Alexander Rezounenko

Address Ukraine

Dr. Alexander V. Rezounenko

Department of Mathematical Analysis
Kharkov University
4, Svobody sqr.
Kharkov, 61077, Ukraine
Tel: +38 057 7075135
E-mail: [email protected]

Graduate: Kharkov University, 1993.
PhD Thesis, 1997, University Paris-VII Denis Diderot (Paris, France).
Title: "Asymptotic behaviour of solutions for a class of retarded nonlinear partial differential equations."
Position: Associate professor
Research interests: Asymptotic behaviour of P.D.E.s, Differential equations with retarded argument.

List of principal publications (last updated March 2009)

1. I.D. Chueshov, A.V. Rezounenko, Global attractors for a class of retarded quasilinear partial differential equations// C.R.Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser.I -1995. Vol. 321. -P.607-612.

2. I.D. Chueshov, A.V. Rezounenko, Global attractors for aclass of retarded quasilinear partial differential equations// Matematicheskayafizika, analiz, geometriya. -1995. N.1 (3). -P.363-383.

3. A.V. Rezunenko, A quasistatic variant of a problem on delayed oscillations// Dopov. Nats. Acad. Nauk Ukraine -1997. no. 3, 41-45. (Title of the journal in English - "Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine").

4. A.V. Rezounenko, On singular limit dynamics for a classof retarded nonlinear partial differential equations// Matematicheskaya fizika, analiz, geometriya. -1997. N.4 (1/2). -P.193-211.

5. L. Boutet de Monvel, I.D. Chueshov and A.V. Rezounenko, Long-timebe haviour of strong solutions for a class of retarded nonlinear P.D.E.s// Communications in Partial Differential Equations. -1997. -N.22(9,10). -P.1453-1474.

6. L. Boutet de Monvel, I.D. Chueshov and A.V. Rezounenko, Inertial manifolds for retarded semilinear parabolic equations // Nonlinear Analysis.-1998. N.34. -P.907-925.

7. A.V. Rezounenko, Inertial Manifolds with Delay for Retarded Semilinear Parabolic Equations // Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. -2000.- Vol. 6, N. 4. P.829-840.

8. G.M. Sklyar, A.V. Rezounenko, Stability of a strongly stabilizing control for systems with a skew-adjoint operator in Hilbert space //Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications.- 2001. -Vol. 254, N. 1.-P.1-11.

9. A.V. Rezounenko, On boundary value problem for a class of retarded nonlinear partial differential equations // Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications.- 2001. -Vol. 254, N. 2.-P.515-523.

10. G.M. Sklyar, A.V. Rezounenko, A theorem on the strong asymptotic stability and determination of stabilizing controls // C.R.Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser.I   -2001. Vol. 333. -P.807-812.

11. A.V. Rezounenko, A sufficient condition for the existence of approximate inertial manifolds containing the global attractor // C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser.I .   -2002. Vol. 334, issue 11, -P.1015-1020. ( This journal has new title Comptes Rendus Mathematique, but to cite an article use "C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser.I  " as before).

12. A.V. Rezounenko, Steady approximate inertial manifolds of exponential order for semilinear parabolic equations // Differential and Integral Equations.  -2002. Vol. 15. No. 11. -P.1345-1356.

13. A.V. Rezounenko, Inertial manifolds for retarded second order in time evolution equations // Nonlinear Analysis.   -2002. Vol. 51, Issue 6, -P.1045-1054.

14. R. Rabah, G.M. Sklyar, A.V. Rezounenko, Generalized Riesz basis property in the analysis of neutral type systems // C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser.I .   -2003. Vol. 337. Issue 1, -P. 19-24 .

15. A.V. Rezounenko, Approximate inertial manifolds for retarded semilinear parabolic equations // Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. -2003 Vol. 282,Issue 2, -P. 614-628.

16. G.M. Sklyar, A.V. Rezounenko, Strong asymptotic stability and constructing of stabilizing controls // Matematicheskaya fizika, analiz, geometriya. -2003. Vol.10, No. 4. -P.569-582.

17. R. Rabah, G.M. Sklyar, A.V. Rezounenko, On strong stability and stabilizability of linear systems of neutral type // in "Advances in time-delay systems", Ser. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering (LNCSE). Springer.-2004. Vol.38. -P.257-268.

18. A.V. Rezounenko, Investigations of retarded PDEs of second order in time using the method of Inertial manifolds with delay // Annales de l'Institut Fourier. -2004. Vol. 54. Issue 5, P.1061-1070.

19. R. Rabah, G.M. Sklyar, A.V. Rezounenko, Stability analysis of neutral type systems in Hilbert space // Journal of Differential Equations. -2005. Vol. 214, Issue 2 , P. 391-428.

20. A.V. Rezounenko, J. Wu, A non-local PDE model for population dynamics with state-selective delay: Local theory and global attractors // Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. -2006. Vol. 190, Issues 1-2, (1 June 2006), P.99-113.

21. A.V. Rezounenko, Partial differential equations with discrete and distributed state-dependent delays // Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. -2007. Vol. 326, Issue 2, (15 February 2007), P.1031-1045.

22. R. Rabah, G.M. Sklyar, A.V. Rezounenko, On strong regular stabilizability for linear neutral type systems // Journal of Differential Equations. - 2008. Vol. 245, Issue 3, (1 August 2008), P. 569-593. (Preprint RI2006-5, IRCCyN/EMN, Nantes, France, June 2006, 29 p.)

23. A.V. Rezounenko, Stability of positive solutions of local partial differential equations with a nonlinear integral delay term // Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations. Proc. 8'th Coll. Qualitative Theory of Diff. Equ., No. 17. (2008), P. 1-7.

24. A.V. Rezounenko, On a class of P.D.E.s with nonlinear distributed in space and time state-dependent delay terms // Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. - 2008. Vol. 31, Issue 13 (10 September 2008), P. 1569-1585. (Published Online : Jan 21 2008 3:20AM); (see detailed Preprint, November 21, 2006, ).

25. A.V. Rezounenko, Differential equations with discrete state-dependent delay: uniqueness and well-posedness in the space of continuous functions // Nonlinear Analysis, Series A: Theory, Methods & Applications, Volume 70, Issue 11 (1 June 2009), pp. 3978-3986. (Available online 31 August 2008).

       Lecture Notes

26. A.V. Rezounenko, A short introduction to the theory of ordinary delay differential equations. Lecture Notes. Kharkov University Press. Kharkov. 2004. 41 p. (in Russian)


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