Henry M Perin


� ���
  1. Real name: Henry M. Perin
  2. Nickname(s):Henry, Chiki
  3. Birthday: March 8
  4. Age: 29.. HAHA..
  5. Zodiac Sign:Pieces
  6. Male or Female: Male
  7. Elementary School: Matuyatuya Elementary
  8. High School: Talipapa Highschool
  9. College: Quezon City Polytechnic University
  10. Hair color: Black
  11. Tall or short: Short
  12. IM or email: Email
  13. Sweats or Jeans: Jeans
  14. Phone or Camera: Camera
  15. Health freak: Nope.. not realy
  16. Orange or Apple: Orange
  17. Do you have a crush on someone?: YES
  18. Eat or Drink: Eat Then Drink!!
  19. Piercings: right ear.. but already closed
  20. Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi is much better..


  22. Been in an airplane: NO.. but i wish..
  23. Been in a relationship: YES!!
  24. Been in a car accident: Nope..
  25. Been in a fist fight: Nope .. always stay out of fights
  26. First piercing: highschool
  27. First best friend: Aberelle Penarubia
  28. First award:Most Punctual
  29. First crush:Cristina
  30. First word: uhg...
  31. Last person you talked in person:My Neighbor
  32. Last person you texted:Igu..
  33. Last person you went to the movie theaters with:Hazel
  34. Last food you ate: Rice with Egg
  35. Last movie you watched: The Flu
  36. Last song you listened to:Numb by Linkin Park
  37. Last thing you bought: Bigbang Chocolate
  38. Last person you hugged: Hazel

  39. FAVE:

  40. Food(s): Chocolates
  41. Drink(s): Lemon Juice
  42. Bottom(s): Pants!!~
  43. Flower(s): Santan
  44. Animal(s): Bunny
  45. Color(s): Green
  46. Movie(s): Fantasy
  47. Subject(s):Computer Subject

  48. HAVE YOU EVER:(Put a check in the box if yes)

  49. fell in love with someone. YES!!
  50. celebrated Halloween. yes
  51. had your heart broken. 3 times
  52. went over the minutes or texts on your cell phone. .. ALWAYS!!
  53. had someone question my sexual orientation. Nope.. im straigth
  54. got pregnant.. My Wife
  55. had an abortion. hell NO
  56. did something I regret. Many Times
  57. broke a promise. Lately
  58. hid a secret.. Great Keeper
  59. pretended to be happy. When im sad
  60. met someone who changed your life. Hazel
  61. pretended to be sick. when i feel like it..
  62. left the country. nope
  63. tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it. yeah.
  64. cried over the silliest thing. on a movie
  65. ran a mile. Walk
  66. went to the beach with your best friend. nope
  67. got into an argument with your friends. uh.. IDK
  68. hated someone.Yes
  69. stayed single for 2 years. when i was young


  71. Eating: Nips
  72. Drinking: Cold Water
  73. Listening: none
  74. Sitting/Laying: sitting infront of laptop
  75. Plans for today: do projects
  76. Waiting: Her


  78. Want kids?: yes many
  79. Want to get married?: YES..planning
  80. Career: own a shop
  81. Lips or eyes: Eyes
  82. Shorter or taller:shorter
  83. Romantic or spontaneous:Same
  84. Nice stomach or nice arms.?:Arms
  85. (skiped)
  86. Hook-up or relationship: RELATIONSHIP!!
  87. Looks or Personality: personality!! <3


  89. Lost glasses/contacts: Contacts
  90. Snuck out of a house: yes.
  91. Held a gun/knife for self defense: a stick
  92. Killed somebody: my boredom
  93. Broken someone's heart: 3 of them
  94. Been in love:YES
  95. Cried when someone died: IDK


  97. Yourself: not realy
  98. Miracles: Yeah!!.. everytime is a Miracle!!
  99. Love at first sight:Yes
  100. Sex on the first date: nope
  101. Heaven: yes
  102. Santa Clause:yes
  103. Kiss on the first date: yes


  105. Is there one person you want to be with right now:Haruka & Hazel
  106. Do you know who your real friends are:no..
  107. Do you believe in God:If.. I say Yes
  108. Post as 100 truths?: Yes!!


Cosplay or Costume Play is a hobby that i've discover when i was still studying highschool, I've been a fan of Anime ang Japanese manga (comics) thats why i was very lucky to discover this hobby. Wearing costume have difficulties like being different with other people. they dont appriciate the things that they see from us and they call it weird and crazy. But when you wear a costume its like living in different world, its like being a differnt person or even being your favorite character. Its like a glimps of being a celebrity when you are wearing a costume.


I have many dreams when i was a little kid and one of those is having my own family, having my own bussiness and living in a house with my wife and kids. I also have a bucket list that i always do my best to complete, 3 of it was already copleted. 1st is to have a daugther that i will cherish for the rest of my life. 2nd is to have a partner in life that will help me in succeed in our dreams. 3rd is to have a hobby that i will enjoy. I still have 7 to go but i know, I can complete it before ill be gone on this world.


I've been in a relationship for 4 years now and its been a great time to spend it with her. We didint expected to have our first child so it was a very big suprise for us. It was the best day when Haruka was born, its like a part of me was been reborn to a new Man. Having my own family is the best thing that i have accomplised so far.

� ��� ��
Monster Hunter Tigerex Sacred Seven Dark Flame Master
Death Gun High School DxD Blake & Adam

Qoutes Unqoutes

    A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others. ~Ayn Rand