Website Terms of Use

This Website and the information provided in this site are offered for education and your personal use. Rhodesian Ridgeback Review is not soliciting any action based upon it. Please read the following terms of use (�Terms of Use�) carefully before using this Website. All users of this Website agree that access to and use of this Website is subject to the following Terms of Use and other applicable law. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, please do not use this Website.

The Hosts of Website

Those hosting the website are not responsible in any way for the contents of the website.   Although we intend to keep this information current, we do not promise or guarantee that the information is correct, complete, or up-to-date.
The Host(s) of this personal website do not:
� represent or warrant that information provided on this Site is comprehensive, complete, up to date, verified or accurate;
� accept any liability for connections or links from the Site to any other part of the Internet, the contents of any other site or location on the Internet or the consequences of acting upon the contents or any other site or location on the Internet.

Information on this Website

The material is based upon information which we consider reliable, but we do not represent that it is accurate or complete, and should not be relied upon as such. Neither the website Host(s), Moderators or its affiliates make any warranty, express or implied, of any kind whatsoever, and none of these parties shall be liable for any losses, damages, costs or expenses, of every kind and description, relating to the adequacy, accuracy or completeness of any information on this Web site or the use of information on this Web site.

Controversial subjects

There are many controversial subjects related to dogs. For instance, the website contains dogs that are not registered to AKC or the owners are not members of the national club of this country (or the countries of origin of the dogs whose photos are on this site).
Any opinion expressed by a contributor about a controversial subject is to be considered his/her own personal opinion, not the opinion of the website managers, director or editors. The fact that our images are used in another website or any other media should not be considered as an endorsement of ours for any opinion expressed nor of the images posted here.


Most text and images contained in the website are made by the contributors themselves. If the contributor says the information and the photo is owned by the contributor, we will add it to the site. Our policy is to include images only when we can ascertain that we have permission to use them. However, it is often the case that an image is provided to us with little back-up information associated with it. In such cases we try to assess if the image is owned by someone before posting it. If you encounter an image which you think may be from your site and used on RRReview without permission, please contact the moderator(s) of the page and advise us. Our intent is to provide as complete a collection of the world's Ridgebacks as possible, and we would be most delighted to be able to use your image.
If you would like to view the entire Terms of Use for Rhodesian Ridgeback Review,  please contact us at
[email protected]    If you go beyond this page or send photos and information for the site, it indicates that you agree to abide by the all Terms and Conditions of this site.
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