Allah-huma Sallae-Allah Mohammadeen Wa Aala Aale Mohammadeen Wa Baareek Wa Sal-lim

 Ahlan Wa Sahalan

Insha Allah, this page will help you in finding the information for which you are searching the world wide web of internet for. Even if it does not help you in the short term, I hope it will at least be a good beginning in starting a friendship with me. Or at least it will enrich you in some manner. All the same, by the time you leave this page, I hope there shall be some mental and spiritual growth for you.

Now for a short introduction as to who I am.

CV - I have been a small time researccher working for varied media houses and have served in different capacities to different organisations in the Indian media. Here you can find my CV , and download it in word format over here.

Ninety Nine - One of the first things that I had first put on this pages and which has always been close to my heart are the 99 names of the Almighty mentioned in the holy book The Quran. They can be found here on 99.

Indian Political Trivia – This is a compilation of trivia that I and my colleagues in one of my jobs had collected. And what one gets to see over here is, exactly in the same order the way it was written and filed as we kept collecting it on a daily basis. The entire order is haphazard and will be put in order at a future date. If in case anyone of you have downloaded it and have organised in a better way, then please be kind enough to share it with me.

Travellers to Ancient India - A detailed research was conducted by me for Mr.Dom Moraes’s article on travelers to India from the Ancient times to early 17th century. This article was published in the Taj Magazine’s Third Quarter of 2002. There were some gaffes in the article, but the research on my page stand’s corrected. The entire research was done at the University of Bombay’s Fort Library. I hope you all will enjoy this research.

Thomas Coryate – I was the researcher to the book “The Long Strider” authored by Dom Moraes and Sarayu Srivatsa. It was about an English writer who came walking all the way from England to India [actually from Syria to India] in the year 1615. He also breathed his last in Surat, India, in December 1617. The book was not just about his travels, but also a travelogue about me, Dom and Sarayu, searching for Thomas Coryate and his trail in India.

I had done a voluminous research about Thomas Coryate and his travels. Only about 10% of this research went in the book. The remaining research couldn’t be used due to word control. I didn’t want this work to gather dust and as such thought the same could be made available to the netizens and other knowledge seekers. I hope all researchers and readers to this pages would find it useful and interesting to read it. 

Those who find my work interesting and would like to contact me can do so on [email protected]. I again pray, wish and hope, that the information to the visitors of this pages will be enlightening, interesting and most important, helpful to them.


Fiey Amanillah

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