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Percival Levett (II)


Bullet23.gif (955 bytes)Percival Levett(II) was born 1580 in Beverly, Yorkshire, England, and died in England. He married Margaret Linkley in England. She was born 1588 in Beverly, Yorkshire, England, and died in England.


Children of Percival Levett and Margaret Linkley are:

Bullet23.gif (955 bytes)William   Leavitt.

Bullet23.gif (955 bytes)Grace Leavitt.

Bullet23.gif (955 bytes)Sarah Ann Leavitt.

Bullet23.gif (955 bytes)Capt. John Leavitt(Deacon), born 1608 in England; died November 20, 1691 in Hingham, Plymouth Co., Massachusetts.

Bullet23.gif (955 bytes)Joseph Leavitt, born 1609.

Bullet23.gif (955 bytes)Sarah Leavitt, born 1611.

Bullet23.gif (955 bytes)Elizabeth Leavitt, born 1612.

Bullet23.gif (955 bytes)Benjamin Leavitt, born 1614.

Bullet23.gif (955 bytes)Samuel Leavitt, born 1615.

Bullet23.gif (955 bytes)Abigail Leavitt, born 1616.

Bullet23.gif (955 bytes)Mary Leavitt, born 1617.

Bullet23.gif (955 bytes)Martha Leavitt, born 1620.


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