Beasley Family Cemetery Records

Beasley, Beasle, Beazley, Beesley, Beezley
Family Cemetery Records

Sponsored by the Beasley Family Association

Welcome to the Beasley Family Association's History section dedicated to burial, cemetery, and tombstone inscription records on the Beasley family -- including all spellings such as Beasle, Beazley, Beesley, Beezley, Beazley.

This history section is sponsored by the Beasley Family Association, a national family club devoted to gathering and preserving our Beasley family history.

Our records are arranged by state, then alphabetically by county and name of the cemetery. Click on the state of your choice in the INDEX below.

We hope you will help in this project to place records of Beasley family burials online. If you have cemetery tombstone information on relatives, please send this to us, both to preserve in the Family Library and to post here. Please take time to visit the cemeteries where your relatives are buried and copy down the info on their tombstones. Do not limit this just to your immediate family--include ALL the Beasleys in the cemetery, even if you do not know "who" they are. Read the guidelines below about what to include.

Since our space is limited, we cannot put all the cemetery records we have online. The information will probably be changed every so often.

Tips for records

The information you send in should be only the what is written on a grave stone. Write down everything IF it is given on the tombstone. If the grave has a tombstone, do NOT add information that is not inscribed on the grave, even if you are personally aware of the facts. Here are some of the things to include: