Beasley Family Queries
and Ancestor Search

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Sponsored by the Beasley Family Association

Welcome to the Beasley Family Association's Beasley Family Queries and Ancestor Search section, where you can post a message in search of a "lost" ancestor or missing relative. Post your message here and you may find a relative who already has the information you are looking for and may be able to help you. Or you may find living cousins who can tell you more about your branch of the family. Some long-lost relative may have a family Bible with all the information you are looking for.

We hope this site can become a "national clearing house" for information about the Beasley families. With such cooperation, we can greatly decrease the wasted time and effort searching for those elusive ancestors and instead actually learn more about our heritage.

This site is sponsored by the Beasley Family Association, an international family club devoted to gathering and preserving the history of all Beasley families...regardless of spellings.


Different Spellings

NOTE: visit the family HISTORY section and read the part about the various spellings of the family name. This will answer a lot of your questions and save our historian a LOT of time answering these.

READ Carefully...

TIPS for preparing a query: give as much information as you can . . .

about your ancestor. The more information you include with your query, the better the chance of someone else being able to "link up". If you don't know dates, then estimate a time period ("1760's"; or abt "1810", etc.). If you know these facts, be sure and include:

One-line queries usually don't get much response simply because there isn't enough information for anyone to make a connection; so try to provide as much info as you can. Please limit your query to about one-half of a regular typed page.

Remember -- someone else might not know about your ancestor but they may know about a brother or sister and thus be able to help you make a connection.

LOOK at the queries and FOLLOW the same style they are written in. Use standard dating (day, month, year); do NOT type in all capital letters; type ONLY personal names in capital letters. Use modern dating like this 8 Aug 1999 (do NOT use numbers for months). Put "Beasley Query" in the "SUBJECT" box of your email message.

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To post a query: follow the guidelines above and send it as an email by clicking on the address below; or you can send it by "regular" mail to the mailing address below.

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Beasley Family Association
3120 6th Ave.
Columbus, Georgia 31904

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Searching for info on WILLIAM A. BEAZLEY, born 1761. He lived in Caroline Co., Va., where he owned land. His descendants later moved sometime in the 1830's to Sumter Co., Al. My great grandfather, HARRISON COLEMAN BEAZLEY, later moved to Kemper Co., Ms. His son married and moved to Vivian, LA. All my earliest information came from an aunt who copied it from an old family Bible which has since disappeared. Any help on WILLIAM A. BEAZLEY will be greatly appreciated.
Jean Beazley Guice


Looking for info on ESTHER RAE BEASLEY and her parents, SAMUEL CAREY BEASLEY and HARRIET MARTIN. Esther was mar to MAURICE EMERSON MARTING, 24 Mar., 1914. She died in 1924. She may have been born in Adams Co., Oh. Esther had four ch, one of whom was my grandfather. Esther is said to have hand painted plates, which my grandfather remembers being stored in barrels, but none can now be found.
Lorri Marting Love


Searching for info on family of ROYAL BEASLEY Sr. of Garrard Co., KY. He mar. LUCY LEAR and may be the same Royal who was named a son in the will of JAMES BEASLEY Sr. This will, probated in 1833, named JAMES, HIRAM and ROYAL as his sons and ANN as his wife. Research done by Forest Calieco shows burials of James (d. 1833), his wife Ann (d. 1839), Hiram (1799-1855), Hiram's two wives Elizabeth Harriett and Nancy Adams and Ann Arnold, dau. of Hiram, all buried at the Beasley Family Cemetery outside Lancaster on the Henry Clay Arnold farm, one mile north of West Point School on Perry Rogers Road. There are also many Beasley's in the Lancaster Cemetery. Would appreciate any info on this Beasley branch.
Billy Beasley

ASA ("Ace"; "Aca") BEASLEY

Searching for parents and information on ASA ("Ace"; "Aca") BEASLEY, born in Tn., who was the father of WILLIAM ROBERT BEASLEY and JAMES WILEY BEASLEY. I am researching WILLIAM ROBERT BEASLEY. He married WILLIAMINA CHOISSER of Ill. and lived in Saline Co., IL. and later moved to Arkansas, where he died in 1924. He had 8 ch. His last surviving child, HELEN GAIL BEASLEY, died April, 1998 in Evanston, IL. I am in hopes this book may shed more light upon William and his ancestors. Also searching for a copy of the book, "Descendants of Sutton Beasley of Brown County, Ohio".
Robert C. Wilharm

1808 England

I am searching for information on the family of HENRY BEASLEY, his ancestors and descendants. Henry was born 8 Nov., 1807, possibly at Greenwich, London, England. He mar. SOPHIA (???). Their ch included WILLIAM HENRY b 2 Mar., 1832; THOMAS b 20 Jan., 1834, SAMUEL HENRY b 27 Sep., 1836, JANE ELIZABETH b 29 June, 1837 d 4 Sep 1840; HARRIETT b 2 Dec., 1842, MARY ANN b. 1 Dec., 1844 d 24 Dec., 1844; HENRY b 13 Dec., 1846; GEORGE b 29 May, 1849; and JOHN b 2 Aug., 1852 at Greenwich, d 18 Nov., 1943. John mar ELIZA HARLING (Harding ?) (31 Oct., 1853-14 Mar., 1941). John and Eliza are buried at Shooters Hill Cemetery in London. Their daughter, FLORENCE ANNE was b 30 Aug., 1882 at Greenwich. In the 1882 census, John was listed as a "stoker" (probably a coal stoker) and lived at 70 Thames St., Greenwich West in Kent County. Florence was my great grandmother. She migrated to Canada with her husband WILLIAM EDWARD BETHELL (b 20 Mar., 1881 in Deptford, England).
Debbie (Coxon) Prince
264 Alex Doner Dr.
Newmarket, Ontario L3X 1H3


My 4th great grandfather LODOWICK JONES MAJOR mar a Miss BEASLEY whose name is unknown to me. Lodowick lived in Culpeper and Madison Counties, Va. He was born in 1742, son of SAMUEL MAJOR and ELIZABETH JONES. He died sometime after 1820. His wife's name and dates of birth and death are not known.
Joseph T. Major


Looking for info on my grandfather, CLARENCE BARTON BEASLEY and his grandfather, SYDNEY LEE BEASLEY, especially their ancestors.
Conni Weaver
Rt. 5, Box 1515
Lufkin, TX 75904


Searching for parents and information on RICHARD BEASLEY, born in either England or South Africa, 13 Apr., 1864. He mar. ADELAIDE WIGILL in South Africa about 1896. They had 2 sons: EDWARD BEASLEY and NORMAN BEASLEY. Any information on Richard's parents will be appreciated.


Searching for info on R. F. BEASLEY. He mar. MARY ANN BITTICK. Their son JOHN JOSEPH BEASLEY mar. ELIZABETH JANE BURKS (Burke?). John and Elizabeth had a son VIRGIL BEASLEY who mar. NANCY MYRTLE EDMONDSON. I am the great granddaughter of Virgil. R. F. and John spelled their name Beesley. My grandmother said that some where down the line the family changed the spelling. Most of my ancestors lived in Missouri, Oklahoma and Kentucky. [EDITOR's NOTE: the vast majority of Americans during the 1800's and earlier could not read nor write so spellings of family names and even places changed--according to who was doing the (sometime pitifully poor) spelling.]
Lisa Beasley
610 Park St.
Burkburnett, TX 76354


Searching for information on AFFA (Effie ?) BEASLEY. She was b. ca 1825 in VA. and lived in Currituck Co., NC. She appears there on the 1850 census in the SAMUEL BEASLEY household on Roanoke Island, along with BENJAMIN, LYDIA and WILLIAM BEASLEY. Affa had a son named BAILEY MARTIN BEESLEY. I don't know if Affa's maiden name was Beasley or whether she was a daughter-in-law of Samuel. Who was here husband? Did she have other children?
Donna Beesley Kunkel

England to Australia

Looking for the English family (parents and ancestors) of JOSEPH BEESLEY. Joseph sailed from England to Adelaide, South Australia in 1840 aboard the ship "Orleana". He was mar. to SUSANNAH NOBLE and when they left for Australia, they carried with them a baby son who died soon after they arrived. Their address at the time they sailed was Woodcock House, Mill Lane, Coventry, Warwickshire, England. All the records on this family in Australia use the spelling "Beesley". [EDITOR's NOTE: don't be distracted by spelling. Before the 1900's, there was very little education and very little standardized spelling. Remember that a rose is still a rose--no matter what color or colour you call it!]
Jack Beesley
7 Sherwood Ave.
Bellevue Heights
South Australia

JACK (?) ("Jachinto") BEASLEY
To Brazil in 1867

One of our cousins in Brazil, the largest nation in South America, is searching for information on his ancestors. The official language in Brazil is Portuguese and unfortunately, there are a lot of words I don't understand. Christovao Beasley is serching for the parents of his ancestor JACHINTO (I can't remember whether this is JACK, possibly for Jackson, or what "Jachinto" is in English) BEASLEY. He was married to MARY ISABELL ("Maria Isabella" in Portuguese), maiden name not give. Jack (?) apparently served in the Confederate States Army during the War for Southern Independence (War Between the States). He and many other Southerners could not tolerate living under the yoke of the yankee occupation army at the end of the war. Thousands of Southerners fled to other nations, including Brazil and Mexico. Jack joined a group led by Colonel Charles Gunther and Colonel G. Gunther. They left Alabama aboard the ship "Marmion" in 1867. The Beasley family including their children: JENNY, CHRISTOPHER, JULIAN, JOHN JACHINTO (John Jackson ?) and CRESSPOLL. They settled along the Doce River in the state of Spirit Saint-Brasil where one of several American colonies was developed. The Emperor of Brazil had invited the Southerners to settle in his country to help develop the huge expanses of wilderness in one of the world's largest nations. The newspaper in our editor's hometown printed a half-page feature article just last week on this migration of Southerners to Brazil--the second such article it has printed this year. For many years, the Americans remained an enclosed community and kept their English language and Southern traditions. But later generations were forced to speak Portuguese for economic reasons and eventually they began to intermarry with the Brazilians. Today, very few of their descendants speak English and most have lost touch with their American heritage. The old Southern colonies such as Americana, have all but faded away. If anyone can help Christovao (Christopher), with info on his Beasley ancestors from Alabama, please contact him or our editor.
Christovao Beasley

To Uruguay

The first Beasley to come to Uruguay was THOMAS BEASLEY and his wife CHARLOTTE ("Carlota") TRIMER (Trimmer). I do not know where they came from. This is from one of our cousins who lives in Salto, a city on the Uruguay River in northwestern Uruguay and on the Argentine border. Uruguay is a major cattle producing country. It was part of the Spanish empire and briefly part of Argentina. It has been an independent nation since 1828.

We have received a list of the descendants of Thomas and Charlotte from Luis but it does not include dates. Some of the descendants either live in or were born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and one married an Englishman named MURRAY and lived in England. Most though, now live in Salto. Luis is the son of LILA PAULINA BEASLEY. In Spanish-speaking countries, it is the custom to use a compounded last name of both the father's and mother's family names, so Luis' last name is PEDETTI BEASLEY.
Luis Enrique Pedetti Beasley
Rivera 358
Salto 50000
South America

Long Buckby, England

Looking for connections with the Beasley family of Long Buckby, Northamptonshire, England. I have more family in Leicester (County). My grandfather was GORDON BEASLEY and my father ROBERT BEASLEY. Would like to hear from anyone with connections to the family in this area.
Mark Beasley

1880 - 1954

We need some help in finding ancestors of my grandfather, JAMES ROBERT BEASLEY Sr., b 6 Nov 1880; d 26 Aug 1954 in Savannah, Ga. James Robert mar SARAH ALICE LEE FARRIS in 1903 His father was JAMES (Edward, maybe) BEASLEY who mar ANNA ELIZABETH TABB, also all of Savannah. I have no dates on my great grandfather.
G. Wayne Beasley
2430 Yajome St.
Napa, CA 94558

1864, England

I am researching my grandfather, RICHARD BEASLEY b April 1864 somewhere in England. He later emigrated to South Africa. Parents unknown.[Editor's note: see query above on same ancestor]
N. Hubert


Looking for information on ancestors of ROBERT LLEWELLYN BEASLEY. He was a North Carolina traveling Methodist minister who eventually retired and became a farmer. His family once lived in Kitty Hawk, NC in the house the Wright brothers stayed in while learning to fly (it had been a boarding house). His ch included RAYMOND L., LANCE R., ERNIE (or Erna), CECIL, NORMAN and ROBERT. Raymond was b in Corolla, NC and mar HAZEL BURRUS in Hatteras, NC abt 1925. They had 2 dau, JANE and JOANNE (my mother). Lance R. and his first wife had a son and dau and I believe they now live in Arizona. His second wife was GARNETT. Ernie farmed in Lumberton or Laurinburg, NC. Norman supposedly donated the building which became the Currituck County courthouse. Cecil had a son HUBERT we think moved to FL. Robert mar MARY O'NEAL. My aunt recalls she had an accent and thinks she may have been Scot.
Ellie Andrew
209 Herlong Ave.
San Jose, CA 95123

1812 NC

Searching for ancestors of HENRY BEASLEY, b. 1812 in VA. He mar FRANCES MONGER, b. 1819. Their ch included ANDERSON b 1836 (mar SARAH COOK); ROBERT b 1 Oct., 1838 (mar BARBARA BRUNER); CALVIN b. 1840 (mar HENRIETTA MUNGER); LOUISE b. 25 Feb., 1843 (mar WILLIAM DAVIS); REBECCA b. 1844 (mar WILLIAM RUNKLE); MALINDA b. 1846; WILLIAM H. b. 10 Apr., 1850 (mar MARY JANE ANDREWS, MARY WRIGHT and AXIE TAYOR); FRANCES b 1853 (mar GILBERT CLAWSON); and SIDNEY b 1858 (mar HENRY WAGGONER). Henry was killed during the War for Southern Independence. Frances later moved to Preble Co., OH.
James R. Beasley


Searching for parents and info on my grandmother, RUBY BEASLEY. Her mother was ANN whose maiden name may have been STONE. Ruby had sisters RUTH (never married), d late 1980's or early 1990's; and MARGARET (mar but don't remember name) and brother TOMMY who lived in Midland, Tx. Ruby mar WILLIAM CLAYTON BLANKENSHIP and lived most of her adult lift in Big Spring, Tx.
Anita B. Williams

d. 1985 in SD

Looking for any info on my grandfather, JOSEPH BEASLEY. He was a resident of Tunerville South Dakota for 30 odd years. He died at Clear Lake SD in 1985. I do not know where he was born; a lot of my personal family history died with him.
Dale Melvin Beasley Jr.


Searching for information on my great grandfather, ROBERT ISHAM BEASLEY (5 Apr., 1859 -2 Jan., 1916). He and his two wives had 14 ch. He mar (1) LAURA CULBREATH and (2) SARAH ANNA BRACKEN. Many of the family are buried at Mount Vernon Cemetery in Sumner Co., TN. I know nothing of Robert's parents. His children included ISHAM (28 Mar 1884 -- 2 Jan 1960); CHARLEY (3 Aug 1886 -- 30 Oct 1958); LYTLE (27 Dec 1887 -- 3 Jan 1907); NAOMI JANE (12 Oct 1889 -- 12 Apr 1930); ARAMINTA (11 Dec 1892 -- 22 Aug 1909); ALICE ADONIA (24 Sep 1895 -- 18 Mar 1950); ANNIE LAURA (18 May 1897 -- 9 Oct 1969); my grandfather, WILLIAM YANCEY (23 Sep 1900 -- 27 May 1986); ALFRED TENNISON (b & d 3 Jan 1903); their mother Laura died during Alfred's birth; MARY LUCY (23 Sep 1905); LEONARD (25 Sep 1907); FLORENCE EDNA (30 Sep 1910); ZELLA PAULINE (2 Feb 1913 d 1925 in tornado); and ROBERTA MARGARET (9 Feb 1915).
Andy L. Beasley
3847 Cornwallis Lane
Carmel, IN 46032

1887 -- 1945

Researching the Beasley side of my family and would like info on my great grandfather, VIRGIL BEASLEY (27 June, 1887--24 Feb 1945). He is buried in Nancy, KY. next to his wife HALEY PARTON (17 Mar 1888--9 Oct 1969).
Cathy Sneiders

England to KS

Looking for the burial place and other info on WILLIAM BEISLEY, b 25 Aug 1816 and his wife ELIZABETH b 15 June 1817 both born in Oxfordshire, England. They came to America in the 1850's with 8 ch. and lived in Ohio, IL. and then moved to KS. Some descendants later used the more common spelling Beasley. Descendants moved to OK., MO. and as far away as OR. I lost track of Williama nd Elizabeth in Wamego, KS and assume they died there but cannot locate graves. Any help in locating graves and other info will be appreciated [Editor's note: tombstones on graves in Kansas for that period would be rare due to the fact there was no native stone and it had to be imported from out of state for most regions--very expensive back in pioneer days and up until the 1900's]
Beulah Dicus
PO Box 311613
New Braunfels, TX 78131

1825 -- 1900

Looking for ancestors of DANIEL BEASLEY Senior, b 31 Jan 1825 in NC; d 12 Nov 1900 in Dale Co., Al. He mar ELIZABETH ("Eliza") JERNIGAN (2 Jan., 1831-12 June, 1911). They are buried at the old Union Cemetery in downtown Ozark, Al. Their ch included ERWIN RUFUS (1849-1900; mar FRANCES E. BASS); JAMES THOMAS (1850-1928; mar MARY STOKES); DANIEL Jr. (1853); NANCY ELLEN (1854; mar CHARLES ASBURY STOKES); CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS ("Lum") (1860;; mar SARAH); and ELIZA JANE (1862-1902; mar WILLIAM BARTO STOKES). They also adopted a dau, GEORGIA (1873). The Stokes the ch married were brothers and sister. Daniel served as a soldier in the Confederate States Army during the War for Southern Independence. At his death in 1900, most of Daniel's property was in adjoining Coffee Co.
Terri Tait


I am looking for ancestors of HENRY MADISON BEASLEY and his wife, EMMA BELLE HARWELL. They lived in Hazelhurst, Ms. and had many children. Some of these included EMMA GRACE, KATHERINE, IRENE, LAVERGNE and CARRIE but I have no dates. His wife Emma Belle was the daughter of JAMES PASCAL RUSH HARWELL. Any info will be appreciated.
Lisa Knott
PO Box 83
Warren, Tx.


My gg grandfather was ROBERT BEESLEY who lived in Mo. and Ok.; he mar MARY ("Polly") BITTICK. He served in the Union army during the War for Southern Independence and abt 1900, moved to Mill Creek, Ok. to work on the railroad. His son, WILLIAM RILEY BEESLEY remained at Mountain Grove, Mo. My grandmother mar E. C. TAYLOR at Mill Creek in 1912. Would appreciate info on Robert's ancestors.
Neysa Blubaugh
4538 Durango
Enid, Ok. 73703

1717 -- 1792

I am searching for info on my ancestor JOHN BEASLEY (1717 in England; 1792). He mar. JANE CAGWELL in 1760. They had a son, CHARLES (1738 - 1803) who mar. SUSANNAH. Their son, NATHANIEL (1774 - 1835 in Knox Co., Oh.) mar. SARAH SUTTON (1780 - 1841). Nathaniel and Sarah had a son, JOHN SUTTON BEASLEY (1807 - 1872), born in Decatur, Brown Co., Oh. and lived and died in Champaign, IL. He and second wife, EMILY DEVORE had a son, JOHN DEVORE (1842 in Ripley, Oh. - 1914 in Salt Lake City, Ut.). He mar in 1867 SUSANNAH J. HARRIS of Champaign. They had many ch, including PAUL HARRIS, MARJAMIE H., JOHN HICKMAN WOOD (Idaho Falls, Id.), ROBERT LEE, ABEL HARWOOD, SALLY LOUISE and my grandmother, RUTH HARRIS / CASSIDY. Sally's son, ROBERT BEASLEY CASSIDY is my father. Am searching for info on this line of Beasley's.
Tim Cassidy
PO Box 178798
San Diego, Ca. 92177

1780 England

Looking for info on WILLIAM BEAZLEY, b Warwickshire, England abt 1780. He came to Canada abt 1805 and settled in Newfoundland. He joined the Royal Newfoundland Regiment before leaving England. He later moved to Nova Scotia where he married and raised ch. There are many Beazley descendants in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland today and I would like to know how they are connected to the cousins in the US and get more info on William's family in England.
Brian W. Beazley


Searching for ancestors of my grandfather, JASPER C. BEASLEY. He died in 1965 in FL. My father, ANDERSON NEIL BEASLEY, died in Mississippi in 1939.
William Neil ("Bill") Beasley


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