One the 4th day of October 1997, the world welcomed a baby full of charm smiling in tranguility. Oh! t' was a girl, a reason for the sparks on the eyes of the parents on their first glimpse of their baby girl. The innocent yet sweet little baby was soon called Rhea Salcedo and now writing something on a piece of paper which you are probably reading at the moment. Guess who the baby was? Absolutely. It was I. I have a loving father named Romeo Salcedo and there's not a thing he would not do just for our family's welfare.My mother who seemed to be my best friend was named Virligia Salcedo who will sacrifice her all just for the family's sake. God has overblessed me with the family I have today.
Out of 7 children, I am the fifth and the only girl.

(How sad?) but only if you take it pessimistically. However, I being a girl was one of the greatest
blessings my family had ever received from the Almighty. I am more than happy to have my bros; fun, crazy things and all that are not strangers in our life. I live a simple walk of life(not thatpoor yet not that rich-just average.) Im a living testament of my parent's hardwork and perserverance which offered us comfort in life. Same as you, I had vast encounters of problems and challenges. Nevertheless, in the midst of it all, I am never gonna blame God for giving me problems but rather thank him for
giving me a blessing in disguise because this I believe that problems are opportunities of learning and being strong.

Time flew so lucky. But even in haste, I am thankful to God that I've gone this far.
I'm now on my legal age. oooops, am I getting too dramatic over here? I think I should be ending this
storytelling thing of mine for the meantime. (I've got a story thicker than a thousand paged book.)
Anyways, I am studying college full of hopes and prayer to God that I may experience how it feels
like to march on the reaping day holding a special piece of paper with inscription "DIMPLOMA".

There's always something within me saying that I have to repay my family for all their sacrifices for me.
(just a piece of my little heart speaking.) Always seek God in our life. He will always on our ride when
no one will. Goodbye for now. Till our horizons meet again.