The Virginia Muscle Car

Past and Present

This section is mostly about people and this WEBsite; if you are looking just for car information go back to the previous page and select the cars that interest you.

These WEB pages briefly describe some of the people and their cars (muscle, dragstrip, modified, street) of Virginia between the late 1960's and the present time. These pages are series of short paragraphs that detail technical specs about the cars and also tell a bigger story of how car owners interacted with each other and the Knuckleheads (thieves). Sometimes the stories are about good times and sometimes not. If I have missed the boat on something, let me know and I will correct or if there is something you want to add just let me know. This is a work in progress, I will keep rewording, adding details as I remember, and inserting contributions.

(If only we could go back in time and bring back the cars we left behind ...)

Back in the mid 60's, Andy, Bill, and Bob, attended Annandale High School in Northern Virginia. Later we attended Northern Virginia Community College. Then we kind of went our separate ways after a couple of years but kept in touch. I tried to keep mental notes of our activities as we went through life; high school, college, careers, marriage, divorce, illnesses, kids' births, and family member's deaths. Some of the things we did are detailed here; some are not and should be forgotten as in anyone's life, including mine. These WebPages were written from this perspective.

If you are not a hotrodder, classic car, or muscle car enthusiast that have not built your own (verses Daddy buying), do not read any further. Chances are you will not understand and waste your time. You may get the wrong impression and incorrectly think this is all about trying to be macho. Go read something that you can relate to, like the Wall Street Journal or Vogue or whatever. When I developed these WebPages, the audience I had in mind were the old street hotrodders, muscle car, and drag strip car owners who built their cars in the 60s and 70s and not someone who has not had similar experiences or can not relate to these experiences. The best way I can describe the three of us is "old school" and we learned from some of the best: Sherman who had the "E" Altered World Record and was recently inducted into the 2005 Hall of Fame. Another person of importance was Pete Hall who had been Sox and Martin's mechanics/machinists. In addition Pete had the B Stock Automatic World Record, Sherman said next time I am in Roanoke he would provide pictures of his race cars for our WEB site!!! Got to get down there soon - maybe I'll just retire and move down there ...

As for us mere mortals today, Andy and Richard are scientists (State Police Forensic Scientists) and are still going after the bad guys. They are keeping chaos in check. As scientists they have developed new and improved finger print and fire arm identification techniques that other local, State and national law enforcement agencies have used. Andy has taught at the Police Academy and was even in a TV special about forensics. Heaven help us should "they" retire!!! Maybe they shouldn't be allowed ... :) As for me, I have been a computer scientist and several kinds of earth scientists (Bob's resume in PDF format). Matter of fact, Dan is also Earth Scientist with a computer background and George is an enigneer and a world renoun remote sensing/image processing algorithm researcher. Randy is a land baron managing his assets, an entrepreneur/businessman, and builder/modifier of cars, trucks and "tractors" - when he has the time. My daughter Sarah has had all kinds of jobs and has had several American Sport Coupes. And as for Bill, he is off saving the world through his "philanthropic" activities ... :) So this is who we are ...

We make heavy use of the Browser's "Back" button so when ever you link to another page remember to use tbe back button to continue - should you have not had enough ... These pages are the private property of a few ole hotrodders. These pages are not for public consumption. The opinions expressed here are our own. Please address questions and comments to: [email protected] ~Bob

Background music is "Surfin Safari" originally sung by The Beach Boys and rerendered by Still Surfing ( BTW they have a great CD you can get on this WEBsite This is the kind of good music we used to listen to when we tooled around in our Nomads ...long long time ago ... We now listen to this CD in our VMCs of today. ~Andy

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