupid thing to do' she thought, 'no one knows where to find me.' - - - - - - -- - - - - - -

By three o'clock Marshal Craddock and Clive Bennett decided to do their rounds. They beat on every door, checking to see if anyone needed fire wood or medical help.
Jack inquired about Mabel's whereabouts with everyone he encountered. Ardamous Boone told him Mabel was heading out to the Duncan's ranch to help little Sam with his arithmatic.
Jack thought it was odd that Abby was still in her stall.

By supper time Marie had opened her doors to those who's homes were not holding up to the storm. The roof of Confederation Hall collapsed under the weight of the snow. The entire town was under a state of emergency, neighbour's were helping each other remove snow from rooftops, a dangerous task considering the high wind and blowing snow.

Clive and Jack were at the detachment warming themselves with a cup of hot coffee. Some of the town's women had delivered sandwiches and the lawmen gratefully dug in.

"Fella sure works up an appetite don't 'e Clive?"

Taking a bite from his sandwich,the corporal asked " Any sign of Mabel, Jack?"

"Nope...she ain't in town Clive, I figure she musta hitched a ride in the wagon with Jeb. S'ppose she'll lie low at the Duncan's 'till the storm is over."

"Maybe we should get some rest." The corporal suggested.

Jack followed him out the door ... catching Bennett as his legs went out from under him. The town was a glare of ice.

"This ain't gonna help them rooves." Jack observed as he looked towards the sagging rooftops of the buildings across the street.

"You sure your place is safe Jack?"

"My place? 'a Course it's safe Bennett!"

They crept along the boardwalk, holding on to the buildings as they made their way. Clive was attempting to reach Marie's, Jack just wanted to find his bed. He made it to the doorway of his cabin and then turned to watch Bennett who was trying to cross the icy street in front of Marie's. One minute he was standing, the next his feet were up over his head and he came down hard on his back.

Jack hooted, "That's gotta be the funniest thing I ever seen Bennett!" Clive lay still for a moment, leading Jack to think he was hurt. Craddock was about to venture off his stoop to assist the mountie, when Clive managed to get to his feet, but before he could respond to Jack's comment, he was lying on his back again.
Jack snorted, "Ya want me ta throw ya a rope 'er somethin'? !" The corporal ignored his friend and putting all dignity aside, crawled to Marie's front step.

Mabel thought she heard voices. She stopped and called out, "Jaaack!" Silence.. except for the howling wind. Her mind must be playing tricks on her, how could she have heard voices over the noise of the storm?
It was getting dark. With her head down to shield her eyes from the sting of the ice pellets, Mabel continued to walk, she had to keep moving, it didn't seem to matter where she was going anymore, as long as she kept walking. Suddenly she tripped and fell forward, with a thud her head hit something solid. 'You have to get up' she told herself, but her body wanted to stay where it was. Gathering the little bit of strength she had left, she picked herself up, she was dizzy.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

As the morning dawned the residents of Bordertown found themselves snowed in and completely cut off from the rest of the world. The marshal had given up all hope of leaving his cabin before spring when Clive Bennett opened his front door.

"Good morning Jack." He smiled.

"Mornin'...thanks fer diggin' me out Clive."

"Well I couldn't have you spending your birthday alone in this....pig stye, now could I"?

Craddock was surprised. No one knew his birthdate except Mabel. She had caught him with his guard down, during a moment of....well, they were talkin' 'bout personal stuff. She had a way of makin' him talk about things he'd rather not talk about.

"Happy birthday Jack!" Clive said cheerfully.

"Uhuh. Keep it to yerself Bennett." Jack sadly realized that he would be spending his birthday without Mabel, there was no way she'd get back to Bordertown...not for days.
Birthdays didn't mean all that much to the marshal, except that he was gettin' older and time was runnin' out. Woulda bin nice havin' someone to spend it with. No doubt she woulda surprised him with a cake, bin a few years since he'd had one 'a those.

Seeing that his friend was looking downcast Clive offered some hope," Come on Jack, let's get these folks dug out. After dinner we'll check on some of the homesteaders and swing our way over to the Duncan's, we can bring Mabel home with us."

"That ain't gonna be possible with all this snow down Clive."

"You're such a pessimist Craddock."

"A what ?" Jack asked with a puzzled expression.

Putting on his sheepskin vest he followed the corporal outside. Jack was amazed at the sight. The snow in the street was almost waist deep, Confederation Hall looked like an explosion had gone off. Marie's house stood soundly, the steep pitch of the roof had kept the snow from building up, but her front door was invisible behind the high drift that had formed from the blowing snow the night before. People were already busy clearing paths, and it looked as though every man in town had taken to the rooftops, which were bowing under the heavy weight of the snow.

"Best go and dig Marie out first", Jack suggested, "I reckon we'll need a doctor".

Making their way across the street they noticed Wendell MacWherter and Archie Stanton in front of the livery stable. They were chipping away at the ice in front of the big doors that had entombed their horses. Seeing the lawmen wading through the snow, MacWherter yelled, "Marshal Craddock!....."

"Can't help ya right now Wendell, we gotta get Marie dug out first!" He called back.

"Happy Birthday Jack!" Archie shouted.

Craddock shook his head, "Just like a woman," he said in reference to Mabel, "can't keep a secret."

Both men were exhausted when they finally reached Marie's front door. The snow was heavy and a frozen layer had formed on top due to the freezing rain. Leaning on their shovels Jack and Clive paused to take look at their surroundings.
"We'll be days digging everyone out." Clive stated the obvious as they both tried to catch their breath.

The front door opened and Doctor Dumont stepped outside, "Isn't it glorious boys ? Everything looks so new and beautiful."

Exchanging glances, the lawmen decided not to comment.

"Oh, and happy birthday Jack!" she said cheerfully, kissing him on the cheek.

- - - - - -- - - - -

After having a hot cup of coffee and warming themselves by Marie's fireplace, Jack and Clive made their way to the livery to help free the horses.

"Happy birthday Jack!" came the familiar voice. Looking skyward the marshal was shocked to see Mabel's head sticking out of the loft doors.

"Mabel, what in tarnation are you doin' up there?!"

"Waiting for Wendell and Archie to rescue me." she replied, "I don't think Wendell has ever used a pick before Jack, think you might give him a hand? It's awfully cold in here, my pants are frozen stiff."

Mabel had spent the night in the livery. She had managed to force the door open and buried herself in the hay that was piled on the floor near the back. It had been a cold and uncomfortable night but at least she had found shelter from the storm. She woke to the sound of voices....Archie and Wendell.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

That evening the exhausted group gathered at Marie's house, along with several other Bordertowners who were still seeking refuge with the doctor. They enjoyed birthday cake and tea... coffee for the marshal. They sat by the piano and sang while Clive played Happy Birthday. Jack was embaressed by all the fuss, but he enjoyed it just the same.
Leaning over, he whispered to Mabel, " Nicest birthday I've had in a long spell."

" I don't think anyone will forget this day for a long time Jack." she chuckled.

"What other secrets you bin tellin' folks?" he asked.

"Secrets? Oh... you mean your birthday? That's not a secret Jack, everyone has them. So you're how old now? 47?"

"46 !" he scowled.

Mabel smiled and whispered in his ear, "That's kind of old for a man who's going to father a dozen children Jack."
Then she rose to her feet and began clearing away the teacups.

Jack looked up at her, puzzled, "Huh?...a dozen what?"

She turned and gave him a wink as she left the room.

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